Qac Qaac

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Everything posted by Qac Qaac

  1. fey, thanks for the advice. bro/sis
  2. Xu ok whatever u say. U.S. independence day July 4th, we have to celebrate this one too. Xu i don't agree with u too here either. so let's leave it at that. but do some more research actually what these days stand for ok. bye.
  3. Mombasa queen, abaayo i never said it was haraam to celbrate mother's day, don't put words in my mouth, all i said wat, it is not seen from our tradition of islam. our prophet scw, and the companions did not have a mother's day to celebrate. but nevertheless u r right we are always involved in something that is against islam. but that doesn't make it permissable because we all do it, it just makes us a weak muslims that's all. anyways sis sorry if i offended you, but i also think u misunderstood me. go ahead and celebrate with your mom every day, and tell her u love her at all the time. but don't make a day from the calender to do that. u should be doing it every time.
  4. atleast u didn't born in Somalia, that is understandable, and u speak Somali. which shows u r not embarassed about your language. anyways i got ur pt.
  5. how to start revolution? short term goal. start educating ppl. especially women and children. long term goal. Omar Bin Khattab system will do. che chuvera he himself died.. and we need no gurilla tac tics. i prefare imam tashmeel gurilla tac tic then che chuvera.. Og moti u should check on Imam tashmeel, many ppl believe che chuvera stole his idea from this Imam, in Chechnya.. read about him.
  6. i was just wondering. i notice a lot of ppl who stay away from the samali things, u know our cultural stuff. which led me to this question do we feel our culture is inferior to the western culture.. saw many somalians who are embrassed to do certain stuff in front of their canadian, or american, or british friends... what u all think, do u all notice this yes or no.
  7. Hope some people make sense ONCE in their life time!.I don't care who gave them I am dealing with who has my land. how obvious u could be, u might as well just mention my name. i won't even respond to u. got better things to respond to.
  8. but as the humble person that I am from this statement shows us that u r far from humble, how can u call yourself a humble, let the others call u humble. is like me saying, as my humble opinion and goes on.
  9. psycho sue, u don't wanna cook for your husband.
  10. Aren't u there living with your mom everyday, and if u do, u don't say i love u to your mom atleast once a day. mother's day is for gaalo who don't live with their mom, and this is their chance to go back home and say i love u mom. shaabella said it is not islamic holdiay. we are not against celebrating mother's day for our mothers. but we are against us copying eveything the gaalo do. khaaliful mushrikiina wal kaafiriin. so celebrate with your mom, in noon times, evenings, mornings eveytime u get a chance not only one day from a year. Mombasa queen nice topic, cutelilgirls, well said. shaabella u closed the case. CK, what... u actually celebrate... loool waad ilbaxday hayye. ilaahey hakuu siyaadiyo ilbaxnimadaada.
  11. Rahima well said. need father figure at home. women have their faults too. but no one would say their faults because they all have 5 or 6 kids by themselves. so all the power to our mothers, i think they saving somalian ppl every where now. whether in somalia, or western countries. i hope u girls could fallow up with the same effort our mother had given us, or better...
  12. hating an ethiopian for what the British done is wrong to me. we don't ethiopians because they have different religion then us. but as the sister in this topic she is one of us. she is muslim, i love her more than any somali who becomes gaal. i just think, we should hate the british even if we live in their country coz they did this to us. ethiopians u can't really blame them other then accepting the don't take your anger to the ethopians and ask money from the british... is pathetic.
  13. 1. canjeelo see ukala sareeso iyaa loo cunaa. 2. luuq luuq maroow lasim laami lee ka danbeeyo 3. coke haddee kaa dhamaato pepsi lee lagu dabo qabtaa. 4. anoo isbaramuuto cabay, miyaa udaaha casiir. for now that's all.
  14. soo dhawoow basra, and welcome. hadday late tahay salaantaydana qashinka iskaga rid.
  15. CK, abaydiis abaa luuq lagal odayga. si dag dag ah, su uu ilaahey kaaga baa bi'iyo addictionka.
  16. beautiful advices from both kynda and mombasa girl. and i third that, read the quran... so u could find tranquility in your heart.
  17. Practice what you preach you cant accuse one for being rude whilst you insult another Honey D thanks 4 the reminder. i love how u got her back... true loyal. Rahima jiq aa igaga dhigee hayye loool. xadiis biibaayana indhaha waad iga ga dhufatay. waayahay aan ku arko... munaafiq sign waa isiisay.
  18. CK, ciyaal kayga shaqadooda hooyadood waydii. laakin nacam ofcourse need more kids... all guys. the oldest one should be agirl. Nuune si fiican aa ugu jawaabtay kan lakkad ka ah. laf dhuun gashay camal uu noogu taagan yahay. waraa naga kala firee nooh. ani ciyaal maame, adi ciyaal suuq. kiitos
  19. Caramel Kisses hadaba joog meel yaa ku dhaha, canada aad imaatid ba, tuujiye lugta kaa xiraayo oo really u won't back to that boring country u from... all u guys know is queen this queen that. lool. hadaba ani waan kuu digay, hadduu tuujiye luuq kula galo nasiibkaa. Nuune adigana, abolba waxaad iska aheed single mother raadis, marka kula ma yaabayo, hadalkaaga. ee iska imoow duqa odayaasha la buriyay waxay ka tageen aan kuu heennaa.
  20. Ah HeLL! Who am I kidding I wouLdnt expect any sort of gift from SomaLi Men!HeLL theyre too broke in severaL ways!Lol...dont have a cow now guyz! we need more girls with your attitude... that will save some money 4 us. good job lucky 4 being most pessimistic person ever. besides that money we could use it 4 something else. like help back home ppl. what u think Lucky...
  21. CK, maxaa baarooysaa, what u mean me n qq are same?... yac dheh gabar yahay. meel joog.
  22. maxaa wad nahaaga mutalaato miyaa, miyaarad miyaa. bisinka, waraa meesha ka kac. waaba iga xanaajinoysaa hadda.
  23. You just like telling women what to do, eh instead of thanks, this is what he gets.. sub xanallah.
  24. Barwaaqo waxaan maqlay atariisho ayaa ka tahay khayaali land ma runbaa. lol. dameer iyo labadiisa dhagood kulahaa. Try me good choice. the rest of u should wake up and smell the coffe. who wants to get 2 tickets to hajj with her man as a gift... think this way... it is more possible then buying u a whole island.
  25. ppl we shouldn't be arguing about islam. as i know 4 sure no one is a scholar here.. OG girl u don't agree with the bro, no need to attack him personally... with comments like, did u swallow your man pride.. that is un call for. as for me in this topic i decided to shut my mouth. i am too exprienced now, and know who to debate and who not to debate with... D.A. come on, i thought u were a lot smarter than this... don't u know contracts are meant to be broken... no offense, biyo qaboow cab b4 aad xanaaqin.