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Everything posted by Jacaylbaro

  1. Mogadishu 11, April.07 ( Sh.M.Network) Israsaaseyn xoogan ayaa ka bilaabatay goordhaweyd Wadada Fagax ilaa Hotel Kaah iyo xaafadaha Jungale ee W/magaalada Muqdisho, iyadoo iska horimaadkaan uu u dhaxeeyo ciidamada dowladda iyo kooxaha ka soo horjeeda. Dagalkaan oo la isku adeegsanayo hubka nuucyadiisa kala duwan ayaan wali la ogeyn qasaaraha uu geeystay, iyadoo dagaalka uu yahay mid marba marka ka dambeysa sii xoogeysanaya. Daryanka rasaasta iyo madaafiic ayaa laga maqlayaa qeybo ka mid ah magaalada Muqdisho. Lama soo sheegin wali ciidamo Ethiopian ah oo ku lug leh dagaalkaasi, inkastoo ay jirto cabsi laga qabo in dagaalka uu ku fido aagag kale oo ay isku horfadhiyaan ciidamada Ethiopia iyo kooxaha wax iska caabinta. Dagaaladaan ayaa waxa ay ku soo beegmeen xilli shalay markii 3aad uu dib u dhac ku yimid kulankii la filayay in uu dhex maro saraakiisha ciidamada Ethiopia iyo odayaasha Beesha ******.
  2. one week would be too long to wait ,,, u dig what i mean ??? Anyhow, seems i don't have a choice but if you are sure she'll change her mind then i might intertain myself with her photo or something though i would prefer to rescue her before she get hurted ,,,,
  3. loooooooooooooooooooooooooooool@Ibti ,,,,,,,, That is not what she told me last time unless Xalane derdered the girl ,,,, he uses some witch stuff to get the one he wants ,,, i think i should come over for a rescue this is a really serious problem now ,,,,
  4. It is the day after a raining night ,,, so u gess the nice smell, the beutiful colors and perfect weather ,,,,,,,, actually it would be good to be a day off ......... hardly woke up this morning Had some meetings this morning but i guess i'll have less work for the rest of the day ,,,,,,,, but i should take the chance to do some Univ assignments. and where is CL ???
  5. looooooooool ,,,,,,,,,,,, so, whassup in your side today ?? ,,, news, views, anything ??
  6. he doesn't normally hurt ,,, he likes to enjoy a lil abduction and that is it ..... i know he is up to something these days
  8. some ppl do ,,, specially those he is trying to abduct them Morning Ibti ,,,,,,,,
  10. Not that beautiful niyow ,,,,,,,,,,, but it is about someone's dookh ,,,,,,,,
  11. Yeah ,, they talk a lot about Somaliland these days ,,,,,,,,,,, good development indeed. Thanks for sharing it
  12. “Our goal is a broad-based government in which all contending forces committed to peace will be included.” Hmmmmmmmmm,,very interesting ,,,, So means another government is on the way ,,, what a surprise
  13. Alle u baahne will die, Hunguri will get a pride, Captain Xalane will fall in love, Taliban will be arrested, Redsea will move to Hargeisa, Northern will visit Burao, MMA will loose his shoes, I will be a Billionaire, Microsoft will open a branch in Hargeisa, It will rain in Mogadishu, Bosaso will be very hot, BBC will continue dilivery news ............. should i continue ?
  14. looooooool ,,, they know how to do stuff ,,, LAPD would be nothing to them
  15. i'm not weird ,,,,,,,,, i said the weirdos only
  16. Cigaal did cash them away from the govt only ,,, but it was kinda agreement to expand the SL ideology ,,,,,, and it worked. The best thing about them is they fought and simply handed over the responsibility to the society ,,,,,,,,,, who da hell on earth can do that ??? They still alive and alarmed ,,,, watch out they might wake up again and slash your freakin' azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  17. i know the name SNM is so scary but sorry guys we can't help ,,,,,, they ousted Siad Barre and they are ready anytime we need them.
  18. who supports somaliland ??? are you kidding me ??? what did they say yesterday when they had the power and the ICU was there ???? aren't they threateing SL every hour and then ??? Imikay naf la caaridkii meel ay u cararaan l'a yihiin ee ha ka rumaysanina waxaas ,,,,,,,
  19. Sadly he knows he can't ,,,,,,,,,, so sit back Jeylaani, the poem was about the Carlos and his opponents in Philipine ,,,,, and he was matching that story to the story of Siyad Barre and Somalia. It is the only JACBUR that Hadraawi said in his poems. very funny indeed.
  20. You can't be serious man ,,,,,,, you are marqaaming and want to close the topic ??? Ohhhh boy oh boy ,,,,,,,,,,, u can't do that
  21. waar hunguri ,,,, ducada page one ku jirta ninkan u turjun niyow ,,,, si aanad malaynayn baan ugu duceeyay hadana wuu garan laýahay
  22. she can simply pretend ,,,,,
  23. I did call CL to inform you are coming over for a deposit ,,,, it is all ok and you can trust her ,,,,