Qac Qaac

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Everything posted by Qac Qaac

  1. pls opinionated read my previous post, and show me where i said to you he won't be punished. you either not understanding me, or i am speaking some chinese language, i said he would be punished of course, but won't die, unless he was married man WHY? because the life of a muslim is more sacred then over a non-muslim, coz the life of muslim says laa ilaah illaa allah. got it. so pls biyo qaboow cab is daji, and read what i said carefully, don't be driffen out of emotion, and out of anger that u just wanna reply.
  2. opinionated just because jaylani agreed with what u say, u make a general say, and say u r the only man here blah blah. look how u sound sis. learn and appreciate every opinion even if it is against you ok. secondly sister opinionated, before u just go on a bashing streak with brother khayr, first learn the islamic sharia and what it says about a muslim raping a non-muslim, all he said was the muslim raper obviously will be punished 80lashes if he was not married, and if he was married he would be stone to death. but sharia says it is the muslim life is sacred compare to the kafir one, that is the bottom line. see sis u have to learn in islam, we don't make things from our head, it is your school work. in here we fellow the teachings of the prophet scw and the quran. so next time u say oh boy ooh boy r u wrong. first look over the islamic issues and see if it says what u saying. also in islam we don't only fellow it, only when it is fore us ok. allah says be just even if it is against you. thirdly, one niqab girl got raped big deal, pls don't tell me the rare case, tell me the average ok. is it less than 1%, and just because u see one really rare case of an uncle of raping his niece pls do not say all arabs do it, and the reason they don't say it is because ppl like khayr r saying,. whatttttt... r u saying in here. again u r generalizing, and again u r talking from your emotions, and from your head, pls show us facts, related issues, from the quran, or hadiths, not from a magazine ok....a thank u.
  3. Is this a true story.... all i say to this is, Somalia is not a christian country, but Ethopia and Kenya is, they should preach there. if they come to somalia with this kind of stuff, then they are killing themselves. christian martyrs, Do the they believe in martyrdom.
  4. x quizit, as i said, before research stuff, when u master your things. or else stay away from things they might mislead you. it is good for u.. Darman, i don't even know, where u come from, but i would give you the better of a doubt and say the spirit moved you. pearl... until now i am starting to figure out, what r u saying, and what i said, to make u say this. i don't understand..... enlighten me pls..
  5. x quizit maxaa wiil ka saas ugu xaaraysaa, or maybe u playing hard to get. i heard b4 when somali ladies like someone they actually diss him hard like u did now. so i am suspicous but hey i only take your word for it. when u say, u r one of the ppl here to think outside the box, i hope u don't leave the box of islam. as one of my brothers said, if u r not educated well it is better for you to be close minded, coz u could see how uneducated person could be effected by being open minded peace, and pls no attacks, me no need this anymore loool.
  6. bismillah blin blink. aah, ha i soo marin. waaba kaa baqay adi. looooool.
  7. khayr, if the girl got married, and she most definatel didn't want this to happen, then why shall i make it case against her... she never wanted to be raped, some ***** raped for no reason. so therefore to answer your question, yes i would definately marry her, coz is not like she had sex because he was her boyfriend, in this case she had no choice, and allah himself don't make a case against her and to the women who was raped she did zinaa, so therefore who am i, not to marry her. but this is only me. gir got raped, it happen bad thing to her, but she shouldn't change her life, and her daily routine for some sick person, and ppl shouldn't held this against her. p.s. but i would definately not marry a girl who had sex with out marriage, for free 4 anyreason to her boyfriend, or she made mistake as they say. raped ones are different from this category. xquizit ok. sis. whatever u say. didn't mean to make u mad
  8. Ilhaam then give me some hint, so i could know who is who. u know. lool. see u all there insha'allah ok. and for those who wanna get married, ilaahey ha idiin fududeeyo, i would definately support. but tell us who is intresting who. so don't for those of us who don't wanna get married don't make the mistake of talking to one of u guys.
  9. Xarbi i agree with u. i guess this is from the calture part of somalia.
  10. x quizit what is the chance of the pakistani lady with the niqab getting raped pls tell me is it 1% or less than that. then compared to the half naked women who get raped everyday. xquizit u don't make sense, when u say, i don't care what she wears. r u kidding me. ofcourse it does matter what she wears something have to stimulate the man to do the act... to go back to the topic... only the 2 white girl stories i really believe or could be believed. the other 2 could also happen, but i doubted. i would loved to know, since i don't live in London. did the pakistani girl with the niqab got raped, seriously, and if she did. what did muslims in U.K. did. pls don't tell me they went to the mosque and made duah...
  11. Jeenyo, tell him man. what the problem is Rudy?... Holla back... if u have 1.... later.
  12. What the problem is?.... 19 young... R U KIDDING ME? LET HER GET MARRIED. then u should be next..... lol. i think u both are old enough....
  13. jazakallay khayraa bro, thanks .
  14. Alisomali, brother before u just go an ramp page of bashing to our fellow scholars and sheikhs who are trying to do something about it. if they get the ijtihad right they get two ajars, if they get the ijtihad wrong they only get one, it is win win situation to them. Maybe u might wanna know, that no long time ago CHURCH BANED THE USE OF CONDOM, protestant church, and they basically argued the some thing, as the sheikhs are saying, u give condoms to the ppl. they would have more sex, it increases the rate of sex, coz u r giving them a fake or illusion u telling them u r safed from the disease, and they go do it.
  15. Horta jazzakillah khayran to sister Buulo, answering the question for us. Lakkad the sister answered everything for u, and u said let's stone the gaalo, i hope u don't mean sercustic.. is all those ayats and hadiths enough for u. Libin, u have nice idea, and nice thought, and i would say u r very intelligent person, but bro u can't use your opinions, and say i think this should happen, in islam we fellow the quran and sunnah. not only the quran. when u said, bring me quran, what is that mean, u don't take hadiths, quran and hadiths or the sunnah of the prophet scw are both to be taken. pearl i agree with u, only villegers, or reer baadiyaasha, when i say this i don't mean reer miyyi nooooooo, i mean those still living in cities but still think like reer baadiyo, i hope u know wheat i mean.
  16. Is this a survey u r doing man?...
  17. Hey even though i am not one of the sisters here. I just wanted to say Jazaki allah kharann, 4 the sister who posted this. I too, learned something from here, it is not only for the sisters, and good to see sisters who are still thinking this way, and practicing their religion, i hope the brothers in here could fellow this example and do something in here, again thanks, kiitos, mahad sanid, merci, gracius, gracia, which ever language u like.
  18. subhanallah ppl, when some one brings hadith u should take it, because it is the saying of the prophet muhammed scw, our prophet that we claim him. no u don't kill born christians, like the western ppl, but when a muslim person becomes a christion or any other religion, yes he or she should be killed from all those hadiths mentioned. it is not being open minded, it is fellowing our religion which we claim fully. and that sister above who said we should not be killing them, there is hadith here saying we should. lakkad no again we don't kill non-believers who were born like that, but the muslims who turn to be kaffirs yes u should kill them.
  19. Every one is here is almost saying educate the ppl, yes we should educate them. but when u have a desire to have sex with some one, education is the last thing u r thinking about. education, how, u could only scare them, by telling them what kind of diseases they could get from, and u might succeeded doing this. but the only way is what islam teaches, which don't do zinaa. simple as that. some of our nomad ppl said, it might be naive, to think only religion will stop it. well i actually think, it is naive to only think education is the only way to stop this. See u get aids from needle yes, or a from dentist place, but that is the rare case, i am talking about the average cases, is from sexual, STD sexual transmitted diseases. stoping this, to not do zinaa, not condom, educate who u want, but when someone wants to have sex, there is no education he or she is thinking about. but when u say maybe fear allah, they might stop it. well anyways this is my opinion, u could disagree if u want, i think, education is not enough. that's all
  20. Bombina i think, Heblaayo said everything u needed to know. especially when she said, how can we submit to allah fully... and then prove our womenhood from kufar ideologies. u seem to be little bit hot tempered so ama just let u go. but be careful of what u go into ok. this women irshad manji, i know she left islam b4 the whole thing. and came back to islam as a gay after september 11. so yeah i know her more than u do, coz u said, u don't know anything. The National Post, even made fun of her denoucing Islam, and then coming back to it. as a gay muslim, they said everybody in the world knows Islam and muslims will never accept gays. National Post.. is not usually a good friend to us. but on this issue they were with us. p.s. Bombina i hope u see with the eyes in your heart, the real trueth. don't let ur emotions and hatred of what muslim ppl do in their countries, lead of jeopardizing your believes. bye
  21. bombina critisizing quran, when u not even applaying it in your life, critisizing it, and u didn't spend 40yrs learning quran to be scholar, quran is the word of allah, and u saying us human being could find flows in there. Bombina do u really know this women, and what she stands for, u said i am gonna buy her book. she doesn't even practice the islamic minimum of the salat, saum, zakkah, and hajj. also she said quran contradicts, r u serious. quran is the words of allah, can not never be contradicted. pls tell me how some one could claim to be scholar. in universities they would laugh at you, u have to have knowledge to be educated. naagtaan way ka shubtay, waxay na tahay naag ushaqeesa gaalada oo waxaaba ka fahmi kartaa her st00pid book is # 1. selling book in chapters. coz the kuffrs love when some one especially from the muslim ppl writes something like this. r u kidding me?
  22. first let's set the rules early, 1. Islam is perfect, there is no trouble, trouble with her. 2. it is very clear in the quran, and in the sunnah of our beloved prophet, that there is no place for gay ppl, both male and female in our religion, and no thanks. we not gonna reform it our religion like Martin Luther did to christianity. again, the kuffars, and those who like to be like kuffars like this woman here, always seem to find islam problem, only from the women side. this is getting old. islam treats women perfectly, but muslim men, and their st00pid calture creates the bad treat on the women. clarify this pt ok. Bombina, sis don't fell to the trap, u said, u r sure the Talibans ban women from education, well i just wanna know where u heard it from, coz i am assuming u were not under the taliban rule, if u heard it from tv, places like cnn, bbc, cbc, well those don't count, coz we know their history as liers especially cnn. so if u gonna slander your muslim brothers in Afghan u really have to be sure, they are doing this, and is true, coz it looks like now america is doing nothing for the women of afghan, they still wear the Burqa, and still have no education. only brought their intrest in here. cnn and bbc, are not bukhari and muslim, they are not saxiix most of the time, more than 50% and up is lies, and propaganda.
  23. Opinionated r u saying we should give condoms out in our back home country, Somalia. is like u saying mother against drinking and driving (madd). to me this is ****** idea, ban the whole alcohol thing, and this problem won't be there. in this case same situation, if ppl are doing zina is because they are not educated in their religion very well, or they very weak, and fellow their desire. but u giving a condom to them, u saying, U COULD DO IT. BUT DO IT SAFELY. see sis, islam prevents stuff, before it happens, so no zinaa, and aids have no place to occur anyways. this is one of the beautiful things in our religion. not good idea to give condoms out, and assuming this will stop the disease, boy r u wrong. look every country that has this disease, they lots of condoms, how come they don't help. no zina, no disease, u want zina with condoms, still there is disease simple as A B C.