Qac Qaac

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Everything posted by Qac Qaac

  1. waraa miskiin macroof waxaas ani waxaan u aqaan edebdaro, in gabar miskiin kuu shaqaynaysa lagu qoslo shiirkayda, ayeeyadaana waxaad ku tiraahda, iska daa dhaqan xumidan, aad gabar kuu shaqayneeso aad ku dhaga hadlaysid. alla soomaalidu danbi badanaa, sub xanallah.
  2. how is my soccer team and basketball team from ottawa doing guys.
  3. waraa dee congrats... name for ur kid. Zakariya, abdullahi, cali, shucayb or ayuub. ama nuux
  4. Yes it is good to see Greece win... of course after all this year, is the year of underdogs. Look Florida Marlins beat New york Yankees. in baseball. NBA... Detroit Pistons beatu L.A. lakers. NHL... Tampa Bay vs. Calgory in stanley cup. this is good for sports, as longs as there is no dominant team that wins every time. everyone should get a chance to win, so competition gets better. Good Job. Greece
  5. Qac Qaac

    Free Topic

    Good advice. start with yourself.
  6. Yes, Somalia online is back where it was, thank u ppl. Underdog vs. DA.. Og girl with her comments,( i never understand them anyways). Punch of ppl trying to be the middle ppl. Mansoor wlc to the cave man group. led by Underdog, myself, iyo rag maqan hadda, tuujiye, xisbi, iyo nuune. u r wlc bro in here. DA don't let them tell u women was created from men, don't give up sis.
  7. adduunka xataa way ku cadaaban yihiin bisinka
  8. abaydiis jug jug meeshaada joog lee ladhahaa. waalan iyo qac isku mid lee waaye. although one must less of extreme than the other.
  9. Black americans, Somalies, and all the immigrants need to have more FIELD NEGROES.
  10. I missed shiir aah, loool. qof waalan baa tahay, in a good way Raula lol. is simple ha qubeesan for 3 days, then adaaba helaya ur own shiir. lool.
  11. all i was saying in somali is just a paranoia. sickness that u don't know where u get it from. but i don't get it, why would u be naked in a places that u r not familiar with. even change rooms u not gonna be completly naked. anyways i got ur pt. so that is all that matters.
  12. U r right miss dawaco... laakiin what exactly r u suggesting. I personally agree with u all the problems that u mentioned above, but sister we need SOLUTIONS.... it is easy 4 every1 to talk about the problem. list them up. i think is time for us to come up with collective solution, for all somali children not only EU.. but also in NA. and Ausy land. so u mentioned one solution... which was. 1. don't spoil the kids too much i'll add this 2. teach them, the new way, life style that they are living, become friends with your kid. 3. teach the religion, in a things that concern them not things that happened in Somalia long time ago 4. the Dugsi system should change, into school format.. and make it everynight, not every weekend once 5. call their teachers at school, and ask how they are doing. 6. invite their friends home, so u see what kind of friends they have. U GUYS COULD MORE....
  13. Sub xanallah. the things young ppl do now adays. just to look like a celebirty damn.... dadka way u dhamaatay.
  14. ar maxaa dad ay ka ja jabantahay meesha iskugu yimid.
  15. muaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah with dhareer cause it lingers Oh God, wixii under 18 ah ka orda meesha, bisinka.
  16. Its called awareness and precaution I don't agree, is called CUDUR AAN LA AQOON MEESHA UU KAALA QAADAY. now what, u can't look at any mirror. live ur life pls. ever heard WHAT U DON'T KNOW, DON'T HURT U.
  17. Waraa shujui biyo qaboow isku shub, that would terminate the damn thing. looool Guys waad waalateene bisinka, ilaahoow dadkaan xargaha lagu hayo ufududee.
  18. ilaahoow adaa na leh, is 508 a sexist, then all men are sexist, if they are not, waa punch of dummmmmiieees ran their lives by women...
  19. wallaahi dadka meeshaan jooga cudur bay qabaan wallaahi, wax walba big deal baa laga dhigaa.
  20. I think u already pissed them off, by starting this topic. as the way their responses look like so far...
  21. Legend Zoo adiga haddaa rabtid iyada sheego macalinka, anaga hanagu daba ganban ok...
  22. I think proper question would be first do u believe in love, then how many times have u been in love?... coz i believe no Love. non of the immature love that ppl call true love now adays is rediculus
  23. Who said this?... men and women are equal. more hint... feminist is a muslim thing.