Qac Qaac

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Everything posted by Qac Qaac

  1. What r u talking about. damn speak english!!
  2. stoic, nin oday ah baad tahay. and we should respect u. Garab, dagaal aad horay ka biloowday hayye. looooooooool. buuxis kulahaa. antenna raali ka ahoow kan.
  3. meel halkaan ah, x quisit, aa bixinayso advice about breastfeeding 11 kids. Nomad, aa dhahaya sex, yes pls. Garab na, wuxuu yiri, waan kaa baqay. Magnoona waxay tiri, in hell. macbuudka. what is going on.
  4. ar kii aa soo laabtay. Waraa Garab Tuujiye. bisinka gabadha bariiskeeda musbaar iyo cirbad laga helay, oo baranbaradii ka ashahaadatay cuntadeeda mucjiso badanaa bisinka. ha is oo marin. tan ninyoho iftiinkeeda dhinac iga mari nooh. yariistana xooga neef sii pls.
  5. waraa meesha way ka soo dartay, SWALLOW IYO waxaan aa maqlayo waa maxay. bisinka, gabdha saas ha ka nixinin, wusqaan yaho. Caramel, qofta numberka iska soo dhiibhee, aan Nuune u dhiibe, runta sheeg, maxaa Garab uraadinaysaa asaga miyaa dookhaaga, aan u sheege duqa. soo da daji warka ok. gabar yahay.
  6. wallahi if we are muslims, especially somalies, that we know each other, that we are not rich like our Paki muslims, and Arab muslims. we have to think. IS IT REALLY WORSE IT? to go to universities, thanks to university if i die now, no one will pray to my janazah, and if i want to go to the hajj i can't because i am in debt. now could somebody pls tell me, why we go through this. they tell us u could pay all of this in your first year of work, they are right. BUT HOW MANY PPL GET JOBS IN THEIR FIELD, let's say less 20% of the graduates, what are all the engineering graduates doing... anyways i think, as students of university, as the ppl who live in these countries, we should come up with solutions, don't put your daughter or your son with out knowing u will guarantee jobs for them in the future. p.s. and most of the stuff, u learned. is all secular, they don't remind u God. what did we gain... from this...
  7. wallahi if we are muslims, especially somalies, that we know each other, that we are not rich like our Paki muslims, and Arab muslims. we have to think. IS IT REALLY WORSE IT? to go to universities, thanks to university if i die now, no one will pray to my janazah, and if i want to go to the hajj i can't because i am in debt. now could somebody pls tell me, why we go through this. they tell us u could pay all of this in your first year of work, they are right. BUT HOW MANY PPL GET JOBS IN THEIR FIELD, let's say less 20% of the graduates, what are all the engineering graduates doing... anyways i think, as students of university, as the ppl who live in these countries, we should come up with solutions, don't put your daughter or your son with out knowing u will guarantee jobs for them in the future. p.s. and most of the stuff, u learned. is all secular, they don't remind u God. what did we gain... from this...
  8. another place where a mu'min is attacked, and the whole world watches in the name of we are acting against extremest. it is funny when a warlord defends from extremest, and calls himself that he is devoted muslim. the world is getting more clearer as u live more.
  9. to become a new You is to acquire more Feministic traits Is that an advice u give to a brother, to acquire more feministic traits loooooool no thanks. what am i gonna do with feministic trait, then maybe change myself into being a woman, r u kidding me?... waxaas oo kale yaa lagaa maqlin markale.. peace ka aad sheegisid waa maxay, adduunka peace kiisa waaba iska sii dhamaanooya sis. so waxba ha isku dhibin peace.
  10. Brother Nuur, great topic if the woman is gonna be like Khadija prophet's wife... then yes i would say to your question, which was would u marry a woman older than u 7yrs or more. but the reality says bro, nowadays our women are not like Khadija, and once they see they are older than the man, they might loose respect of their husband, because she sees him as young person, she will be the mother, the wife, the boss of the house, and the man would have no respect around her. so in this case i would say no to an older women in these times. besides most of the somali women are too strong anyways even if they are younger than u, imagine when she actually has more exprience then u. GOOD LUCK.
  11. hey caramel & Nuune, most of the ppl, here, feebaro ayaa wada heeso hayye, ALAABTA, qof walba intaas uu lee ka hadlaa, waraa kulligiin masaajid ka isgeeya oo koo ama too lasoobaxa, waan ujeeda in ay jiq idinku tahay all of u. Caramel iyaah, what did u say, waad foolxuntahay aah, ha nixin lee marka aad i aragtid, hana dhihin, XAASHA LILLAAHI MAA HADAA ILLA MALAKUN. Kaaha, did u see him yet, that special man with your Dookh. Nuune, waraa ha iga waalin, hana ihaleen, single mothers aad ku laahaa, qashiin kaa tahay cun, single mother, hadday qoorsagaaro kuqabato malaga fakan karo, too exprienced, ani too aan waabsado aan ubaahnahay. Caramel, afcarabiga waan fahmay, dookhaaga nin aan soomali ahayn maba yeelan karo hayye, nuune adi beezaani aan ku maleen jiray, gabadha fahan nooh, qashiin yoho.
  12. Underdog & DnD, i think, u two should get married or something... naga daaya qeelada badan madax xanuun aa nagu rideen. Shujui & winger, nacallaaye naga daaya soccer tiina iyo champion league aan naga daba wadaan. NHL & NBA playoffs are both starting soon, who cares about soccer. Kaha, i am very disappointed of u, u didn't even say hi, maxaa marax nimadaas. Nuune, qashiin ka tahay cun, u had time to look the calooleyda and think of what it looks like, waraa kaalay adi kuwa balaqa mukulaalaha u tuuri jiray ayaa tahay hayye. Garab, xagee ka dhacday ayaamahaan.
  13. How many days, we have to wait, sista. naga dhakhso, qashiin yahay. mise waan kuu imaanaa oo kaa qaadanaa jawaabta.
  14. Hey how u keep up with all this informations sis, thanks anyways. they all are too far for me.
  15. Hibo, sis here's a handkerchief. Keep your head up. Spedez, that is just childish. and u r debating in the political section, where the older men and women debate. Qudhac, if u don't agree with what the sister is saying, leave her alone, man, is her choice, khasab miyaa waxaaga, she thinks somaliland is better with uniting with the south, and u don't think that way. so let's leave at that. subxanallah. waraa cudur oo somaliland ladhaho ayaa idunku dhacay.
  16. ani wax yar iyo waxaas aa wayn, iyo waxaas oo kale waan ka shiixaa. sadexdayda waa tan. yaa la igu qoslin. 1. way in ay faruurantahay gabadha 2. Tin adag, oo ay farahayga ee marigarin. silig camal. 3. in ay gaabantahay. Gabar til maamahaas oo kale dheh. ilmo waxay dhashaa boqoro ah, oo caqli kaliya. laakiin gabadha dhahday, waa in uu lay yahay lacag, iyo hub weyn, waay iga bajisay. ani.
  17. caramel kisses, adi foorjada nagaa daah nooh. wax kala arinta ma aha, jaceel lee waayo. laakiin gabadha af jinni, iyo af carabi la isku daray ee ku hadloosaa, clear sheekada hanooga dhigtoo nooh.
  18. kaalay adi marax yoho, shukumaan ka la isku tirtiro soo maladhaho. haddaan ku hadlo the northern diologue na waxaa lagu dhahaa Tuweel.
  19. Qudhac, ok then. i guess we understood each other.
  20. a s l, age , sex, locations, even the hotmail, chat rooms those questions are used, it is called the breaking the ice questions, they don't make any sense, but they usually start the conversation very well, and they usually have leading question like, what u do there, do u study. haddii ee ku dhibeeso questions, like that, then u shouldn't be chatting. and if someone answers to me, i am at right behind u, i would just quit the convo right there... no pt of going on.. scorpian sist, ask the founder of chat rooms why he put A S L.
  21. Qac qaac, for u, id advise u to say yes to the first imaginary xalimo that "throws" herself at u, or better yet, pay someone to be with u. OR...don't talk or show urself to her until the wedding day, that way u woulda suckered her into a relationship with u. X, haddaad ijeceshahay sheego macaantiis. laakiin xooga waad soo daahday. so no thanks.
  22. Qac qaac, don't flatter yourself, the day i invite u under my rock is the day i'm blind, deaf and paralyzed, cause i won't be able to see u, hear u, or run away from u, hence im trapped. Yikes! X, abaayo waxaas aad shegeeso oo dhan, haddaaba tahay loooool. Admin, Duqa meesha. listen, anigu waxba ma dhihin about UNDER A ROCK. iyadaa keentay, ma aqaan maybe film ee ka soo daawatay. laakin i would respect your claim anyways bro. caramel, PM, in waxaas looga hadlo ma ogeen thanks for telling us sister. haddi aad umaleenesid in aan kaa xadnay topickaaga raali, iyo xaal, iyo calooley ba qaado ok. macaantiis.
  23. caramel MITA KUULU? kaalay adi, waan ka helay your new avatar, walaashiis, laakiin what is taking u so long to answer... kitaab la'aan miyaa kugu dhacday. dhakhsahee qashiin yahay.
  24. UNITY of an alarming degree of Naivity on your part, you make it sound as if unity is some new drug that just being invented for all somali problems, unity is not nesserary political word as you make it sound, if unity is not important, as u put it. then my brother i would like to know what is. besides about me falling from a cliff, i didn't mean somaliland ppl was falling from cliff, don't put words in my mouth. i don't belittle a whole nation of ppl. bro i respect somalilanders point of view. but if u don't see important with us uniting the muslim world, then i don't know what is important for u. brother we should forget about who killed our fathers, yesterday, and all start working for tomorrow. lander, u r scaring the ppl. by calling them names man. man u r not somalilander then most of the ppl here, so don't talk like u r their spokes man. ok. there many somalilanders who are educated and know the importanst of unity, i suggest u should talk to those ppl. as to me man. i am free man. i would go to south, to somaliland to any country, why would i make the world of allah small, and only think of living in somaliland. is daji guys. somaliland abayaal na umatihiin, president yana umathihiin. soo afkiina lee ha iska xumeen.
  25. waraa odoyaasha xataa shatiyo yar yar ee xiranooyaan hayye. Nuune.