Qac Qaac

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Everything posted by Qac Qaac

  1. Qac Qaac


    Nervous chick, i was gonna answer you. but then i saw u only posted 10 posts. Ameenah sis, thanks for the advice. but sis if u only noticed what me and Garab are saying are the problem. then i would say u too have a problem because both sides are doing something and u only mentioned one side. if u r trying to be the judge i don't mind, but a judge should check both sides of the then should come up with the best solution. luuq walaba mid kulama maranno. laakiin u will notice a trend that only we argue with the somali girls who are picking up femenen ideas.. see there are girls in here that we don't say anything about them, although they didn't agree with us. the reseason is because they are not femenist.. ppl like caramel kisses, Bombina, Kaha, Hibo, the list is long... but the ones who think they are taking women to a whole different side with idealogies like this.. we are after... and those ones are opi, x quisit, princess_sexy, raula.. and many more... we are here to shutter their illusions.. into reality check... as for the deen part... u talk to the person the way he is. if the person think he is too strong.. and comes with stong minded questions, u have to answer him with strong minded answers.. if he is here willing to learn.. then u talk to him in a good way... isn't that what our religion is telling us sis?... in allah's quran He said, those who don't take u guys out of your houses, and don't harm u guys, u have to be friends with them, and be just to them. but those who takes u guys out of your houses.. and take your wealth.. those u have to fight.. surah mumtahina.. p.s. don't apologetic muslim pls.... while u r trying to be nice.. or maybe afraid in some times.
  2. X quisit, Bravo for admitting that u r a feminist... GOOD FOR YOU.. finally. but sis if i didn't know the history of FEMINISM, i would believe what u just said, the founder was Egyption guy, who wants to put the shariica on women.. what is that carbage.. 1. feminism, started by a lesbian woman.. it is not stereotype. she was frustrated with man, coz she couldn't get the ideal man for her... and her frustration changed into MAN HATING... they come out to protest women's day, so they could pick ladies... and there are many books, and movies that a normal mother, single mother joined the feminism group, and she talked about how they convert her to lezbo... don't bring femenism in islam. because islam gives rights to woman, man, animals, plants, environment. oceans... everything. islam is not one narrow minded street... u can't run for justice of ppl, when u only want good things with only half of the humans, woman. what about the other 50%... that is lecture # 2...for u X.. Opi, sis by changing your name, do u think, we won't know u. we would know you because u have the most ugliest opinions in the somali online. i actually appreciate if u live rest of your life in the west.. so that u don't bring your twisted mind to our homeland Somalia. stick with somali... looooool. atleast i could speak, read, write 2 languages, what can u... i thought i supposed to be ignorent... so peace co-captains of the femenist homeland security... Maryan the prophet married Aisha... at 9... so what is your point.. don't just tell us how khadija was 45 when he married her... do u know khadija's first marriage how old she was... there is many hadiths of the prophet where he adviced the young ppl to marry each other at young age... but nowadays we know better than the prophet scw... and we decide to marry latter when we finish our education.. and go to this fitnah in universities.. and remember zina is haraam. so what happen to the muslim ppl. they all do zina nowadays. because the system for kufaars or gaalo was to have a girlfriend/boyfriend on a side, and go through university for those 4 or 5 yrs.. with your partner... i guess. that is why somalies nowadays are frustrated and are obsessed with relationships... now i expect the homeland security to come after me again...
  3. Nino Brown, man, adigu nin oday ah baad tahay, oo xikmad leh... what else can i say... DnD, and Bombina, Hibo, caramel Kisses...I admitted already there some Boqoro girls in our nomad family here... and u guys are definately one of them... but the sad thing, there are some homeland security here... Bombina u said it, everything the way, i meant it. which proves i agree with girls, if they make sense like bombina... the rest of you iska qeel qeeliya.. meelna igama galeeso.... is no pt of saying anything to u... my responses to the other ppl, implies to u too..
  4. Hibo again abaayo, aad iyo aad baad ugu mahad santahay, adviceka wanaagsan oo aad na siisay... intaa kadib abaydiis, gabdhahaan i actually know some of them are either my age or older than me, maan gaab nimada waxa keenaya waxa weeye inferioritiga ku jira... about their dhaqan, luqadooda, iyo diintoodaba. excuse fiican baad usameesay, waxaad tiri waxaa laga yaabaa in an la koreen dad ajnabi ah. haa walaga yaabaa taas. laakiinse if those ajnabi ppl influence u to have doubts in your culture, and always question yourself... then taasi waa maan gaabnimo... walaalo waan dhageestaa gabdha waxa ay layihiin, and i don't expect to agree with me, all i wanted to do to them was to make them start thinking about their current situations, i didn't want them to feel comfortable in their daily life.. but unfortunetly they steered to another thing now. which showed their maan gaab nimadooda.. also walaal gabdhahaan waa future ka wadankeen, hadii ay iyagii kafaanayaan wadankooda, what u expect from their children, that is if they still believe having kids, and upbringing kids, are not something putting women down. femenism view.. marka anigu waan umaleen ujeeda deedu in aan gaaray, wixii hadda ka danbeeyana waa iska foorjo laakiin waxay u egtahay, kuwaani hal dhinac kaliya ay ka socdaan.
  5. oh ooooooooh, Hibo did u say, SORRY GIRLS OUR BODY CAN'T KEEP UP WITH THE DOUBLE SHIFT..... hey hadaba ogaada i didn't say it. Feminist homeland security soon will come after you..... GOOD LUCK.
  6. alla wooow. x quizit said thanks to Underdog... ma jirantahay gabadha... mise xooga way soo dagtay loooool. UD man, tan ninyoho jalaatada amay nooga khasaartaa. X quizit, sista, it is wise that we should know the meaning of the words that we call to some ppl. for example Hypocracy or munaafiqnimo is a big word, be careful of who to say to. it has levels of degree that ppl has to have in order to be considered a hypocryte... ok. as the hadith said, u have to lie, non-trustworty. tuug, backbite ppl. believe islam outword but not internally... see sis that is why i don't call u hypocryte because i know what it means, and to say it to a muslim person... especially when u don't know his or her charecter in their real life is wrong.... so next time take the dictionary check what the word mean, see if the person has all definition of the word, then maybe u could call it to the person.... that is lecture # 1. more would come but i hope, u see this with your internal eyes, not the front ones... that everyone has.... that is if u have internal eyes...
  7. waraa nacalaa, laftirkayga maxaa ku gaarsiiyay. waraa Tuujiye, wuuku buqay si fiican... laakiin ilaahey ha u miciino....
  8. Darman brother, if u want the girls to like you, there is alot of things to do. but to do it this way. to bash us and think u'll get their love is just sad bro.... and X, u admitted u r proud feminst... love your views. but guess what if u expect me to call u a name. u would never get it. coz i don't diss girls, specially when it is out of emotions... X.
  9. Qac Qaac


    princess-sexy too late sis, u join the army, the feminist homeland security.. led by opi and x..
  10. kaalay distillusion & dispondant adna maka soo qeebkashay kuwa qeelada badan... laakiin atleast u make sense.. Opi, seriously i didn't understand what the hell u just said. all i understood from was don't call me feminist. we are not. your actions are calling u to that...
  11. horta walaashiis ku soo dhawoow meesha. Laakiin abaayo waad sax santahay. in ay niman badan oo soomaali ah ay rabaan, girlfriend/boyfriend thing. laakiin the answerd is easy sister. the girl now has to choose between her deen and the man. if i was in her position i would tell him, to get lost. nimanku way badan yihiin aduunka. oo nin ka fakaraya girlfriend saacadaan khayr ma soo wado. laakiin in ay iyado ay jamac ku sameeso ragga soomaalida dhan ay tiraahdo mid danbe ma jeclaandoono abadann, waa khalad taasi. in conclusion, love some one for the sake of allah. if he comes between u, and your allah, tell him to pounce.
  12. LoooooooL DD. Yaakhay adi kaalay kuwaan xooga u caqliyee nooh.. see waaye horta idinka isma caawisaan
  13. Underdog looooool. i agree, i should get some tips. coz it looks like i am a target like u now. Princess Sexy... another soldier in the feminist homeland security led by Opi and X... Dispondent come on now... i hope u don't think. marrying young girls are bad... look sis who could marry these girls here... who wants to argue everyday and night. who would have a woman who confronts all the time as a woman... the attractiveness of the women, leaves away when they confront... now i wait, for some more attacks.. in the name of self-defence, and not femenist...
  14. Untill both of you fall for the same man... then will see how friends u guys are...
  15. D and D abaydiis waad sax santahay oo lama generalize gareeyo dadka. who ever they are. u r right... oo xaal qaado. laakiin abaayo, cheap and clean, is not something the somali men, call to their women. It is what the Jamaicans in Toronto call our women. and to be honest it hurts us... but as a bro somalian if u try to help the sister, she would say the stuff opinionated, x quisit, pearl was saying all this time. u r racist. old fashion. u need to get to used to this societies... even if u tell islam, doesn't allow muslim woman to sleep with a non-muslim person.. anyways sister, kama wadno sheekadaan in aan ku aflagaadeeno Gabdha hayaga, why would we do that. but rather we wanted to show them their values. and they are our strenghth as a community, if they don't get their action together the whole somali community is done... with that said. i would our women, would stop confronting, and start willing to learn.. be open minded not only to the western mentality but also their culture, hidahooda iyo dhaqankooda. be proud to speak your language somali. i hardly see girls under 22 speaking somali, even if she does know how to speak it. she prefares English.. because she wants to fit in society... calaa kulli xaal, haddii xumaan linooga qaatay waxa aan soo qornay, then waanu ku khaldannahay, in aan wax usoo qornay dad oo wax fahmeen. laakiin waxaan umaleen gabdha akhyaarta ah, sida Dispondent & distill, Hibo, Caramel Kisses,Kaha .. and so much understandable ladies... would atleast understand our pts...
  16. Pearl and you are, soldier in the army of the homeland security, lead by opi and X.... Dept ha ka hadlin.... adeeba kaa caddahee
  17. cajaa'ib my pink soul aah. taa waa igu cusubtahay....
  18. Khadija's uncle was the man, from her mother side. Abtigeed. his name was Waraqah, he was an old man, and told Khadija that he truely was a prophet, as he was foretold in the Injiil or the Gospal in English.... and he said, he was gonna believe him and support him if he wasn't that old....
  19. Qac Qaac


    " Glad tidings to the strange ppl" Pearl figure out who said this.... You could join my fan club. u r # 3 now... 2 already beat u to it....
  20. I didn't say anything, and still have Pearl after me. Hey what ever u said, u said it. i said what i said above... p.s. i travel, and i am planning for my next one. what happen to (saving the money)part... biological clock.... doesn't know wait for me, i have to accomplish my career first..
  21. saaxiibkaa kacsi feebaro ayuu qabaa... macalinka.
  22. x quisit & opinionated are the co-captain of the femist homeland security... never heard so much emotions in my life..
  23. 2nd girl who called me ****** , and yet i didn't call anyone ****** . X quist bravo sis. well said. i have no time to respond to some one who is driven more by his emotion then his/her intellect.... by u saying some ppl hide under islam. r u saying i am hypocryte.. again well said sis. now i am ****** , and hypocryte... i won't even waste my to answer to u...
  24. u r right bro. I think, Zaid bin Harith. was with the prophet scw to Daif... am i right...