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Everything posted by Jacaylbaro

  1. Waxa dhowaan shir jaraaid ku qabtay hotel maansoor ee Hargeisa beesha Maxamed Case oo ka mid ah beelaha ugu waaweeyn beelaha ******** oo cadeeyay inay gebi ahaanba beeshu ku biirtay xisbiga Kulmiye kalsoonidiina ay kala noqdeen xisibiga madaxweyne Rayaale ee UDUB. Waxa kale oo jagadii uu kahayey xukumada iska casiley wasiir ku xigeenkii xanaanad xoolaha oo ka soo jeeda beesha Maxaed Case ee ku biirtay Kulmiye, isagoo halkaasna qudbad ka jeediyay uu kaga waramayey ujeedad uu iskaga casiley xilkii uu hayey ee uu ugu soo biiray Xisbiga Kulmiye isagoo sheegay in golaha wasiiradu aanay ahayn in iyagu jeebka buuxsadaan, isla markaasna dalku meel khatar buu marayaaye in la siku tanaasulo isagoo markii uu arinkaas ka yidhi shirkii golaha wasiirada 6dii August lagu gacansaydhay oo lagu wada oriyey. (lagu qaayliyey), beeshan maxamed case waxa kale oo ka dhexmuuqday wasiirkii hore ee qorsheynta qaranka iyo suldaanka beesha. Arintani waxay dhaawacweyn ku noqotay Xisbiga UDUB, HERE
  2. hadhwanaag 2007-08-23 (Hadhwanaagnews) Hargeysa(HWN):-Xaflad loo Samayey ku soo biirida Beesha Maxamed Case ee Samoon Xisbiga Mucaaridka ah ee KULMIYE ayaa maanta lagu qabtay Huteel Maansoor ee Magaalada Hargeyasa. Munaasibadaas oo ay ka soo qeyb-galeen Gudoomiyaha Xisbiga Mucaaridka ah ee KULMIYE Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud [siilaanyo], Masuuliyiinta sar sare oo Xisbiga KULMIYE ah, oo ay weheliyaan Xubno ka tirsan labada guddi fulineed ee Xisbiga, Xildhibaanada Golaha Wakiillada iyo aqoonyahanka, Siyaasiyiinta iyo Sulaadiinta Beesha Maxamed Case ee ku soo biiray Xisbiga. “Halkan waxa jooga beelaha Maxamed Case Aqoonyahankoodi, Suldaankoodii, Wax-garadkoodi iyo Siyaasiyiintoodi, Waxa ay gurmad la yihiin Siyaasada ragaadsan ee wadanka hogaanka hayaa ay ku hagayaan ayey ka mid yihiin oo beelaha inay gurmad ka gaalaan oo ay xirfada iyo taariikhda bedelaan, oo ay u wareejiyaan Xisbiga KULMIYE” ayuu yidhi Xasan Daahir “Waxa la isku xantaa Hogaaminta Maamulka talada hayaa Beesha uu ka soo jeedo ay wax gaara ay ku qabto, Beelo kale-na joogitaanka Maamulkan ay wax ku waayeen” ayuu yidhi Daahir Xasan Waxa kale oo Daahir Xasan [bilaawa-Cadde] sheegay inay beeshu gurmad u tahay sidii ay u toosin lahayd Xukuummada, isaga oo arrinta ka hadlayana waxa uu yidhi “Beesha Maxamed Case waxay gurmad ka tahay sidii loo toosin lahaa maamulkan iyo Cadaalad daradan ku dhacay Gobolka Awdal inay saxaan ayey diyaar u yihiin” Isaga oo hadalkiisa sii watana waxa uu intaa raaciyey oo uu yidhi “ Waxa kale oo ay diyaar u yihiin inay Xisbiga KULMIYE oo maanta ah ka ay Dabeyshu u dhacayso, inay ka hawlgalaan oo ay ku biiraan” Madaxweyne Ku-xigeenkii labaad ee u horeeyey Somaliland Mujaahid Cabdiraxmaan Aw Cali Faarax [Cabdiraxmaan Laba Tolle] oo isna halkaasi ka hadlay ayaa waxa uu sharaxaad ka bixiyey beesha Maxamed Case ee Xisbiga Mucaarid ah ee KULMIYE ku soo biirtay, waxaanu yidhi “ Waa Beelahayaga [********] beelaha ugu door roon, ee ugu reer Magaalsan, Somaliland uun kuma eeka ee waa raggii Faransiiska Jabuuti la saxeexday” “Sharaf ayaad u tahay [Wasiir ku-xigeenka Xanaanada Xoolaha Aadan Jaamac Hoori] Xisbiga KULMIYE iyo Qaranka iyo beesha reer Awdal ee aad ka soo jeedo oo beryaha qaarkood lagu tirinayey malaha ninkan [Rayaale] gar iyo gardaraba way ku taageerayaan, cidd tidhaahda Madaxweynow sidan dalka ku wadimaysid waar reer Awdal miyaanay lahayn” ayuu yidhi Cabdiraxmaan.laba tole. Cabdiraxmaan laba tolle oo la hadlayey Beelaha u deegaanka Gobolka Awdal waxa uu yidhi. “Beelaha reer Awdal ee laga yaabo inay weli sii quudareynayaan hogaanka UDUB, Waxaan leeyahay waxa ku dayasho mudan Beesha Maxamed Case, oo weliba may soo habsaamin” “Beelaha reer Bari, ka bilow uma jeedo uun Burco iyo Sanaag ka bilow Hargeysa, hadaad moodayseen inuu reer Awdal wax siyaado ah ku qabeen [Hogaanka] qudhaanjooy ku quuso” ayuu yidhi Cabdiraxmaan laba tole oo cadeeyey inaanay hogaanka Xukuumada Madaxweyne Rayaale wax dheeraada ku qabin reer Awdal. Muj: Cabdiraxmaan laba-tole waxa uu ku bogaadiyey shacbiga reer Somaliland inay dadkooda meel karaacaan, inta ay goori goor tahay, hadii ay Xukuummada Madaxweyne Rayaale naf leedahay reer Awdal ayaa sii joogi lahaa. “Haday wanaag leedahay oo ay Xaq ku socoto, oo ay sharaf leedahay [Xukuumada Rayaale] reer Awdal ayaa sii joogi lahaa, waxaan leeyahay ha ku daba lumina ee inta ay goori-goor tahay umadaada dhinac ka raac” ayuu yidhi. Gudoomiyaha Xisbiga Mucaaridka ah ee KULMIYE Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud [siilaanyo] oo isna halkaasi ka hadlay ayaa waxa uu sheegay inay farxad weyn u tahay inuu maxfadkan ka hadlo, “Xafladan qiimaha iyo qaayaha leh ee aan isugu nimi waxa ii farxada inaan ku soo dhaweeyo qalbi furan iyo laab furan Beesha walaalaheena [Maxamed Case] ee halkan maanta ka cadeysay taageerada ay u hayso Xisbiga KULMIYE iyo ku soo biiridooda” ayuu yidhi. Axmed Siilaanyo waxa uu ka cudur daartay inuu iska ilaalinayo inuu Wax ka sheego Madaxweyne Rayaale, waayo doraad ayaanu wada qadeynaynay, ayuu yidhi. “Madaxweyne Rayaale doraad ayaanu wada qadeynayno, oo waa lana heshiisiiyey inuu Ceeshku I qabtaan ka baqayaa, horta anigu halkaa daarimaayo Madaweynaha iyo Dawlada oo walaalkay Cabdiraxmaan ayaa ii yidhi” ayuu yidhi Siilaanyo. Isaga oo hadalkiisa sii watana waxa uu intaasi raaciyey oo uu yidhi “Wadankeena yar ee aan Ictiraaf haysan [somaliland] ee waynu ka tilmaamanahay Caalam ahaan Geeska Afrika, waxaan Dawladaha qaarkood gaadhin ayeynu gaadhnay, marka hore Sharafta aynu haysano Ilaahay ayeynu ugu mahad-naqaynaa, iyo shacbiga reer Somaliland” Md. Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud [siilaanyo] oo ka hadlayey Gudida Dhex-dhexaadinta Khilaafka Golayaasha Qaranka waxa uu yidhi.“ Todobaadka aynu soo dhaafnay ayaa waxa uu ka markhaati kacayaa arrin dhaqan inoo ahaan jirtay, Maalinta ay arrintu adkaataba waxay leenahay dad iyo ummad gurmata oo waxeeda toosisata” “Car-qalado badan ayeynu ka soo gudubnay in muddo ah, Waynu arkaynay waxa ina jiidanayey Maamulkii oo sida aynu doonayno noqon waayey, waxa ina jiidanayey iyada oo geedi socodkii dimuqraadiyadu inaga qaloocday, waxa ina jiidanayey iyada oo wax aynaan jeclayn inay dalkeenana ka dhacday, oo musuq-maasuq leh., oo Eex leh, oo Maamul Xumo leh oo ay waxyaalo badan dalkeena ka dhacayeen, mararka qaarkood waxa dhacday inay baqdino badan ina galaan” Waxa uu Siilaanyo ku dooday inaynu u baahanahay inaynu wax ka bedelno sidii aynu u socon jirnay, “Waxaynu u baahanahay inaynu Maamulkii dalka Jiray inay bedelno oo jidkaa aynu qaadanay inaga oo aan Xumaan u mareyn nidaamkii aynu dhisanay ee ahaa Axsaabta badan, inaga oo u mareyna Doorasho” “Shacbiga wax dooranayaa ayaa awooda iyo cidda ay dooranayaan ee ay Maamulka u dhiibanayaan, markay ku haynayaan iyo marka ay dejinayaanba” ayuu yidhi. Siilaanyo Xildhibaan Ikraan oo iyana Munaasibadaasi ka hadashay waxay tidhi “Bal hada reer Awdalna dhagaha halaga sii daayo waxaa nalaga badiyay reer Awdal waa wada UDUB, Laakiin reer Awdal maaha wada UDUB ee waxaase yara leenahay in aanu hadba Dawladdii jirta aanu u hogaansanaano Marka Daahir Rayaalena waxa uu ka mid yahay Dawladdihii hore ee aanu u hogaansanayn markaa waxaan leeyahay hanaga didina ee reer Awdal Daahir ma wada aha” Mustafe Cabdi Maxamed [Mustafe-Janaale] Reporter Hadhwanaagnews.com/Hargeysa
  3. Xarun Caafimaad oo loo Samaynayo Naafadii iyo Mujahidiintii SNM. Hargeysa(Qaran)-Ku-Simaha Wasiirka Wasaarada Caafimaadka Iyo Shaqada Somaliland ahna Wasiirul dawlaha Wasaaradaas Axmed Cali Shire iyo Gudoomiyaha Jimciyada Mujaahidiinta Sooyaal Xasan Cabdi Maxamed ,ayaa furay Qorshe lagu bilaabayo sidii xarun Caafimaad loogu samayn lahaa Naafadii Ururkii SNM.,kaas oo ay fulintiisa iska kaashanayaan Xukuumada iyo Ururka Waalidiinta Geeska Afrika [HAPA]. Xafladii loo sameeyay Hirgelinta qorshahaas oo maanta lagu qabtay xarunta dhexe ee Sooyaal,waxa kale oo ka qeyb-galay xubno ka mid ah Saraakiishii Milatari ee SNM iyo Samsam Haybe oo ka socotay Haa’yada [Horn Africa Parents Association] ee HAPA. Gudoomiyaha Sooyaal Xasan Cabdi Maxamed oo xafladaas ka hadlay ayaa sheegay in Ha’ayada HAPA ay dawooyin Iyo Qalab caafimaad u keentay Sooyaal,si mujaahidiintii ku soo naafowday Halgankii dib u xoreynta dalka loogu sameeyo Qaliino iyo daaweynba. Gudoomiyaha Sooyaal waxa uu sheegay in xukuumada Somaliland ay balan qaaday inay bixiso kharashka dayactirka Xurunta dhexe ee Sooyaal,oo lagu kordhinayo waadhadh lagu daweeyo Naafada Xaruntaas ka diwaan-gashan. Xasan Cabdi,waxa uu sheegay in qorshahan ay ka soo shaqeynayeen muddo dhawr sanadood ah,waxana uu amaanay in Ha’ayada HAPA oo xusay inay ka soo baxeen balanqaadkoodii la xidhiidhay inay keenista dawooyinka iyo Qalabkii Caafimaadka. Gudoomiyaha Sooyaal isagoo la kaftamayay Wasiirul dawlaha Wasaarada Caafimaadka iyo Wasiir Ku Xigeenka Qorshaynta oo Xafladaasi ku sugnaa,waxa uu yidhi “Dalkii waynu dhisnay ee dadkii lama dhisin, hore waxa aanu u arki jirnay wasiiro balamo kala duwan u qaadaya Sooyaal,hase yeeshee idinku waxa aad tihiin wejiyo cusub ee waanu eegi doonaa inaad halkii Wasiiradii hore martaan iyo in kale”. Gudoomiyuha oo ka hadlayay baaxada ay leedahay naafada mujaahidiintii SNM waxa uu yidhi “Xukuumadu balamo hore oo ay Sooyaal u qaaday way jireen oo aan fulin,balse waxa aan u malaynayaa inuu yahay kii u dambeeyay,waxa aan dhawaan u gudbinay Wasaarada caafimaadka 440 Naafo ah si ay u baadho waxana la baadhay boqol Qof oo aan iyana waxba loo qaban wali”. Wasiiruldawlaha Wasaarada Caafimaadka iyo Shaqada Axmed Cali Shire oo xafladaas ka hadlay ayaa sheegay in xukuumadu ay ka shaqeynayso sidii mashruucan hirgeilntiisa gacan uga gaysan lahayd. “Waa waajib ina wada saaran in aynu hoos u eegno oo aan la kala sheegan la iskuna riix-riixin wax u qabashada dadkii ku naafoobay dib u xoreyntii dalka,waxase wax qabadku ku xidhnaan doonaa hadba inta dhaqaalaheenu leeg yahay”ayuu yidhi Wasiirul dawlaha Caafimaadku. Waxa kale oo halkaas ka hadlay Wasiirku xigeenka Wasaarada qorshaynta Axmed Xaashi Cabdi,Samsam Haybe,Mujaahidiin iyo Gudoomiyihii hore ee Sooyaal Xasan Guure axmed.
  4. Hargeysa(Qaran)-Wasiir Ku xigeenkii Wasaarada Xanaanada Xoolaha Somaliland Axmed Jaamac Hoori ayaa maanta Magaalada Hargeysa kaga dhawaaqay inuu iska casilay xilkii Wasiir ku xigeenimo ee uu ka hayay xukuumada isla markaana daboolka ka qaaday inuu ku biiray Xisbiga Mucaaridka ah ee Kulmiye. Wasiir Ku Xigeenkii Wasaarada Xoolahu,waxa uu sidaas ku shaaciyay Xaflad xisbiga Kulmiye maanta huteelka Maansoor ugu sameeyay wasiir kuxigeenka wasaarada Xanaada Xoolaha Axmed JaamacHoori,odayaal,Aqoon yahano iyo Koox cuqaal ah oo ka tirsan beel ka mid ah Beelaha gobolka awdal oo ku soo biiray Xisbigaas. Wasiir ku Xigeenka is casilay waxa isagoo ka hadlayay istiqaaladiisa waxa uu yidhi “Maanta oo Bishu tahay 23/08/2007,waxa aan ummadayda Somaliland aan hortooda ka sheegayaa in aan ka degay Xilkii wasiir ku xigeenimo ee wasaarada Xanaanada Xoolaha JSL ee aan hayay”. Axmed Jaamac hoori Waxa uu xukuumada Somaliland ku eedeeyay in ay ku guul daraysatay hogaamintii Dalka ee loo soo doortay. “Markii aan arkay sida khaldan marin habowsan ee aanay ku jirin u damqashadu,ee dawladii la doortay hanan kari wayday Dalkii,taladii dadkana qaadan weyday ayaan gartay in aan is casilo”ayuu intaas raaciyay Wasiirkuxigeenku. Hoori waxa uu Wasiirada Somaliland ku tilmaamay gole aan damiir lahayn,oo dherigooda oo qudha bislaysanaya. Wasiir ku xigeenkaasi iyo iyo koox kale oo isugu jirtay aqoonyahano,cuqaal iyo Odayaal ka tirsan beesha Maxamed case oo ka mid ah beelaha degan Gobolka Awdal,ayaa Xafladaas ka sheegay inay kalsoonidii Siyaasadeed kala noqdeen xisbiga UDUB iyo Xukuumada madaxweyne Rayaale,isla markaana waxa ay shewegeen in ay ku biireen KULMIYE. Gudoomiyaha xisbiga Kulmiye Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud [siilaanyo]oo xafladaas ka hadlay ayaa sheegay inay soo dhaweynayaan kooxdaas ku soo biirtay isbigiisa,waxana uu sheegay in arrimaha ay xukuumada ku eedeeyeen ay yihiin waxyaabo xaqiiq ah oo Somaliland ka jira. Waxa kale oo halkaas ka hadlay Cabdiraxmaan Aw-Cali faarax oo sheegay in aragtida siyaasadeed ee kooxdaasi ay ka turjumayso sida aanay beelaha Gobolka Awdal u wada taageersanayn Madaxweynaha JSL Mudane daahir rayaale Kaahin. Waxa iyaguna Xafladaas soo dhaweynta ah ka hadlay masuuliyiin iyo xubno ka tirsan gudida Fulinta xisbiga KULMIYE. Cumar Maxamed Faarax Qarannews/Hargeysa
  5. Hargeysa(Qaran)- Madaxweynaha JSL Mudane Daahir Rayaale Kaahin ayaa Galabta dalka,dib ugu soo guryo-noqday markii isaga iyo Wefti uu Hogaaminayay ay soo dhamaysteen Socdaal qaatay muddo Sadex cisho ah oo ay ku tageen Ethiopia martiqaad rasmi ah oo ay ka ka heleen xagaasi. Madaxeynaha Somaliland Daahir Rayaale Kaahin oo ay Galabta Madaarka Hargeysa ku soo dhaweeyeen Madaxeyne Ku-xigeenka Somaliland Mudane Axmed Yuusuf Yaasiin,Badi Xubnaha Golaha wasiirada,Saraakiisha Dawlada iyo xubno ka tirsan Golayaasha Baarlamaanka [Guurtida Iyo Wakiilada] iyo dadweyne kale. Madaxweynaha Somaliland oo Qasriga Madaxtooyada Saxaafada ugu waramayay ayaa si kooban uga waramay ujeedada Booqashadiisa Itoobiya Waxana uu Yidhi “Sida aan isku ogayn Itoobiya,waxa aan ku maqnaa Safar sadex Cisho qaatay martiqaad baanu ahaa,waxa aanu ka wada hadlaynay Waxyaabihii wasiiradu barigii dhawayd ay ku tageen IToobiya”. Madaxweyne Rayaale oo ka hadlayay waxyaabihii uu kala hadlay madaxda Dawlada itoobiya waxa uu yidhi “Waxa ka mid ahayd sidii Mashruucii Berbera corridor loo sii horu marinaayo iyo sidii labada Dal ay uga wada faa’iidaysan lahaayeen kaybal telefoonada qaada oo Bada hoos mara iyo sidii labada wadan ay iskaga kaashan lahaayeen dhinaca Nabadgelyada”. “Waxa aanu isla soo qaadnay Itoobiya in aanu iska kaashano wixiiInaga[somaliland]saamayn inagu yeelanaya iyagana [itoobiya]saamayn ku yeelan kara,in aanu iska kaashano ayaanu isla soo qaadnay,waana waajib oo Nabadgelyada Itoobiya Iyo Somaliland Way is khuseeyaan”ayuu yidhi Md Daahir Rayaale Kaahin oo ka jawaabayay, Su’aalo la xidhiidhay inuu tafaasiil ka bixiyo inay Raysul Wasaraha Itoobiya ka wada hadleen in labada dal ka wada shaqeeyaan la dagaalanka Argagixisada. Madaxweynaha Somaliland oo la weydiiyay sida uu u hirgeli karo heshiiska kaybalka Isgaadhsiinta ee bada Hoos maraya,ayaa sheegay in fulinta iyo meel marinta heshiisyadaas loo xilsaaray wasiiro ka tirsan labada Wadan. “Heshiiskani waxa uu wax ka tari doonaa isgaadhsiinta,waana mid sadex geesood ah u dhaxeeya Somaliland,Itoobiya Iyo Shirkad maraykan ah”ayuu intaas raaciyay Madaxweynaha Somaliland. Mudane Daahir Rayaale Kaahin,oo la su’aalay xiliga Xabsiga laga sii daynayo sadexda masuul ee ugu sareeya Urur Siyaasadeedka sharciyadiisa lagu murasan yahay ee Qaran,waxana uu sheegay in arrintaas ay cid u taalo . Madaxweynaha Somaliland waxa wehelinayay Taliyaha Ciidanka Qaranka Nuux Ismaaciil Taani iyo Hogaanka Tababarka Ciidamada.socdaalkiisa Itoobiya ku Cumar maxamed Faarax Qarannews/Hargeysa
  6. Two presidents are meeting ,,,,, what is the big deal ??
  7. ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia- Somaliland president, Dahir Rayaale Kahin yesterday August 23, 2007 conferred with Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi on matters of trade, security and other bilateral issues. The president who arrived in Addis Ababa on Wednesday evening had a working lunch with senior Ethiopian ministers discussing on the use of the Berbera Port and the recent agreement reached between the two countries to deploy the Ethiopian Telecommunications Corporation’s fiber optic cable to East African Submarine Cable System (EASSy) via Berbera and fighting terrorism in the Horn. Also included in the discussions were areas of cooperation in electricity as well as road construction. Later in the evening Rayaale conferred with Prime Minister Meles Zenawi on bilateral as well as international issues. Rayaale was accompanied by his foreign minister Abdullahi Duale and Somaliland’s chief of staff of the armed forces. qarannews.com
  8. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL ,, I can see ppl are even more confused now Waar heedhaha ,, this was only for the confused individuals but it proofs now you are all confused about Somaliland.
  9. The birth of Maakhir State of Somalia has led to irresistible jubilation in many parts of the world as the Maakhirians in Diaspora and inside Somalia welcomed the idea of having an independent regional government which will safeguard their political independence, but more of a government that will indeed improve the dire situation in Sanaag and Western Bari regions. The Maakhirians in Diaspora did indeed realise that Sanaag and Western Bari needed a government and rule of law that the locals yearned for many years by ardently and collectively uniting behind the creation of a regional State in Sanaag and Western Bari. The Birth of Puntland was a hope that never materialised and ended in a situation of agony, misery, and recurrent inter-clan conflicts. Besides, after so many years of administrative neglect, the Puntland Authority tried to tap the natural resources of Sanaag and Western Bari for its own benefit, and again the Puntland militias started trading charcoals and other illegal trading activity. Meetings after meetings the elders and independent politicians in Sanaag and western Bari agreed the need for an Independent Regional Government called Maakhir State of Somalia which will put itself under the Federal Republic of Somalia. The initial dream of the creation of Maakhir State of Somalia was realised and Maakhirians showed the regional Powers the power of will and their determination of self rule and self governance, which in return will yield enhanced security, prosperity and democratic values. The Federal Authority in Mogadishu is yet to announce its position on Maakhir State of Somalia however the central Government can not stop the will and the desire of Maakhirians, also the Federal Constitution is in favour of this building bloc system to unilaterally set up own Regional States. There have been initial talks between Ali Mohammad Gheedi, the Prime Minister of Somalia, and the Col Jibrell Ali Salaad, the President of Maakhir State in which Gheedi supported the idea of creating Maakhir State of Somalia The silence of the Federal Authority is the biggest obstacle that the Maakhirians are facing and they can not understand why the central Authority is not supporting their noble actions? Furthermore the Federal Authority should see the benefit of these two regions setting up their own Regional Government which then comes under the Federal Republic of Somalia as these Regions were both claimed Somaliland and Puntland which even lead to military clashes and now the Maakhirians are united with common goal of one Regional and one Authority. Maakhirians were not happy when the Federal Authority handed ½ million dollars for the reconstructions of Laasqoray Port to the Puntland Authority and that was unexpected move by the Federal Authority. Another Obstacle that the Maakhir State of Somalia is facing is that, the ruthlessness of Puntland propaganda warfare, since the declaration of Maakhir State of Somalia, the Puntland Authority run fear mongering propaganda in which the Puntland keep using the Maakhir State of Somalia did not represents the People of Sanaag and Puntland and if Maakhir State of Somalia succeeds THEN that will lead to destructions of ***** Pact and *****nism!! The *****nism that Puntland is lobbying for was not there when rag tag militias of Ade Muse lead assaults on Majiyahan mining town in Western Bari and again when they were burning the acacias of Sanaag in order to get Charcoal!! Another challenge in which Maakhir State of Somalia facing is the lack of financial and governmental institutions. The two regions did not receive any direct international help and aid since the collapse of the Central Government in early 1990s. There are no paved roads; there are no banks, no office buildings, no function police stations, no health authority, no airports, and not even functioning ports. The Maakhirians are aware of the challenges they are currently facing and are very optimistic by starting everything from scratch, from zero, from basic. The Maakhirians do have the will to progress but they do not have the mean and financial ability to produce the dream of them having their own regional State. The Maakhirians in Diaspora is aware of the situation and is in process of holding meetings in order to discuss the situation and give a helping hand to their countryfolk. However, it's the duty of international bodies to do their share of help, the International bodies should direct their funds to the Maakhirians and not so called Puntland or Somaliland, the region is indeed independent from those two authorities. If International bodies' wants prove then they should go and visit Sanaag and Western Bari and see for themselves if Somaliland or Puntland has say in Maakhir Affairs. The Maakhirians are advising to the international bodies to come and visit Sanaag and Western Bari and give a helping hand to Maakhirians who are in need of great help. Raz Shirwa, HERE
  10. Somalia has urged Russia to join the development of national deposits of hydrocarbons and offered Moscow exclusive uranium shipments. "We invite all Russian oil and energy companies to take maximum part in the work under way in Somalia," Somalian Ambassador to Russia Mohamed Handule said at a news conference in Moscow on August 22. Somalia's draft law on the utilisation of subsurface mineral resources will ease operations by foreign companies considerably, he said. Somalia also wants to cooperate with Russia actively in the radioactive materials sector, the diplomat said. "We want to offer uranium shipments to Russia first and foremost," he said. Source
  11. I should download the google earth ...... wanna do a lot of secret stuff with it
  12. The sub-clan cleansing against the Habar-gidir of ****** in Southern Somalia particularly in Moqdisho are mostly caused by the so-called military army or the militia created by the governments Somalia/TFG, in the name National Army. Most government militia who operate in Moqdisho the capital of Somalia and it's surroundings are of the sub-clans, of the Abgal of the ****** and the *****tens of the ****** clan, both arch enemy of the ********** sub-clan of ******. The Abgals and the ********** who belong to the Major ****** clan settle and inhabit side by side share grazing and water and have fought one another for centuries for control water and grassy area. The Abgals who are the majority in the Capital, Moqdisho have always resented the settlement of the ********** in the capital, Moqdisho. Unlike the Abgals, the Habargidirs are the most business oriented people in South Somalia including Moqdisho, and owned the most lucrative business and trades centers in Moqdisho, which the Abgals have envied. After the Collapse of the Siyad Barre's dictatorial and sub-clan based regime, which they both Abgal/********** fought side by side to remove Siyad, they turned their guns against each other which led to the civil war which erupted in Moqdisho in early nineties and divided the city, Moqdisho into two section south and north, where each sub-clan inhabits and the formation of the Green-line, dividing line. The late Aidid of ********** and the commander of the USC, who became a warlord and the current Ali Mahdi of Abgal, a warlord who is the head of the so-called Somali reconciliation currently taking place in Mogadishu led the war between the two Sub-clans. How could a Warlord who has blood in his hand, could lead a reconciliation congress? Ali Mahdi was appointed by the Warlord president, to organize few clan elders who support the Mbaghati Government and to mislead the international community that the so-called TFG supports the so called reconciliation. Reconciliation could come only when the Moqdisho residents of the Habargidirs are compensated, for what they have lost during the last eight months. Their live time investment was looted and confiscated by the clan militia of Abgal and by the Puntland clan militia of the current warlord president. Their homes and residential area become subject of daily search bombardment and the arrest of innocent people being accused of supporting the resistance against the TFG and it's supporter. What is going on in Moqdisho today is , the clan militia of the Warlord president and the sub- clan militia of Ali Jelle , Gedi and Warlord Mahamed Dhere all arch enemy of ********** got approval from the so called international community, to execute the genocide , atrocities and sub-clan cleansing against the **********. The civilian **********, politicians , intellectuals, business people became the target of the TFG militia , most of the thousands who fled Moqdisho belong to the ********** sub-clan , because their homes and livelihood were destroyed , simply for being **********, while the Abgals in North have returned home and enjoy the TFG support and their leaders Jelle, Mohamed dhere and Gedi. The current killing OF the Horn Of Africa Media workers Mahd/Sharmarke who both belonged to the ********** , has the ear mark of the TFG militia and security killing for an intention to hide their dirty work against the ********** elites. Last week when The Parliament members of ********** like Asha abdala and others who introduced a motion to audit the TFG and hold it accountable for it's dirty job, they were threatened to be killed if they don't stop criticizing the TFG by other PM who are paid under the table just to do that and oppose any motion brought against the TFG, they were paid recently large amount of cash when Gedi , PM visited Baydhabo last week. The free media , Radio and Internets have been constantly threatened and were subject of intimidation by the so-called TFG security/militia forces to silence the media and cover the reality on the ground in Moqdisho. Shabelle Radio and Horn Of Africa radio station were raided many times and the workers of these two station have been arrested/tortured many times for no reasons , just for reporting the reality on the ground to the world. Jelle the deputy defense minister openly stated while conferring his Abgal supporters, "that very he soon, with the help of the Ethiopians, we would clear the Habagidirs from Moqdisho and just you have to watch and your support is needed while this mission is in process" Like wise the *****tens, current inhabitant of Puntland , have been an arch enemy of the ********** , like it's normal for Somali tribes who share water and grazing area to be enemies for the control of resource, Galkayo of Mudug and it's surrounding regions are the dividing borders between the **********, ****** and *****tens/Puntland. Based on the animosities that have existed between the Habargidr verses the Abgal and the *****tens of Puntland , the allegation of the Habargidirs , particularly the *** sub-sub-clan belonging to the Islamic Courts and playing the Terrorism Card , became a killing machine for a few who delwel on tribalism and hatred against the ********** sub-clan of ******. The current Warlord president , who hails from the *****ten/Puntland of ****** , cleverly used and manipulated , this tactic and led the Ethiopian army and his clan militia , to commit crimes against humanity , against the civilians of ********** in Moqdisho. Everyday the clan militia of the Warlord president kill, arrest civilian Habargidirs and confiscate their property. Similarly the few Abgals, the Prime minister, the deputy of the Defense Minister, Ali Jelle and the Warlord Mayor of Moqdisho, Mohamed Dhere, who dowel on revenge, hatred and removing the Habargidr sub-clan from the Capital, seem to enjoy the killing of civilian Habargidrs and the destruction of their property committed by their sub-clan militia, wearing the national Army Jersey. The dirty work against the ********** is like revisited Darfur/Ruwanda scenario laid out and supported by the so called international community, who created the Sectarian Government/TFG and still watching what is done to a particular sub-clan , in the name of War Against the Terrorism. The insurgents who are resisting the atrocities committed by the few Abgal militia and the clan militia of Puntland , are nothing but Sub- clan militia of the ********** who's live has been destroyed. The insurgents are fighting the Abgal militia and the Puntland clan militia, who are responsible for the crimes against humanity committed against a single sub-clan, while the rest of the World is watching. Of course the resistance/insurgents do kill TFG supporters, lay mines and throw bombs, and they only do after their livelihood and their reason to live, like their live long investment homes were destroyed, and it's unlikely that the Horn Of Africa Media Workers were killed by the insurgent, because they both belong to Habargidr and commonly opposed what is being done to their people. Finally the reason why this crime is being ignored by the so-called international community is simply Gedi, Jelle , Mohamed Dhere and the Warlord president A/Yusuf played the TERRORISM CARD to fulfill their hatred based on tribalism and narrow mindedness, to get even with the Habargidirs, and it seems so far that it has worked for them as the World watches. By Mohamud Samatar If you can't read the clan's names ,,, The article is HERE
  13. I think i can already see my office from there
  14. Mogadishu 22, August.07 ( Sh.M.Network)-Kenyan ambassador to Somalia, Ken Visitia, has held a news conference in one of the hotels in Mogadishu, the Somali capital, on Wednesday amid grenade blasts rage in parts of the volatile city. Explaining the Kenyan mission to neighboring Somalia, Visitia, stressed that his government was committed to cooperating with Somalia over the diverse areas in the country's construction, health, education and foreign affairs. He is the second African ambassador to arrive and remain in the war torn Somalia for a while. Late last month, Ugandan special envoy to Horn of African country, was in the unstable capital, Mogadishu, elucidating Uganda's precise support to the UN backed Somali fragile government. Mr. Visitia, who also mentioned that Kenya and of the rest of the African Union states will respect any conclusions from the country's reconciliation congress continuing in the capital. He said he was seeking for away Kenya could participate in the reconstruction of Somalia. "We want to move beyond the peace conference, we want to talk about how do we cooperate with Somalia in areas of health and foreign affairs? How does Kenya assist the people of Somalia? That is my mandate here," he said. He stated that within the next two weeks a delegation from the Kenyan government would land in Mogadishu to sign joint agreement with the T.F.G. Speaking about the new Kenyan embassy to Somalia, he pointed out that it would assist Somalis and Kenyans in the country. "We are aware that a lot of Kenyans are here as health workers and teachers. We want to open an embassy which can give visas," he said, promising that Somalis could travel to the rest of the world with Nairobi being as a transit point. "Somalis in the diasporas can travel through Kenya either they are going to Canada or U.K.," he said. He said all those who renounce violence should attend the reconciliation process and speak freely about their grievances in it. The Somalia's transitional government was formed in Kenya in late 2004 with Abdullahi Yusuf elected as the president, but the Islamic Courts Union that administered a swathe of southern regions of the country for six months opposed it, threatening to toppled the T.F.G. which was militarily backed by its Ethiopian ally. The Islamists were ousted by the Ethiopian forces supporting the Somali government, enabling it to finally settle in Mogadishu where insurgency still rages. Visitia says Kenya has its own ways of talking to the opposition groups in Asmara, Eritrea. He said most of them have businesses in Nairobi and the Kenyan diplomats had been trying to convince them to relinquish violence. "Because violence will only breed violence because we don't believe that anybody can win now in Somalia through force," he said, encouraging parties to engage in peaceful dialog. He mentioned that Kenya was considering opening its borders with Somalia, but security concerns still persist, he said. Somalia has had no effective central government since 1991 when overthrew ousted former president, Siad Barre.
  15. Dear Somaliland Times, Do you believe journalism and the media have the power to save a nation from the bowels of hell??? IF SO, WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO REVIVE SOMALIA FROM THE ABYSS INSTEAD OF ADVOCATING THE PARTITIONING OF THE COUNTRY AND ABANDONING YOUR FELLOW COUNTRYMEN TO BE CONSUMED IN THE MADNESS THAT IS MOGADISHU. RESPOND HONESTLY AND PROFESSIONALLY!!!!!!! Yours, Zhukov Georgy, --------------------------------------------- Editor’s reply. Dear Zhukov Georgy, Thank for your query and the interest you have shown in us. I would have preferred that you introduced yourself first, before we got into any discussion. Nonetheless, since you have let the cat out of the bag I will try to respond honestly in my personal capacity and not necessarily those expressed by S/land Times. You asked, "Do we believe that journalism and the media have the power to save a nation from the bowels of hell?" The answer is no, I don't believe that the media has any power whatsoever to save a nation from the bowels of hell. On the contrary, I believe the opposite is true in that the majority of cases that the media can be chiefly held responsible for a nation’s spiral fall, headlong, into the bowels of hell. The German Reich used the media to brainwash its citizens in believing they were superior to the rest of us. We all know where this led Germany. Rwanda, in most recent times is another good example, which used the media to fuel hatred and genocide against their fellow brothers/sisters. A nation can only be a nation if it is united with same ideals, expectations and insight for the causes of their troubles. A disunited nation will produce a disunited and fractured media, which serves the interests of the different and contesting divisions within a fractured society. The media is a byproduct of the society and not the other way round. The media is a mere ‘mirror-reflection’ of the society it serves and provides for. Certainly, the media is not something fallen out of the sky, unattached and unaffected by the ills of the fractured society, more likely, the media is the one affecting, attaching and transporting these ills in a fractured society to every nook and cranny in/outside the society. Partitioning of what? If two countries unite to form a single entity and this newly found entity becomes horribly wrong for some reason or the other, and one of the two [countries] decides to disengage itself from the union of the entity, simply, because things did not work out the way it wanted or had envisaged. Can we truly say, that those who are in favor and support this divorce are “partitioning the new found entity? The answer is no. Those who support the divorce are resorting to the pre-defined states of the union that was responsible for the formation of the now defunct entity. To partition a matter, is to subdivide that which initially had a unitary form in body and essence then became parts or portions of the original single unit of matter. As in our case, S/land existed before the union of the Somali republic and when things didn't work out, it resorted to its pre-existing state. This is not partitioning but restoring entities that were two units in form and essence. First and foremost, it is most saddening that our brother and sister counterparts in Somalia are suffering, killing and obliterating themselves from the face of the earth and that it being obligatory upon us to ‘do whatever’ is in our power to halt and put a stop to this madness. Somaliland cannot continue to sideline itself from the mayhem and devastation of their brethrens in the south. It has to intervene and mediate the warring factions by all means and necessities. We just don’t know how, yet? Secondly, it’s our brothers and sisters in the south who have abandoned the very notion that we were initially two countries who came together, freely and unconditionally, with diverse histories and backgrounds to form the republic of Somalia. The very least that can be expected from our brothers and sisters in the south is to respect this or the very thing, which brought the north in 1960 to come and unite with their brethrens in the south, i.e., their ‘God-given’ freewill to choose. In other words, they had chosen in 1960 to bring with them to the south the ‘choice’ to form the ‘Somali republic’, and this is the very same choice that in 1991 manifested itself in another republic, namely S/land. Whether, the people of S/land have taken the right or wrong decision to dissolve the union is completely irrelevant. What matters, is the indifference shown by our brethren in the south ‘for the right to exercise our freewill today is no different than the right which was exercised in 1960 to form the union of our two regions’. What makes our southern brethrens to have the right to hold on to the union of our two regions and deny us the right to absolve the union of our two regions; is anyone’s guess? We, both, came from the same but different surrogate mothers, weaned from the same source but molded, differently in style, mode and language input, one British and the other Italian. What right, do southerners have ‘to impose themselves’ on the will of the northerners, when they were on an equal footing in 1960, this again is anyone’s guess? Unless, one agrees that the other has a right to differ, how on earth, can one co-exist in union with the other or together? Rashid M. X. Noor (Editor) Somaliland Times Somaliland Times
  16. HARGEISA, 22 August 2007 (IRIN) - President Dahir Rayale Kahin of the self-declared republic of Somaliland has agreed to release three leaders of the Qaran organisation who were jailed for setting up a political party unsanctioned by the authorities, officials said. Ahmed Mohammed Silanyo, chairman of Somaliland's main authorised opposition group, told IRIN the decision was made after an all-day meeting with a mediation team of religious leaders, human rights activists and local politicians. The leader of the Qaran party, Mohamed Abdi Gabose, and his two deputies, Hohamed Hashi Elmi and Jamal Aideed, have been held since 28 July in Mandhera prison, 70km outside Hargeisa, on charges of "engaging in unauthorised political activities". The government of Somaliland - which is yet to receive international recognition since declaring its independence in 1991 - has limited the number of political parties allowed by its constitution to three, to prevent the kind of clan-based party fragmentation that has plagued southern Somalia since the overthrow of the Siad Barre regime. The imprisonment of the Qaran party leaders, which came after the government jailed three journalists from the Somali daily newspaper Haatuf earlier this year, had been criticised by Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch. It also increased calls within Somaliland for constitutional reform to allow more political parties. "The immediate detention issue has been solved," Silanyo said. "But the larger issues of the fate of the Qaran party and other political organisations remains unresolved." The government has not announced when the prisoners would be released. After visiting her husband in Mandhera prison on 21 August, Hibo Abdullahi Hassan, wife of Mohamed Abdi Gabose, said the party members were unsatisfied with the ambiguity of their situation. "Their main concern is the freedom of their party. As long as that is not clear they are not completely happy with the decision," she said. Somaliland is scheduled to hold district elections in December this year, and presidential elections in April 2008.
  17. HARGEISA, 22 August 2007 (PlusNews) - Almost two years after appointing a national HIV/AIDS commission, the self-declared republic of Somaliland, in northwestern Somalia, has slowly begun rolling out antiretroviral (ARV) drugs. The ARV programme, funded by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, started in 2005 with 30 participants; it now provides medicines, supplemental food and counselling services to 300 HIV-positive people in Hargeisa, the Somaliland capital. "Besides an improvement in my health, the best thing about the ARVs is that they have allowed me to keep working and earning money for my family," said Rahma Hirsi, an ARV recipient and mother of three. Relief workers attribute the success of the ARV programme to the relative stability of Somaliland compared with south-central Somalia, which continues to be racked by conflict, displacing large numbers of people. Need for vigilance Somaliland's position makes it a destination of choice for a constant flow of displaced persons from south-central Somalia, as well as a transit point for migrants from east and central Africa attempting to reach the Gulf States, putting the region at a higher risk of HIV. According to UNAIDS, Somalia's national HIV prevalence rate is 0.9 percent, significantly lower than its East African neighbours, but in Somaliland the infection level is slightly higher at 1.4 percent. Regional experts attribute this to a number of factors, including increased border traffic with neighbouring, higher-prevalence Ethiopia, as well as an emerging commercial port at Berbera, on the Red Sea, where UNAIDS estimated the prevalence rate at 2.3 percent. Activists have criticised the Somaliland government's failure to finalise a national HIV/AIDS policy covering HIV awareness, treatment and care, which has been in draft form for two and a half years. "The parliament has not seen HIV/AIDS as a priority, and the fact that we have no national policy is proof of this," Mustafe Farah Migane, project coordinator at the Somaliland HIV/AIDS Network (SAHAN), a Hargeisa-based non-governmental organisation (NGO), told IRIN/PlusNews. According to the executive director of the Somaliland National AIDS Commission, Mohamed Hussein Osman, a comprehensive HIV/AIDS policy was read by the executive cabinet recently and will be tabled in parliament "in a few weeks". Stigma against HIV-positive people and their families is widespread, and Somali cultural conservatism means discussion about sex is taboo. "There is still this perception that HIV is something that is contracted only through illegal sex," Migane said. "In other words, if you say that you are HIV-positive, you are saying that you had sex outside marriage." According to UNAIDS, there is "a serious lack of understanding and awareness of basic information on HIV within Somali populations". SAHAN has led a series of workshops for women, young people and influential religious leaders. UNAIDS, in partnership with the AIDS commissions of Somalia's three regions - Somaliland in the northwest, Puntland in the northeast and south-central Somalia - is also involved in educating people across the country about HIV.
  18. Originally posted by BiLaaL: وَلاَ تَهِنُوا وَلاَ تَحْزَنُوا وَأَنتُمُ الأَعْلَوْنَ إِن كُنتُم مُّؤْمِنِينَ Waa Xaq ............
  19. Madaxweynaha Somaliland Mudane Daahir Rayaale Kaahin Iyo Wefti uu hogaaminayo uu ka mid yahay Taliyaha Ciidanka Qaranka Nuux Ismaaciil Taani Iyo Hogaanka Tababarka Ciidanka ayaa galabta u mbo-baxay Dalka Itoobiya oo uu martiqaad ka helay. Wegtigan Madaxweynaha Somaliland oo aan la sheegin mudada ay wadankaasi ku sugnaanayaan,waxa dhabada diyaaradaha ee Magaalada hargeysa ku sii sagootiyay Madaxweyne ku Xigeenka JSL Mudane axmed Yuusuf Yaasiin iyo xubno ka tirsan sadexda gole Qaran. Madaxweyne Rayaale oo intii aanu u kicitimin Itoobiya Saxaafada wax yar kula hadlay Madaxtooyada ayaa waxa uu yidhi “Safar shaqo , ayaan u baxayaa oowaxaan tegayaa dalka Ethiopia oo aan martiqaad kala helay, wixii faahfaahin ah markaan soo noqdo , ayaan idinn sheegi doonaa”. Madaxeynaha Somaliland waxa uu markii u horeysay daboolka ka qaaday inay ku camal falayaan Go’aamadii Gudigii dhexdhexaadinta ee madaxa banaanaa ay habeen hore ka soo saareen khilaafkii golayaasha Qaranka ee salka ku hayay murankii labada xubnood ee Komishinka Doorashooyinka,iyo miisaaniyad sanadeedkii 2007 ee Aqalka wakiiladu wax ka bedelka ku sameeyeen. Madaxeynuhu isagoo go’aamadii gudiga ka hadlayay waxa uu yidhi “ arrimahaas sidii loo qaatay, ayaanu u fulinaynaa, dhinacyadii ay khusaysayna sidood ayey u qaadanayaan ayaan rajaynayaa”. Madaxeyne Rayaale kama uu hadlin ujeedada socdaalkiisa xiligan ee wadanka Itoobiya,mana jiro wax war ah oo ay ka soo saartay Xukuumadu,hase yeeshee waxa uu sheegay inuu warbaahinta u warami doono marka uu dalka ku soo guryo noqdo.
  20. Originally posted by Ms Dhucdhuc & Dheylo: touche! But an caalim wouldnt post half of the stuff you do at the women's section or would he..a perhaps a modern caalim would. I didn't claim anything ,, i just said you don't know about me Again ,, the Caalim should go with the casriga sow maaha ?? Or what about a caalim labada dhinacba u rida ?? Come on ..............
  21. There are two times i tried to cry but failed ..... then i tried to pretend and start laughing instead ,,
  22. loooooool walee ninkii Hunguri ahaa wuu baqday mar hadii uu is dhiibay I'm reading too ,,,,,,,,,,,,
  23. Mid baad lugta jiidi lahayd then way kugu soo dul dhici lahayd Boring day here today ...............
  24. Mid baad lugta jiidi lahayd then way kugu soo dul dhici lahayd Boring day here today ...............
  25. Subxanallah ! ! ! Apparently she is not the only one ... a lot of women and men are HIV positive and taking the ARV at Hargeisa Hospital. Few of them i knew died ,,, some like Rahma are still alive.