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Everything posted by Jacaylbaro

  1. i thought u confirmed this . . . goormay propoganda noqotay
  2. Waa af Oromo ..................... qoladii A&T baa inoo macnayn doona
  3. Ibti, you're asking the same questions people are asking. If we know who and why it would've ended by now. Police, people, Intelligence and everybody is looking for answers now and the burning continues.
  4. Isgoyska Aadan Cadde, Geed Jaceyl, Xararyaale, Isgoyska Filoranza iyo Siinaay Shariifka should go there during the Valentine ,,,
  5. Even if i take it as you said .............. It is TWO ARMIES frighting ,, right ??
  6. ................... kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk ,,,,, looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool ,,, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahaha
  7. Waa markii la fashiliyay dee ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, sowkuwii markii hore ina waalay
  8. people did not rise up until 1988 or in Mogadishu 1991, long after the rebels caused harm to the nation. Markaad dhalatay uun weeyaan markaasi dee
  9. sida ciyaalka isu maaweeliya ,,,,,,,,, Now I expect A&T to come and declare war on Djibouti ,,,,,,,,,
  10. The 35-year-old has already donated a litre of her breast milk to the new ice-cream parlour. She spotted an advert on the Mumsnet internet forum offering money to potential suppliers. Now Mrs Hiley, who works with women who have problems breast feeding, has provided the raw material for a new concoction called Baby Gaga. ‘What’s the harm in using my assets for a bit of extra cash?’ said the mother of one from Leeds. ‘There’s nothing more natural than fresh mother’s milk.’ The London parlour pays £15 per third of a litre and already 15 mothers have taken up the offer. Health checks for the lactating women are the same as those used by the NHS to screen blood donors. Matt O’Connor, 44, who runs Icecreamists, blends the breast milk with Madagascan vanilla pods and lemon zest, which is then freshly churned. He said he was confident his £14 Baby Gaga would go down a treat with customers. ‘No one’s done anything interesting with ice-cream in the last hundred years,’ he said. ‘Some people will hear about it and go, yuck! But actually it’s pure, organic, free range and totally natural.’ Read more: http://www.metro.co.uk/weird/856408-baby-gaga-breast-milk-ice-cream-goes-on-sale#ixzz1Ev2j4qp1
  11. ........................... imikana ma xagaasaad igu dartay ??
  12. I know in la iska dhigi karo dee laakiin ka dhabta ah iyo ka kele isku mid maahee la soco ,,,,,,,,,,
  13. Waa laguu yaqaan adeer ...................... macal cunee isagaaba is sheegi
  14. and what is happening in Kalshaale ?? ,,,,,, people demonstrating peacefully and SL used jet fighters & tanks to kill them ????????????????
  15. Waa asxaabal mashruuca dee ................ labada kelena way la caawiyeen uun
  16. do u know what happened in Hargeisa in 1982 during a peaceful demonstrations ???????????????? ,,,,
  17. I told you beri hore ,,, DAGAALKU WAA MASHRUUC
  18. Beentu lugo ay isku taagto ma laha ,,,,