Qac Qaac

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Everything posted by Qac Qaac

  1. Qac Qaac


    Some of the ppl never change!!! childish. wallahi
  2. maxaa gaari maan ahay, waxba ima daaraan ani. what turns u on kulahaa. bisinka.
  3. Woow, this amazes me, a country surviving even with out government. I guess Somalia is gonna lead the world, to show that they could do everything with government i guess looool.
  4. Vanquish-v12, i picked it up, but i didn't want to go another arguement with that person, so i wanted some one to answer, thanks ameenah. pls don't Compare Aisha ra and ummu salama, to femeinist... pls. lezbian movement. Women are not weaker in strength only that's all. not mentally. mentaally humans are all same, the guy who used it most would be the smarter person, that's all, it has no gender thing. Ngonge well said bro... i think it is just a phase they are going through, the more older they get, the more they come back to earth. women and men are equal in allah's eye, only difference is their taqwa... so pls gabdho naga daayo calaacal kaan aan nagu soo celinaysaan marwalba, i was aways for days, and i come back, i still see the same thing. subxanallay.
  5. Yes man u r right, I believe we have Jews in Somalia, and i heard the samething as u saying. they say Yibir is from hebrew in arabic i think is cibrew. but what it counts is that they are muslims now, and who cares where their origin is from. but they exist in Somalia and everywhere in the world, the other day i saw Chinese Jew. so what the heck.... Somalia is located beside ocean everyone came. Arabs, Jews, Turkis, Persians, Portugees, Spanish, Greece, Russian, American, Italians, French, British.... p.s. I heard barawe ppl, are originated from Portugees, is that true.
  6. Xisbi sorry bro if i understood u wrong. but i was just wanted for u to stay away from what most of the somali ppl do or say, we justify our positions by discredating our wadaado, for example, WAR WADDAADABA WAY SAMEEYAAN, EE ANAGA FARAHA NAGA QAAD. i hope u got my point, but obviously u were not meant to do that. seef labood baan noqday.
  7. Salafi Online brother, is the word salafi a word that is made later on after the sahaba generation, and then wouldn't that be bidah. like u guys say it most of the time. brother i agree with most of the stuff u say, but when u say the sahaba don't challange the governments is when i disagree with u. there are many occation in our history that one only challanged the government and i know u know. so pls don't only see everything with what the salafi sheikhs say, but there many anuthintic things out there, that u should ought to look.
  8. It looks like i am late for this debate, and i in no need in participating. but ppl we have to tell the trueth. Pro salafi waraa, everything the salaifi say is like Quran and hadith huh, we have to take it, no questions about it. i have a question for u, if u r salafi, how can u, u live in 2004, i thought the salaf was prophets and the sahaba first generation then their kids the 2nd, then their grandsons, where r u in here bro.. also u r referrign and brign ayah after ayah, and yet u still calling ur muslim brother fitnah seeker, what religion is that. i agree with concious manipulation, she said, u have to learn and live with that so many ppl are not salafi ppl. we khalafi we live in 2004 bro. hana waalin. looool. salafi bro i would support the sheikhs of saudi coz they got knowledge, but i won't support those kafir loving kingdom. ooops did i say something wrong. how can they watch their arab brother get humiliated and still sit next U.S. UFFFF CALAYK. i wish they were the real salafi, like the sahaba not the ones that run around now adays.
  9. Guys we have to be careful as ngonge said. we can't quote hadith out of context, we have to know why the hadith was said, what was the reason, why to who it was, and what place and what time of the year it was, so we ought to be careful, coz our opinions we can't use. as for me i think, the whole thing is fake, u kill 4 ppl milatant they said, those that bro Darman wished to be tortured, and still they did not find the body of Mr. Johnson. what is that, is that what a government do.. kill ppl with out evidance, i am tire of muslims sheikhs dying with out evidance, or america demanded something to be done. alla fulli nimada, iyo dulli nimada na heesata badanaa.
  10. Pearl... here is the meaning. Qeelo meaning screaming. qeeli noosaa meaning maxaa hadda adiga la qeeli noosaa. why u screaming now. qeelo = yelling u understood it now or what.
  11. Darman thanks lakiin bro. Inan could be male or inan female both. the way the person sounds, it sounds like a male.
  12. wat some wadaado are doing right now in toronto were they works as a cab drivers while his wifes and kids are collecting welfare Walaal Xisbi in here u generalized the whole wadaado which is wrong, also i don't know about u, but i know wadaad as a person who fallows islam 100%. but as the scenario u gave us it looks like is someone who pretends to be wadaad, coz wadaad shouldn't be lying, it is a low in islam, and in many religions like christianity, cofucious, and many more... wadaad who drives taxi, and tells his wive to lie about their marriage so they could get more money, that is not wadaad bro, that is SHUQUL SOOMAALI, MARKAA WADAADA KA DAA AFLAGAADADA MACALINKA. about the other things u r saying they have to survive, both ppl have to work ofcourse if the money of the father is not enough. but that should be last resource or last plan. as for brother 508 bravo again, truely u lived long and seeing lots of stuff, i wish everyone was like u.
  13. waraa Nin yaaban nin yoho if u like girls from other races, and had a thing with them good for u, laakiin nin yoho gabdhaheena dhan saan ha u ceen yoho. but about the gossip thing u r right, and is for all women, that is something they could change. marka nin yoho get of their back. anaaba maanta iga nixisay bisinka.
  14. waraa shaqo raajicin miyaa ku jirtaa macalinka loooool. 508
  15. subxanallah, those are the ppl we are competing with them for jannah, ilaahoow noo naxariiso. thanks viking
  16. Sisade, u r right, and u r one of those intelligent woman that i said would understand to brother 508. i agree with u 100%. if your role model is Khadija and Sauda, and mothers of the believers. all the power to you. is just we see the other ones most of the time, so forgive us, if we tend to generalize sometimes. ok.
  17. have u even seen a woman denying her husband's role R U Kidding me Juxa?... YES i see it all the time. actually by contrast if women would stop denying men's respect the society will be in better place by now. 508 bro i agree with u, and i actually think u r one of the few wisdom ppl we have here. but bro women think now adays like juxaa, so just save your energy and very intelligent women would know what u r talking about but the rest of them, let's them live in their illusions. don't shuttered coz they won't like it. is like if u wake up a person who was having a good sleep, he would get mad at u, samething here bro. i would say to women viva la famme go ahead, emanicipation of women, waxa aad ka soo heshaana hal ila soo marinina. no wonder why devorce is too high on the muslim community now adays.. almost 70% do u believe that 508
  18. Pearl.... abaydiis i talked down to u, mafahmin waxa aad ka wado, haddaa rabtid kor kor waan kugu la hadli karaa wallaalo as u would say. but u r qac qac... i didn't get it what is that mean lol. ok sister thank u for the prief summary that gave us from canada life.. but i didn't understand of u saying we are here to do the lower jobs. for cadaan, no abaayo that could be true but the really of it is that when ppl are new immigrants into a land they have no choice but to start with the low paying jobs, and work many hours for those jobs, that just how it is. the Italians, the Greece, the Jews, most of the eatern Europpeans when they come to canada they all started with low paying jobs. but if u stay there for all ur life is wrong, then that is when the stereotyping startrs like all the somalies take welfare or don't work. and if u compare the somalies with the jews when they first arrived in north american the somalies are doing way better if u compare the first 10yrs of the somalies and the jews, coz somalies already have store, some schools, business places. and let's say we really came to canada area after 1992... so in 12 yrs look what our ppl did, but for the jews after the wold war 2, look how long it took them to become something, to have their first business places, then compare. so marka macantiis don't break your heart with this little obsticles keep your chin up, keep ur head up, the future is good, many somali ppl are graduating from universities,,, the highest of all the black ppl that live in canada, somalies are most ppl who graduate, so what u saying. all i am saying is though, we should not be trapped in the system, coz the system is for cadaan ppl, not for us.. just know that that's all.
  19. bishaaro waxmaa ka xun sidaas. is it wrong.
  20. waraa Nuune nin waalan baa tahay nin yoho, malaay haddaad ku dhuustid wuu dhimanaa kulahaa, ma ku baroobesay mar, miskiin malaykaas.
  21. Is this a trick question Sis? Well i believe my wife should be a stay home, is that a crime ladies. if she is really educated and she stays home woow, i know my kids will be the next scholars of this Ummah or nation. women with career gees ha iga marto, qeelo iyo buuq xoog uma hayo. mac salaama all.
  22. Abdilatiif saxiib some people just like to argue for the sake of arguing waraa Spedez waan kuu jawaabi lahaa, laakiin why waste my time on u, macalinka Som, land awaits u. anagaha faraha naga qaad. Alla maxaa dad meeshaan ka shubeen, oo isku heesta in ay khatar yihiin. ilaahoow noo naxariiso.