Qac Qaac

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Everything posted by Qac Qaac

  1. OG girl, i think u sercusticly said, u would ask your father to buy camel for u, instead of the cherokee, well sis, it looks like u r making fun of my theory but nevertheless, u could ask any sheikh u like, even your local imams, and they will tell you that it was from the sunnah of the prophet scw to eat with his hands, and by eating with your hand it doesn't mean we are setting your back words, you could eat with your spoon if u like, read al'shama'il by abu alaa al moudoodi. it was written from how the prophet behaved to how ate, slept, mannered with ppl. all in that book, and u see he ate with his hands... so pls sis, next time that u make metaphor like that be careful, and no one is saying u can't eat with your spoon and forks.. is just it is more hasanah for u to eat with your hand.
  2. "My mom told me once that her mom and grnamother use to tell her that if she sat in the same bed with a man, she would get mom told me that she believed that until the year before she got married....but then again she was only 16 then..." LOL...that was so cute and imagining the airborne sperm (not to be crude) waiting to impregnate a woman...damn if that was true....then im a mother of 90... ... am i the only who captured this, isn't something wrong with this statement. cajaa'ib, but what were u doing sitting with men in the same bed. maxaa kula fadhiisiyay haduusan aheen husband kaaga. and yeah i believe if girls passes, 20s keeda that she is hilib dhacay. sorry, that is the reality for most of the men, and the other ones don't wanna admitt it. so get married at 20s.. or wait ur mr.right guy. at 35, when he is already married to another one.
  3. Athena, the sunnah of the prophet scw is to wash your hand first everytime u gonna eat, therefore u don't worry about microgoranism stuff. then eat with your hand. Try me, sis loooool horta of what happen to u, and i really like what u did. but what i am wondering is i thought women, or girls don't eat with their hands especially in front of men, i guess u r one especial person. as for jaahilkaas u talked about, u should be mentor for him, if he is not proud of his culture... then fiinyahay ku dheh, and teach him. i really like what u did... i would eat with my hands, and would sit on the ground, if they didn't have tables and chairs in restaurent....
  4. Og sis u r just too nice, what can i say. u r definately not like x quist. so pls stop siding with her, i don't want her to turn u like her. check mate, xikmadda waad ku mahadsantahay. Garab tuujiye, man u know i am not older than these girls, and yet i sound more older then them because of my maturity level, men they all go to university with this maturity level, r u kidding me? lethalblaze, lool sis, u know they are threat to your species, u r right i definatley don't get along with proud being feminst X. yes baadiyo girl, x called her self a proud femist, she is out of closet. hala yaabin maan gaab nimadeeda lee saas ugaysay.
  5. sister u r right Khadija RA, was married at old age, but don't forget she was married before at young age.... also Aisha RA got married at very young age to the prophet scw... so it goes both ways. the prophet scw adviced us to get married at young age, if u r not ready i could understand. but if any other reason. then no.
  6. checkmate waa runtaa, laakiin tan X galoow da ah, xishoodka in lago tago waxay umooda ilbaxnimo, oo toronto bay ku ilbaxday. Og girl, as i said, b4 u r too sweet stay out, read your books, be innocent, don't show the other side, don't turn like x... acuudu billah.
  7. lucky, then to daredevil, then to lethal blaze, wah adi, maxaa shaati badalkaan badan, naga jooji nooh, waaba xanaaqay bee. laakiin macalimadda kool in aad tahay ma ogeen, waxaan kuu maleen jiray in aad tahay sida kuwa idaba heesta meel walbo aan galo. loooool. miskiin macruuf, maxaa adi xafadday waa ka tilaabsanoysaa, waraa bashiir lugay bacaadkiisa waan ga danbeeyay aniba, laakiin duqa, mareeray aan ka soo goon jiray meeshaas, kadibna macalinka ayaa nagu garaaci jiray, markii danbe booc booc aan u kaynay. anyways man, mataqaana masjid raxma, masaajid yar, oo bashiir lugay markii hoos looga soo dagdo ku yaalay, nuune qoloda terrorka uu ushaqeeya ayaa umaleeyay, maxaa adi meel ku ekoo nooh.
  8. listen, you are not above the rules of this website. If you don't stop the insults against other nomads, we would have no choice but to suspend your membership. Please respect other nomads and stop this pointless insults against other nomads. [ April 19, 2004, 07:22 PM: Message edited by: Admin ]
  9. listen to your parents as they are more exprienced then u r, as they know what u about go through. good advice from them get married, all your cousins got married what u waiting for.... or else let the biological clock go tik tik tik... and still soo taagnood. oo hadhoow halaguu qaraabtee.
  10. u think, u could bring ideas of peace to somalia.. how sad r u? to think this way. don't get involved stay away. and let me express my view.. u too nice sis. Og, u r not like them, so pls stay away.
  11. Qac,sometimes i wonder if u were dropped too many times on ur head as a mini-creature...may u one day grow out of ur diapers...which is it...huggies or pampers? nominate u for some free ones... admin, waad ujeeda in ay igu wadaan cay da. waxmo ka ma qabo laakiin ii fasax nooh. Tamina u see it for yourself the name calling they do... two more today 1. mini-creature 2. diapers... caja'ib is funny when some one like this calls names on you. ilaahey haku daaweeyo, obviously waad jirintahay, aragti gaabni, iyo khatar aad isku moodid, adoo ban ku fadhiya... naa hooy joog, iska ma kay celing kartid. oo hadhoo admin ka ayaa ku ordi, and all the girls will feel that they have to support you, like the old days do u remember, don't start me again.
  12. Pronto every body. Baadiye girl, abaydiis ninkaan tuujiye, iska ilaali tifoo iyo isnadaamis ba wuu qabaa. qaxiina waxaa ku dhacay candho.... Haaruun akhii, ani reer taleex ma ihi. laakiin sheikh cali suufi, iyo bakaaraha iyo dabka dhexdooda ayaa ka imid, masjid raxmah haddaad aa taqaanid na waa meeshaydii...
  13. x quisit, finally good to see u have some values and you actually work out at home, i thought u will be out there with men, competing. DA... what can i say... u only see black and white. Tamina, i am very disappointed with u sis. u failed to see what's wrong with DA's post, and easily picked my mistakes, i know she is your girl. but come on... tambons iyo waxa ay igu lay yihiin miyaa da maqalin... and u talk about labelling, u don't see their name calling. admin, bro,, i hope u r very to both women and men in here, u can't tight our hands behind our back, and let the girls bad mouth us like this... we could talk like them... but atleast nin yahoo xishood ka iyo sharafta bar... x quist, i got crush on u. ahahahhaha. i rather in aan jirado then aa adiga crush kuu hayyo... ma waal nahay. bax raad so mid aad ka adag tahay, so u could show him u r the men of the house.
  14. amazing!!! i thought women, were more accident bound... coz they are too scared behind the wheal, and that could lead to deadly consequences.
  15. waraa Nuune, bun saa u cabaysay aad waxaa u ekaatay Siri laankays hayye, laqtara bumash la araynaak.
  16. try me, maxaa adi wali xamar life aad ku nooshahay. ani 0.5 aan ku siin lahaa laakiin su'aasha nuur aad waydiisay loooool.
  17. Barwaaqo ilaahey hakuu fududeeyo OG girl, those men u mentioned are full in the khaliij area. DA this is your chance to bash more somali men. same goes for u x. luuqaan dhan waxaa loo furay maseer ahaan, which shows the true colour of our sisters in sol... copy cat... and confrontations and more confrontations.. lool @ try me, u don't like pretty boys... the men i hate. 1. man with no islam 2. player 3. those who talk out of useless stuff. 4. men, who always talk about women... damn. 5. men who don't help out their families... 6. man that doesn't work.
  18. lol @ try me, maxuu u dhintay cilmi boodhari ayaa tiri looooool. i agree with u. maxaa dhahee aakhiro, naag baan udhintay darteed akhas saas waalaga fiicanyahay,
  19. Pls Tuujiye don't mention my name with gabadhaas magaceeda min fadlak. Pearl thanks for the lesson.
  20. dadka dhintay xattaa kaama faka nayaan hayye.
  21. Daredevil, do u want us, let go her threatening ideas, so she could iject it to more of our sisters. sis in our culture and religion if someone is wrong we correct them, and we don't say let's learn to agree to disagree. u r not being fair to the person who is correct... ee next time waxaas oo kale yaan kaa maqal, oo labo jeer oo hore baan kaa maqlay.
  22. Haruun sxb, ciidomo ayaa kaa danbeeyay. wareer meel walba way kaaga daba imaan, ee kuwaa un iska ilaali. duqaan Nuune na, single mother u soo hel... sheekadu marka waa malab iyo badh.
  23. good to see u had fun... but sis i don't believe birth days.... but i'll congratulate u.
  24. Raula pls, sis. i have no time understanding ppl like that, oo ku ilbaxay in america. Garab tuujiye, iga daa tan aad iga daba watid. Tamina good choice don't work out in the same gym with men, i was gonna tell DA and X quisit, but u know how they are... i have no time for feminen crap again. qaxooti kulahaa, congratullations u could write a somali word...