Qac Qaac

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Everything posted by Qac Qaac

  1. overzealous shiekhs. Formelly known as Opi, most of the sheikhs say their stuff from the quran and hadith. if u don't like what they saying, make sure u don't bad mouth them, because if you bad mouth, someone better than u. is a big trouble.... most of the girls mature when they pass 25yrs old, i find this statement worse than the feminist. where is the homeland security.. Garab u r right bro, gabdhaha meeshan wax kale, oolaga baqayo ayaa laga dhigay.
  2. brother sayfullah i said, the 2nd prophet, not a rasuul. it is not prophet Nuuh (as).. it is another prophet, my question still stands. and to answer your question Sayid Qutbi was the 2nd leader of the Akhwan al-muslimiin. but answer my question again.
  3. THIS IS SOME OF THE WEBSITES... *the Peshawar Nights Exposing the shiite Al-Tijani Al-Samawi's Lies in His Book: “Then I was Guided” *First: Answering Al-Tijani's Libels against Abu Hurairah Second: Answering Al-Tijani in his claim that the four Sunni Imams learned knowledge from Imam Jaffar Al-Saddiq *Third: Answering Al-Tijani's allegations against Mu'awiyah bin Abi Sufyan *Fourth: Al-Tijani's Allegations against the Mother of Beleivers Ayesha ( may Allah be pleased at her ) *Fifth: Answering Al-Tijani's Libels against Uthman Ibn Affan In Defense of Abu Hurairah [Reply to some erroneous claims] What Do Scholars of the Past and Present say about Shia (Rafidah) ? Al-Kafi is the MOST reliable Shia Book Al-Kafi was presented to the legendary Imam Qaem who liked it and said: "It suffices our Shi'ites" How to Approach the Shia Brothers and Sisters A Straight Forward Logic Instead of a Never Ending Debate? do sHIA HAS DIFFERENT KALIMAH? Are Shia Kafir? WHAT IS THE AQEEDAH OF SHIAS? have seen the terrifying BELIEFS OF SHIITES? *WHAT ARE The Beliefs of Khomeini the Leader of the Iranian Revolution? What the Shiites say about AHLUS SUNNAH Muslims? WHAT ARE THE SHIITES BELIEFS REGARDING ALLAH? *WHAT ARE THE SHIITES BELIEFS REGARDING PROPHETHOOD? *WHAT ARE THE SHIITE BELIEFS REGARDING THE COMPANIONS OF THE PROPHET? (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) WHAT ARE THE SHIITE BELIEFS ABOUT THE NOBLE MOTHERS OF UMMAH AND WIVES OF THE PROPHET MUHAMMAD (SAWS)? WHAT ARE THE SHIITE BELIEFS ABOUT THE FAMILY OF THE PROPHET MUHAMMAD (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam)? what are the SHIA BELIEF CONCERNING RAJ'AH? what are the SHIA BELIEF CONCERNING TAQIYYAH? what are the SHIA BELIEF CONCERNING Mut’ah? what are the SHIA BELIEF regarding women? Who invented the Shia's sect? What is the origin of the Shiaism? racism in Shiite religion what is the REALITY OF MAATAM? Who are the Ahlul Bayt? Who Killed Al-Hussain? WHO WERE RESPONSIBLE IN KILLING OF KARBALÂ? Unmasking the other villains of Karbalâ *THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE SHEE'AH AND MUSLIMS WHO FOLLOW THE SUNNAH Exposed! The Role of Zoroastrianism in the Development of Shiism The similarity between Shia rituals and Christian rituals IS THIS YOU CALL ISLAAM? GRAVE WORSHIP LOOK AT THIS PICTURE MARTYRDOM As-Sahabah *Insincerity of the Shiites EXCELLENT BOOK WRITTEN BY Ehsaan Elahi Zaheer REGARDING SHIITES TRUE BELIEF, ORIGIN AND HISTORY The History of the Shia MEMORANDUM ON AGA KHAN A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE AGAKHANS THE MYTH OF THE SHIA MAHDI Who is True Imam Mahdi? The 12th Imam of the Shiites is the Jewish Anti Christ (Dajjal) Iran’s Fifty-year Plan to export the revolution and spread Sheism Shiaism EXPOSITION AND REFUTATION OF SOURCES
  4. Ok sayfullah, u asked me a lot of times about shiat, well here it is... if u r satisfied with this answers good for u, if not. then what can i do. Shiaism (The Rafidah) and Islam are indeed different religions. This sect has developed into what we now know as the Shia whose beliefs and thoughts are repugnant beyond belief. The divergence of Shiaism from Islaam can be summarized from the books which they consider most authentic, and the statements of their most respected scholars. Some of the proofs are available on this page Most of the Muslim UMMAH and Western scholars have very little genuine and reliable knowledge of SHIA beliefs and practices. However, most of the openly declared SHIA beliefs revolve around The Concept of Imamah, the superiority of Ali (May Allah be pleased with him), and the so-called love of the Prophet's family members. As a result, the intense love that Sunni Muslims carry for the Prophet's family members combined with the magnanimous personality of Ali has led some Sunnis to accept Shia's as part of the Muslim UMMAH. However, the brutal fact remains that under the pretense of Ali's Superiority and the so-called love of the Prophet's family members, Shias have literally evolved an entirely new religion, grossly distorted the teachings of the Holy Qur'ân, and completely rejected the sanctity and authenticity of the Hadeeth. They have elevated the sayings of their imams to the level of the Prophet's sayings and have classified them as Hadeeth. For all practical purposes, they reject the most authentic sayings of the Prophet (Peace be upon him) and Base their religion on the so-called Hadeeth attributed to their Imaams. By doing so they have rejected one of the most fundamental principles of Islam: The law can only be derived from the sayings and actions of the Prophet (Peace be upon him), not any other human being. The Saba'iyyah, a sect of the Rawafid, emerged in the time of `Ali and told `Ali he was God. `Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) burned some of them to death as a result. Later, the Rawafid split into many groups like: The Zaydis, Imamis, Kaysaniyyas, Qaddahiyyas and Exaggerators (Ghullat). Some people asked Imam Zayd ibn `Ali to disavow Abu Bakr and `Umar. He would not do so, and some people refused his decision, and deserted him, thereby becoming known as Rawafid, which means : the Refusers, the Rejecters. Those who stayed with him became known as the Zaydis, and so they are technically not of the Rawafid. The exaggerators are not Muslims, these Raafidi (Shia) actually descend from Abu Lu'luah Majoosi (a Persian fire worshipper) and Abdullaah ibn Saba' (a Jew). However they are more dangerous from the Christians themselves. Christians fight Islaam face to face (if they did) while Rafidiyah stab Islam from its back they have lot of Absurdities in their beliefs like Badah, Rajah, Mutah, Taqiyyah, etc The Zaydis, Imamis and exaggerators split up further, with each group accusing the other of kufr. The Zaydis split into three groups: Jarudis, Sulaymanis and Butris. They all agreed on the leadership of Imam Zayd ibn `Ali ibn al-Husayn when he revolted at the time of Hisham ibn `Abdul-Malik. They are the closest of the Shiah to Ahlus-Sunnah; they merely maintain that `Ali had more right to the Caliphate, but they do not claim that he was explicitly appointed as Caliph by the Prophet (may Allah bless him and his Household and grant them peace), and hence they accept the Caliphates of Abu Bakr, `Umar and `Uthman. The Kisanis split into two groups: one claimed that Muhammad ibn Hanafiyyah, a son of `Ali, is still alive and that he is the Mahdi; the other group say he died and passed on the leadership. The Imamis and exaggerators split into fifteen groups, among which are the Ja`faris/Ithna `Asharis (Twelvers) and the Isma`ilis. The exaggerators claimed divinity for their Imams, permitted all sorts of haram things, and in short dismissed the obligations of shari`ah. Below we have more then 100 Articles exposing Shia's using their own books and writings with detailed sources so that they don't deny it. These references are copied from the religious books of Shiite religion. While translating them we have asked forgiveness of Allah many times, for, these are very much annoying for any Muslim to read. Neither I personally wish anyone to have them but to save the innocent simple Muslims from the Shiites (Raafidah) it was necessary to write them and forward them to our fellow Muslims so that they can know the real terrifying beliefs of Shiites. Additionally I have also listed some articles about Ismailism and the Agakhanis; one of the more deviant groups within the Shia religion they are an offshoot of the Raafidah (Shiah) and share some of their characteristics. Aga Khan is their supreme leader and, in their view, has characteristics and attributes similar to those of Allaah. And Lastly The Prophet said: "Whoever abuses my Companions, upon them is the curse of Allah, the Angles and all the people" (Saheeh, At-Tabaranee
  5. carmel kiss, jilci jalbab waxaad ka wadit.
  6. the soldiers of the homeland security won't like this Nomad. Hayeeey.
  7. Guys, ragga, hilib cunayaasha, caano geel cabayaasha. that i would like to meet are 1. garab tuujiye, iyo wuxuu tuujiyaba 2. Jeenyo 3. sayfullah al-masluul 4. Nuune 5. underdog now, GIRLS, hilib iska ilaaliyaasha, xijaab wearing. 1. caramel kisses 2. Kaha 3. Raheema 4. opinionated 5. X quisit. i would like to continue, but the rule is 5 and 5. caramel i can't believe i am # 5 on your list, qashiin yahay.
  8. waryaada niman yoho rag waalan aad tihiin. Nuune, adi waxaad dhahday ma fahmin. laakiin afcarabiga waan iska fahmi karaa xoogaa. Garab, qajac dheh, yariista iska daa nooh. duq bakaarayoho.
  9. Djuk, read the RAHIIQUL MAKHTUUM.. OF what really happened when the prophet dies scw. no need to argue with brother sayfullah al-maslul anymore. when prophet(p.b.u.h)asked for pen and letter to writte a book which if muslims follow they will never astray but in our history. everybody knows the prophet didn't write or read anything. so i don't know where sayfullah is getting this information from. but it looks like he is only getting his informations from one angle. there are many authentic books out there. that u could look for. brother.
  10. Hussain & Hassan my question. who was the next prophet after Adam?...
  11. masha'allah. beautiful story. may allah make us, all of us, those who enter jannah..
  12. the prophet led it... his last battle.
  13. ooh God...I'm really touched walaahi Maxaa adi, isbuunyo maa tahay. i am really touched ku te... aree is adkee, ee xoog isku yeel loooool.
  14. maxaa adi, Garab iyo Nuune, igu diree. adi iskama kaycelingartid miyaa, ciidamada disappointed ay kugi yihiin adi. lool. is difaac geedyahay aad umoodid loooool. that's enough. kac i dhaaf aah. inyooooow waan diiday.
  15. Who stereotypes women as inferior, is some one with no education at all. women has right, so as men, animals, plants, environment. and so on... it is really rediculous to only argue for one side... Kaha sis well said. I agree with u 100%. Khayr LLOOOOOlL man.
  16. I never had avatar before... this is my first one.. why ask though sis?
  17. Qac Qaac


    DA... was that a good source...
  18. waan ku fiiqa runtii gedyahay, shaah cabka badan CK.. waan kaa shakiyay aah, kaalay luuqa nagee loooool. boorso iskuul aa watay nooh. kaalay adi waligaa boorso iskuul ma qaadan hayye, kuwa buugagtooda gacmaha kuwada ayaa ahaan jirtay hayye. laakiin iskuulada wadamadaan cool pplka aa gacmaha ku qaata bookaagtooda sida Garab Tuujiye, iyo Nuune. laakiin adi faqiir nimo darteed aan umaleen. maxaa ka jira sheekadaas macaantiis looooool. hala is cafiyo... kaalay waan in aa ganbadaa, ayaamahaan kal iyo mooye ayaa la iga daba wataa, ciidamo dhan waali igu soo diray.. balaayo idin jiidatay.. fool xumaa lool. kaalay adi CK umada hana ga saarin nooh, teenaaba iskaga tabar yarnahee...
  19. Hibo to answer your question. the prophets way is the perfect way... but men, most of them anyways fellow the culture of their grandfathers.. that is why, women go through hell in the name of islam... but rather it is so called islam mixed with culture.. akhas that is what killed us... cultrue mixing with islam..
  20. waraa Darman. toosh aad ila daba gashay haye. hal meel aan kaaga aamusay..oo waxaad u ekaatay nin smart... laakiin wixii hadda ka danbeeyo bug iyo bugtaa aa la isku qaadaa runtii..
  21. man this is hard, ppl are making it hard... so i would let all the nomads choose the winner... it is up to you guys.. to choose
  22. Qac Qaac


    no devil's advocate... is the definition of all the ppl. just u don't know, it doesn't mean is her only definition... what ever land that kafir's live. is a kafir land. especially when that land is govern with kafir rules... ameenah is right... it has nothing to do with allah creating the land. OG-girl. i hope u don't mean me. when u say some of the ppl.. oh anyways who cares.. it is no matter answering u anymore.. iska nooloo
  23. Devil's advocate if u don't start.. it won't be....