Qac Qaac

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Everything posted by Qac Qaac

  1. waraa Lakkad niman iyo naago aa dabada laga fuul fuulay, dilkana iskaba dhaaf, then that doesn't make u anti US... but one man aan qoorta laga jaray u r anti-arab. come on bro.. it is islam that actually is holding the arabs back coz they would do the same thing the US. did, but in Islam u could only kill them, not to sexually harrass them UFF..
  2. Isn't this should be talked about in Private?.... 2004 eh. Darman could luck... ahaahah. a kick every month u should be recieving..
  3. edeb daranidaa, maxaa waxaad rabtaa in aad ogaatid sida ay waalidkayga isku guursadeen? lool anyways, well he saw her, talked to her got her interest, then went to her family, which then gave her to him... simple as a b c.
  4. i should tell the older men in Tim Hortons what u sisters said here. u guys love men older then u 20 yrs or atleast 12.. abooto waraa odayaasha way udhacatay hayye. still suuqa ay kujiraan.
  5. maxaa adinka, u guys always arguing about wax aan la idiin dirsan, who cares if they don't take goats from us... carabi waxay ahaayeen qablal islam dulli, islam bay cizza ku yeesheen, haddana cadaan iyo gaal jeceel dardeed waxay ku noqdeen dulli nimadooda, illa ee ayku dhagaan diintooda. sida kuwa hadda la bursanayo, oo adduunka dhan ka xaaro. baqdin darteed. psycho sue.. and those other ppl who have similar background as u, i apologize to u guys. but pls answer my question, why most of u tend to love cadaan so much, that u willing to sell everything just so that u become like them. Darman... lol. stereotype equals ignorace, ok quit a statement. but not reading it or listening to the person what he says also equals ignorace... don't just blurt out of nothing, first comprehend then answer... thank u, no offense.
  6. They showed their true colours. thank god. allah is revealing their inners more and more and more, so those weak muslims could see the true nature of the Kaffirs. as for me personally i wish we could take revenge on them, but Islam stops us to do the same act they did to them, so both ways we have to be nice, and our job is to convert them with our good akhlaaq. may allah guide us all.
  7. always negative, Haniif don't mind her.. macalinka laakiin jilci topickaaga ok. ani i only look, ck, tuujiye,nuune, and intelligent ppl, like nur, and so on.
  8. Qac Qaac

    Some advice!

    waa u ekaatay laakiin, CK.
  9. we are here to worship allah, and that is our purpose in this life. so it is very important for me to be a good worshiper. and not to deviate from that. and to live good with the ppl i deal with daily life, neighbors, coworkers, classmates, professors, streets everything. be a good muslim
  10. Honesita alla maxee shaqa la'aan ku heesaa?
  11. Qac Qaac


    what the... max wax kale aad nawaydiiso ayaa waysay? don't waste your time. with those movies, Hollywood music is not enough huh. abaydiis bookaag soo gado. and learn.
  12. Do you mean Western because they dont measure up to your somali standards? Devil's advocate, i have to say u play the role of your nick name very good. laakiin sis i stop explaining myself to u, coz no need another negative reply from u. so hakugu taag naato, coz i won't tell u anything. Honasita, yariisay, sorry if u r one of those somali ppl who grew up in arab countries, u might be good, and be one of those 10% who are safed from the cruelty of the west. laakiin for most of the ppl they are pathetic as checkmate said it. for most of the other ppl who replied we all agree, on this issue, that arabs become cadaan cadaan before us... and this is one of the reason why i don't like arabs.. why can't they be how they used to be, when they were ruling all over the world.
  13. why the hell does most of the Somali ppl who grew up in Arabian countries become westernized in the first 2 months of their stay in the western countries, it doesn't matter what country it is. anyways that is what i notice in Canada?... especially those somalian ppl from Khaliij area. no offense, i am just enquiring a knowledge. su'aasheedu waa, maxaa waaye the reason behind this, maxay cadaan cadaan iskaga dhigaan isla markiiba. ofcourse they are not all the same. but i am taking the average. which shows most of them. i have one of my good friends who is from those carab countries and he is not affected one bit... but majority rules... hala iisoo jawaabo.
  14. mac salaama gabareey, salaantaada waaba nagu dheeraatay.
  15. Haddaad i would tell to go back and read islamic history books... and u'll see who was working inside muslim empire to weaken them... and the prallel u made doesn't make sense, sunni minory and shiat.. they are not same.
  16. excuse me, kulahaa ma dhaga la'ahay... excuse u.. aan ku dhahay adiga yariisay, koolba aariyo yee kugu dhicin, ee is qari.
  17. inlee dadkaan waa dad ku koray carabta... ilaahoow hana waalin, maxaa carab music iidiray, soomaali xattaa ma dhageesto.
  18. waraa Nuune bisinka maxaa ku daaray. looooool laakiin ani waxaan dhihi lahaa hala soo xir xiroo kuwaas, kadib biyo kulul kulul lugaha ha loogasho mar walba..
  19. somali male race as much as i love 2 Pearl, what's with all this love sis?...
  20. Lucky walaahi waad dhibadantahay, maxaa usoo faagtay topickaan. huh. in aad wax biloowdid again hayye. dhibleey.
  21. iyaah fedx aah, i like DHL, better ask nuune asaa single motherska xagga wax ugudiree. laakiin duqda meesha ka qeeb gal, waaba lagu dhaafay, iskuul intaa kusii jeeday, ee yaa laguu faanin. Nova.
  22. tell him sis... thanks 4 the clarification.
  23. they should kill them.. why 25 yrs. ask them 3 times. then kill him. mac salaama
  24. u still have no answer for me right loooooool anytime u like u could debate with me. i am ready. u assumed i lie, loool, and u don't.
  25. meeshaan mar walba aan soo galo nin un baa laheestaa, ragoo waan idiin naxsanahay.