Qac Qaac

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Everything posted by Qac Qaac

  1. your wack team would only play 4 or maybe 5 more games then my raptors... VC and CB are to be watched next year, and a new pg... will see.
  2. kaalay adi booto iyo thread lee nagu waddaa marwalba... ck... don't worry abaydiis. labo gabdhood oo lakala baxay try me ama itijaabi iyo rayaana aa waxay is dhaheen ck, caawis culus ee ubaahantahay... marka don't feel threatened by them, now is 3 on 3.
  3. 1. women who has no islam.... 2. feminst 3. sell out women 4. gold diggers 5. qumayooyin, ciddiyo dhaa dheer.
  4. 1. You'd do anything, even die for them. i agree with your top 10. list except # 1. u have to die on islamic couse like Sheikh Ahmed, but if u die for a husband who himself is not so great with his religion... or if he is someone like the prophet scw... u could die for him, or the Mahdi coming after.. but u die for any man because u love them, or any women, to me is wrong... i would only die for islam...
  5. Shaabella, well said. but sis be careful iknow what u trying to say, but don't say the prophet said scw women and men are equal... don't leave it at that, u have to say men and women in the eyes of allah they are equal. but obviously when it comes to who stronger they are not. and there is pharse in the quran, that always put in cnn, that goes like this " al-rijaalu qawamuuna alaa nisaa'a" but don't understand the ayah the wrong way, it doesn't mean that men are better than women... anyways i won't go into explaining the ayah, coz that is Nur's Job... but just be careful. Shaabella, also u compared men to the prophet scw. ok... fair enough. but i ask u. how many somali women are like Khadija, Aisha, Umuu salama. Zaynab, Hafsa... radiyaalaahu canhum.. same thing goes to the women too. DA... u said, and i quote" why whould i wanna aim so low, and wanna equal to men"... well end of arguement for me, ur true colors came out here. let's face it u have something against men, and i wonder who is the men u gonna marry... don't u have respect for your brothers, fathers, uncles, grandfather, obviously only your mother didn't give u birth, it had to be 2 pp. princess sexy thanks sis... but i wish u be judge here, and correct both ppl. if i came wrong, correct me, but u can't let pass your eyes saying like this... that DA just said.
  6. ilaahoow negative hanaga sameen.
  7. Gymka iska daaye, ee laadka barta...
  8. Nuune, ku wii ka soo baxay, dugsi loox badankooda wax umatarin, ee idea kale la imoow. bun na adi kaama iibin karo.
  9. Major: biology-biotech Minor: History Hoppy: Islam/fiqh.... my first choice would be Islam... but sadly nowadays u can't make living of teaching ppl islam...
  10. Rayaana qof wax garad ah baad tahay, ee meesha ka sii wad in aad ufaa iidayso kuwa aa saas wax garadka u aheen. afkaaga caano lagu qabay...
  11. coach of the year 1. Jerry Sloan... utah, coach of the decade 2. Terry Porter 3. Jeff Bzdelik in Denver.. 4. stan van gandi
  12. come on now CAPITAL Z... u can't give everything to Heat, we know u love them, but come on.... anyways here is my list. mvp Garnet most improved player.. between zack randolph & carlos boozer.. defensive player of the year.... 1. anderi Kirilinko 2. ron artest sixth men in the league 1. antoine jamison 2. maurice taylor 3. bobby jackson. nba champion between spurs and lakers...
  13. i have to admitt most of the girls are transistors, as we all know it is very hard for a girl to decide wearing hijab all the time, u need imaan, and faith yes... but in this world we need more sisters... who have their islamic edab... shyness is a beautiful thing, but it is more beautiful when the women show it.
  14. DA, r u spokes man for all the women.... ooops did i say spokes man, i meant spokes women as u might wanna hear it this way. DA, sis are you one of those women, who took the men out of the word women, and changed into womyn... let shaabella talk for herself, i don't think, she needs your help, as she is educated for herself... if someone needs to know or enquire about history is you, u should find out what is behind the idea behind emanicipation of women... they teach it in Ecology class if u bioligst, or take any socio classes ok... and yeah History.... i guess u wanna change history to herstory right... no honestly sis, is getting rediculous we know where u stand, so naga daa, sanka hanaga soo gel gelin marwalba... damn.
  15. waraa adi calaacal badanidaa ayaamahaan, filim Hindi aa xoogaa no matashay. waraa imaqal ani gaari la isdaba dhiganayo waxba ka mo ogi laakiin waxaan ku la talin lahaa, in aad labadaba aad guursatid labo weekend isku xigta... midna this saturday and the other next saturday. laakiin waxaan kaan codsan, in aa filimaantaan iyo calool xanuunkaan aad meelo kale aad latagtid, anaga jaceel xoog uma heeno ayaamahaan, anagaaba iska adkaan waynee. waa dheertahay kulahaa, maxaa wnba mee dheeshaa bisinka..
  16. waraa sophist i know, in aan salaanta la soo daahay, laakiin walaalkiis ha umaleen in ay naceeb ee iga tahay. ilaahey ha isku giin faatixeeyo adiyo iyo gabadha luckiga ah, oo kula booday, ilaahey qeelada between u guys ha yareeyo, ilmo fiican oo diintooda iyo dhaqankooda na si fiican u yaqaana ilaahey ha ku siiyo. marka duqa ku soo dhawoow hee married life... good choice for marrying...
  17. Try Me, haddaba tan yariista ha soo dirin. tuujiya ayaa ka hela kuwa ka yar yar 16 jir. haddii kali iyada hostage ahaan aan u qaadan si aa adi banaanka isku keentiid, oo aan looto isla ciyaar no loool. Waraa tuujiye, barkin tuujiye, yaa ku dhahay nama gacoow, geed yoho tuujinta badan, madaalo miyaa ma bunni machine aah geedka.
  18. romantic movies, hurda ayaa igu qabata kulligood.
  19. this is another case oo carabta igu sii diraysa... what the hell is the white man doing in there. i don't really care about their marriage, and i wonder how much money they spent in their wedding. when u have all these ppl dying.
  20. shaabella, i don't think underdog is talking about mother's who are in the position as your mother, ofcourse if the women her husband died. she has to work, on welfare is very wrong idea. but what i think, he is talking about is those women who have their husband on their side with them, he is working, for them, and yet they have to prove to him that they could be like him, those who compete with men, feminist. hadday danta ku kalifto in aad shaqeeso ofcourse, laakiin if u don't have to... then that is what he is talking about. for your case about the loan, u have to pay for it. if ur husband is miskiin enough to pay for yourself, good for you.
  21. ani haddaa gabar ahaan lahaa, intaa meel iska fadhiisto aa maalin walba duqa lacag ka qaadi lahaa, is qurxinlahaa, bookna iska akhrisanlahaa. what is this need that i have to be outside, i don't get it. anyways pls ppl, stop this feminen crap, now we know where ppl stand, and is no pt of continuing... DA... ilbaxnimada ay ka midtahay, in wax walba la suu'aalo ay ku soco saas, dumarka na guul usoo jiid. ilaahey haku garab kalo.
  22. Try me, abooto, iga daa nooh wadnaha banaanka ha iga soo tuurin ee. laakiin hadhoow marka aad cajiinta aad doonaysid aan kuu fadhiisan jidka. Rayaana, ma adaa af soomaali ku baraynaa, ma waa lantahay. ani afkayga tabcaan waaye, nuune af jinni uu ku hadlaa, tuujiye na wuxuu ku hadlaa kuwa ruwaayadaha. ee marka macalimadda adiga wax noo faa iidee.
  23. they also are majority in jannah too. jazak allah khayr sis.
  24. waraa buuf kaan ii jiliciya nooh.
  25. Kool Kat, dadka muxtaramiinta aad ka mid tahay, oo waxaa isku saf noqoteen hadda, Try Me, iyo Caramel, iyo many more aan ka gaarin in aa magacaabo kulligood. now fikraddaada gaarsii kuwa kale, oo aan heesan fikraddaada.