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Everything posted by Jacaylbaro

  1. Faahfaahin dagaalkii ka dhacey xabsiga Garoowe Dagaal aad u balaaran oo maanta ka dhacay Xabsiga magaaladda Garoowe ayaa sababay 13 qof oo dhaawac ah, kuwaas oo isugu jira ciidamada Madaxtooyadda DGPL iyo dadweynaha kacdoonka wadey oo ay hurmuud u ahaayeen Malishiyaad aad u hubeysan. Iska-horimaadkan oo ka dhashay sadex nin oo xukumada Cadde Muse dil ku xukuntay ayaa socday muddo 45 daqiiqo ah, waxaana looga xoog roonaaday ciidamadii ilaaladii xabsiga oo tageero ka helayey ciidanka Madxtooyada, taas oo sababtey in dadweynihii kacdoonka wadey ay xabsiga kala baxaan maxaabiitan. Maxaabiita xabsiga lagala baxey ayaa kala aheyd Axmed Ducaale (Laadhuu) , C/naasir Cali Ciise (Tuni) iyo C/salaam Warsame addoon. Dadka halkaas ku dhaawacmay ayaa waxaa ka mid ah labo sargaal oo ka tirsan ciidamada Booliiska Puntland , labadan nin ayey xaaladooda caafimaad roontahay waxaana haatan lagu daaweynayaa Isbitalka Garowe. Dadweynaha magaaladda Garoowe ayaa waxaa ka muuqatay xamaasad aad u kacsan oo sababtey in qaab kacdoon ah lagu soo furto Maxaabiisatan. Shacabka Garowe ayaa saldhig uga dhigayey iska horimaadkan in uu sababey kadib markii xukumada Cadde Muse ay horey ugu guuldareysatey in sharciga horkeento qaar kamid ah ciidamada Madaxtooyada oo dad ku laayey magaalooyinka Garowe iyo Bosaso. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, arrintan maanta ka dhacday magaaladda Garoowe ayaa ahayd mid khasaaraheedu yaraa marka loo eego baaxada dagaalkan. Garowe Online,Garowe
  2. You'll realize when i call the police
  3. May be we should arrest Taliban then we can all laugh and have fun ,,,
  4. may be you've already knocked him out ,,,, I can't see him anymore ,,,
  5. depends on what you mean by occupiers, traitors and collaborators ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  7. hahahaha ,, i can't say that ,,,, give sympathy to women and children ,,,,,,, can u do that ???
  8. I should answer your question: YES it is true everything is Halal unles it is proven Haram ,,,,,,,,,,
  9. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL@Ibti ,,,,,, You cracked me up walahi ,,,,,,,, I'm dying laughinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn ,,, hahahahaha ___Your legs are skinnier than mine. hahahahahahahaha ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, skinny legs iga dheh ,,, Now the Captain is in a deeeeeeeep shyyyyyyyyyyyteeeeeee ,,,,,,,, where is he bal ??
  10. Not at all ,,,,,,, we can sit and watch
  11. when he comes to read this ,,, then expect everything ,,,,,,,,
  12. THAT IS THE BEST WAY YOU CAN MAKE A TEA ,,,,,, Now that is what the captain needs ,,,,,,,,,, lemme call him bal
  13. GAROOWE : 3 Nin oo dil lagu xukumay iyo rasaas xoogan oo ka socata Xabsiga garoowe Posted to the Web Feb 28, 10:13 Garoowe: Iska hor imaad aan saas u weynayn ayaa ka dhacay xabsiga weyn ee magaalada caasimada ah ee Garoowe, kaddib markii ay maleeshiyo isa soo abaabushay ay doonayeen inay xabsiga kala baxaan 2 nin oo horay falal dil ah ka gaystay deegaanka puntland. Ciidamo aan badnayn oo ilaalo ka hayey xabsiga ayaa si xoogan maleeshiyadani ku jiirtay iyaga oo adeegsanaya raasaas aad u xoog badan waxaana u suurta gashay inay si xoogan kula baxaan 2 -eedeysane oo goobtaas ku xirnaa , kaddib markii Maxkamada darajada koowaad ay ku xakuntay xukun dil ah , maadaama ay horay ugeysteen falal dil ah oo aan loo meeldayin. Goobtaas ayaa lagu soo waramayaa inuu jiro dhaawac aan badnayn oo u dhaxeeyey maleeshiiyada iyo ciidamada dowlada oo tiro yar ku joogay xabsiga magaalada . Dadka ku nool Caasimada ayaa saaka aad isugu soo baxay jidadka magaalada , kaddib markay maqleen xabadaha ka dhacaayey Xabsiga magaalada arrintaas oo ahayd mid ka yaabisay dadka deegaanka ku dhaqan oo u bartay ku noolaanshaha nabadgelyo buuxda ee ka jirtay magaalada wixii ka danbeeyey bur-burkii dowladii dhexe. Arrintan ka dhacday caasimada puntland ayaa ah arrimo soo noqnoqonaya oo maamulka puntland uusan u lahayn wax taxadara waxyaalaha ka dhacaaya caasimada Puntland.Waxayna shacabku ku nool caasimada ay arrimahan dusha uga tuurayaan maamulka puntland oo ay ku tilmamaameen inay ku guulaysan waayeen gacan ku haynta amaanka caasimada iyo goobo kale oo ka tirsan deegaanada puntland. Puntlandpost.com
  14. Garoowe: Iska hor imaad khasaare gaystay oo ka dhacay xabsiga magaalada Garoowe. 28. februar 2007 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Garoowe (AllPuntland)- Ugu yaraan 1 qof ayaa ku geeriyooday dad intaasi ka badanna waa ay ku dhaawacmeen iska horimaad ka dhacay xabsiga magaalada Garoowe ee caasimadda dawlad goboleedka Puntland. Iska hor imadkaasi ayaa waxa uu dhex maray ciidamada dawlad goboleedka Puntland iyo ciidamo beeleedyo doonayay in ay xabsiga kala baxaan niman eedaysanayaal ahaa. Kooxdani weerarka ku qaaday xabsiga ayaa waxa ay doonayeen in ay xabsiga kala baxaan laba nin oo ku eedaysanaa in ay gaysteen fal dil ah oo ka dhacay magaalada Garoowe. Maxkamadda darajada Koowaad ee ciidamada dawlad goboleedka Puntland ayaa waxa ay ku xukuntay xukun dil ah laba nin oo sanadii aannu soo dhaafnay gudaha magaalada Garowe ku dilay mid ka mid ah saraakiisha ciidanka ee dawladda. Kooxihii malayshiyooyinka ahaa ayaa waxaa u suurto gashay in ay la baxaan labadaasi eedaysane oo ku xukunnaa xukun dil ah. Warka ayaa waxa uu intaasi ku darayaa in ay jiraan dad aad u fara badan oo ku dhaawacmay iska hor imaadkaasi. Mahad Jama Koronto AllPuntland
  15. Hal qof oo ku geeriyooday iska horimaad ka dhacay Garoowe Mogadishu 28, Feb.07 ( Sh.M.Network) Magaalada Garoowe ee xarunta Maamulka Puntland ayaa lagu soo waramayaa maanta in uu ka dhacay iska horimaad hubeysan oo sababay geerida hal qof, ka dib markii kooxo dabley ah ay weerareen xabsiga magaalada Garoowe, halkaasina ay kala baxeen 3 nin oo la sheegay in ay ku xukunaayeen dil toogasho ah. Iska horimaadkaan oo dhex maray maleeshiyo beeleedyo iyo ciidamada daraawiishta Puntland ayaa waxaa la isku adeegsaday hubka fudud nuucyadiisa kala duwan, iyadoo iska horimaadkaasi uu yimid ka dib markii maleeshiyo beeleedyo ay weerar ku qaaday xabsiga Garoowe. Kooxahani hubeysan ayaa waxa ay xabsiga kala baxeen 3 ruux oo lagu eedeeyay in ay fal dil ah u geysteen mid ka mid ah saraakiisha ciidamada Puntland, iyadoo Maxkamada Puntland ay ku xukuntay dil toogasho ah, taasina ay keentay in maleeshiyo ku hyeb ah eedeysanayaashaan ay soo weeraraan xabsiga. Xaaladda Xabsiga ayaa haatan dagan, iyadoo aysan jirin wali wax war ah oo ka soo baxay Maamulka Puntland. Ma ahan markii ugu horeysay oo weerar lagu qaado xabsi isla markaana lagala baxo dad ku xukuman dil toogasho ah.
  16. i can bring ibti to the tea ,, and sure u can make the tea but the problem is captain cannot make that cambulo ,,, he aint good at cooking at all dee ,,,,,,,,,,,
  17. waar hadaan ku seexdo baan rajo leeyahay ,,,,, 50 goor baan xidhaa ilaa musqusha intaan gelayo ,,,,
  18. you promised to make one for C-xalane ,,,, don't tell me u changed ur mind Ok ??? i can make my own ,,, but still wanna share with ya if u don't mind ,,, but those two miskiins, C-Xalane and Hunguri can't make it and thus seeking your help ,,
  19. Here’s the ethos of Somalia, as a former Mogadishu resident explained it to me: “If I use a dollar to buy food, then tomorrow I have nothing. If I use a dollar to buy a bullet, then I can eat every day.” That enterprising can-do spirit has turned most of Somalia into the poster child of a failed state, where you feel underdressed without an assault rifle. But wait! Here in the north of the carcass of Somalia is the breakaway would-be nation of Somaliland, and it is a remarkable success — for a country that doesn’t exist. The U.S. and other governments don’t recognize Somaliland, so the people here get next to zero foreign aid. And when the “country” was formed in 1991, it had been mostly obliterated in a civil war and was a collection of ruins and land mines. Yet the clans and elders here formed their own government, held free elections and even established an international airline. Relying on free markets and a general exhaustion with violence, the people of Somaliland embraced tranquillity and democracy and searched for ways to make a buck. Walk down the streets of Hargeisa, the capital of Somaliland, and instead of gunmen you come across the thriving jewelry and financial market: scores of vendors, most of them women, are hawking millions of dollars worth of gold, precious stones and foreign currency out in the open air. (Don’t try that at home!) Continue down the street, and you see that Hargeisa has police cars, DHL service, cable television, orthodontists, a multitude of Internet cafes and traffic jams (including the horses and camels). There are public schools and hospitals — even a public library. This is a conservative Muslim country, yet it is generally pro-American and tolerant. In the last election, more women voted than men. Women’s groups are fighting the traditional practice of genital mutilation, administered to 97 percent of girls here. The lesson of Somaliland is simple: the most important single determinant of a poor country’s success is not how much aid it receives but how well it is run. If a country adheres to free markets and good political and economic governance, it will generate domestic and foreign investments that dwarf any amount of aid. As President Dahir Rayale Kahin told me: “There is a proverb in our country: ‘You can wash your body only with your own hand.’ Outsiders can help, but the indigenous people must find a solution themselves.” One lesson is that Western countries should not only increase their financial aid but also their pressure for better governance. It’s great to forgive debts, but not graft or antimarket policies. The U.S. Millennium Challenge aid program, which promotes good governance, is a useful step in that direction. So is Tony Blair’s program to battle corruption in Africa. One useful kind of Western aid is simply support for civil-society groups that battle corruption. Here in Somaliland, the press is generally free, but the president recently tossed three journalists in prison for reporting on corruption in his family. If Western countries speak out strongly in their defense, that effort may be worth a few million dollars in aid by reducing corruption in the future. More peer pressure from within Africa would also help. Other African countries should stand up to a racist like Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe with the same vigor they once used to stand up to white racist governments. Another essential kind of foreign aid is supporting market-friendly economic policies, especially those that would nurture manufacturing industries. In Mauritania, whose location in northwestern Africa would be ideal for exporting clothing to Europe and America, it takes 82 days to start a new business, which would then have to make 61 tax payments each year, requiring 696 hours to calculate and pay. And in the end, the tax would amount to 104.3 percent of the profit, according to the World Bank. All that explains why you don’t have any shirts in your closet labeled “Made in Mauritania.” So let’s be more generous with foreign aid, giving more than 22 cents per $100 of national income to development assistance (the average for rich countries is 47 cents). But those of us who call for aid and debt forgiveness also need to push just as hard for recipient nations to improve their governance, for ultimately the best way for poor countries to prosper is to adopt pro-growth policies. And in the meantime, it’s time to recognize Somaliland as a nation. When a place does this well, we should hail it as a model, not shun it New York Times
  20. yes we do have other choices coz it is our livestock ,,, not Djibouti's livestock ,,,
  21. If you don't give them sympathy then don't expect it from them ,,,,, then you should be also worried about your family too ,,, Second, women and children are not traitors and not responsible for those guys ,,,, they are always innocent in every religion even non-islam religions ,,,,,,,