Qac Qaac

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Everything posted by Qac Qaac

  1. what the hell was that... ku soo celi ma fahmin.
  2. Bombina what is the big fuss about your gender really. does it matter. i guess when u r there to chat with someone atleast u wanna know couple of things like who are u talking to. coz u wouldn't talk the same way with both a girl and a man. to me if u didn't mention ur gender i would've tell u why u here then. aren't u here to chat.. but why make something easy so difficult. besides most of the time the way u talk ppl could pick up if u r a girl or not. p.s. advice to u, if u don't wanna mention or say your gender then don't go to chat rooms. coz ppl will ask u a/s/l. 4 sure.
  3. Qac Qaac

    NO Topic

    intresting a topic about nothing...
  4. awards to... 1. Best Topic Award = underdog 2. Funniest Topic Award = Tuujiye 3. Intellectual Award = ibn sina aka avicinnia & Buulo 4. Best Avatar = Nin-Yaaban 5. Best signature = Lucky 6. Best Nick Award = Garab tuujiye 7. Personality/Character Award = caramel-kisses 8. Worse Topic special Awards = Darman 9. Life time Award = Tamina 10. Loyalty to SOL Award = Try me 11. Best man = Nur 12. Best woman = caramel kisses 13. Salafi award = salafi online. 14. most disagreed person = D. A. 15. Most Lovable person = caramel kisses.
  5. ma idinka baa dahab iyo diamonds idiin gadnaa mise wadankii baan ka fakarnaa, wallaahi waa yaab aduunkaan, Nuune meeshaan fiiri bal nin yoho, waad in aad iibisaa diamonds kawaran sheekadaas...
  6. caramel naga daah oohin hanaga keenin saacaddaan. chubaka sholo lob.....why u wanna be a man... ceeb and be happy of what u r...
  7. u r right checkmate, by the way r u carmelo's fan loool. How about Tim Duncin is a fundamental player, which means he is sticks with basics and he is good at. but a muslim person being a fundamentalist is not good. so yeah u r right... also english language makes quranic pharses ugly, when u translate it into english.
  8. Qac Qaac

    i HATE....

    I hate using the word HATE itself..
  9. Top schools doing this. If they're not careful they might get smacked with a child pornogrophy charges. sister technology wise they reached high place, but moral wise they are the lowest ever. so it doesn't matter if it is top school or not... gaal waa gaal. if he is a phd holder or a guy flipping burgers at mcdonald... more exploiting women and more...
  10. abooto, lucky hayeey waalaguu dhaarsan yahay. Nuune iyo Tuujiye umamaleenayo in aad iska qaban karto... good luck
  11. war go for another woman... but make sure u marry her, no place for boyfriend/girlfriend thing.
  12. Who says it has to be argumentative? You can express your ideas without attacking the individual believe it or not, so your more than wlc to add your 2 pesos, as long as its constructive. And there's nothing to correct, thats my view/opinion, and no amount of debating will change it, however this is where she said, nothing will change her mind... so no matter how many times u tell her, ibn katheer said this, or ibn qayyim, she would not listen only make duah for her, coz it is really serious issue.. here. or maybe u should not mention my name, coz now she thinks u r from my squad or the childish squad as she put it.. but everyone here sees who is child, admin no name calling right.. so salafi bro next time don't mention my name if u want them to listen to u... loool.
  13. Salafi, I see ur a back up on the childish squad, nice to finally see ur true colors, and not hiding behind an islamic persona. Well done!!! Using the same lines as the others eh, "emotions"...uhmm Salafi just leave her alone... is no point of arguing with her... when she looses the debate she starts calling ppl names.. just debate with Bulo she is much knowledgable.. on her previous post she also said, no amount of debate will change her view.. which i find it close mindedness.. just make duah for her. that's all.
  14. Lucky af caribiga waan aqaan, tuujiyena professor uu ku yahay, ee marka abaydiis thanks for jaceel ka ok.
  15. i was gonna reply in here, but actually no need 4 me to be involved in another arguement with the same ppl all over. but i hope ppl like Rahima, and Salafi online. could correct this...
  16. ee maxaa ck iyo rayaana buujimo maa idiin xirnaa saa isku feertaan haddii kale naga daaya dacwada badan. hal koor is dhaafa nooh. CK.. maxaa adi kuu diiday pm, one way street ani ma aqaan. laakiin gaashaan aan ayaantaan wataa oo waxaan iska difaacooyaa gabasaaro iyo dirac ya badan. CK maxaa Nuune ubaaroosaa laakiin, emigration miyaa meesha. Tuujiye, kor u ooy. cirka.
  17. Rahima where did u get the idea, that i don't mind to marry 2 or 3 or even 4. laakiin abaayo i have no time 4 headache... one is really enough. with all those headache no thanks. also 4 the sisters who only think, men marries another women because of desire, u guys are not quit right. he might marry her, 4 alot of other reasons, it could be 4 money, family member, his brother's wife after his brother passed away. he could marry her to help this women with her kids, so the kids don't feel with out father figure at home. usually the sahaba time, after jihad, when some men die in the battle. their wifes are married by the men who are still alive, even if they had wives before, so is not always 4 desire.... p.s. girls let me ask this question, u all said, it is allowed for men to marry more than 1 wife. but u'll wouldn't let your husband marry another wife... then the question is. is this realistic, that husband who is gonna marry another woman obviously would be one of your husbands... so now what.. or this is what we are hoping for, that our husband is not guy. right, untill reality checks in.
  18. that you, nuune and few others seem to create this lil "somali speaking gang" that think only they understand af somali and for some reason pick on the sisters! Kynda yaa kuu sheegay waxaas. infact it is the other way around.. iyaga aa faraha naga qaadi karin. afsoomaligana qof idiin diiday malaha abaayo in aad ku hadashaan, is just 4 those of us who know both languages, has the chance to speak both, and talk to whatever they like. u could join if u could write and read somali. laakiin ha umaleen in ay tahay meel gabdhaha kaliya lagu aflagaadeenayo ok.
  19. hayye hee labadiina na isku bilaabe hee. Tuujiye, Lucky ha igu dirin... gabadhaan waad iska taqaanee qalal aa iska dhici kara anytime.. laakiin, ee ga'da noogu dadaal macalinka. axsanta.
  20. Tamina yes it is very extreme... but i would make u test yourself too if i was that man. Nuune gabadha haka xanaajin loooool Kynda abaydiis, is only a joke, ha ubixin,, besides the whole somaliaonline except the islamic part, are whole about nac nac. so no need for anger....
  21. Lucky yaa been ka dhaadhicin, i'll tell u when i go for man hunt kulahaa, like u don't know.. hey a joke, biyo qaboow cab bisinka ha kululaan. is daji... loooool. door is that way, maxaa iridda gadaasheed maa igu sugooysaa...
  22. for the last question of the post it says, wouldn't it not be fair if the women is not allowed to have 4 husbands just like the men. Polyandry well sister, answer him this way. if the woman has 4 men, then who is the father of the kid. who is gonna take of the custody of the kid. and how can that woman satisfy all those men, when it is her period time.... when she is pregnat what would the men do.. wait for all those days... allah created us, and he knows us the best... if a man makes a car, he should know what is best for that car. it is not smart to ask someone else about what is good for that perticular car... women are more then men... so if every woman gets one man... what is gonna happen to the rest of the other woman who had no man from the beginning... so now what is the solution.. p.s. pls safe this arguement and let's just fallow Islam... islam has the answer to all the social problems of these countries.
  23. boxer horta macalinka ha ifeerin... laakiin maybe waan isla ciyaarnay. soccer. laakiin area daas ma aheen meeshayda.. xooga dhinaca holwadaag baan xigay, even though aan u dhowaa shaleemo kaaso balbalaare..
  24. and know u change back your nick name as Lucky. shaati badal lee adi ku jirtaa hayye qofta. laakiin buufis in aad qabtid waad ogtahay ee ga' naga siiso nooh. p.s. laakiin dhinacaaga kool ka ah aa ayaantaan soo baxay fiiri, thanks to ppl like us... oo kaa dhigay kool loooool.
  25. jazakillah khayran.. sister Rahima.. thank u. exactly we shouldn't belittle the sunnah of the prophet scw... subxanallah...