Qac Qaac

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Everything posted by Qac Qaac

  1. waraa waxaan run miyaa qof walba meeshaan jooga 21 miyaa.. r u all kidding me loooooooool. caramel bisinka is daji, ha igu soo xanaaqin. dhalasho wanaagsan, even though i don't believe this... but since u r caramel k... adi waa laguu soo celin... sug bal card aan raadiyee
  2. question. how many wifes did prophet had scw?
  3. Qac Qaac


    Pearl u ask question.. i would like to ask u guys where in islam.... and then u say, save it, i am not having any of this.. what kind of arguement is this.. Hey girls sorry if i shuttered your illusions.. i am here just to do that.. Aameenah i said it before and i would say it again.. u r one of the best girls in here.. and u r very educated masha'allah.. but u sometimes disappoint me. for example when u say, if u r here to be heard... what is that?.. u r already replying to me, and all those girls so i am heard anyways but that is not the reason why i am doing this...i am here to shutter these illusions.. i don't know where we get these illusions from. i am guessing most likely from TV.. Princess_sexy sister, if u gonna back up later. from the first time don't come too strong.. don't start what u can't finish.. just sit at your corner be the princess u claim to be.. that's all.. faraha na hala soo galin meesha mar danbe lool. p.s. is there anymore ppl. i have to answer to.
  4. women are better in detailing stuff.. men are better in generelizing it.. for example.. after work man.. the woman asks how was your day today. man answers it was good, took the train did my job, and i came back.. now the woman, man asks how was your day today.. woman answers.. oh it was good, i took the train at 7am, i went through the malls, all the stores were closed.. i saw my favourite shoes on the way, got at work at 7:30........ and so on.. GET MY POINT..
  5. anigu waxaan umaleen in uu walaalkeen Garab tuujiye.. uu taabtay pointiyada aan raban in aan sameeyo.. Hibo, walaashiis, Gender roles.. very simple to answer to you. fellow the islamic guidelines, u don't, u don't find happiness... Divorce is high on the somali comunities in the west way more than the somalies in back home.. and all the muslims in the west their devorces are higher too. why because u learn here no family aspect... u diss your mom, and still be rich. u lie, u steal. u cheat.. they teach all the bad things.. anyways i don't want to go into it.. the future for us, sis wallahi i wanna say is good. but i can't.. look we only live here 10yrs.. and look how much destructions we went through. u could say to me, u r pessimistic person allways, the glass is half empty.. but also u have to be REALIST.. the trueth is.. we are taking big shots here.. and if we don't change our ideas.. we would take more hits.. solution.. ISLAM.. practicing it... that's all..
  6. Qac Qaac


    thanks, jazakaallah
  7. The French, British, Italians... injected this disease of thinking lighter looks better in us. at the colonial times... is not only for woman, even for man, they first go after the light skin girls.. is true.. i just think. we should all know where we get this gene from... personally, don't like, white & black... i like the middle way... but the somalian color is the most beautiful i could be buis.. u all fine, no need to sin for beauty when u r already look good. so women chill out.... your somaliness is enough..
  8. Qac Qaac


    calling sisters a feminist is like calling them Kafir... woow sis, i didn't know that... where did u get this from that calling someone a feminist is like calling the they are kafir.. where is your prove... besides my prove of this is.. from X quisit.. who believes she could be Muslim while she is a feminist... which means feminism doesn't mean Kafir to her.. i am not arguing with u... but i am just showing you, the ways, the art of debating.. and to always have proves of what u say... the hadith u game me, i would say thanks.. to u.. unlike some ppl. who argue after even hadiths.. but it doesn't apply to me, because i didn't call anyone a Kafir...
  9. sis... sixers lost to Detroit. this last sunday... i told u... they can't beat. even with iverson. WALLACE-WALLACE thing is crazy...
  10. caramel haa i lived in finland.... u don't believe me.. here is my prove.. CARAMEL KISSES... MIKKA SINUN NIMESI ON?.... good luck ppl. for those of u who can't read Finnish.. Did i prove it to u... now igu soo noqo..hee.. vanta i lived in...
  11. Bushraa waxaan umaleen... in uu ka qeeb galay 9 dagaal... sagaal.. sayfullah for your question... one of the man was Amr bin Aas... i don't the other guy...
  12. al-xamdulillah ilaahey labadii waanaga aamusiyay ayaamahaan...
  13. Sorry abaayo... raali iyo nus qaado..
  14. Muhammad Qasim, came out in 1900's century... after colonial.. he was fighting for the emanicupation of women.... loooool... did he come up some thing knew... against islam.. sis.. it is funny why all of a sudden when the british colonial was in egypt he came out. to educate them as if he is saying the older generations of muslims didn't teach them.. the idea of femenism goes against islam... untill u could prove to me it doesn't... rayaana. sis. it looks like. u the only one who understood me... but let's just make duah for the rest... they just see with one eye that's all sis.. and when u see them start calling me names... pls sis don't be surprised with them because that is what they use when they feel threaten.. coz they don't have enough knowledge to defend them.. so they defend each other by swearing at the ppl.. but anyways thanks for the support sis. keep up the good work... devil_care... no i didn't mean you, i mean Pearl....
  15. Woow. wallahi soomaalidu waa TRUE NOMADS... they being in every where... now i am waiting some ppl to mention that they lived in the east, places like china, japan, singapoure. or in the south america, chilli velenzuala... african & sade, do u guys live in the airporst man.. u being in a lot of countries.. it is tie between u 2.. OG girl, i am like u too, i wasnot expecting to win this.. Rayaana, say where u lived, what r u shy of... Hibo & jamaal_11, from the way u guys talk. i thought u guys are waayo arag ppl. and would win this.... but hey. maybe u guys got your expriences in different other ways...
  16. Did u actually think. that your IQ was higher believing FEMINISM IDEOLOGIES.... ahah looool. emotins, emotions, emotions. X quisit. lesson # 4 for u... controll your emotions. and ligthen up as Hibo said it looooool.
  17. hey phillie fan, come on now.. phillie just got 2 wins in a row, doesn't mean they'll go to the playoff, and make big assumption like they gonna beat Detroit.. r u kidding me.. as for the bottom spots of the east, from 6th to 8. those 3 positions anyone could win. could be miami, t.o., bos, cavs, knicks, phillie, because u can't tell, one time u think New York is very good, then they go to lose 3 games, now philly and cavs are hot, but u never know anytime they could lose. T.O. is going down.. but could come back anytime.. only 1.5 games back.. so who knows..
  18. thanks bro Do all this safety tips, then TAWAKUL CALALLAH..
  19. waxaa meesha kugu soo ceshay, JACEEL IYO TUU TUUJIS RAADIN
  20. the person who lived in most countries would win the most exprienced guy in our family here award.... that award is called.. WAAYOARAG...AWORD. i personally, expect, Nuune, Jamaal_11, shuji, Garab, to win this aword will see, for girls caramel kisses, Hibo, DnD, Bombina.. who will it be?... we might have unexpected winner...
  21. Iska warama reero fara taag, iyo akhyaartaba... i was wondering, i know we all went to a lot of countries in the world.. after the war. so i was wondering if we could share, and see who in the nomads here lived in most countries of the world. i would start... i personally lived...or being... 1. Somalia 2. Kenya 3. Syria 4. Turkey 5. Russia 6. Finland 7. Canada 8. my could be Dubai, in UAE but i only stayed there one day.. does that count...
  22. Mecca, Madina, al-quds. and Chechnya
  23. This is not a time for cry, and akhas to say.. we have to take revenge on all those Kenyan soldeirs that raped our somali woman, those Ethopians soldiers, and those somalies who raped the other ppl because they were born from this tribe... all of them need to be brought to justice.
  24. Garab r u crazy... ilaahoow ya taa guursan. i don't want ilma hayga in ay ku dhashaan diyaard dhexdeeda iyadoo u socota a meeting that all feminist women held in Brussels... no thanks man. "to me hypocryte is a person who says one thing, and does another thing".... first of all. we don't use our opinions when it comes to religion stuff, we fellow the guidelines of the quran and sunnah... munafaq was explained to us by the prophet... and your definition wasn't included.. lesson # 3. for u.. when it comes to religion your opinions are TATTI... in Urdhu means the smallest of the smallest... meaning it doesn't matter your opinion...learn, read, and then comprehend.
  25. Boyfriend/Girlfriend the whole idea is wrong. and against our religion. whether it is in somalia, Europe, asia, north america... it is not natural selection that environment would change the wrong to good.... it doesn't work like that..