Qac Qaac

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Everything posted by Qac Qaac

  1. Hey i decide to start a topic where we could all benefit from, the debating that insha'allah will soon fallow after this post. I got couple of questions. what is open minded? who are the most open minded ppl in the world? are university students open minder or not? if i start answering, those questions. one i don't think accepting GAYS would make u open minded. i still stay with in the guidelines of islam, and be open minded with in the circle of islam, but anything out side the circle is not open mindedness to me. I don't think the west are open minded, they are not they don't accept anything different from them, that is why u see everone trying to be like them, but give them gradit coz a lot of eastern ppl think they are open minded. even though the signs say they are not. is giving right to gays open minded act? or a back word slide for man kind. the 3rd thing, i don't think, university students are open minded, u actually become close minded, is my opinion, agree or don't agree. coz university gives u a sense of kackiness that u know what u r talking about, and if u somehow come across some one who know more in the feild u study, u won't listen to that person, coz u r telling urself, how can he be right, he is not a university student or graduate. to me universities is a illusion, don't get me wrong, it is important to go to university... but be careful thinking that u r open minded when u actually are closeminded. my last question to end with... WHY ARE WE SO OPEN MINDED TO WESTERN CULTURE ANYTHING IT IS. AND QUESTION AND BE HESITANT ABOUT OUR DEEN, WHEN SOME ONE TELLS US COME BACK TO UR DEEN PRACTICING IT. so the question is are we open minded because we live in the west, isn't that arrogancy.. we are becoming a red neck. to think we are better coz simply we live in these countries. i know i asked a lot of questions but pls do ur best to answer them all. and add more inputs. ok.
  2. If ur knowledge is limited, the worst u could be is to be open minded. knowledgable ppl become open minded not arrogent ignorent person. I am proud of my culture. I am proud taking and holding my culture when most of the ppl see it back word thing. I am proud not to think that i am the best, coz i live in the west. and u call ur self open minded. I am proud that my ppl, are very hospitable ppl.
  3. flirting and islam, flirt with men, and ask is flirting haram. some ppl just amaze me all the time. get ur fatwa from DA.
  4. Dumarkii way waasheen. bisinka
  5. Johnny B whatt?... OG girl, if i was u, i wouldn't say one word. what is ur latest lame, semi-men. DA.. sis let it rest, we are not going to club with u, and noo u r not a good person if u go to any club, while a guy is grinding u or not. istaghfurullah. what's wrong with u. WHAT IS IT SO MUCH THAT U HATE ABOUT UR RELIGION AND UR CULUTRE. wallahi u scare me for real. OG girl. u immaturity as an adult person still scares me. or maybe it has something to do living in Arab countries. especially Khaleej. ooooh America protect us that is the kind a mentality u r coming in with. Somali suju. speak plain english or somali damn. and take ur kiswahili to kiswahili ppl. we are pure somalies, no mix blood. although DA wishes she was not somali. and OG has no sense of somali ness.
  6. ofcourse ppl over material. so there fore social life.... not a meterialistic person. thank god.
  7. Sahal naga dhaaf pls... Salafi online be salafi if u want to.. but hope u see other ppl's rights not only salafi way. be salafi if u want to. but dont' tell us is the way..
  8. Moti nin xikmad kaliya ah baad tahay. laakiin nin yoho i hope u r wearing shields coz from here it starts flying object thrown to ur way... it should start right about now!!!
  9. Lol @ modesty what a way to be back. that is how u make an entrance.. ciyaal malaaquus. i agree Xamdi is # 1 for me too. but about the dirty ness come i don't care. every restaurant is like that. atleast theese guys are somali. just say bismillah and eat it.
  10. My gosh, some people are so reer badiyo. People who go to clubs do not neccessarily go there to have sex. LOOK DADKA AAN LA HADLEENO. MISKAX DOODA. Sujui... maxaa coffe ga aad naga daba wadid. do u work in a coffe farm. waaba kaa shakiyaye. Nafisa come on sis, r u really gonna take one example and say most of the somali ppl in somalia used to do gogol xad. come on sis, u know 100% that what somali ppl do in these countries are more extreme then what they used to in their houses. if ilbaxnimo ay tahay, going to clubs. even though u still cool, and don't have sex with anyone. what sort of mentality is this. when did we see ILBAXNIMO as going to clubs like KAFIRS.. is going to clubs a muslim thing, if u don't go to clubs r u back worded, like some ppl here do think this way. kaalay dadkiina inta imaada r u guys are blinded from this kind of posts. or u guys don't care. marka ilbaxnimo like that iga heeso. i rather be back worded, then aan u ilbaxo like u. Sujui, 4 the last time. my name qac qaac is a companion name, go and read about the sahaba around the prophet, u'll see a saxabi name called qac qaac bin amr al-tameemi. i don't know what qac qaac mean in your sujui language or ur kiswahili. i am free from that thinking. so la soco sheekada.
  11. WHY I AM NOT SURPRISED?... that is CLASSIC U.S.A. it is in their history to do stuff like this.
  12. I lived in Gaarisa and i never seen ocean, see, or even river.. maybe different gaarisa u r talking about. ama xooga waa noo qarisay.
  13. Guys stop arguing about the religion when both of u are students of the Deen. and don't fallow the sheikhs like a sport team that u love. so be careful. fallwo the prophet scw.
  14. OG see i was being quite didn't want to get involve with u again, but things like piss me off, uf. u totally seeing DA dissing someone, calling them hypocryte and u say, I LIKE THE WAY U R JUST.. damn girl, open ur eyes. as for u sujui.... STOP HATING. as for all the girls who said, i go to clubs visit or don't visit we don't care. u all are the same got no respect for a girl who goes to a club, AND DEFINATELY NOT MY FUTURE WIFE. i don't care if u act respectful in club, it doesn't matter anyways. Kool Kat. i dis agree, even the bad somali ppl in somalia was never like this... uf gabdhihii somaalida qiimahooda wuu dhacay, and only waxay ka adag yihiin somali men. damn. DA.. r u always gonna be like this.. damn u r the negative sign walking.. no offense. laakiin anaaba hadda iga xanaajisay. Somalisujui.. adiga waligaa ma maqasha qof danbigiisa qofkale ma qaado.
  15. waraa SUJUU... maxaa tiri. relax kulahaa maxaa kuula eka hay, sheeg aa. kaalay nin yoho, maxaa waaye dadkaan aa adiga madax da u tahay, oo badan oo meesha ku soo faafay ayaamahaan. before it was somali arabs, now is somali sujuis looool. waraa adi isbaramuuto cab.
  16. Do u want her to post some crap about the old creeks mutakalim... CM.. keep on doing what u do best.
  17. waraa gabadh condition kugu xiray sa kuuma baah na, i agree with cutelilgirl. ka soco meesha. p.s. damn am i seeing a lot of suju ppl in here now a days. waama xay weerarka
  18. woow calaacalka badanaa bisinka. advice for all the women in here. who are always looking. BECOME A GOOD WOMAN, U'LL GET A GOOD MAN. look ur standards and see if they are right qualities u r looking, or u r looking qualities that will fade away one day.
  19. I heard things like this before, phrases like cheap and clean. they hurt when someone says to us, our women are like that. but hey they left islam, practicing it. so all this name calling comes with it. also the good ones too marry non-somalies. so u just can't blame the bad girls only, i think is a syndrome that is working on all our women to hate somali men good or bad. but alxamdulillah not all of them hate somali women atleast 10% of it. #1 on the list to marry, is a black american who is muslim. 2. is white who is muslim 3. is arab 4. is anyone who is not somali 5. when there is nothing else maybe give the somali guy a chance.
  20. islam took a set back because of ppl like saddam Hussain, iyo wixii la mid ah, like all the freaking leaders of the muslim world, i don't care what happen to him, i actually liked that they treat him bad. but i also don't like the double standard of the west, the guy is a president so they should take him to the Hague like the all the crimanal leaders, like Milosovich in Serbia. Bush, and Sharon case is different storry. sister magnoona pls is no point of cursing at those ppl in here. they won't hear u, and u won't change their intensions by cursing here. so just save ur energy... and pray that all give us men that could hold them from us. obviously the kind of leaders we have now only protect the west not us.
  21. I am just keeping it real sister... nothing beautiful about it. but yaah what did u just say, i didn't understand u.
  22. first of all i am proud to be Muslim from the region of Somalia I am proud to be a somali. not an azzzzz kisser unlike some countries. I am proud how Ahmed Gurey defeated the Portugees. I am proud how the Italians, French, and English, couldn't rest in our land. I am proud the fact they call the sayyid, the mad mullah. Yup i am proud Somalians.. and now insha'allah we'll move on from these bad times.
  23. ofcourse they'll spoil it don't offend ppl, and expect to be congratulated...
  24. Qac Qaac

    Free Topic

    Hey bro, i don't know what Qac Qaac mean in your Sujuwi langauage... hope nothing bad anyways. but as to me, it is a saxabi name qac qaac bin amr al-tameemi (ra). a companion of the prophet scw.