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Everything posted by Jacaylbaro

  1. I'm really glad i'm out of this ..... waagaan tashaday baan nasiib lahaa
  2. I'm wondering how she reached that part and how long did it take her to cut it off ,, and finally: WHAT DA HELL WAS HE DOING ALL THAT TIME ??
  3. Sept 24 2007 (Somaliland Net) - Three Ethiopian army defectors were arrested by Somaliland police near the border town of Tog-wajaale on Thursday [20 September]. It was later said that three defectors plus their guns were handed over to Ethiopian army officers on the Ethiopian side of the border town on Saturday [22 September]. This was confirmed to Haatuf by eyewitnesses. However, Somaliland's police commissioner, Muhammad Sanqadhi Dubad, whom we contacted by phone, declined to comment on the matter and said "ask the person who told you the story," and disconnected the telephone. On the other hand, the chairman of Tog-wajaale, Qawrax, who witnessed the matter, similarly declined to give any details but said "the government is better placed to comment on this issue than me". BBC MONITORING
  4. I like the whispering-kinda voice ... very segsi and deep feeling indeed Ramadan Karim ,,
  5. Now i can see the confusion ,,, there is no where to run i guess ,,,, kuwii wax laga sugaayayna waa kuwaas .... kuwii kelena dhulkii bay xaraasheen ,,,,,, No wonder i'm not in ........... i'm glad i'm out
  6. Aamiin ,,,, she is only one but thousands are silently dying out there .........
  7. They are waiting for you to come and shoot them on the head ....
  8. Truly speaking, people were so scared these days and the children (like me ) were kept from going outside the houses. I'm glad they return it back before they kill someone ......
  9. WASHINGTON - President Bush, breaking his rule not to talk about presidential politics, says he believes Hillary Rodham Clinton will defeat Barack Obama in the Democratic presidential primaries. Bush also predicts that Clinton will be defeated in the general election by the Republican nominee. ADVERTISEMENT "I believe our candidate can beat her but it's going to be a tough race," the president said. It has been difficult for Bush to remain silent about the 2008 president race, despite his promises not to be the "prognosticator in chief." He has been talking about the race and handicapping candidates during off-the-record chats with visitors to the White House. He finally went public with his Clinton prediction in an interview for a book by Bill Sammon, a reporter for The Washington Examiner. "She's got a great national presence and this is becoming a national primary," Bush told Sammon. "And therefore the person with the national presence, who has got the ability to raise enough money to sustain an effort in a multiplicity of sites, has got a good chance to be nominated." The White House did not challenge Sammon's account. "Frankly, it's difficult to not talk about the '08 election a lot," White House press secretary Dana Perino said. "There's a lot of interest in it and it does have consequence." She denied the notion that Bush was talking up Clinton's prospects to energize the Republican base against her candidacy. "The bottom line is, it really doesn't matter what the president thinks about who will win the Democratic primary," Perino said. "There's going to be a showdown at the OK Corral and they'll figure out whose going to be the nominee and from there the president will campaign vigorously for the Republican candidate. Colleen Flanagan, a spokeswoman for Clinton's rival Sen. Chris Dodd of Connecticut, said in a statement: "I can understand why the president would want Senator Clinton to be the nominee." On the Republican side, Bush has expressed surprise that former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani remains the front-runner despite his liberal positions on social and cultural issues normally critical to the party base, according to The Washington Post. It ran a story about Bush's recent off-the-record chat with television news anchors and Sunday show hosts. Bush said Giuliani's popularity was a sign of how important the terrorism issue is to Republican voters, the newspaper said. It said Bush cautioned against ruling out Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., saying he had managed to revive his campaign after an implosion earlier this year. HERE
  10. Dacas la qufulo ,,,, taasina ma inoo dambaysay looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool
  11. looooooool ,,, see ? .... now i feel i'm closer to London than you Thanks to the Internet ,,, hehe
  12. I remember that one too ....... thanks to my Mum and grandma
  13. Another sign of failure ...... soomaalidu intay qabyaalada ku jirto sidaasay ahaanaysaa.
  14. Laascaanood (SDWO 24/09/07)- Malleeshiyoon ka tirsan Maamul-goboleedka Puntland iyo kuwa dawladda Mbeghati oo ka soo ruqaansaday gobollada dhexe ee Soomaaliya, ayaa ku qulqulaya magaalada Laascaanood ee xarunta Gobolka Sool, kuwaas oo isugu habar wacday guluf culus oo ay doonayaan inay ku qaadaan fadhiisimadda jiidda hore ee ciidammada qaranka Somaliland. Ciidamada Qaranka ee jiidda hore Laascaanood, ayaa heegan buuxa galay, kadib markii maalimihii ina dhaafay ay soo gaadheen magaalo madaxda gobolka Sool ee Laascaanood maleeshiyooyin farabadan oo ka kala yimid Garoowe iyo gobollada dhexe ee Soomaaliya, iyadoo shalay galabna ay gaadheen ciidamo cusub oo ka tirsan maamulka Mbeghati. Sida oo kale, Taliyaha ciidanka Qaranka Somaliland Gen. Nuux Ismaaciil Taani, ayaa la filayaa in uu gaadho saacadaha soo socda fadhiisimada jiidda hore ee ciidamada qaranku ku leeyihiin duleedka Laascanood. Wararka ka imanaya degaanka Laascanood ayaa laga cabsi qabaa inay saacad kasta ka qarxi karaan degaankaas dagaallo cul-culus, iyadoo labada ciidan ee Somaliland iyo kuwa Puntland diyaargarow xooggan ku jiraan, iyadoo dhinaca Somaliland ay jiidda hore fadhiisimada ciidamada gaadheen cutubyo ka tirsan ciidanka qaranka oo ka tagay Hargeysa. Sanqadha madaafiicda ayaa maalmihii tagay marmar laga maqlayay jiidda hore inkastoon dagaal toos ahi ka dhicin labada ciidan. Haseyeeshee, Xukumadda Somaliland ilaa iyo hadda ma cadda mawqifkeeda ku aaddan xaaladda ka aloosan jiiddaas waxa ay ka yeelayso. Dhinaca kale, waxa magaalada Laascaanood degan malleeshiyo beeleed ka soo horjeeda Puntland oo toddobaadkii hore shaqaaqooyin ku dhexmareen magaalada Laascaanood, qaar ka mid ah garaadada gobolka Sool oo isku dayay maleeshiyadaa magaalada dhexdeeda inay ka saaraan kumay guulaysan. Wararka kale ee jiiddaas ka imanayaa waxay sheegayaan in maamulka Cabdilaahi Yuusuf ee Mbeghati taakulo saanad iyo ciidanba ku soo xoojiyay malkeeshiyaadka Puntland ee Laascaanood, iyagoo doonaya inay daboolaan ducfiga ku dhacay maleeshiyadii Punland ee Laascaanood oo awoodi kari waayay inay riixaan malleeshiyada ka soo horjeeda ee Xaabsade taabacsan, sidaas daraadeed haatan ay doonayaan sidii ay dagaalka ugu rogi lahaayeen Somaliland iyo Puntland. Dhinaca kale, ciidammada Maamul-goboleedka Puntland oo ay weheliyaan kuwa dowladda Mbeghati, ayaa markii u horreysay shalay gaadhay magaalada Laascaanood ee Gobolka Sool. Labadii maalmood ee u dambeeyey waxa ku qulqulayey magaalada Laascaanood ciidamo aad u fara badan oo la sheegay inay ka yimaaddeen koonfurta Soomaaliya iyo waliba kuwa Puntland, kuwaas oo ay la sheegay inay ku jihaysan jiidda Abeesalay oo ay isku horfadhiyaan ciidammada Somaliland iyo kuwa isbahaysiga Mbeghati iyo Puntland. Sabtidii dorraad ayaa sida ay baahisay shabakadda Widhwidh.com jidka halbowlaha ah ee Laascaanood ciidamo ku hubaysan tikniko aad u fara badan, gawaadhidaas oo ay ka mid ahaayeen nooca loo yaqaano Uralada oo ay saaran yihiin hub aad u culus, kuwaas oo dadka degaanku xaqiijiyeen inay ka tirsan yihiin kuwa dawladda Mbeghati, balse ay hoggaaminayeen saraakiil reer Puntland. Waxa kale oo habeenimadii Axaddii lagu arkayey gudaha magaalada ciidamo tiro badan iyo tiknino xooggan, kuwaas oo la sheegay inay ka soo kolanyaysteen gobollada dhexe ee Soomaaliya, waxaanay wararku tibaaxeen inay degaanka Laascaanood u yimaaddeen si ay uga qaybqaataan xiisadda colaadeed ee u dhexaysay Somaliland iyo Maamul-goboleedka Puntland. Xaaladda magaalada Laascaanood ayaa toddobaadadii ugu dambeeyey aad u kacsanayd, iyada oo dadkuna si weyn u hadal-hayaan dagaallada iyo iska-horimaadyada ku soo kordhay degaanka. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, saansaanta colaadeed ee ka aloosan Laascaanood, ayaa u muuqata mid ay maamulka Garoowe ku go’aansadeen dagaal ay la galaan Somaliland, waxayna Puntland diyaarsatay qalab kasta oo dagaal lagu geli jiray. Hub iyo ciidan kala duwan oo ka tirsan dawladda Mbeghati, rasaas iyo tikiniko aad u badan iyo waliba dawooyin ayaa si weyn ugu soo qul qulaya magaalada Laascaanood waxana intaa dheer baaburta dhaawaca qaada ee ambalaaska oo markii ugu horreysay tiraba 4 xabbo ay keensatay Puntland. Source:Jamuuriya, Sept 24, 2007
  15. Ahhhhhhhhh ,, well seems it is too late to answer now but it is 9:29am now
  16. ayaa dilayoo dagaalay ayaa duur kulul ku jeexay ninkii dilaye dagaalay dagaal baa naga dhexeeya
  17. Originally posted by Zafir: Iyara sug telephone baan ku hadlayaayee. Haye ,,, maxay ku yidhaahdeen ??