Qac Qaac

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Everything posted by Qac Qaac

  1. sidda arbaca wa nus, lix afar iyo nus, macalinka u r right we need leaders... especially from our ppl (somalies). but the question is do we have leaders now.... i would say no, someone who fallows his needs and wants, and are there only to satisfy himself is not a legitamate leader... ok if i go back to your question which was, do the somali youth have leaders... right now nooooo, how can we get it. well 1. make duah to allah, that allah give us a leader who has taqwaa, 2. need to realize, not to fallow desires, women, cars, hip hop. money if we get those 2 things in checked from all of our youth then we educate them in their religion... then the sky is the limit.. how can we make leaders, how about teach leadership classes... i see most of the halaqas are all about deen hadith and quran which are all good masha'allah, but we also need where we could teach our youth and prepare them for the task front of them. lix afar somalies become ppl with no leaders, that they can't even make a new songs of somali anymore the ones they have is from last time somalia had government 13yrs ago they still have Magool and Cumar Dhuule, and Zulfe... even the haram stuff we can't do... we even failed to do haram.. forget about islamic leaders, or even president, the last president we had was 13yrs ago... so bro make duah.. that is my advice.
  2. Raula, Darman, and Raxma. r u all serious? the brother all he said was, in western countries it is very hard for women to get married late at their 20s.... then he said, unless u guys are gonna be like the white girls, which means have boyfriend on a side. SO I WANNA KNOW WHEN DID HE CALLED TAMINA A *** ? acuudu billaah, wallahi ppl are just looking for an arguement now adays. also it is true in collages and universities many somali girls have boyfriends on the side, same for the guys too, which proves u can't wait till u finish university... unless u really have good excuse... imam shafici got married at the age of 16. and he became one of the bigest scholars of Islam... so what's the problem... let's not be blind from the trueth, and take the advice of the prophet scw, he told us to marry at young age, and us graduating from universities won't give us more knowledge then the prophet scw. most of the ppl would need to have boy/girfriend on a side. and most of the somalies commit zina now like it is nothing....
  3. Underdog, man those are wisdom words... i would just add ppl do differ when one is joking and not... Somalean, don't worry sis, it is called shuttering illusions... some of us are getting shuttered hard... that's why u see negative responds.
  4. excessive laughter is really bad for men & women, i really hate it when someone laughs outloud to the point that everyone looks at that person. and yes about it killing the heart is very true, also it doesn't remind u your duties towards allah, also a joker is not respected of what he says, coz ppl would know him as the not serious person all the time, even if he is serious.
  5. waraa Nuune, macalinka waad ku qabatay hayye, ha ka shifin, kadaa nooh. xaasi sanidaa.... may yahuuda ayaa la soo kortay.
  6. few good men out there. woow waa waray maxaa maanta dhacay r u ok, DA. loool. careful though when u say, hide behind the deen, coz u don't know their intensions..
  7. coz they called themselves as that Raxmah, so wonder no more.
  8. Nuune, biyahee cabooysaa. waraa waala isku dhiiba hayye. hoos hoosey.
  9. Are you saying that Tamina's mother did what white girls in college do? DA, where in the world did the brother said, Tamina's mother did what the white girls do.. i think u r being too much now, and u just want instigate something between Tamina & the brother one gang man, hey is about time u stop this, and the let ppl exchang convos. ok. Darman stop sucking up, man u make me sick.
  10. LBL, maanta dhan qac qaac lee maqlaayaa, maxaa kaa sameeyay, oo mise jaceel lee waaye waxaas loool. abaydiis, adiga xattaa waad ogtahay kuwaan in ay marax ay yihiin, dumarkaa aa difaaceena kulaaha, iyaagaba ubaahan in niyada loo dhiso. anyways sis, haddaad dagaal ubaahantahay, hadda ko hor aan ku dhahay baananka imoo, waa ku bujimeen runtii loooooooooooooool. mac salaama iska ciyaar lee waaye. P.s. besides, ayaantaan soomaali aad qortaa yaa kuu duceeyay.
  11. X, don't act victim, no one is feelling sorry 4 u, hana ku ordin Admin, markii wax lagaa sheego intaa hadalka biloowdid.
  12. every joke has 25% of the trueth in it... that was low blow
  13. LBL, adiga naga daah, shaati badalkaan nooh, lucky=daredevil=lethalblaze... the rest whatever it is. wiilka check mate wlc uu kahelaa ee ku wad lee. LBL, u know in aad adiga marax aad aheen, sababta arag luuqa aad ku jirto, this luuq only waxaa ku jiri jirtay CK, and now is you... so u can't be marax looooooool.
  14. I speak. 1. Somali 2. arabic (shuwaya shuwaya) 3. English 4. French (komsi komsa) 5. Finish 6. Russian 7. swahili Fluent somalia English.
  15. nice article lix afar, we need leaders u r right... especially mu'min leaders. sincere leaders as u put it...
  16. GacGac, Khayr and Garab, AS you have been told a number of times - stop insulting nomads who disagree with your views. This is getting really tirsome walahi. If you have a point to make on the comments of the sister, make it! However, I kindly ask you to STOP with these personal attacks! hayye, ameenah, thanks for the advice. but u failed to understand or see that x, d a, are doing the same thing u said we r doing, which makes u a blind person from the trueth, and just took their side, coz u have the women hood thing going. p.s. advice 4 all the ppl who wanna be the mediator between us and those kids, don't take a side first, hear both side of the story. and tell the trueth even if it is against u.
  17. random sharing loooooooool. and u go by the lover of the sol.
  18. What do I have to be careful of Qac Qaac. Sorry but i dont understand. I specifially mentioned that men and women are equal in terms of judging their actions and deed, but not equal in terms of physical, mental, emotional, psychological........ So that the ppl, who don't know what u know, don't think men and women are litterly equal, as u know we have lot of feminists here... so that was what i mean to be careful. they might change your words into men=women.
  19. adi yaa ku haleen karo, shaydaan kaaba ka baqa in aad halaysid. macbuudka
  20. check mate, waad ujeeda dadkii waal naa in ay iga ga hormareen. macalinka anigu haddaa wax iskaga sheeko, only hal gabar aa ifahanta meeshaan taas waa CK, kuwa kale maraxiin ay ubadanyihiin, laakiin labo looto le lagu dhuftaa
  21. Wallalo, u have an issue with every one doesn't agree ur weirdo sellective religion ideas! for ur information, I am Islamic Law student in Share'a Islamia in Kuwait University and I am in my 3rd year .. not coz u deserve any explanation BUT to just minimize ur argument and my father is one of Islamic scholer in Kuwait .. no need to tell my grand dad is Shiekh who graduated From Alzhar.. so no need to go any Imam to ask any thing. If u want Sunnah why u have to sellect eating with hand only? why u don't build TENT in the desert and buy some camels and some goats-If u can afford- and sit there ? Man u need 101 lesson and learn how to agree to disagree OR THAT IS NOT FROM SUNNAH ..LOL sis in couple of times before and now u referred back to your back ground what your father and grandfather was, anyways i am arguing with your father and your grandfather could be good ppl sheikhs and u could another, every heard a say that goes like this in somali...aabahay baa geel leh, waxaa dhanta anaa dameer leh, but then again i know u won't understand it because u r too young. so next time don't tell me u r islamic sharica student, coz obviously it didn't do anything for u. sis sade, she has personal thing against me, due to her age and maturity level, so what ever i say to her good or bad, she won't agree, so hala yaabin. now u said i fellow one sunnah and not the others, like to insult women, woow, when did i isult women or even u... beside why show 2 face sis, in private message u called me dog, a human dog, and u r arguing with me, if i am a dog and u r having an arguement with me, what that makes u sub-dog. come on now, don't act too innocent. and remember back biting is bigger sin then me not fallowing one sunnah. hey sorry if i hurt u, but u knew this was coming coz u r too young, and don't know how to argue with me, so just give up, or u'll cry more every time.... check mate... iska daah way iska yartahay.
  22. waraa Nuune geel jire aad ahaan jirtay hayye, kuwa mundilada ka dulbooda hayye, sida masayda kenya, caramel kan iska jir waligiis gabar ma arkinne, yuu ku murxinne.
  23. waxaad ku soo dhawaataa, gacmo furan, iyo caleemo, iyo caano iyo shaah bal, minanka minaankaaga waaye. wlc.