Qac Qaac

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Everything posted by Qac Qaac

  1. adi kaalay naag aad qabin miyaa rabtaa in aad amar siiso, cajaa'ib. CK.. maxaa shaati badalkaan adi. Mita Kuulu? amar hadday gabadha qaadaneen, yee kalee amar ka qaadan.
  2. bro there are lots of good girls, practicing girls in UK.. so careful not to say something bad to mu'minah sister, coz that is big Sin. but i think, u asked this question coz u exprienced something... and u have right to be answered. gabar soomali ah, oo boyfriend leh, maba lahadleen waligay. uff.
  3. Hasna is this a trap?... i won't even say anything, i being to this kind of debates b4... Rudy good luck bro... i would say this we are in, is because we neglect the religion... the way of life=islam.. and now this is what happens.. for the ms p.. i think devorce and the youth going on drugs, r kind of related.. no father figure at home, the boy does whatever his friends tell him to do, or whatever he thinks is cool.
  4. Why would he have more than 6 kids? i don't know. but all i know, i want to have 20 boys, and 10 daughters... from my 3 wives. what u think of it DA?... now tell me how many kids are dying in the world. pls.
  5. Qac Qaac


    sheikh Quraanka aa kuugu filan, ee Creek stuff iska hilmaam...
  6. Qac Qaac

    Good byess

    thanks for the cafiska aad nacafisay abaydiis, anigana waan ku cafiyay, ilaahey khayr hakaaga dhigo safarka amuurahaagana aad ka soo dhameesataa. nin na ilaahey ha kaa siiyo safarka.. oo aad ugu taktid wadamadaas kale.
  7. Qac Qaac

    Good byess

    thanks for the cafiska aad nacafisay abaydiis, anigana waan ku cafiyay, ilaahey khayr hakaaga dhigo safarka amuurahaagana aad ka soo dhameesataa. nin na ilaahey ha kaa siiyo safarka.. oo aad ugu taktid wadamadaas kale.
  8. ilaahey hana gaarsiiyo wakhti aan anaga ilmaheena ka hadli karno, ilmo dad kale maa kahadli karnaa yaakhay.
  9. lool @ Rudy... clock thing. gabareey dhageeso, because guys have to be financialy set, when they are getting married. DON'T U GUYS WANT? big wedding, big this big that.. come on don't forget yourself. ask minimum stuff, and u'll see all the guys would get married at younger age. although playmaker aka ciyaar sameeye has a point with checkmate.
  10. Cawo maxaa uburin gabadha CK... CK.. dadkaan iska daa nooh ha isku daalin. ee adi dadkaaga labood. kuwaan kalana fiinyaha nooh. see adi kaa noqotay.
  11. Mrembo yes i am old, u wanna be my third wife?... let me know ok. Tuujiye u 19... ahahhahaha.... and i am 14 then. CK... is yaree haddii kale waaba kaa ordi lahaa. OG moti waxaad dhalatay 1969... am i right. Hasna u r 24-25 depending on the month.. am i right...
  12. I rather be qaxooti, then read and write broken somali... Khayr thanks.. 4 being on the flight 14... since we were on flight 13. waraa meeshaan somali online. saan may isku badashay hadda, in uu dhaho qofwalba i love this person, and this person is that... what the hell, naga daaya waxaan filin hindi kuma jirnee... OG_Moti... adiga maanashiibiyada ayaa ka mid tahay hayye, how come u didn't mention this person or that, maxaa kaa kalay...adeer.
  13. Iga daa waxaan nooh, maxaa qalbi xanuunkaan. oohin lee la iska keenaa ayaamahaan hayye. maxaa sidaan yaakhay... beer xanuunka gees naga mariya pls.
  14. abaydiis maybe aduu kaa helin yarka. marka wuu kaa leexanayay, as much as he can. how about this.
  15. Merci, thank u, gracia, gracius, tanag u, mahad sanid, shukran, asxantu, kiitos.... jazakallah khayra.
  16. No wonder, waxa aan idiin fahmi waynay, kulligiin 1983kii aad dhalateen. aniga gaari aa tacluugaaye 1983kii... Nuune 14 buu jiray 1983kii illaayo hadda. Tuujiye waxaan umaleenayay in aad jirtid 12, maxaa sheekadaa ka jira. my age..... 32 years old man.
  17. How come i am not surprised that some of the ppl here fail this quiz badly... no need for me to take this quiz.. just like underdog.... i would score 110% very sure... the banana thing, depends on the region u came from... i eat my qado with banana... and drink isbaramuuto after it.
  18. Darman, bro who gave u the right to disrespect one of the prominant muslims scholars in the world right now. bro first i would tell u, to say istaghfurullah. also know that u r student, and have no right to call names to sheikh Qardawi here, when u r not even a scholar, and don't have the knowldege he has. i am not defending him, i am just worried for u. let the other sheikhs who his level especially those from Saudia deal with him, coz they are always against him... but as for u, i just think it is not your level... it is between scholars not students like me or u...
  19. Qac Qaac

    Some advice!

    out of all the ppl who adviced u, khayr was the best.... CK, your cousin meel aad ooga dhacday, craig david uu egyahay kulahaa. now come on... uf waaba iga xanaajisay. caqli tv maa noqonnay hadda. Try me, adigana is qabooji, hook me up maxaa waaye, malaay miyaa asaga bisinka.. p.s. ani waxaan umaleen sol. meeshaan qofwolba feebaro ayaa heeso, ee marka maala isku fududeeyo sheekada. what is the problem, what's with all this rules and regulations... haddii la isku kulul yahay, ha la isku bilaabo, haddii kale qeelada iyo calaa calka nagaa daaya, billaa caleek.
  20. try me, ha isoo marin. maxaa waxaan dhan.
  21. Qac Qaac

    Some advice!

    Try me, ani waxaan ku dhihi lahaa let him go. coz u know, u won't push him all the time in your relationship. if a man can't take the heat from a woman. then what kind of man is he. so really u r a great person and i think u should be settling with a man just like u. anyways what is wrong with me, i am giving an advice which i don't even know, if u r planning to marry this guy. then again is u try me. so iska tijaabe yarka.
  22. Try me, i knew awolba in aad aheed qof wax garad ah. thanks sis.
  23. woow everyone is saying Yes. which means we are seeing changes, although we don't say it is inferior but our action says it. anyways God Help us.
  24. u r very smart u could get it for yourself.