Qac Qaac

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Everything posted by Qac Qaac

  1. waraa Guys, let's face it man. mano la mano. if u really want the girl, u would go to her father and her family. don't disrespect our women and come behind their parents back. if u r attracted to her, go to her father next move, only noble men, does this. but if u want wasting time, that is another case.
  2. Umm Mehdar, i would teach u, any time, any place. but i am not scholar on it. the little thing i know, i could pass it to u. if u want. Caramel, maxaa dadkaan af-soomaligayga ka cawanaya, waraa af jinni maqarooyo, ee wax sax soomali ah. sundus, what's wrong with my somali. Huh.
  3. lol @ raula, adigana suju maa tahay.
  4. waraa Darbi sawirkaaga wuxuu i xasuusiyaa the picture on the males washroom. Caramel thanks sis, waan ka helay sida quruxda badan oo aad ii difaacday. waraa Rudy asbax yaho, afsoomaligayga ma fahantid miyaa, jiq hakugu ahaato. caramel & rayaana, sisters don't feel so let down ok. this is the sad story we are in, we lost our mother language, and not even ashamed of it, we still saying excuses like it is too long, did u ever see the chinese thing, or Hibrew, come on ppl. practice your own language how to read it and write it. I prefer Somali, if no Somali then Russian. i would like to live in Groznia in chechnya.... Rudy, i can't understand ur english... most of the time. is that how they talk in San Diago man.
  5. hey i was just wondering, i know we all are one big family under the nomad family in somalia online. but i just wanted to start a new and intresting idea. i recognized there lots of ppl in London, and many in U.S. so i wanted to know which of the two groups of ppl either from north america (canada & U.S.). are more in here. also who are more cooler ppl, i am only talking about our somali ppl here ok. are the cool ppl from N A. or U.K. let the game begin Admin sorry man, if the topic goes to General.
  6. How about u guys cover up very well, and the guy won't even say to u hi. it is mainly you guys fault. i would say don't give any guy a chance. how u know if it was inocent Hi, from the person's past, if he is known as player, then u know what that hi means, but if he is just a normal miskiin like Nuune, then his Hi is clean. but if u smile for the guy, then complain of him when he says hi, what is that?
  7. Try me, huh, maxaa ku tiraahdaa nimanka oo ka orod siiya, bisinka. maxaa ku akhrisaa. pessimistic girl, iska daa ha ku taagnaatee. girls keep rejecting guys, it makes u guys happy tricker... guys i would make u guys bring higher level of games... Nuune, asbaxaa tahay cun, ten times kulahaa, waraa yaa waaye tan saas niyada kaaga jabisay. waaba soo dili ayada dhan. tan nuune ka jabisay. waa in lagaraaca. girls one thing, if u reject the guy, don't try to be nice to him after, it only makes worse ok. advice.
  8. Athena, antenna kaa kor baxday, nacam layaal ku lahaa, geed yahay faraha naga qaad. b4 aan kuu diliigin. try me, no i don't want to try u, waaba iga bajisay. adi maxaa ku daaray, wwe madaawataa ayaamahaan, maxaa dagaalka, waraa Garab, tartiib bisinka waamaxay tir tirka. ar waxba ha tir tirin ee meel iska joog.
  9. Qac Qaac

    A broke man

    ca jaa'ib, ilaahoo yee qof dumar ah oo soomaali ah, yee date lacag iga bixin, TOORAY AABA IS GALIN LAHAA... maxaa ka noosha hay, sababta way ku soo xasuusin mar walba, what's next, she buys shirts for u, that's it u r owned by her. and there goes the respect she had for u. waraa Nomad, may nin yaho, single motherkii adaa iga qaatay, Tuug yoho. kaalay dadkaan abu dhabi xattaa date ay ku sameenayaan ka waran. nacallaa. waraa Garab waan kuu sheegi lahaa exprience kayga, laakiin date dhan maba aama sani.
  10. Zuu lol @ abaar, Mangoliyaanka tahay cun, waraa adi kuwa Baghdad af ganbiyay maa ka mid aheed. Nuune, may aniga ma aha, Xidig aa dhahay mad aan qubeesanin. laakiin adi single motherska ka waran, too a break dance ku dheeshid na waad raadinoysaa aan maqlay. waraa Garab, wixii rabo in ilaahey uu Dharjiyo, dee u daa ilaheey ha dharjiyee.
  11. Shaabella sis, now protect us those who femined ideologies in our somali nomad family here. no need to finger pt, they know who they are, and they should reply to me back soon, as upset. Daredevil, what did u just say macaantiis, xijaab u xir aa la dhahay masirwaakaaga xunka ah, waa iswaale hayye, alloo yaa kab kula dhaca. Xena Fan, magacayga faraha ka qaad, asbax yahay, bax naga akhriso bookaagtaaada. dare deveil, don't dare the devil for too long, u might become the devil itself. ok.
  12. waraa bax naga tak, gabar yarlee ka hadlee marka aan ku arko, 16 jir, 17, 18, waraa bax shaqo yeelo kuwa ku le'eg raad so, qashiin yaho.
  13. Yaxuush ani way igu adagtahay, carabka ay muruq iga galisay. laakiin waxsh waan maqalay hadda ka hor aa mid igu yeri, labo looto ayaa ku dhuftay, sidii Jet Li.
  14. Shaabella, were where u all these days, that i was talking about feminist, and all this girls were arguing and yupping with me. finally we got someone who understands what really feminen stand for. i hope for the rest of the sister who still believe this feminen librate women could learn something from here.
  15. Qac Qaac

    A broke man

    waraa Garab jaceel miyaa ku hayyo ayaantaan. waraa imaqal ani ma date gareeyo gabdho. laakiin if i was in that position, i would be smart about it. i would say since i am broke, the girl doesn't know right. so i would say to her, let's not go to this expensive restaurant. let's go for picnic today, and i bring all the food, food that i cooked in the house, go to the side of the river.. eat the jam and the butter u made, spend the day there, buy 2 cokes, dollar each. and that's it. anyways this is just an idea, for those dudes who are always broke, like me. but i won't date a girl ever. no way. that's it. for now.
  16. Miskiin nin yoho, waa runtaa waan in aan soo xasuusanaa dadkii dhibateesan oo dhan, not only in Hamar but everywhere in the world. nice man. Caramel i know, moodka uu kaa jabiyay soo ma'aha, ha ubixin, ciida iska jaf ka bood meesha. sii wad hadalka laakiin dadkaas xasuusnoo. that's all.
  17. waraa kulli giin fiinyahay. markii aan idinka dhigay famous, aad iswaaleesaan hayye. loool@ nuune, koo tibisho qaba loool GT, tuujiye, islaamaha faraha ka qaad. waraa qashiin Qac qaac doesn't equal to qac. Nafisa, calm down macaantiis ninkaan nin waalan weeye ha ubixin. waraa dadka xanaaqaya luuqaan ha soo galinna, hadaba ha dhihina worning la ma isiin ok. bye.
  18. bismillahiyee, gabar aan qubaysanin kulaahaa, urkeeda xagee lageen.
  19. hey somebody ha ii jilciyo waxa layi raahdo, rejection. caramel DAADIS MIYAA. Waraa Garab, rejection, iyo waxa aad sheegesid maba aqaano, ani nin miskiin aan iska ahay, oo farta haddii afka loogasho xattaa aan qaniine. ee goormaa igu darday listigaaga. qashiin yoho. besides gabdho waan diidnay, ma idiin shaygayno, marka anaga wax la nagu daadiyay. mainly fathers reject me aniga macalinka, not gabar xun ah, waaba dilli laahaa qashiinta.
  20. bismillah. Garab= Yuxuusta ahahha loooooooool. waraa idinka maxaa idinka kalay wixii iga tilaabsaday, iyo waxa aan ku saxdayba. odoyaal yoho shaaha ilka ka tuuray. waraa faraha iga qaada, haddii kale ciidamo faraha kaliya ku dagaalamo aan soo diraa runtii.
  21. stick with eastern conference pls. Mavs are pleasent to watch. u r right they might now win the championship. becouse offense sells tickets, and defence wins championship. but never theless, i would love to watch series again Kings vs. Mavs. anyways again eastern finals. Pacers Vs. Pistons.that's all, who is gonna make the playoff, 6. Miami, 7. New York, 8. Cleveland. Raptors, Celtics, Phillie would all miss the play off, and superstars like Iverson, Carter, and Pierce would miss the playoff to join their buddy T-mac... that's it. for now.
  22. i would like to know this ppl, how they think. kaalaya idinka luuqa yada dadka kale idin maheen karo, so i decided to start new whole topic for u guys. now for everybody who reads this. i would like to know, what u guys think of this ppl. I would start what i think of them. 1. Caramel Kisses, gabar waalan in a good way, personalitegeeda aad umoodid in ay Coca Cola lagu daadiyay. 2. Garab tuujiye, nin waalan, oo madaxa ku socda, oo aan umaleenayo in uu ka helo kuwa yar yar. 3. miskiin macroof, waxaan umaleen in uu yahay kawaanle 4. Nuune, madaxa iyo gacmahaba wuu ku socdaa, single motherska na wuu ka helaa. anyways ppl don't take this bad, this is the ppl i think, are most out going in somalionline. and need to be put all of them in one category. all u of u got my vote of BEEZAANI NIMO.. caramel waxaan ka codsanaynaa ku wa sidaado oo kale ah, in aad xooga foorjada wax ka bartid, oo ay nagu soo boodin marka wax dhah no.
  23. hey haddii marhore lagu dafay, waala gu soo dafaa haddana markale marax yahay. banaanka maa iska taala adi sidii dooli oo shinbir dafday.
  24. looooooool @ daredevil. Hey, i see u learned very well sis. atleast u r not being emotional anymore lol. anyways thanks for the advice. Qac Qaac is here to shutter some illusions... that is why i am in the midst of every battle. but u can't say i am wrong, right, i have a pt right. anyways why are u daring the devil now sista. and your picture is still with out hijab so wazz up with u... nowadays.
  25. Sundus, i am not allowed maxaa waaye. xabsi miyaa ku jirtaa bisinka. mise Sacuudiga ayaa dagan tahay.