Qac Qaac

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Everything posted by Qac Qaac

  1. "If I meet the personal needs of a woman I blv that I have fulfilled a responsibility towards my country"..... gabdhihiina madaxa aa naga wareeriseen with this kind of topics. anyways here is my answer to that question when i don't think about it NO.. because see sister, first of it is only 1 woman, and the populations of our country is over 8 million right.. also the country has men and women, women are only 50% of the country, so how does he full fill the responsibility of the country. but if i think about the question in a philosophical way. i would say the brother means,by making one woman happy, u atleast made one person happy, is gonna be one more person who is gonna defend for her country, defend her men. of the country unlike the girls nowadays have only negetive to say about their men. also one woman= society... that is if she keeps her noble ways, values,manners, respects herself... then in this way, that woman, would be tomo's mother and that mother would give u kids with good morality,and yes,in this way u took care of your country's responsibility.... there it is my take on this question..
  2. u really notice, how different laboda koox inta isku heesata are.. Legend u r right. more flirting is going on here...
  3. ^^^tsk, tsk! Waar bal ka joog. Gabadha Raula la dhaho is the sabaaxad champion for 3 years running. and I'm militant, I'll blow you up and your bloody city..!! miss uk, nuune iyo Tuujiye oo faraha ku dagaalama ayaa soo wacan ee isug wax yar.
  4. waraa kaalay adi mabaratay sida loo cuno, masaska iyo raha... just wondering. since u lived in this country for a long time.
  5. waraa Tuujiye, waxaaga waa X rated stuff, bisinka, feebaro iyo jirro iyo waxaas aad la soo gashay meesha. Waraa Nuune, laqtarabumbash la araynaak. cayda iga daa.
  6. Darman ilaahey intaa ka baqdid, are you telling me some of the girls here, their mentality doesn't scare u?... ani waan baqay...
  7. haa af carabiga waan fahmaa, will involve u sis.
  8. ms londoner, and Raula sujui. haddaad waxaas u aragtaan compliment idinkalee idiin taal. laakiin magacayga faraha ka qaada. haddii kale ak 47kaygii aan soo qaadan.
  9. the kind knowledges we get in sol.
  10. i was under the influence of qaxwo kulahaa, been badanaa. the more i read what u girls write, the more i get scared macbuudkaa. Tamina what, where did u read that from.. Pearl, kacan aan kuu taagay qof yahay.
  11. thanks sis. as a historian student. i know, for fact everytime muslim ummah goes down, is when we don't have a woman scholar. that is for sure, and any learned man could tell u that. once again thanks..
  12. hee princess ciil maa kaahaayo taas. jiq miyaa, don't worry will involve u from now on ok. CK... loooool walaashiis gabdhahii ookale dhan aa kaa daba imaan raba hayeey.
  13. Yes every country has gay ppl. and as muslims gay is wrong, haram against our religion. now if i go back to your question, which was do u think gay marriage will win.... my answer in western countries HELL YEAH... because they came out 4yrs ago, and everyone booed them, they were patient then they came out now, and now the got some considerations from places like Ontario. ilaahoow waan ku baryeena hana rogin Gobolka. as for how islam feels about it. read the story of Qawom Lut... if the gays win now, what is next.. someone would come out and say the same thing again. i was hiding all mylife, but not anymore it is not human right, i have my rights, and i wanna be married to an animal.. to babe and so on... in islam. it stops things before it even happen... so let's stop this gayness thing right now, for the better of our environment..
  14. so can we kiss and makeup now? Warning: do not get on my bad side again or less i will send in the feminist mujahideen Woow pearl, i see in aad soo cabtay biyo qaboow. and u learned some sort of humour... lool. anyways macaantiis i was always cool with u... and no i think, i beat the real mujahideen of the feminist group. u were one of the weak one lool with all do respect.. so yeah we will make up, but i don't know about the kiss part loooool.
  15. waraa ciidamadaan tawabar badan ayee haystaan, qarkood Ruushka ayaa laga keenay, qaarkoodna Masar, ee iska ilaali, adi gurmad xun aad tahay. marka ciidamada homeland security.. it usually takes them couple of words u say to them. but u were lucky u said it in Somali....
  16. I haves to say raula, I find your sujunised xamari really cute lol - waad iga qoslisaa mar mar - lol ha xanaaqin dee - am complimenting you huuno. Qof dhan hadalkiis intaa ku qosishid ayaa laydahay ha xanaaqin waa compliment cajaa ib. Raula abaydiis waad fasaxantahay, u r free go after who ever u like. but who ever tells you, u speak a language or a diolect that is more suited for kids... or laughs at u, is the real jaahil person. go ahead and be proud sujui. if u don't want nin reer soomaali go after the Kenyans they all same...
  17. acuudu billaahi Pearl is that true... punched her uterous. come on... a man who beats up his wife, is not a man at all. but u guys should be easy on the women's who are in that situation, it is very hard to think about it, when u r not in that situation. it would be different if that person was you. allah u aclam. i wish the governments make a rule if u beat up your wife, that u'll get beaten up everyday for 6months, so that no guy would ever beat his wife. ufffff
  18. Thanks Baashi, for the nice article. Bro the enemies of allah come in many forms, but u r right we got used to defending each other from non-muslims. but as Tamina said we became so far from our religion that the non muslims don't have to work as hard as they did maybe 50yrs ago, coz now they have ppl like Irshad Manji, a self proclaimed quranic scholar. if it was that easy to become a quranic scholar i would become one (kajan). anyways don't be disappointed there will be many to come, be strong on your deen, and start practicing it. it is time we should dust off our quran, and start reading it, and practicing what It says mac salaama.
  19. Pearl, b4 aad sii wadin hadalka, i would conceal your ceeb for u. and tell u what is qac qaac, qac qaac is one of the companions of the prophet scw. qac and qac qaac doesn't mean the same thing. ok. laakiin jaceelka waalagaa aqbalay. wali waa ixasuusataa miyaa.
  20. let's face it we are living at the age of entertainment, everyone wants to chill. so with that in mind. Athletes get more money, because simply it brings name for the school, for example North Carolina, everyone knows for their basketball, and alot of ppl in North America knows that. so if u could get someone good baller in your school, no matter what is school average was, they would take him before the brain guy, coz this person will bring fame, money to the school. this is the american dream sis. so just live it.
  21. hibo, let them have what ever they want. hey somaliland i support u guys become a country, get your own passport, kick out anyone u don't like from somaliland. no southern ppl in somaliland if u want, it is all up to u. i just don't think the same ways as u guys, i want unity. not only with all somalia, but with all muslims. haddi la isku caynayo lahjadna then that is really being uneducated. so abaayo hibo, kuwaan muufo iyo maraq lee ku dal dal, hadday xanaaqaan biyelee sii, iska xanaaqa oo qarxa hadday rabaan maxaa adikugu dhibay. hadalkooda.
  22. waraa Macruuf, rawaayadda si fiican aad uxasuusataa waraa, amaaba adi ka mid aheed dadka ku jiray, u won the the best supporting actor right. ninyoho qooley iyo waxaas aaka danbeen jirtay hayye, wallaahi raggeedi aad tahay. Winger, kaalay adi wordska maa lagugu yareeyay. Tuujiye, kan iska fuji nooh.
  23. She died from being a mother at 15 and a grandmother at 30 and an ancestor at 45. What's wrong with this.
  24. Umm mehdar, loooool. she became already... DareDevil, wait waxaan soo qaadan buujimadayda, waan ku buujimeen runtii, kab iyo labo dhangad bac bac aan ku siin lahaa. hey sis really calm down, no one said ur pictures are ugly, i just thaught u should make them wear Xijaab, there is no kibir in there. wixii intaa kadanbeeya, banaanka aan isku aragno. Rudy, marry who?