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Everything posted by Jacaylbaro

  1. loooooooool ,, i'm not really sure but i'm happy with the impressions said about me. As long as we're here for fun then one should be happy coz at least he/she is not painted with something bad or rude.
  2. Originally posted by Nayruus: ^^^^ You are not getting it? Do you? My name is Ali Nayruus. Walaahi, I was in London this summer. My Flight was no. 3754 Aitransit on July 13 arrived at Gatwick. Go verify from the U.K immigration what kind of passport I was traveling with and get us back with the results!! Russian ??
  3. very silly indeed ....... what else do u expect some sources like widhwidh ?
  4. just tell me you fall in love with that girl ... i'll try to help you.
  5. No they don't and they can't ...... you can find that kind of women only in Qardho as far as i know Wanted inaan gabadh ka guursado but was freakin' scared markaan arkay iyagoo geelii qalaya ,,, ma anigay ii daahayaan
  6. I'm glad you keeping one for the big day ...
  7. loooooool ,, i can expect that from qardho where women slaughter the camels
  8. US general blames Britain for Basra crisis The first sign of serious tension between Gordon Brown and President George W Bush over Iraq have emerged as a senior US general said the withdrawal of British troops was creating a security crisis in the south of the country. Gen Jack Keane, who is close to the White House and was the architect of the American troop "surge" in Baghdad this year, said the policy was helping to turn Basra into a city of "gangland warfare". "I think what has happened is that they [the insurgents] know British numbers are going down and see the character of operations is changing," he told The Daily Telegraph. "They sense it and have got the momentum going. That's what's happening. There is a power play but they know no one is going to interfere with them." The remarks represent the first public questioning of British strategy by a senior US military official since Mr Brown became Prime Minister at the end of June. Gen Keane said the situation had deteriorated to the point where military commanders had even considered using US forces to reinforce the dwindling British presence. Privately, some US and British commanders believe that by backing the phased withdrawal and hinting that Afghanistan is a higher priority, Mr Brown is buoying up the morale of insurgents. The Ministry of Defence said there were problems in Basra but claimed that the ability of Iraq's own security forces to confront them was improving. Liam Fox, the shadow defence secretary, accused Mr Brown of ignoring the Iraq issue while soldiers were dying. He said: ''Our forces deserve clear political leadership, which is singularly lacking at present while our troops are toiling in a very deadly and difficult situation.'' The number of British troops in Iraq has fallen from 7,200 at the start of this year to 5,500. This will drop to 5,000 by the beginning of next month. HERE
  9. US 'frustrated' with UK in Basra A senior United States military adviser has expressed "frustration" at British forces in southern Iraq. Gen Jack Keane, architect of the US "surge", said the British are more focused on training Iraqi troops than controlling "deteriorating" security. He added that there is a "general disengagement" by UK forces in Basra. Meanwhile, the US military's deputy commander in Iraq said Britain was on track to hand over responsibility to Iraqi forces in Basra later this year. 'Getting worse' Gen Raymond Odierno told the BBC that a final assessment on whether the handover should go ahead would be made next month, but added that the US would not send troops to Basra when the British forces withdrew. In a report earlier this summer, the International Crisis Group said that Basra was controlled by rival Shia militias, and that British forces there appeared to have given up trying to impose the rule of law. Retired Gen Jack Keane has just returned from Iraq, where he is acting as a Pentagon envoy. He told the BBC's Today programme: "I think there is a general disengagement from what the key issues are around Basra. "I would imagine that is where the source of frustration is. "The Brits have never had enough troops to truly protect the population and we have found that out painfully in the central region as well." Asked about the security situation in Basra, he said: "I think it has been gradually deteriorating, with almost gangland warfare and the lack of ability of the police to control that level of violence - so the situation is gradually getting worse. "The situation will continue to deteriorate." He added that US commanders wanted to avoid filling any vacuum left by the British. "That situation could arise if the situation gets worse in Basra if and when British troops leave," he said. "Now the situation has changed in the south, it is considerably worse, certainly with the kind of gangland warfare that is preying on the people in the south." He said US leaders were accepting that they needed to expand the number of their ground troops. Gen Keane added: "I think the same thing applies to the proud and distinguished British Army, it needs to grow in size to help assist in maintaining security as the situations in the 21st century begin to evolve and challenge the West." 'Not inconsistent' A spokesman for the Ministry of Defence said he would not suggest that there were no security problems in southern Iraq, but insisted that the situation in Basra was very different to that in Baghdad. He added: "There are challenges, but the Iraqis' ability to confront these themselves is growing and it is appropriate that they take on more responsibility for doing so. "Our plans are not inconsistent with those of the US - we remain united in our strategy of handing over provinces to Iraqi control as and when conditions allow." Last week General Sir Richard Dannatt, the head of the British Army, said forces were "certainly stretched". Gen Keane's comments follow a series of critical remarks about Britain's policy in Iraq. BBC
  10. Labadi Xubnood Ee Golaha Guurtidu Uso Magacabay Koomishanka Dorashoyinka Oo Golaha Wakiladu Ansixiyey Hargeysa (Somaliland.Org) Fadhigii saaka ee golaha wakiiladda Somaliland ayaa la horkeenay labadii xubnood ee koomishanka qaranka Somaliland usoo magacaaben golaha Guurtidu. Labadaas xubnood oo kala ahaa Ismaaciil Muuse Nuur iyo Xasan Maxamed Cumar waxa golaha wakiiladdu ku ansixiyey aqlabiyad. Fadhigan golaha wakiiladda oo uu manta shir guddoominayay Cabdicasiis Maxamed Samaale, gudduumiye ku xigeenka koowaad ee golaha wakiiladda ahna ku simaha guddoomiyaha golaha wakiiladda ayaa waxa fadhiga golaha kazoo xaadiray 63 mudane. Md Ismaacil Muuse Nuur ayaa waxa u codeeyey 63 mudane, mana jirin cid ka aamustay iyo cid diiday toona. Dhinaca kale mudane Xasan Maxamed Cumar ayaa isna waxa ogolaaday 62 mudane, cid diiday ma jirin, waxaana ka aamusay hal mudane. Codeynta liyo ansixinta labadan mudane ayaa ka danbeysay kadib wiigii hore markii golaha wakiiladda Somaliland cod aqlabiyad ah ku diiden ansixinta laba xubnood oo golaha guurtida Somaliland hore ugu soo magacaaben koomishanka doorashoyinka qqaranka. Labadan mudane ee maanta golahu wakiiladdu anasixiyey ayaa haatan si toos ah uga mid noqonaya kuna biirdi doona, haddii Eebe idmo, shanta xubnood ee kale ee komishanka doorashoyinka ee hore loo ansixiyey, haatana waxa qudha ay sugaan ay t ahay dhaarinta maxkamadda sare.
  11. hadhwanaag 2007-09-03 (Hadhwanaagnews) Hargeysa(HWN):- Fadhigii maanta ee Golaha Wakiillada Somaliland ayaa duu-duub ku an-sixiyey labadii xubnood ee Gudida doorashooyinka ee ay soo bedeleen Golaha Guurtidu, kadib markii ay Wakiiladu mar labaad is-hortaageen. Labadan Xubnood oo kala ah Ismaaciil Muuse Nuur iyo Xasan Maxamed Cumar ayaa waxay ka mid noqdeen shantii xubnood ee Komiishanka ee ay hore u an-sixiyeen Wakiilladu. Fadhigan oo uu shir-gudoominayey Gudoomiye Ku-xigeenka kowaad ee Golaha Wakiillada Md. Cabdicasiis Maxamed Samaale, waxa madasha fadhiyey 63 Mudane, Cod loo qaaday labadan xubnood ee Gudida doorashooyinka waxa ogolaaday 1.Ismaaciil Muuse Nuur 63 Mudane, cid diiday iyo iyo cid ka aamustay midna may jirin, sidana uu ku ansaxay. 2.Xasan Maxamed Cumar waxa ogolaaday 62 Mudane, hal mudane ayaa ka aamusay Gudoomiyuhuna muu codeyn sidaana uu ku ansaxay Labadan xubnood ee komiishanka doorashooyinka oo ahaa qaar ay soo bedeleen Golaha Guurtidu, kadib marki ay gudida dhex dhexaadintu ka dalbatay Golaha wakiilada inay mar labaad horyimaadaan labadii xubood ee ay hore u diideen, balse nasiib daro ay kal-soonidii ku waayeen. Todobada xubnood ee Gudida doorashooyinka ee ay wakiillada ee la wada ansixiyey ayey xalaaleyntoodi ka hadhay Dhaarta Maxkamada Sare oo la filayo inay sida ugu dhakhsaha badan u dhaariso.
  12. Golaha Wakiilada oo cod aqlabiyad ah ku ansixyey labadii xubnood Hargeysa (Qaran)-Golaha wakiilada JSL, ayaa maanta cod aqlabiyad ah ku ansixiyey labadii xubnood ee ka dhinaa komishinka doorashooyinka Fadhi gaar ah oo goluhu saaka yeeshay , uuna gudoomiyenaayey gudoomiye ku xigeenka kowaad, ahna ku simaha gudoomiyaha C/casiis Maxamed Samaale, ayaa waxa ka soo qayb galay 64 mudane, waxaa golaha la horkeenay labada xubnood, waxaa la akhriyey CV-yadooda, waraaqaha caafimaadka iyo denbi la’aanta, ka dibna intii aan la bilaabin codaynta, ayaa debbeda loo saaray labada xubnood. Labada xubnood oo kala ah, Ismaaciil Muuse Nuur iyo Xasan Maxamed Cumar (looshade), waxaa marka hore loo codeeyey Ismaaciil Muuse Nuur, waxaa ogolaaday 63 mudane, mana jirin cid diiday iyo cid ka aamustay toona, gudoomiyuhuna muu codayn . Xubinta labaad oo ah Xasan Maxamed Cumar, ayaa loo codeeyey , waxaa isna ogolaaday 63 mudane, hal mudane ayaa ka aamusay, cid diiday ma jirin, gudoomiyuhuna muu codayn.. Codayntaa ka dib, ayuu gudoomiyuhu ku dhawaaqay in labadaa xubnood sidaa kaga mid yihiin guddiga komishinka qaran, waxaa fadhigaa goob joog ka ahaa guddidii dhex-dhexaadinta iyo marti sharaf kale. Waxaa golaha ka muuqatay in ay isku raacsan yihiin ansixinta labada xubnood, markii laga soo baxay codaynta, ayaa mudaneyaal dhowr ah aanu weydiinay dareenkooda, waxaana ay sheegeen in ay ku faraxsan yihiin sidas codayntu u dhacday. Abwaan Maxamed Xaashi Dhamac (Gaariye), oo u hadlay guddiga dhex-dhexaadinta oo joogay codaynta, ayaa sheegay in goluhu gutay waajibkiisa, waxaana uu intaa ku daray in golaha wakiiladu gutay waajibaadkooda, waxa kale oo uu halkaa ka sheegay in la ballansan yihiin madaxweynaha si loo sii ambaqaado waxyaabaha hadhsan. Ismaaciil Muuse Nuur, sida loo akhriyey golaha waxaa uu ku dhashay Boorama 1950. Xasan Maxamed Cumar, waxaa uu isna ku dhashay Ceerigaabo, 1961. Qaran, Hargeysa. Cumar Maxamed Faarax!
  13. congrats to the brother ..... Waar meesha ka kaca idinkuna dhulku idinku dhegye
  14. I was not following this topic but i can see some nacaybnimo here ...... easy girls ,,,,, one action done by a group or an indivudual cannot represent the whole nation. We should blame the indivudual ,,, or a certain group but not all.
  15. why do you have to adopt while you can dhal ??
  16. why you want to train someone while you can find someone to train you ? hehe
  17. No wonder i like the grown woman .....
  18. looooooooool@momdadda Classic ,,,, heheehe
  19. loooooooooool@widhwidh ..... the source name is enough for me ,, hehe
  20. Hoy jooga ,, Raga kama maarantaan oo mar walba idinkaa u baahan .. I can't just sit here and watch a cat fight here dee ,,,,,,,, i'm here to help
  21. Innaa fajacnaa wa argagaxnaa waa naxnaa waa yaabyaabnaa walaahi Acuudubillaaaah ! ! ! ! ! That is enough to make my day ..... hahahaha rolling on bed 90 times ku ye
  22. Kama dege Balaayo cas Jerekaan Dabo geel
  23. Kan iyo Sh. Aways way isu eg yihiinba ,,, I hope inaanay maraykanku ku khaldamin oo aanay isaga dilin iyagoo u jeeda aweys
  24. Cry cry and cry ppl ,,,,,,, those Ministers used their national passports (somaliland) to go to UAE. and PPl to go other countries in Europe and Africa using the Somaliland passport. Does that hurt ?? ,,,,,,, Ahhhh ,, simply take anti-pain .. i know it is really painful.