Qac Qaac

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Everything posted by Qac Qaac

  1. What's there to tell?!! My mum is way too old fashion to talk about love, they think it's ceeb (sad init!) Anyways my mum was 16 and she was given away to my dad who still won't reveal his real age to this day! My mum says he was around 31 then so i guess...thats nothing short of But that was in 1970 and i guess my parents love each other enough to still be together. How cadaan washed can u be.....ilaahoo na astur.
  2. you all looking for a good man. when you, urself is not a good woman. first be a good woman, then allah insha'allah will give u a good man, and YES there are good men, and women out there. but first u have to start with yourself, look at yourself, r u a good person, then allah would pair you with a good spouse.. laakiin u be bad and wait for a good man, is just rediculous.
  3. why is Issa turned to Jesus, is I not J, why is allah turned to elai, is A not E Yehweh to Jahova, is Y not J.. I hope, i proved my point, it is about the pronounciation ppl of the many different ppl in the world, u should know the words u r using where they come from. ok.
  4. geeezzzzzzzz abaydiis gabar muslimad ah soo matihid, maxaa geez it is derived from the word Jesus.. sorry if i put u on the spot.
  5. and i wish u guys well, and happy too 4 dividing us even smaller. i wish i wish i wish... and so on.....
  6. u start more dagaal. nin yoho dadkaan saa uwatid iyaga dhan waala nici doona, ani laakiin shuurayaako lee iga tahay.
  7. Intizaar i guess u make ur decision already, and no matter what there is nothing that gonna change your mind, so anyways i'll just stop here... and sorry for the inconvience sis. Runawayvergin abaydiis the issue is not about u guys chilling with deen, no u guys are all muslim i know that for sure. laakiin why love the cadaan more than anyone else, i am not saying love the blacks, but atleast give all the races equal apportuanity.
  8. OG.. sis u r busted so don't joke around now.. i'll steel show her. intizaar be ready for the shocking. breaking news she is not an angel... OG iyaah u said adero.. good that is start keep practicing somali...
  9. Intizaar u don't believe me, ok the prove of what she called me in private will be posted here in 2 days, so make sure u come back here and check it for yourself. i first didn't want to put it here because everyone here loves her, and i didn't want to make her against everyone, i wanted to be that, coz is better if everyone on my case then her. but now i have no choice because u r so naive and think she is angel, in 2 days u'll see her name calling on me. i call her stuff like marax which have no harm, and she called me..... some x rated stuff. u'll see then we 'll see what u say. about your angel. intizaar again i apologize to u, and i personally would never want any one of your family to be dissed, but if the person is wrong if u in her family should correct her.
  10. so u can't come if u r not somalilander.
  11. CK I love u nooh waraa gabadha wadnaheeda break dance iyo kaalafooto ha ku cayaarin nooh, checkmate adina hadda waa waalatay bas yaakhay. tuujiye hadda CK.. aa usoo dhigatay hayye. xalwadda ani hala iigu soo yeero ok.
  12. lucky lucky lucky lucky lucky.... maxaa qaadee ma xanaaqee again.
  13. I didn't know we have a lot of Somali arab ppl here. Intizaar imaqal gabar yahay, horta raali noqo haddii aa gabadha cousinka aa tihiin aa dhibay, laakiin macaantay gabadha usheeg ragga waalan sida aniga iyo Q unit kuwa badan oo ku jira in ay afka la soogalin sababta waa wax ka xanaajinkara ma jirto. Laakiin gabadha aad wax isku tihiin wax yaalo binu aadamka lagu dhahin bay igu tiri, and i forgive her. laakiin sis she should be able to take jokes, if she can't, tell her not to joke with us. simple as a b c. Emmy... get used to it now abaydiis. R a vergin... abaydiis waan ka helay sida quruxda badan oo aad u qortay soomaaligaaga, laakiin i fail to understand, in ay yihiin dadka ka fur furan dadka carabta kayimid than somalida. mana la saaxiibaan Hindida iyo Africans iyo Chineese ka oo way ka faanaan, laakiin Cadaan way u naageeyaan, u know it too, ee indhaha ha istirin.
  14. masha'allah good topic bro. i love how u all answered well done guys, but if i may add my 2 cents. i think, we lost not only brotherhood, but everything that we claim we are, i agree with CMani.. we need to go back to our aqeedah, and get our spritual side back, i think it is our spritual side, our god concious side is where we took lots of shots, and we are suffering. u see the muslims before us had brotherhood and more, but how they reach that, it was because they all had good relationship with allah. but us nowadays all we care about is the History of islam, the philosophy side of islam, science side of islam. and if u compare to us to the first generation muslims they were only after the spritual side of islam, and to go to heaven, not to say we once conquered Spain. u know what i mean. so until we go back to islam, especially the Quran and Hadith, we will go no where, let's get our spritual side Up, then we'll get all these other things like Brotherhood and etc....
  15. Qac Qaac


    Waraa mac sonkor checkmate, maxaa markii horay kugu watay apology. apology ooh one side doesn't work. sol boring ay noqotay maxaa wax maba la dhihi karo anymore bisinka. iyo macbuudka
  16. Tuujiye and D.A. ahahahaha. Darman is jeaslous i guess. checkmate, what in the world me and the emotional girl Lucky... maxaa saan adi, ani wax ma date gareeyo dhagaxaan baa ku dhuftaa, marka maybe hal dhagax aan leeyahay ayaa ku dhacay, CK... na Nuune ayaa dhagaxa ku hor dhuftay. checkmate leave OG girl alone, she doesn't date. good quality sis.
  17. Am I applying for a Job?... maxaa waaye the list. just for me to pick one woman, i have pass all the criteria... don't make something easy so difficult. isku fududee, and u'll see u'll pass all your friend to your man.
  18. CK.. I love u. word lee ma ahoo, waa la iska tuur tuuri nooh, maxaa oath ooga dhigee. 1002 jeer maalintii aaba dhihi la haa ani.
  19. Nin yoho, Soomali Carabtaan, carabtana iska ma celin garaan, anagana afka way nagu taagi karaan. Darmaan, good choice af carabi soo qor, sababta ah, dadka dulli nimadaada ma arkayaan. OG.. girl dhibaato unbaa ku heesata marwalba aan ku arko. alloow dulli hanaga dhigin.
  20. I have this friend that's been going out w/ her bf for about 2.5 weeks I was actually gonna give u an answer to this, until i saw this statement. i don't give advice to boy/girlfriend relationships... so abaydiis raali ahoow.
  21. Try me, bisinka control freak... worships the ground i walk on kulahaa, abaydiis hurdada ka kac. music music yana intaa aaka fikaraysaan walle niman fiican way idin dhaafi doonaan. gabdhooy. Moti odayga i agree with u, maxaa ku falee gabar 18 jirta, marka aatahay nin oday ah, ma guriga bee kaaga shaqeen, coz obviously lama sheekeesan kartid.
  22. Farah maya, waxaan doonaya in ay muslimnimadooda heestaan, that's all. oo ilmahooda iskuulal madoowga ku yaryahay eey geen, sababta waxay aaminsanyihiin, hadday geeyaan ilmahooda iskuul uu cadaanka ku badan yahay, in ay iskuulka ku fiicnaan. Lucky... u have some base for your arguement, abaydiiis so sensitive, damn. Og.girl don't start something, then cry to the admin, Dhiirane, u could be right. laakiin bro look give them 2 months the guy is wearing shorts, and has girlfriend. what is that man.
  23. I quit, before they fire me.
  24. What in the world, Did u say OG girl?... pls make sense. Lucky busted with what, explain to me what she said.. besides u know in California, just check the arabs there, and see how they are.. afka hanagu soo taagin marax yahay. loool. admin halkaas word ii cafi nooh. lol Tuujiye, ar tan iska daah yaakhay, nolol khiyaale ee ku nooshahay.