Qac Qaac

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Everything posted by Qac Qaac

  1. see i told u sis, the other advices would come from the sisters... X quisit, i love your advice. but i am a man. how can i use it.
  2. adi il lugu baryo aad kaheshaa hayye, ee orod oo sii soco, fiinyo ganjeelo. fiinyaha. sandalada hey i got carried away... caramel kisses, Kawaanimo Universityada malagu bartaa. in London.
  3. Qac Qaac, u feel left out of my good guy list? Too bad, so sad, now go crawl back under the rock u came from. Thxs! wax aan fahmeeno nagula hadal, zambac yahay loool. no i won't go with u under a rock, u nasty. bisinka...
  4. QAC QAC you may have personal political opinion just like i do but somaliland is not made up of few people but millions of people who have made a decision about their destiny, so we both must respect that no matter what our personal political opinion is. somaliland is a democracy and as in any decemocrazy the minority in terms of political veiw must follow the majority and respect it. Qudhac, i respect your opinion. but we should correct each other, if u see me falling from a cliff, u should tell me. and the brother who said, just because u claim it, it still make u minority... anyways it looks like u guys here made up your mind. but as historian student. i would like to remind u guys. this Quote by Jullia Ceaser.. DIVIDE AND CONQUER... and as islamic point of view, sister Buulo told u everything. if u don't want unity.. go ahead man. i respect your views, but i don't think it is the right thing to do now.. let's just keep being the laughting stack of the world...
  5. It looks like the girls beat me to the good replies. so i 3rd that.
  6. akhas, a woman would check... if the girl... oh come on. by the way pearl i know, in aad iska jeceshahay, i didn't say akhas to u, but to the act. so calm down.
  7. advices 1. we all are muslims. 2. our rules are the islamic law 3. what are u doing with guy friends, what happen to a sister friends 4. if the guy doesn't want u for marriage, keep saying no to them 5. become more strict, and stop talking to every man, men like that, and respect that in women, but if u blah blah with every men, who will trust u as his faithful woman. 6. again, if u r not intrested in marriage now, since most of the sisters here at 21 are still busy with their education, and building their career, keep saying NO SIS. 7. when u ready for marriage, then the answer is YES. THE REST OF THE ADVICES, of the women advice they girls will give it to you. sorry haddaan kaa jajibiyay but somebody have to tell the trueth, no going out in our islam. ppl get it in to your heads...
  8. Dare Devil, pictureda xun xunka ah, xijaab u xir looooool. kaalay adi emotions aa ilabaratay hayye. when i said, to u it must hurt huh. abaayo i cafi. coz i wanna be new qac qaac. loooool.
  9. LET'S CHANGE THE POLITICAL SECTION INTO SOMALILAND SECTION. since every topic in here is some how about somali land, whether is the passport, or anti- somaliland. i hope u reading this admin.
  10. u don't like to watch the western conference and u like the east. R U KIDDING ME? come on now, that the westernfinals should be the NBA finals, coz who ever wins there will win the champion, and u say west is boring. Lakers did not win the last time, and this year they are not doing good, so it is exciting to see. what the kings, mavs, spurs, t-wolves, would all do... keep eye on my Rockets too.
  11. saas miyaa, saas mo egeen. waad mahad santahay.
  12. Qac Qaac


    shuttered my illusions kulha....if am in such an illusion kindly hit me upside the head cuz there is something so wrong with treating ppl with respect. Pearl. Hey no need of hitting u on the head, coz i wasn't even talking to u, quranka iyo hadith yadayda waan iskala noqon, coz u r now in a time that even if i put a pherse of quran there, u won't believe it coz i said it. so i want to save the sin for u, and not post any hadith or quran for u. raali ahoow, u seem to be very mad. if that is not enough for u, bax oo qarax loool. [ March 23, 2004, 11:49 PM: Message edited by: Admin ]
  13. waraa adi qashiin yoho, aabahay aa gaare, mardanbe waan kuu diligaa runtii. nacalla iyo kaba lujiteeskaaga kuyaale.. xamaali maakatahay. Alberta, Edmonton, maxaa kugeeyay meesha, miskiin macroof ah waaba tahay. Muqdisho illaa iyo Toronto to Edmonton miskiinimo aa ku jirtaa hayye. aawaye ciidamada gurmadka iyo single motherska in ay kusii daffaan waaye adi.
  14. Men who seem to have a pretty good head on their shoulders, although i admit, i don't know the men here too well, but a short list is here. 1-Gediid 2-Mobb Deep 3-Northener 4-Nunne Fellaz listed here by X quiz, i am scared for u guys... if she said something good about u guys, then i worry for u guys. Nuune is included in here, waraa maxaa ku akhrisay geedaan. biyaha aad u walaaqday hayye. Pearl iska tuf nooh, we know waxaa dhihi rabtidee, hadda waxaa iska dhigee qof waxbartay hayye, too late loooool.
  15. as i said before i believe in UNITY... Now some of u already said, we believe the same thing, but we are fellowing another way. by sheikh ayuub. bro what other way u r talking about? Buulo. well said sis, and the trueth is as long as we are thinking like this. we are not gonna go anywhere, qabiil is why we don't have 13yrs government, qabiil is why some of our ppl are becoming Gaalo in Western countries. qabiil is why most of our youth leave their religion in these countries. and sad to see some of you still have this qabiil thing with u guys, whether u guys are in London. Ottawa, Ohio, Florida, Ausyland. come on ppl... the ayah the sister put says all. those who have qabiil problem should see and learn form the prophet how he made the Aus & Khasraj walaalo. in our case someone should make the Northern ppl brothers with Southern ppl. enough is enough. let's stop this crap. I agree with the sister in here, Hibo, OG girl, Buulo all of u well said. i am your support.. I believe unity with all muslims from Iraq to timbaktu, from New Zealand to Somoa... all the muslims, and yeah somaliland is a muslim country, and sorry brother they have to share their pie with the south, and all the muslims... stop being Quebecoa in Canada... come on.. and u all can't come after me, coz i am a somalilander myself....
  16. ani calamadaan waan ku wareeray, eenaga yareeya.
  17. Jalbab kulahaa, waxaa umaleenayay in ay kahadleeso Baldi iyo Badeel. maxaa adi qof maadishay, oo aad uqubeen kadibna aasi. bisinka. numero diyeesha, iyo uundishoba igu gu qornooh. laakiin abaydiis kaas Garab haku dhihin in uu wax ii micneeyo, tuug waaye kaas waa araktaa. Garab kuwa jilbaabka indhahooda jiqda uuga dhigay miyaa ka midtahay.
  18. abaayo caramel xaal qaado, iyo calooleyba. ee xooga iska joog meesha haddii kale nuune, labo looto igu dhufanaa. aniga dagaal tabar umahayo, oo shalay picturekayga aa laga soo daayay cnn anoo poster ween wata oo ku qoran NO WAR. YAA, soo magaran. nuune iyo Garab sidii labo Dooro oo jakatiin xiran oo hotel shaati ka gadanaya camal ee isku daba socdaan. nacalla iyo kawaanleydaa tihiin cuna. ppl left, because they don't understand this dialogue, ilaahey ani iyo garab na, ciidamada gurmadka waa naga reebay ayaamahaan.
  19. Nomad, Awoowe, waad ku mahad santahay. waxa aad iisheegtay. Garab Tuujiye, wax aad tuujiso ayaa la'dahay ayaamahaan hayye. anaaba idaba gashay. Nuune. nin yoho, kalmadaha qaarkood waa laga xishooda Devil something, haa i meant u.
  20. Caramel adi fulaynimo, iyo marax nimoba waad isku darsatay.
  21. Ok, sayfullah brother once again u didn't get it. Caramel yes, arday fiican baad tahay. laakiin waxaan umaleenayay su'aalo badan aa ku soo dhajiyay meesha in lagaaga hormaray. sayfullah the answer is PROPHET SHEATH. NEXT TO PROPHET ADAMN (as)... to answer your question omar mukhtar sayid maxamed xassan iyo almahdiga ee sudan. mahamed ahmed. all of them fought the colonial powers of the europeans. al-mahdi and sayidka both went to the same university. omar mukhtar was killed by the italians in Libiya. all of them used the islamic religion to do jihad on these powers, the European, english, Italians, and French. u r missing sheikh Abdulqadir of Al-geria. caramel make sure in aad ka jawaabtid tan how many surat of the quran came down in Makkah, and how many in Madina? not hard, just counted from the Kitab quran.
  22. I remember some time not far ago. when men used to be ashamed of saying VEGINA. and girls saying BALLS.. but now, it looks like is ok. what is happening to us. mucjiso.. walaahi waa lasocday.. rag iyo dumar xishoodaa naqaanay, waa maxay waxaan. xishooda daddoo
  23. I thought, one time we should talk about something usefull, something other than somaliland, puntland, qabiils who cares. in the political section. let's start a real politics of the world. back to the tobic, what u all think, of this sheikh's death, raximahullaah. Was Isreal right of what they did? is Hamas gonna revenge?.. what would the muslim ppl do after this... what is the U.S. stand on this issue... now let's go ppl. with some good debate about realy politics of the world.
  24. Somaliland, Somalia... when we gonna reach some where hight, subxanallah. waraa miskiin hayeey. nin waalan aad tahay. i am a somalilander who believe in unity with not only the southern, but to all muslim ppl, from Iraq to Timbaktu.... now what u all think of me.
  25. Narcissistic-Sister You were not supposed to view this page sister, this is the mens section in womens forum, so after all, was that you I saw in paradise? Nur, iyaah khatar aad tahay. macalinka. loooool, i am just kidding with u bro...