Qac Qaac

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Everything posted by Qac Qaac

  1. Ngonge, sxb, meesha waxaa la isku heesto, is the game of words, they call themselves INNOCENT, CIVILIANS, AND WE CALL THEM OCCUPIERS. so be carefull and don't be quick to judge. i agree with trueth seeker here, only when westerners dies they talk, not when muslims are dying all over. Isreali's in Palestine call themselves civilians, and killing civilians is wrong everyone knows that, but they are not civilians they are occupiers, just like those in Iraq.
  2. How to stay young?..... loooool is this realistic. don't waste your time, the old age will hit no matter what.
  3. Juxaa loooool. gasacyo garacee, maba fahmin waxa aad ka wato. carabkaaba muruq iga galaa haddaa isku dayo dhehistiisa xattaa. marka duqda qiririftaada iyo laqtarabumashkaaga gees igala mar. he feels left out kulaaha, maxaa ku falaa dameerkaaga juxa in aan kula fuulo. marka ha igu qaldamin, ee checkmate iyo tuujiye meelahaa ku sii jeed, b4 aan labo looto iyo 3 laad aan kuu galin. OG--girl, hadda waxaa aan aniga qoray na, cousinkaaga waydii, iguna soo noqo kadib. i am sure this time u won't be laughing.
  4. AMA TALO KEEN NOQO, AMA TALA RAAC NOQO!!! that's all i have to add in here.
  5. abaayo u missed us, or u missed us to say 2 words to us when u r bored. waraa Tuujiye, ma in aan dhinto miyaa rabtay bisinka, xaasid sanaa tuuga.
  6. Pearl maybe u r right... but is still it is pathetic to me..
  7. waraa Juxa iyo Checkmate, naga daaya qeelada bax luuq is la' aada. bisinka amxaari kulahaa. maxaa ku sameenaynaa, ma jawaan bariis miyaa ku soo gadanaa. Mustaqbal= future. maxaa sameen mustaqbalkaaga, what u gonna do for future. next word: TIMO
  8. ask any professor, or any learned men, they would tell you, the old say of LANGUAGE IS THE MOTHER OF THE CULTURE... observer think about it carefully, culture mainly over80% of it is in the communication, and the other 20% is shown in dresses we wear, and the food we eat. do u agree?
  9. Yasmiinay, ilaahoow yaa siriq noo dhigin bisinka, siyaa saddaada mayara.
  10. Juxaa what, maxaa waxaas sercustic miyaa, alloo yaa.
  11. Buuf= caloosha, lee wali soomali waaye= waist sentence, waraa checkmate surweelka buufka ayaa ka xiratay. meaning waraa checkmate u tugged in your shirt. next word DHUUNI.
  12. oh oooooh, qeelada way bilaabatay again... odayaashi aa gaanbiyada ka soo kacay.
  13. and also we should add Gabayo in the list observer... they say language is the mother of the culture... if u lost your language you definately lost your culture... also should read history books about our beloved country. not only music, but murti, xikmado, boogaa, sheekooyin, geeraar, buraanbur 4 women in weddings, everything should be observed and should revive it. we also should show, not only our art side, dancing and music, is what every african country shows the world, but we should show our geographical areas, our history, our deen, we don't want to be known as dancers, or those ppl have good music. no that is not enough.
  14. aniga means Me or I. aniga waan baxay... i am out or i am leaving. next word. Baruur.
  15. hey dawoco ama dacawa.. imaqal igaar yahay, look these women got interrogated by their grandmothers why they were young, and now it is your time to interrogate u, so be nice and cool and take all the abusement, u could do the same thing to your daughter generation later on, and get your revenge, and keep the tradition alive. marka macaantiis adkeeso wakhtigaaga ayaa lamarayaaye, and ofcourse wilashooda gabar fiican bay larabaan, just like how u want a good man. even though la isku raacay niman fiican in ay jirin by all the girls... so i would advice to the least bad guy, coz there is no good men.
  16. waraa joojiya shukaansiga labadiina, haddaad rabtaan in aa ilmihiina usheegtaan in aad iska barateen somaliaonline, waa wax kale. laakiin luuq luuq maroowgaan naga daaya. lazim laami lee ka danbeeyo.
  17. loool at good men baabah, malaha, maa fiish, eber, nana, nil, zero, kakac, ilaahey ha idiin naxariisto.. maxaa idinka abaar lee ku jirtaan mar kaste, qaxooti computer heshay, maxaa adigana ku daaray, Utaanka, iyo Libooye koo qaxooti ah, maka soo waysay. gabdho bad man haddaa rabtaan noo sheega. we have a whole list. p.s. we only have good men, 4 good women.
  18. I should be doing calaa cal like most of u guys here... but I am not. no regrets for me in the past, present, and insha'allah in the future. al-xamdulillah.
  19. Wa Min aayaatihi!!! I was away a week, and this place changes into a somali class. finally OG girl.. thanks, for starting beautiful topic, and u r willing to learn somali is actually a good thing. and will support u from here on. word: Abooto = Ayuuto = help sentence: abooto isha ilbuune. meaning abootoy, my eye. help.
  20. Having a whole topic, about the weirdest topic ever, is weird itself... Nuune hana waalin.
  21. I was just wondering, How come Somali ppl can't even come up with new songs, and new singers.. we still listening to the old ones from 70s,80s.. what is going on. Is it just like the Presidancy, we can't come up with presidents too. what's happening to us. we are definately ppl in need of new things, new leaders.. even if it is something bad like singing, we still can't come up with new singers.. sorry LST if i twisted your topic into this, but this need to be answered too. no more new leaders for us, in everything. haram, and halal.
  22. Is it only 4 women?.. and how is Bosaaso now sis... Good Luck.
  23. st.paul chick, waa maxay avatarkaaga bisinka, illaahoo gabdhiihii hanaga waalin, war mucjisadaan fiiriya.
  24. Woow masha'allah, sida qurxoon oo aan noogu soo bandhigtay, biographiga imaamka. mahad sanid.