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Everything posted by Jacaylbaro

  1. then hadaa ha soo hadal qaadin hadaanad faragelinayn
  2. loooooooooooooool Lemme google it too bal ,,, hehe
  3. From: Axadle Times Powered Site Asmara(Axadle Newspaper): Shirkii la filayey in bishan kowdeeda ay magaalada Casmara ku yeeshaan kooxo kala duwan oo Soomaali ah oo mucaarad ku ah DFKMG ah ee Soomaaliya ee horey u baaqdey ayaa la shaaciyey xiliga uu si rasmi ah u furmi doono. Qoraal saxaafada uu soo gaarsiiyey Cumar Iimaan Abuukar oo ah Gudoomiyaha gudiga qabanqaabada shirkaasi, isla markaana xubin ka ahaa maxkamadihii laga saarey Gobolada Koonfureed ayaa waxaa lagu sheegay in shirka uu qabsoomi doono maalinta Khamiista ah ee bisha September tahay 6. Cumar Iimaan wuxuu tibaaxay in shirka ay ka soo qayb gali doonaan ergooyin tiradoodu gaarayso 450 qof, oo ka kala socda qaybaha kala duwan ee bulshada oo ka imaan doona gudaha iyo dibada dalka. Shirkan oo ay ka dhexmuuqdaan golihii maxaakiimta, xildhibaanadii laga saarey baarlamanka KMG ah, iyo siyaasiyiin kale ayaa waxaa la aaminsan yahay in ujeedadiisu tahay sidii loo heli lahaa mowqif kooxaha shirkaasi yeelanaya ay ku mideynayaan fikirkooda ku aadan mucaaradnimada DFKMG ah iyo siyaasada Itoobiya ee ku aadan Soomaaliya. Goor sii horeysay ayaa DFKMG ah waxay ku tilmaamtey shirkaasi mid lagu doonayo in lagu majaxaabiyo qorshaha dib u heshiisiinta Soomaaliya, isla markaana Eritrea masuul ka noqon doono wixii dhibaato ah ee ka soo baxa qabashada shirkaasi.
  4. Clan-minded waaxid It is clear that tha majority of those people were siding with siad barre sxb ..... i'm sorry that you didn't know. Somaliland thing is different .........
  5. Wafti balaadhn oo ka socda dala Britain oo bari wadanka ku soo fool leh Wafti balaadhan oo ka socda baarlmaanka dalka Ingriiska ayaa maalinta barito ah ku soo fool leh caasimada jamhuuriyda Somaliland ee Hargaysa. Waftigan oo wadanka ku soo beegan bari barqada ayaa waxa u diyaar garoobaaya soo dhawayntiisa, golayaasha kala gadisan ee Somaliland iyo shicib weynaha Somaliland gaar ahaan dadweynaha ku sugan magaalada Hargaysa. Dhanka kalena aminga magaalooyinka iyo degmooyinka gobolada dalka ayaa aad iyo aad loo adkeeyay iyada oo ayaamahii ina soo dhaafayba ay ciidamada boolisku fulinayeen hawlgalo ay wax kaga qabnayaan amniga magaalooyinka, taasi oo amniga magaalada Hargaysa aad loo adkeeyay, sidoo kale waxa la xoojiyay dhamaanba ciidamda dharcada ah iyo kuwa booliska ee magaalada caasmaida ah ee Hargaysa, oo bilihii ina soo dhaafay ay dadweynuhu ka cabnayeen tuuk xad dhaaf ah oo dadka kala yaaca mobilada xiliyada habaynkii ah, 10'kii habayn ee ina soo dhaafay ayaan haba yaraatee tuugtaasi lagu sheegin magaalada kadib markii xabsiga loo taxaabay tuug dhawr ah oo lagu soo qab qabtay hawlgalo ay boolisku fuliyeen, sidoo kale ciidamada Booliska ayaa habaynkii magaalada koone kasta ka ilaaliya iyaga oo roxon roxon u socda taasi oo la odhan karo waxa ay soo afjaraysaa amaan xumo ay dadweynahu tabanyeen xiliayada habaynkii ah. Qarannews Haragaysa
  6. loool ,, it is only that the price went high and we have the money so we can still buy raashinka ,, it is not the end of the world u know ,,, for those qaxooti ,, yeah the NGOs are helping them until it is over very soon IA ,,, Nothing is wrong as long as i can sleep on the streets without fear .....
  7. i think wax baa is tusay then run buu mooday
  8. and which one of them are you ?
  9. They were with Siyaad barre markii horeba .... this time waa xaggayaga
  10. Yeah i was in paradise even yesterday ,,,,,,, isn't that nice ?
  11. Don't wish for the old man something that his master Siad Barre couldn't do with all his powers ,,,,,, He can't find green leaves in Musdisho let alone meel kele ..... even inside the green circle
  12. loooooool that is yesterday's news sxb ,, you are too far behind ma is tidhi Yeah there is an infliation and it can happen ,, the NGOs opened the feeding centers for the refugees living the resettlements some areas in and around Hargeisa. Few days and it will be over IA .... And what is happening in Mogadishu ??? ,, war, explosives, killings, assasinations, midnight attacks, killing civilians and raping women by xabashis ,,,, isn't that worse than a simple infiation ? Something is telling me you are an ex-Shiish wanaag member
  13. Zenobia, dumaashi inanta inamada ha is tusine ka daa ,, waa intaas oo ay sooba noqon waydaaye
  14. Originally posted by Ghanima: Jac: lool You are happy about the impressions said about you... okay then, at least you did not respond with. " loooooooooooooool" " like you normally do!lol looooooooooooooooool I just did ..... hehe
  15. looooooooooooooooooooooooooooool Dee yaanay ka hadhinba ,,, It is better if they get married sow maaha ? what a nice reward after all those years of being separate and far from each other. he doesn't have to be rich ,,, he just need to spend some money from his savings for such people ,,,,,
  16. No we don't need the e-passport (ethiopian passport) ... we have our own passport. Israel will accept it and soon will see Arabs is daba yaacaya and recognizing it In general, it is a political issue rather than practical if you know what i mean.
  17. You don't have to lie ,, you can't call embassies all over the world Yeah somalia is so femous of being ghost country (too bad) .... war, killings, bombings, suicide, famine, communicable diseases, etc. Somaliland is known for its governance, peace, democracy and development. Sorry to say but that is the fact ,,,,, I hope Somalia will be a paradise again.
  18. looooooool@family court But he can change the mood and make them forget everything by taking them out and confusing them with 200 names ,, 300 streets,,, 100 food names,,, 20 new friends and Millions of funny and interesting stories.
  19. That is so bakhaylnimo ....... how can you just pop your head like that and run away ?? If he is not doing what i said then he better lower his gaze and never visit the girl. waar take the girl out niyow ......
  20. looooool@Ghanima Tukaale, Don't give her anything sxb .... no money, no dahabs nothing. Simply take her for a holiday to the best place in your area, of course you pay everything ,, make sure you spend the entire day/days together so that you can chat, talk about those days, bring more stories and so on. If there is a beach then that would be the best just make sure it is a place that she never seen before. Or you can even take her to some other places by organizing a group tour or trip. Make sure she will have/go: The best massage The best drinks the best food the best cinema the best historical places the best femous places the best acompany the best of everything ........ Guranteed .... she'll never forget and will always appreciate.
  21. Let's be happy on one thing only: HE IS SOMALI over and out ! ! !