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Oxford House in partnership with a range of community organisations is pleased to present the Somali Week Festival as a part of Black History Month. This prestigious Festival will take place at Oxford House from 20th to 28th October 2007 and will feature; Poetry recitals and cultural presentation by famous and legendary Somali poets such as Maxamed Xaashi Dhamac, known as Gaarriye, Maxamed Ibrahim Warsame, known as Hadraawi, Hassan Sheikh Mumin, Aw Jama Omar Isse and Hassan Abdulahi Hassan, known as Hassan Ganey Music and cultural shows by; Ahmed Ismail Hussein "Hudaydi", Ahmed Ali harun "Dararamle", Aways Qamiis Abdulleh, Nimco Yasin Caraale, Abikariim Raas, Faduma Qasim, Mahamoud Omar ( Walaalaha Sweden) Abdifatah Yare, Kaltun Bacadu, Maryan Mursal, Nimco Dagen, Mustafe Tiger, Saynab Igeh, Anab Ismail, Ali seenyo, Abdirahman saeed Hanxanteeye, Aar and many more This festival will also showcase two new theatrical plays: an exciting premiere of the Family Matters Drama "Sidaan moodaayay waxbaa ka sokeeya" and a 'Romeo in the City' production, which merges Shakespeare and contemporary Britain in a story of loyalty, rivalry, hatred and desire, set within the Somali and Pakistani communities. Somali Week Festival brings a unique and fascinating range of events such as symposia regarding Somali Language, Poetry and Literature, conference on youth issues and many other eclectic topical discussions. Join us at the exceptional festival in order to celebrate and explore the uniqueness of Somali art and culture; and to take part in creative panel discussion's focusing on important issues facing Somali people in the UK, especially young people. For more information about the Festival's Programme, call Ayan Mahamoud, the Festival Coordinator on 020 7749 1140 or e-mail her on: ayan.mahamoud@oxfordhouse.org.uk To=ayan.mahamoud@oxfordhouse.org.uk> For bookings contact Magda Budzowska on mags.budzowska@oxfordhouse.org.uk To=mags.budzowska@oxfordhouse.org.uk> or 020 7739 9001 (ask for extension 1108)
She did worse than stabbing her husband ...... what in hell the world is turning into ?? ,,,,, Ok , lemme leave you read the story
Wajiga Dahsoon ee Siyaasada Somalia iyo Shisheeyaha Saamaynta Weyn ku leh ee ku Xeeran. Hordhac…..Waxa jirta Maahmaah ama Odhaah can ah oo ay isticmaalaan Bulshada Somaaliyeed ee Geela dhaqataa. Geelo waa xoolaha ay Somaalidu dhaqato ka u mudan, Geela Dhaqashadiisu, Raacidiisu, ilaalintiisu, waraabintiisu iyo ka shaqayntiisu aad iyo aad ayey u hawl badan tahay. Marka ninka Geel-jirka ah uu Geeliisu dhibo ee uu hadba meel u cararo, waxa uu ku calaacalaa oo ku habaartama *Col iyo Cadaawe ku Qaad* Xaaalada ay ku jirto Somalia manta ayaa runtii ah mid cakiran oo noqotay dal iyo dadkiisii kuwaas oo Col iyo Caadwe qaateen. Cududa shisheeyey ee gacanta ku dhigtay Somalia maaha mid iskeed ku timi ee waad mid Salaan ka soo dhigatay kooxda samayska ah ee Imbagahti, kuwaas ku yimi doonista shisheeyaha danta gaar ka ah kale Somalia. Waxa kuu cadaynaaya oo ka makhraati ka caaya arimahan aan ka hadlay ee kor ku xusan, Shantan masuul ee shisheeyaha ah ee hoos ku qoran, kuwaas oo ah kuwa Odorasa ee islama markaana Go’aamiya Siyaasada Somalia. Dr. Jendayi Frazer; Amb. Michael E. Ranneberger; Meles Zenawi; Isaias Afewerki; Amb. David Shinn. Waa tuma? Jendayi E. Frazer waa Kaaliyaha Xoghayaha Arrimaha Debadda Maraykanka ee Dhinaca Afrika. Waxa ay ka soo jeedaa Gobolka Virginia ee Maraykanka. Haweenaydaan oo aad caan ka ah qaaradda Afrika ayaa takhasus aad u fog u leh arrimaha Afrika. Waxa ay ahaan jirta Safiirka dalka South Africa u fadhiya Maraykanka. Waxa ay horay u soo qabatay jagooyinka kala ah La taliyaha gaarka ah ee Madaxwayne G. Bush ee dhinaca Afrika; Madaxa Xafiiska Afrika ee Wasaaradda Arrimaha Debadda ee Maraykanka; xubin ka tirsan Golaha Ammaanka Qaranka. Gabadhani waxa ay macallimad ka ahaan jirtay iskuulka dawladnimada ee Kennedy ee Jaamacadda Harvard, iyada oo xubin firfircoon ka ahayd Golaha Xadhiidhka Caalamiga ah ee Jaamacaddaas. Waxa ay wax badan ka qayb qaadatay dejinta qorshayaal milateri oo ay sameeyeen Hoggaamiyeyaasha ciidamada Maraykanku. Markii ay ahayd Agaasimaha Arrimaha Afrika ee Golaha Ammaanka Qarraanka waxa ay lahayd qorshaha siyaasadda faragelinta arrimaha waddamada Congّ, Siiraliyoon, Laybeeriya, Burundi iyo Suudaan. Dhammaantoodna iyada ayaa si gaar ah ugu xilsaarnayd fulintooda. Haddaba Gabadhani waxa ay si firfircoon faraha ula gashay cidda noqonaysa madaxda waddamada kor ku xusan isla markaana abuurtay awoodihii meel marin lahaa hawshaas iyada oo mar kasta isticmaalaysay awoodda waddamada dariska la ah kuwa kore sida Uganda, Nayjeeriya, South Africa iwm. Dr. Frazer waxa ay xagga waxbarashadeeda jaamacadeed oo idil ku soo qaadatay arrimaha Afrika iyada oo wax ku baratay Jaamacadda Stanford halkaas oo ay shahaadada B.A. ku qaadatay Culuunta Siyaasadda, gaar ahaan Afrika, waxay isla jaamacaddaas ka qaadatay shahaadada M.A. ee Siyaasadda Caalamka iyo Horumarinta Waxabarashada. Waxay takhasus Doctorate ah ku samaysay Xadhiidhka u dhexeeya Shacabka iyo Milateriga Kenya. Taas oo ay si hoose u dhexgashay hawlaha Kenya iyo Waddamada Dariska la ah. Waxa ay ka qayb qaadatay hawlaha Milateri ee Afrika. Waxa ayna macallimad ka ahaan jirtay Machadka Culuunta Horumarinta ee Jaamacadda Nayroobi (the Institute for Development Studies at the University of Nairobi, Kenya). Waxa ay sidaas oo kale Macallimad ka noqotay the Graduate School of International Studies ee Jaamacadda Denver. Dr. Frazer waxa kale oo ay u xilsaarnayd dhexdhexaadintii Ethiopia iyo Eriteria ee dagaalkii dhexmaray 1998-2000, iyada oo la safatay Ethiopia halkaasna Eriteria ay ku qaadacday hawsheeda sidaasna ay colaadii u dhexmartay taas oo ilaa hadda taagaan. Haweenaydan waxa ay hadda aad uga qayb qaadatay isbedelkii ka dhacay Soomaaliya ee Golihii Maxkamadaha ee lagaga saaray dalka iyo qandaraaskii soo gelitaanka ciidamada Ethiopia ee dalka Soomaaliya. Dr. Frazer oo takhasus fiican u leh sida loo adeegsado waddamada deriska la ah waddanka ay doonayso in ay hawl ka fuliso ayaa sidaas oo kale, Mashruuc ama qandaraas fiican uu dhex-maray Uganda oo hore ugala qayb qaadatay qorshaheedii Koongo. Mr. Museveni (Madaxwaynaha Ugaandha) oo xariif ku ah sida loo rog-rogo siyaasadda reer galbeedka isla markaana ah jabhad waynaaday ayaa hadda u muuqda mid hunguri ka galay sidii uu uga qayb qaadan lahaa qaybsiga qandaraaska Soomaaliya. Waxaa arrimahaas si fiican isugu sii xidhaaya oo qayb wayna ka ah qandaraaskan Safiirka Maraykanka u fadhiya Kenya Amb. Michael E. Ranneberger. Waxa uu isna ka soo jeedaa gobolka Virginia ee Maraykanka. Virginia waa gobol koonfurta Maraykanka ku yaal oo ah halkii ugu horaysay ee dadkii Ingiriiska ahaa ay ka dageen Maraykanka. Waana halka Madaxwaynayaasha ugu badan ee Maraykanka ka yimaadeen. Amb. Ranneberger ka hor Kenya waxa uu ahaa u qaabilsanaha Sudan ee xafiiska Afrika isaga oo isla markaana ahaa ku xigeenka xafiiskaas. Waxa uu wax badan soo ahaa la taliyaha gaarka ah ee Maraykanka dhinaca Sudan. Ka hor waxa uu soo noqday Safiirka Mali. Ninkan odayga ah waxa uu si fiican ugu takhasusay hawlaha Koonfur America iyo kala furfuridda jabhadaha iyo samaynta kooxaha isaga oo ahaa 1995-1999 isu-duwaha arrimaha Cْba kuna guulaystay in uu Cuba ka abuuro kooxo u janjeedha siyaasadda Maraykanka. Ka hor Cuba waxa uu soo sameeyay koox la baxday Task Force oo ka hawl gasha Haiti. Amb. Ranneberger waxa uu hadda aad uga shaqeeyaa arrimaha Soomaaliya, kumana cusba oo waxa uu soo noqday August 1994 Deputy Chief of Mission ee Muqdushu. Ka hor waxa uu aad ugu soo dhex-jiray kana soo shaqeeyey Mozambiik 1986-89 iyo Angola 1981-84 isaga oo labadan waddanba ka qayb qaatay la dagaalankii kooxihii Shuuciga iyo abuuritaankii jabhado iyo kooxo u shaqeeya danaha Maraykanka. Waxa uu sidaas oo kale ka soo abuuray kooxo iyo shaqsiyaad ka shaqeeya danaha Maraykanka waddamada El Salvador iyo Guatemala. Amb. Ranneberger waxa uu wax ku bartay Jaamacadda Towson State isaga oo ka qaatay shahaadada B.A. Waxa uu ka qaatay shahaadada M.A. dhinaca taariikhda Jaamacadda Virginia. Waxa uu hadda si aad ah ugu mashquulsan yahay in uu ka abuuro Soomaaliya kooxo iyo shaqsiyaad u adeega danaha Maraykanka, isaga oo kaashanaya Dr. Jendayi Frazer iyo Meles Zenawi. Meles Zenawi Ra’iisal wasaaraha Itoobiya waxa uu ku dhashay Adwa oo ah gobolka Tigray ee Waqooyiga Itoobiya. Waxaa iska dhalay Aabe Tigray ah iyo Hooyo Ereteeriyaan ah. Zenawi oo madax ka ah Itoobiya muddo 16 sano ah waa nin aan aad u weynayn oo da’diisu tahay 51 jir. Waxa uu noloshiisa in badan ku soo qaatay jabhadnimo isagoo muddo badan ku noolaa Soomaaliya wakhtigiisii Jabhadnimada kuna socdaali jiray Passport Soomaali ah. Waxa uu madax ka noqday Jabhadihii midoobay ee EPRDF (Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front) ee la dagaalamayay maamulkii Mengistu Xayle Maryam ee Derg. Zenawi waxa uu ku guulaystay in uu ku xukumo Itoobiya siyaasadda ah qaybi oo xukun. Waxa uu ku soo rogay in Qoomiyad kasta maamul-goboleed samaysato taas oo abuurtay in la isku qab-qabsado xuduudaha iyo maamullada. Arrintani waxay abuurtay dagaalo joogto ah iyada oo Qoomiyadii u hogaansami wayda awaamiirta Zenawi lagu hubaynayo kuwa kale ee ay is hayaan. Zenawi waxa uu ku guulaystay in uu si casri ah u dhiso gobolka uu ka soo jeedo ee Tigray taasoo leh dhammaan adeegyada hoose, dhexe iyo sare ee bulsho u baahan karto. Waxa uu u diyaargaroobay, sida lagu xanto, in uu ka goosto gobolkiisu haddii Itoobiya kala tagto. Meles Zenawi waxa uu si aad ah ugu guulaystay in maanta Taangiyada Itoobiya dhex joogaan goobihii looga talin jiray milaterigii Soomaaliyeed, isla markaana ay xasuuq ugu gaystaan shacab aan hubaysnayn. Zenawi waa nin taariikhda Soomaaliya iyo Itoobiya si fiican u yaqaan, isaga oo og in Taangiyada Soomaaliya ay mar aan sidaas u dheerayn dhex joogeen Dire-Dawa. Zenawi waxa uu doonayaa in uu tirtiro guuldarooyinkii ku dhacay Itoobiya, abuurana taariikh cusub oo jiilasha soo socda ugu faanaan kuwa Soomaalida ah in Xamar, Caasimadda Soomaaliya, taankiyadoodu waxay doonaan ka sameeyeen..Waxa uu fursaddan uga faa’iidaysanayaa Siyaasadda Maraykanka ee ku wajahan Shidaalka caalamka ee lagu qabsanayo magaca Argagaxisada. Haddaba Zenawi oo xadhiidh fiican la samaystay Dr. Frazer waxay doonayaan in ay Soomaaliya u abuuraan kaadiriin ama Shaqsiyaad u shaqeeya danaha ay leeyihiin isla markaana xeebaha Soomaaliya looga taliyo Addis Ababa. Waxa dhinaca kale dhibaatada Soomaaliya qayb ka ah Isaias Afewerki, Madaxwaynaha Eritereeya. Wuxuu ku dhashay Asmara 1946 waana nin haysta diinta Judiac-Christian. Waxa uu arday ka ahaan jiray Jaamacadda Hayle Selaase I isaga oo ka tagay 1966 kuna biiray jabhaddii xornimadoonka Eritereeya ee la dagaalamayay Itoobiya. Waxa uu aad ugu guulaystay wakhtigii jabhadnimada in uu ka wada takhaluso raggii ka wada caansanaa ee hoggaamin jiray jabhadda kuwaas oo Muslimiin u badnaa, isaga oo kaashanaya walaalkiis Meles Zenawi oo hoggaaminayey Jabhaddii Tigrayan Peoples Liberation Front (TPLF). Waxay labadan nin si fiican uga wada shaqeeyeen qabsashadii Itoobiya iyo Xornimo-siintii Eritereeya. Nasiib-daro waxa ay isku khilaafeen arimo dhaqaale ku salaysan, ka dibna waxa dhexmaray dagaal qadhaadh. Waxay hadda labaduba ku mashquulsan yihiin hub isugu dhiibka Soomaalida iyo burburinta dalka Soomaaliya ee dagaaladu aafeeyeen. Waxaa la hubaa in ay maalin ay noqotaba ay heshiin doonaan labadan nin ee wada haysta diinta Kiristaanka, cadaadis ba’ana ku haya muslimiinta ku nool waddamadooda. Mr. Afewerki waxa uu gacan bir ah ku hayaa dadka Eritereeya oo wax badan u soo halgamayay in ay xoriyad helaan balse candhuuftooda dib u liqay. Waxaa xagga siyaasadda Maraykanka kala taliya labadan nin rag uu ka mid yahay Amb. David Shinn. Waxa laga yaabaa Soomaali badan markay arkaan rag uu ka mid yahay David shinn oo dhaleecaynaya siyaasadaha qaar ee Maraykanka in ay aad ula ordaan. Amb. David Shinn waxa uu safiir ka ahaan jiray Itoobiya (1996-1999) gaar ahaan wakhtigii ay bilaabatay siyaasadda Itoobiya ay dagaallada ugu soo qaadaysay gudaha Soomaaliya 1996. Waxaa hubaal ah in uu qorshe iyo qaadhaanba ku lahaa siyaasaddaas ilaa maanta taagan. Amb. David Shinn waxa uu ku dhashay halka la yidhaahdo Yakima ee Washington 1940, isaga oo waxbarashada Jaamacadeed ka qaatay Jaamacadda George Washington, halkaas oo uu hadda macallin ka yahay. Waxa uu ku sameeyay takhasuskiisii M.A. 1964 Pan-Somali Movement. Waxaa qariib ah waqtigaas inuu u doorto thesis-kiisa arrintan. Wakhtigaas sida la wada og yahay waxa dhacay dagaalkii ugu horeeyay ee Soomaaliya iyo Itoobiya taariikhda casriga ah. David Shinn waxa uu sidaas oo kale safiir ka noqday Burkina Faso. Waxa uu shaqooyinkiisii dublimaasiyadeed ee ugu horeeyay ka bilaabay Nairobi-Kenya iyo Daresalaam-Tanzania, isaga oo Konsul-ku xigeen ka ahaa Bairut-Lubnaan. David Shinn waxa uu gacan weyn ka gaystay hawshii Operation Restore Hope ee Maraykanku hoggaaminayay. Waxa uu Isu-duwe ka ahaa 1992-93 Somali Task Force. Amb. David Shinn waxa uu xubin firfircoon ka yahay ururo taageeridda Itoobiya ah sida Society of Friends of the Institute of Ethiopian Studies; U.S. Cares for Ethiopia. Hase yeeshee ka mid ma ahan ururo Soomaaliyeed, isaga oo takhasuska shahaadadiisii jaamacadeed ku qaatay Soomaaliya kana soo shaqeeyay. Waxaan maqaalkan u doortay in aan Iftiimiyo in Soomaalidu aanay ahayn dad wax ku qiimeeya taariikhda, isla markaana aan waliba la hayn hubsiino ku jahaysan Qofka Shisheeyaha ah ee Siyaasiyan ku wax yeeli kara, siiba siyaasiyiinta reer galbeedka. waxa kale oo jirta in Distoorka Somaliland uu dejiyey nin Sudan ah oo dhaqanka iyo dhaqaalaha Somaliland aan waxba ka aqoon, kaas oo ay saaxiib ahaayeen Marxuunkii Cigaal Alle ha naxariistee. waxa kale oo iyana jirta oo aan dadka reer Somalia u sheegayaa in Distoorkii 1961 ee Somalia Qaadatay ay dejiyiin laba Lawyer ama garyaqaan oo Talyaani ah, kuwaas oo Dalka Talyaaniga dhexdiisa looga yaqaanay labo Sakhraan oo aan Qiimo ku lahayn dalkooda Hooyo. Waxa aan ku soo gabgbaynayaa Qoorkayga:Qofka Somaaliyeed ee u haysta ama qaba in Abdillahi Yussuf iyo M.Ali Geedi ay yihiin masuuliyiin ay talo gacanta ugu jirto waa Qof aan habeena jirin oo aan fahamsanaynin *Booraanta afka laga Qafilay ee Qabarna Hooseeyoّ* waxa iyana la mid ah oo aan waxba ka ogayn Siyaasada dahsoon ee danta gaar ka ah laga leeyahay, kuwa aaminsan hadhaaga Maxkamadaha iyo labada Shariif ee Asmara ku go’doonsan. By: Osman Abdillahi Sool.....Freelance Journalist
Fighting rocks In Sool as the Stooge alliance runs for dear life
Jacaylbaro replied to juma-nne's topic in Politics
I don't wanna applaud for a war ,,, muslims are dying out there and it is Ramadan. war is not good for anyone ..... -
The past few months has seen intensified clamor for youth leadership.Depate has been raging in the media and elsewhere about the need for the youth to take over the leadership of the country and participate in shaping its destiny. That there is no need for a generational change in leadership is not in question.There are many who argue that if Africa is to grow then it needs fresh ideas which can mainly come from the youth. However before the youth can stake claim on leadership, they have to tackle a number of challenges. First, the campaign to empower youth politically must shift to rural areas. Despite the fact that a majority of youth live in villages, the campaign to empower and motivate them to play a bigger role in political process has been concentrated in towns. There is urgent need to educate and enlighten rural youth so that they can be weaned off their previous existence in which they were mere pawns in the game of aspiring politicians. NARROW POLITICAL INTERESTS: Second. there is need to define the youth. Campaigners for youth empowerment need to avoid restrictive definitions that may isolate them from the rest of society. Third, the campaign to empower youth politically needs to be shielded from narrow political interests. it is obvious that politicians would love to hijack the movement. Already number of them are angling to reap from the windfall that may accrue when the youth resolve to work together as group in the next coming elections. The truth is that the idea behind empowering the youth is to enable them make sound, critical and reasoned decisions politically. they want to determine the destiny of this country. Their aim is not simply to have a few cabinet posts dolled out to a few of their so-called representatives, neither is it simple window dressing will not do. The aim of the movement is to transform Somaliland's political landscape. it is to open up politics at all levels to allow for the participation of all people regardless of age,sex,creed,or socio-economic standing. The youth simply want a level playing field where anyone can compete and fairly win or lose. It is therefore, crucial that the movement has to come up with a clear programs and activities to realize the desired objectives. it is also crucial that the movement avoids all manner of political ruses. It should not fall for attempts by politicians to rebrand the sons of some politicians as the automatic youth leaders. The youth should be willing to support a person not merely because of age or political connection, but because that person has a vision for the nation. Fourth, the campaign to empower youth politically must proceed simultaneously with the campaign for the creation of justice and fair constitutional order. A generational change in leadership will definitely not offer a panacea to Somaliland's many problems such as corruption, tribolism or negative ethnicity misrule or pork barrel politics and isolation from the world (recognition). The evils afflicting the country will definitely persist until new political parties are organized. Fifth, before the youth can expect the rest of the nation to bestow the weighty mantle of leadership on them, they will have to pass the patriotism test. The older generations, who have enjoyed the fruits of independence, will not be willing to leave power so easily, some of them do not even trust young generation with leadership. In a nutshell, the youth must play a bigger role in the country's politics. The disconnect between the youth and the political process must addressed urgently, as it likely to lead to a weakening of the democratic process. Careful planning and scheming: Nevertheless, the youth need to be cognizant of the fact that their rise to national leadership will not be easy. it requires hardwork,careful planning and scheming. The older generation will not willingly cede power just because the youth want. But the wind of change is blowing and in favor of the youth. The challenge is for them to organize themselves and be ready to seize the opportunity with a view of making a real difference in the history of this nation. By:Abdirizak Ahmed Karaani Nairobi-Kenya
News .........
Somaliland doesn't need to negotiate its sovereignty To Jimma Times - Jimma, Oromia Dear Editor You recent article entitled "Somalia=Ethiopia: Somaliland clashes complicate peace prospect" is riddled with inaccuracies and assumptions which merely highlight your lack of knowledge of Somaliland. Somaliland has been at peace since 1991. Somaliland is a viable democracy with a free press, judiciary and is making substantial steps towards international recognition. Somaliland neither requires nor needs negotiations with Somalia. Somaliland and Somalia were two independents nations who formed a union in 1960 with the intention of joining all the Somali territories under one umbrella. This goal had failed with the annexation of the NFD into Kenya and the independence of Djibouti. For, almost thirty one years Somaliland had been short-changed in its partnership with Somalia. This sad state of affairs led to the reclamation of sovereignty on 18th of May 1991, which was subsequently endorsed by over 90% of the Somaliland population. Granted there are issues in parts of Sool and Eastern Sanaag, but Somaliland has moved beyond clan politics. The recent clashes in Laas Canood are between two militias of the same sub-clan, with one side refusing to bow to Puntland authority. In order to spare more death and destruction in the region, Somaliland has always taken the high road, but let me reassure it is not because of "a lack of stomach for the fight". It is a mark of political maturity that Somaliland has not interfered in the mayhem in Somalia. In fact, Somaliland has done everything in its power to promote peace and understanding in our neighbouring country. Somaliland will not become a conduit for those who are willing to prolong the conflict in Somalia. Quite the opposite, Somaliland has recently played host to a large influx of people fleeing the fighting in Mogadishu. We are all entitled to our opinions, but it is wrong to compare apples to oranges. Somaliland is a sovereign nation with all the attributes of a fully fledged state, Puntland is autonomous region within Somalia with all the hallmarks of a regional entity. Somaliland wants to live in peace with all its neighbouring countries, but there can never be of going back to old the status-quo, and furthermore more, Somaliland doesn't need to negotiate its sovereignty. Qarannews Media Natwork www.qarannews.com
Somali Woman Accused Of Stabbing Driver In Moving Truck
Jacaylbaro replied to Jacaylbaro's topic in General
Sheekha, oo isaga siduu u egyahay ma'is weydiisay? Shimbirba Shimbirkiis buu la duulaa...Besides she is not that bad looking, just give me five minutes (ok may be 5hrs) with her and you'll be WOOOW...lolz True shimbirba shimbirkiisuu la duulaa ,,,, markaan iyada arkayna i can imagine isagana coz ,, Hmmmm ,,, Ok ,, Ramadan karim any how ,,,, may be inay habeenkii qurux badan tahay ,, who knows -
do what you want and don't listen to anybody sxb ..... that is how it is.
Two hours to go for the sambusa .... gotta rush now
you can bring another cat to clean the carbet ,,,,
Let us talk about beauty from a different angle! We have our own criteria for judging the beauty of a woman. We look the beauty of a lady from a certain angle and then pass the remarks whether she is beautiful or not. It’s not fair. Let me tell every woman that she is unique and beautiful. The business of beauty is thriving everywhere. Women are spending much of their time and money on buying beauty products. Even in the third world countries, women living below the poverty line, buy cheap and substandard beauty products, which give more harm to their skin than good. It’s the fundamental right of every woman to look beautiful. Every woman wants to listen the sweet words “you are beautiful”. But the beauty of a woman is far from her looks or figure. Physical beauty is only one aspect while a beautiful charming personality is a complete blend of many fine characteristics such as good manners, etiquette, behavior, smile, intelligence, sense of humor, social and family values etc., all make a woman look beautiful and attractive. Didn’t you know that there is a marked difference between a carefully hand woven expensive Persian carpet and a cheap machine made carpet. Both of these cannot be equated. A beautiful woman is like an elegant hand-knotted Persian carpet. Each and every silky, colorful thread of her character, nicely woven into her personality, gives a woman an everlasting beauty and attraction. Looks are very important indeed but the characteristics of a person are much more important. Besides taking care of your physical beauty, why not think of improving your inner beauty. The beauty which everyone admires is becoming a rare commodity these days. While on your way to a beauty parlor keep on thinking ways of improving your inner beauty. Take care of yourself and take care of your inner beauty. No doubt you are a beautiful person.
you tell me
waa la soo caydhiyay ,,, Waa la soo garaacay ,,,, Waa la soo karbaashay ,,, Banaankaa la soo dhigay ,,,, Dabadaa laga soo laaday ,,, cawdaa loo soo jaray ,,,,
Somali Woman Accused Of Stabbing Driver In Moving Truck
Jacaylbaro replied to Jacaylbaro's topic in General
A clear message to men : Be careful of who you fall in love with (if there is a love)... A clear message to women : Be careful of where you want to stab, inside a moving car is dangerious to your life too. -
Well, the Afur is exactly 6:00pm here ..... 3hrs and half and i'll be eating my Sambusa IA No voleyball today ,,,, i'll sleep at least 2 hours before the afur ..... i need 2 sleep.
Including your own sources of information ???
Ilaahay ha ku soo hanuuniyo ,,,, anagana ha na soo hanuuniyo. Aamiin ,,,,,,
This guy once said: Inantiinii waataa ,,, saacaddaa laga bilaabo CALAYHAA DALAAQAN ...
not so far ,,, but ppl were scared to death
Trina meets with Hassan Ali, a member Somaliland Leaders
NAIROBI, Sept 24 (Reuters) - The modest successes of a below-strength African peacekeeping force in Mogadishu should be an embarrassment to countries that failed to send promised reinforcements, the soldiers' spokesman said on Monday. Earlier this year, the African Union agreed to deploy 8,000 troops to replace Ethiopians whose presence has inflamed an insurgency since they helped Somalia's interim government chase rival Islamists out of the capital over the New Year. But so far only about 1,600 Ugandan troops have arrived. Since they began duties in March, no one else has come to help. "Our presence in the mission area should be a stark reminder to the international community that they have a role to play in Somalia and cannot abandon that responsibility," Captain Paddy Ankunda, the mission spokesman, told Reuters by telephone. "These people should be embarrassed that they have not helped us ... we will keep reminding all those who claim to be promoters of world peace that in Somalia they have not done so." Various African nations had vowed to join the AU force. But lack of funds, unrelenting violence in Mogadishu and meagre encouragement from rich countries quickly changed their minds. Shorn of support, the Ugandans have been restricted to securing the capital's vital air and sea ports, as well as the rubble-strewn city's strategic K4 junction. They also guard President Abdullahi Yusuf, other government officials and visiting delegates. Five Ugandans have been killed so far by Iraq-style roadside bombs and mortar blasts. In August, Uganda's military command said it was sending another 250 of its soldiers to bolster the mission. DISTRACTED BY DARFUR A lot of the peacekeepers' work has been humanitarian. They have provided clean water to tens of thousands of residents uprooted by the violence, and have given free medical care to more than 25,000 people since they arrived. "Among those we treated were 8,000 children," Ankunda said. "It is distressing, but why else are we here? We have to help." Many of the Somalians they treated had been wounded by bullets and shrapnel from rockets and artillery strikes during an upsurge in fighting earlier this year that pitted Islamist-led insurgents and clan militia against government troops and their Ethiopian military allies. The peacekeepers have also been defusing huge quantities of deadly, unexploded munitions -- much of it the legacy of years of conflict and chaos after warlords routed dictator Mohamed Siad Barre in 1991. So far they have made safe more than six tonnes of mines. These actions have won them the support of many Mogadishu residents who are traditionally wary of outsiders, Ankunda said. But the failure of nations to send soldiers to bring the force up to strength undermined the mission's mandate, he said. Ugandans were surprised in August when African countries rushed to pledge troops for an expanded peacekeeping mission in Sudan's Darfur region, while their troops waited in vain. "This place is equally as strategic as Darfur," Ankunda said. "It has a coastline of more than 3,000 km (1,800 miles). It's an opening to the eastern world, to the Asian continent." Last week, interim government leaders visiting Saudi Arabia appealed for a new Arab-African peacekeeping force under the aegis of the United Nations. Meanwhile, the peacekeepers in Mogadishu are still waiting. A team of military officials from Burundi visited the city a month ago to prepare for the posting of 1,700 troops. They had said they would deploy alongside the Ugandans in July. "Now the United Nations is saying the Burundians will be here in October," Ankunda said. "But I'm not very sure."
loooooooooooooooooooool No, of course my real name is not waran cadde ,, i know it scares hell out of you