Qac Qaac

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Everything posted by Qac Qaac

  1. way too many Somali Sentences abaayo Kynda, meeshaan yaa lugu dafin, ee isilaali, nin Tuujiye ladhaho ayaa jooga, waxluu tuujiyaa, nuune aa jooga oo asaga baby baby uu matalaa, laakiin miinshaar uu hoos ku wataa, also macalinka checkmate, u ku checkmate gareen ee iska jir... anigana Qac aa la iyiraahdaa, oo haddii lagu dafo kaama dhigayo, waan iskala qeebsan lahaa ayaga... ee marka haddaba is ilaali, ama haddii kale ciidamada homeland security boos ka xiro, see kuu difaacaan... as checkmate would say by now, asxantu...
  2. abaay abaay, kynda and checkmate, waa la isku qabtay... hayye. iska baashaala macalimiinta. asxantu....
  3. Aight its just a joke so dont choke on ur water. LBL, hadii kale luuq aan kuu istaagi lahaa, anoo bud wata... adi kool aa tahay sababta, u take jokes now.... b4 sidii buufin oo kale aad is buufin jirtay... hadda ilaahey cudurkaas waa kaa ba bi'yay... ee wlc to the kool side. mara.... ooh i can't say it anymore... adminka taba bar uu nugu wadaa nooh. so u lucky lbl...
  4. look 4 his deen... don't go for money and his beauty....
  5. Bombina, u told me to prove it, and as i just said, u didn't accepted so u know what u r right... mac salaama.. Barwaaqo... read what the guy said. don't just talk out of nothing... p.s. about the difference between non-believer, and a non-muslim i let u say it... i don't need anymore arguement with anyone, anymore.
  6. all the things we said to u, all these time was proves, and it is no point proving it to u, coz u'll just argue about it. how about we just leave it at that....Bombina... but i am sorry sis, but the 5 questions u wrote up there, are not what feminism stand for.. as i said, that is what they tell the girls.. to emanicipate u guys, as if u guys were in jail before.. and just destroy u guys... devorce is high among muslim ppl now ask any local imam he will tell u, why because we are adapting to feminist way.. and we are suffering... Bombina i always thought u were better than this, to actually defend a movement, that is made by a non-believer to give u guys right... i am not against women getting rights...but i want the men, women, trees, environment, animals.. everything to get their rights.... and only islam does give everything their own rights... what u gave about feminist has nothing to do with the actual movement's objective... to get the same pay... i don't think men are against that... yee idinka waalin gabdhoo these movements, and yee idin dhigin wada nin la'aan this movement ee ka hara.. my advice.... p.s. bombina no name calling, just stick with the topic...
  7. Mombasa queen khabari saana... maxaa adi taas daadis miyaa, igu taba baranee hayye. waatahay...
  8. you failed to understand what a feminist is So u know, tell us what it means... I like your postings too, and i still like it, even if u call your self a proud feminst, i just assume u don't know what they are... u said look at the positive things they have, none. the positive they show u is propaganda and just illusions, the true objective of the group is only to break family values.. once u break each person's value they have no power but to listen to the TV... and all this u see is from this cause... anyways i wouldn't even go to why u called urself a proud feminist but i believe u r smart person, and u should do more research on them... instead of just making a naive and just emotional response on this issue... i called no one names sis.... and u failed to see what they called me b4. which i don't really care if u see it or not. i know what they said to me, and i am not here to look good in front of the ppl and say something else in privates like some ppl here already called me dog... but then again i would just assume u didn't see that. and i would give u 72 excuses... u should do the same.. next time.
  9. ayaantaan carro, ciil, iyo xanaaq ba way iska kee hayaan ee ha ila yaabiin. qoor sagaarul ladii aan rabaa in aan mid ku qabto..
  10. bas bas hee maxaa adi ma sal fududaatay, dagaal iyo waxaas africa aa looga yimid, dibi qallooc eeba sheekada kaa gaartay.. bas ani minanka waan ka guuraa... laakiin aayar unba sidii faransiiska dabada kaaga laadi laaha, asbax yoho. asxantu sida check mate uu dhahaba... CK... walaashiis Kiitos.
  11. i agree with most of the girls here... somali men sitting in coffe shops, or in tim hortons, is why we are suffering in these countries. our kids are growing with out their fathers, coz some of them already died in somalia, some of them they are working in america or they are at that meeting in Kenya, and the ones that are here are sitting in coffees, subxanallah this is sad. our kids especially boys need their father when they reach teen age time, so that they don't commit crimes, don't become drop outs from school, and make sure they talk to their mothers nicely... i blame the fathers for everything that happen to us in these countries... most of our mothers have 6 kids no help, most of your youth in jails.. especially boys 70% in jails, damn... to make it more disgusting all those men who sit in the coffee, most of them are married, then they look at young girl's tush as X Quist said already, istagfurullah... this is really sad. ilahey hanaga saaro sidatan....
  12. waraa waan ujeedaa in aad ayaantaan shaleemo equator aad ku soo dawatay labo filim Hindi... ee faraha iga qaad miskiintana ha sirin... waan ku aqanaaye, adi mid aad kaala foota lee ku dul sameesid lee ubaahantahay... ee noo aayiri, kashifaantana naga daah nooh, kaalay kuwii Rantisi Yahuuda usheegay maa ka mid tahay, maxaa is ka shifkaan....
  13. love wadna xanuun iyo aching iska leh maba rabo, ani jirro marabo, gees ha iga maro... maxaa love la isku dilaayona marabo... kaas na gees iga mari, nuune ayuu ku fiicanyahay kaas asagaa mitun ahaan jiray oo u dagaalami jiray single motherskiisa...
  14. Only simple minded folks would assume others post in order to hook up. DA, coming it from you... is funny. coz i was actually amazed with Darman, to want that. and i give him lot of respect for handling u... loooool. OG Girl, i stop talking to the teen agers.... Bombina what's the need to tell, an opinionated person with no facts to keep posting his/her opinions.. they will do it anyways... Og, jiq haku ahaato, Bombina is not a feminist coz i saw her other postings... even u is not a feminist OG.. is just u too young that's all...
  15. so don't reply let it die... simple as a b c... by the way congratulations montreal canadieans won... their game 7, unlike the senators.. damn.
  16. caramel Kisses... unnecessary information about your sex. maxaa toosh maad qaadatay. Niinko kulahaa aree adi, wali ma niikinoosaa.. ar meel fadhiiso tusbaxna qaado, oo iska wardi.. abaydiis.
  17. perhabs, u have the same illusions sis. IS IT BOTHERING YOU?... chill.
  18. maxaa adi Dr. Love ma kuu bixinnaa.
  19. abaayo waxaan oo kale iga daah jareerico ee igu ridaan, jil jileecna wee iga dhigtaaye.... wax niman loo sheego waxaan oo kale ma aha... ciil badanaa... alloo yaa qaniina.
  20. checkmate, macalinka ku wad habaarka yahuuda, nacallaa. Nuune adaa qaba cudurkaas baan umaleen, labo jeer oo hore na waan kaa maqlay. Caramel kisses, yahuuda waad ka baqdaa hayye, labo missel ee kugu dhuftaan ma kabaqee, mise in ay London kaa qafaashaan... al-jazeera, iyo cnn dhiig kar ay igu dileen maba daawado anymore... playoff yaashaaba hadda iska daabadaa....
  21. Exactly why does Darman make u sick? Cuz he challenged a male in this forum? Big blow to the anti-feminists soo maaaha Hey Tamina lol, are u leaning towards feminin side... and no it is not a big blow to my anti feminist, i just think the brother Darman is trying to get with DA.. that's why i said he makes me sick... sorry darman. i am just making a pt to my sister here Tamina. Rahma no i am not lowyer in here, but i just felt u made the brother comment into something else... where he just said harmless thing... subxanallah.. biyo qaboow cabba kuligiin including u Tamina.
  22. wlc xuux, loool xu, sex: male location: ottawa occupation: genetic engineerist... kidding student. what u do when they are not looking: u don't wanna know... favourtie: sports, b-ball, karate, boxing. music: i don't listen to it. anything. even somali or arabic, man, i feel like i am going through the immigration... maxaa su'aalahaan adi Xu. ku soo dhawoow meesha, kii ku dhibana feer ku dhufo. wixii intaa kabadan, dadka ii shaqeeya weydii.
  23. try me, u r right the world is ending, it looks like we are heading to world war 3, 4, 4 ,6 and so on... muslims are divided yes. and mu'miniin are becoming every way smaller in number subxanallah. allah knows best... it is almost the mahdi time... very soon.
  24. doesn't this guy know history, how can he call islam a violent religion, it was the name of christianity why europe always faught, it was in the name of christianity why the crusades attacked Juresalem.. spread by sword of the Romans... World WAr 2, was all christian ppl involved, coloniazm was from them, slavery they started, make have constructive weapons... i would blame his belive b4 i start with islam, just read a little history and u see, how many ppl got killed in the name of christianity...