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Everything posted by Jacaylbaro

  1. loooooooooooooooooooool@crime librery ,,,,,,,, that is fabulous ,,,,
  2. Come on ,,, let's be realistic ,,, no one is gonna kill you if you tell your real age I'm the topic starter and i'm not suppose to start but heey ,,, you can do it ,,,, come on ppl ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, hurry up
  3. I thought they left long time ago ,,,,,,,
  4. Don't be surprised ,,,, just tell me your age ,, it aint ceeb and shame even if you are extremely old ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  5. Good development ,,,, 'but it'll take some time before it fully operates ,,,
  6. Well i'm in somewhere in the world ,,, the time is 1:05pm ,,,,,,,,
  7. Busy day as usual ,,,,, have a report to finish before the end of the day (in 2 hrs time) ,,, But all is Ok ,,,, I must have had 5 cups of coffee since the morning ,,, still bit sleepy though
  8. HAAHAHA ,,,,,,,, loooooooooooooool It is af soomaali dee ,,,,,,,,,,,,, Means acting what you are not ,,,,,,,,,,, telling ppl something and acting something else contrary to what you are pretending
  9. Is that what we call MUKUR ??? or IS MALDHIKHIN ??
  10. Originally posted by Dabshid: THe starnge thing is I got couple request now, asking if I still have that email... :confused: Do you still have them ????
  11. I know many in my city ,,,,,, akhas caleek
  12. looooooooool@hit the road jack ,,,,, That was funny part of Qabyo
  13. Hi, What is the best or existing online libraries you often use ?? I like the Wikipedia, Questia and African Digital Library (ADL). Please list here if you have any better or similar libraries. Thank you
  14. hahaha ,,,,,,, that would be a goood business i think
  15. IS PUNTLAND ON FIRE TOO ??? Read this: dib u soo cusboonaaday Duhurnimadii maanta, kadib markii saaka ay xaaladdu ahayd mid degan..................................................... wararka laga helayo goobaha dagaalka ayaa sheegaya in rasaas waaweyn la isku ridayo Hubka noocyadiisa kala duwan ayaa laga maqlayay goobaha la isku hor fadhiyo,. Halka dagaalku ka bilowday Duhurkii maanta ayaa ah aagga Cagaaran iyo agagaarka qorileey, waxayna labada dhinac ku dhex jiraan dhul kayn ah oo jiq ah iyagoo isku adeegsanaya hubka noocyadiisa kala duwan. Dagaalka ayaa xowligiisa laga dareemay magaalada laascaanood oo dhan waxaana qasaaraha uu geystay lagu sheegay inay dhimashadu kor u dhaaftay 5 qof labadii maalmood, halka dhaawacu ku sii dhow yahay 10 ruux, hoobiye yaal ayaa iyana ku habsaday degaano ka mida dhuldaaqsimeedada, Hubka culus ayaa la isku ridayaa waxayna ku habsadeen degaano ka baxsan goobaha dagaalada, halkaasoo ay ka geysteen qasaare aan yaranyn, waxayna dagaalada sababeen inay xidhmaan wadooyin dhowr ah oo ay ka joogsadeen gaadiidkii isaga gooshi jiray laascaanood iyo Burtinle. Warar ayaa sheegaya in ay maleeshiyaadka reer Mahad ee Ardaaga ***** ay hogaaminayso haweeney ay qaraabo yihin ***** waaxana lasheegayaa in ay haatan ku jirto aababul ciidan kii ugu xooga badnaa. sidoo kale Malsshiyo beeleedyo xoogan ayaa isku gadaamay aaagaga deegaanka cagaaran kuwaas oo difaac adag ka galay inta badan tuulooyinka deegaankaas. Liibaan Jordan::: Widhwidh Online News Desk Media cenetr [ February 12, 2007, 12:51 AM: Message edited by: Libaax-Sankataabte ]
  16. Maakhir, Can you post the link to that article please ??
  17. Can anyone send me a sample of the bacda madow ??? ,,,,,,, i seen it only in Qabyo
  18. The ICU would say: The Islamic State of Somalia (ISS)
  19. Now the country has completely collapsed and we are divided into clans, sub-clans, sub-sub-clans, sub-sub-sub-clans, sub-sub-sub-sub-clans, and so forth ,,,,,, it is not possible to have the same somalia we knew. In light of this, let's pick a name for the new Somalia ,,,,, what do you suggest ?? I would say: United Clans of Somalia (UCS) United Somali Tribes (UST) (if we say United somali clans it will look like USC ) United Functions of Somalia (UFS)