Qac Qaac

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Everything posted by Qac Qaac

  1. what is the point of arguing with u.... what is this pt u r rebeating every time, abuse for the wife, did i ever say to you, the wife shouldn't make a call to the police. or that is what u wish for me to say... so u prove your pt. anyways it was my mistake from the beginning to argue with some one who sees the world black and white. sorry sis. also if u don't want me to focuss on your posts, then say something good, that we could benefit from, not from i have to say my 2 cent category ok. i didn't make the judgement on you, but u made it on yourself, u came on as i know everything type, and finally u relized that u only small amount of next time don't just blah blah, but think and wonder of what u gonna say.... # 1 rule for a student is, to acknowledge that he or she knows nothing. so he or she could gain knowledge... but don't say stuff like i am criminal justice student.. what is the pt of your arguement, that was very arrogent, and close minded statement...
  2. V12 got my pt. it is useless thing. but i guess it is something the western care about nowadays. anyways brother Darman... it looks like, u don't want me to make u see the other side, make u think of the stuff around you, i am not being negative, and i am not gonna gain anything from being negative. is just i am here to make the ppl think. and some of u might not like it. why are you being so uptight bro?
  3. sis, don't u think, it is still putting down to women, why 1000 of them giving one time the stage, where man gets one time out of time. or out of day..... still it is men world huh? this noble price thing, only works for Zionist.. look all the ppl that got, u'll see a trend if u look at them carefully and study the reason they won for.... the Zionist movement is happy with u, u get it.. lot of sell out muslims got it too..
  4. i won't even say anything. I don't want to kill the mood for everybody... but sis, r u planning to marry this person?...
  5. brother Sayfullah u r very possionate about this shiat stuff huh. but u r Sunni. anyways bro u challanged me, any country that fallows this who is sunni. well bro u right sunni countries don't fallow this Jacfari stuff that shiat has now... it was added lots of stuff from men's desire.. that is why sunni countries don't fallow this... but bro i challanged u, if u could find me one place that Imam Jacfar himself, said, that i am shiat... go find this for me pls? i'll wait.... Jacfari is a sunni teacher, he taught imam abu Hanifa u r right, and he is one of the Sunni madhabs, and we know shiat don't fallow abu Hanifah because he was so against them, but shiat has Jacfari as a madhab, is funny bro. that a student should be a proto type of his teacher right. there fore imam abu hanifah should be shiat too since he learned from shiat teacher, but rather we know he is sunni as they come. so what is wrong here, some one must be lying, and in this case Jacfari taught the sunni madhab that imam abu hanifah has, which makes imam Jacfar sunni since his students were all sunni, and none shiat.... again I CHALLANGED U, TO FIND FOR ME ONE PLACE IMAM JACFAR SAID, I AM SHIAT?.... u could even ask the shiat scholars if u want this issue... p.s. so next time don't challange me, with stuff that no one knows where they come from... because we could challange u too.
  6. sayfullah sacad ibn mucaad is not one of the cashar al-mabashariin. Zaid Bin Sacd was one of them. 1. abu bakr 2.Omar bin khattab 3. Uthman bin Affan 4. Ali bin abi Talib. 5. abu Cubayda ibn Jaraax 6. Dalha bin Cubaydillah 7. Zubair ibn Awwaam 8. Abdirahman ibn Cauf 9. Sacd ibn Waqqaas 10.Zaid bin Sacd, and this sahabi lots of muslim don't know anything about him.... Abu Jahl was killed, by Abdullah bin Mascuud, Ubay bin Khalf was killed by Bilaal... correct me if i am wrong....
  7. kaalay is this the girls advice room, leave him, u could do better, show him the door, be strong... what is this crap i am hearing. abaydiis u wasted your time talking to him 3hrs a night, jiq ha kugu ahaato, ka dabaalo meesha, sababta adaa is dhigay meesha.. caramel kisses, maxaa waaye xanaaqaan... i being there, iyaaah, qof yahay, il lagaa ja jabiyay ma ogeen, yaa waay kaas reer baadiyaha ah. Tuujiye miyaa, misee Nuune. disillusion & dispondent sis, i can't even read your nick name, dheere bisinka, malagaa iibsaday.
  8. waraa maxaa waaye qabiil qabiilkaan. Puntland, soon i am expecting somaliland. labadiinaba waxba ha is daalinna. laakiin qeelada nagala taga. waraa tuujiye, raggaan naga qabo nooh, tuutuujis iyo waxaas bar bar nooh.
  9. kaalay luuqaan luuqa reer xamarka miyaa. abay dadkii aan afgaran jirnay........
  10. Even though i worned u, not to come back with WHACKY reply, but u didn't listen and came back with one more rediculous arguement. at this pt, i am contemplating, actually if i would carry this debate with u. because i am talking to a person who is in illusion, u think u r open minded, and yet u say stuff like, GARAB TUUJIYE I AM STUDENT OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE, WHAT'S THE PT?... didn't u call yourself open minded person. do u think, u know everything about history, and justice, just because u did couple of yrs or took couple of courses in there. as i said, i won't argue with u anymore, because now even the ppl, are saying we should watch where opinionated is involved, because of your cheesy no back up fact replies. just out of your emotions, are just have to say your 2 cent, even though u don't know anything about what we are talking about, but u have to put your nose in there, because u r opinionated. my advice to u. 1. ist thing student of knowledge should do is, i don't know jack all.... so u may benifit from what the ppl are saying. 2. think before u say anything. 3. relate your opinions with facts, and history, not out of emotions 4. cut your opinions in to half, because obviously u r not scholar yet. 5. if u r not proud of yourself, or your culture, don't hide in the pushes, and admit it. 6. don't incorporate your religion into your life, but rather incorporate your life into islam. 7. in islamic knowledge, if u say your opinion, and don't back it up with the quran and sunnah, u might even sin.... be careful 8. lastly. learn to agree to disagree.
  11. lool at ck.... dist the girl from GB... i guess u r right...
  12. Darman, when did i ever, say something bad, about the african americans, next time bro read my postings carefully, and don't just jump into conclusion. u might think, u r right of what u doing, but really way far from right. Nino Brown, i agree with u, there are lots of ppl here, who don't have a lot of exprience, from their back home country, and i guess they are happy in Detroit, or whatever in America they are. for all u, ppl. who think, i don't like black americans u r all wrong. i like them, i think the cadaans really set them well, and those same trabs for the african americans are used against us somalies, if u don't believe me, look around to the somali youth, identity crises, they don't know who they are, Muhammad became moe, clubs every weekend, drugs, sex obsessed both male and female, some of them start drinking, praying forget about it. and speaking somali is a bad thing. that is the things i am talking about. opinionated, u just talk and talk, as nino brown, said to u. pls for your own sake next pls think, before u say something. having opinions based on nothing won't benefit u, and make u look intelligent, u said, some of us are happy with the situation they are in now, well sis if u r happy with what the somali ppl doing in north america specially the younth, then u r really stuuuuuupid. or u r someone who walks around with her eyes closed, u said assimilate, do u know what the word mean, assimilating as in changing our whole way to americanism, why, where did u get this inferiority from?... damn be proud of yourself, and tell yourself u don't have to asimilate, to be accepted in this society. for those of u, who are happy in here. i am sorry if i offended you, but my intension was to make u guys start thinking, and i guess not lot of you understood, only few got the pt. u could be afro-american all u want. but become muslim like Siraj Wahaj, which i really admire, like Abdulmalik, his student, or Imam Jamil.. but don't be here quoting and acting like P.diddy, or missy elliot, they millionaires and they don't even help their ghetto areas, and they have the audacity to talk about the ghettoes in their songs, and somali ppl who are muslim are buying their cds, and fallowing them, which makes them stuuuuupider. opinionated do u understand me, or u gonna come back with another pathetic reply..... p.s. be open mind is a good thing, but if u have no knowledge to open mind with, then don't be open minded, because u r a man or a woman who stands for nothing, and u could fall for anything. p.p.s. when did i ever say, beating the wife is right, opinionated don't just quote from other forums, and say i am here advocating domestic violence, whey u yourself, listen to hip hop gang related musics, who make women peace of meat, like one man has 10women around him because he has the dollar... if u r muslim woman opinionated u should be against it, atleast as a women, and go back to your culture and religion which gives u rights to be respected not to treat u like a h o e woman, to wife of, or muminah. pls don't say my knowledge of islam and yours are same, maybe u know more than me, but atleast practice of what u saying u have.. it is not how much u know, is how much u practice sis...
  13. Khair brother, i was gonna answer you, but sister Rahima answered u very well. i respect all madhabs, and i think, they are mercy for the ppl, to have 4 of them instead of one. al-xamdulillah. but bro shiat is not one of our madhabs.... and i don't understand where u made the connection shiaism with madhabs... Jacfari isnot a sunni madhab, and we differ.
  14. working in places like mcdonald, burger king, harvies, and selling bacon hamburgers to the ppl, are not allowed, and atleast most of the scholars agree on it. tell your friend to find another job if he could. i agree with Kaha, check it out, if there is xaraam stuff serve there, alcohol no question about it, even if the store sells alcohol, stay away from it, working in alcohol environment.
  15. Qac Qaac


    Somaleaon, sis very happy for you, that finally allah showed you, the right path and to wear Hijab, al-xamdulillah and may allah guide us all of us in here. about the sandle thing for women, some of the madhabs say they should wear it, with your sox on if u r a women. but i don't know the reason behind it. ask the knowledgable ppl here. who ever inspired you, into wearing hijab, is really doing a good job, and it shows that there are good ppl in the nomads here on sol.
  16. Waraa Socrates, masawirkaaga fool xumaa, maska raati miyaa. bisinka... Waraa Tuujiye, haddaad Goalka hora ka dhalin kartid why not. man.
  17. iska xanaaq, xooga yiriis oo xanaaq ah waaloo baahan yahay, haddii kale sidii gabdha inta jooga oo kale aa maanta dhan heshiis, iyo don't hurt his or her feeling aa lagu jiraa
  18. mohamed jama, brother don't u think, the statement u said about the southern ppl, is little bit racism. anyways sister, girls are in love of the idea, of being in love... so don't say men are dog, don't generalize it is not a good thing to do. don't waste talking to a man, who has no intension of marrying u, to talk to u 3hrs.
  19. Garab Tuujiya, this is the generation after us i guess. we might be same age, the numbers i am talking about, but i guess maturity level, are not the same....
  20. Bismillah, i begin in the name of allah. Well sister opinionated, what can i say, u have opinion of everything. even though obviously u lack the knowlege to back your opinions. first of all shiat are not ahlul kitaab ppl, but rather they are Muslims, in the Quran ahlul Kitaab are the Jews and Christians. 2nd of all, u talked about African_American history, tell once. that i said something bad about them, i was just encouraging our fellow blacks to be mad of the system and fight against it. when u say, Somalia isnot that far sis, I honestly wanna go back to my country, if u r so brain washed in YOUR America, then the ppl who still have their culture, don't come after them. because quite honestly it shows, u have no knowledge of anything, maybe america and tv tricked u, and told u, since u live in here, u must be educated well u r not. when u say, maybe i am getting stuu pider, and not the ppl, well sis, who is stuu pid now, u called someone stuu pid. i am not gonna come to your level, coz i have more knowledge then, so i won't call u names, even though u were expecting me to talk to u like u, i won't. in conclusion, as i said b4 to u, if u have no knowledge of the things we are talking about, then don't talk about it, because it only shows how an educated u r of the things we the knowledgable ppl talk about. p.s. as i said b4, u see the world. black and white, come back to me, when u see the different colors, like blue, red, brown and so on... p.p.s. again this as an advice from me, don't be open minded of things, when u don't have enough knowledge, of history, shia, sunni, islam, culture, ppl, prophets, just keep watching your tv, and get your knowledge from cnn....
  21. libaax sankataabte, brother, ama macalinka, ama duqa meesha. brother we all wanna fallow the right path quran and sunnah, but shia have different sunnah, and we don't agree. brother this issue is for big schlars, and no one is diving anything. we just saying the seeing of the trueth is different for the ppl. so it is not fair to make, a bold statement like this, when u don't even consider both sides.
  22. opinionated sis, if someone muslim do something wrong to u, u supposed to give him 72 excuses, b4 u do xan or back biting of that person ok. and it is hadith sis.
  23. Guys madhabs are not problems, they are rahma for us, or mercy. because if we only fallowed one madhab, ppl of different nationalities would have problems... so that is why it is mercy...
  24. what's the pt of this topic.
  25. being somali is a sad thing sister? correct me, if i understood u wrong.