Qac Qaac

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Everything posted by Qac Qaac

  1. Haa i would ask one of the ladies for my 3rd wife. ofcourse. WHY NOT.
  2. lol Suju.. u have a lot of love huh?
  3. this is SOl not swahili online. speak language which is understood by everyone loool. ha igu soo boodin bisinka is daji. that was just an advice, haddaa xanaaqdid maxaa qaade, my big foot kulaaha, mayee my big fist oooh i am scared lol.
  4. It was said already no need for repetition.
  5. read the quran, and ahadith.
  6. Why do we always argue about this? Viking u r right, u to baashi. but the sisters, hey u don't wanna cook, clean, and do any of the house work. just don't do it simple as that. but don't prove ur lusts from the islamic text ok. we believer are believers because we like islam both times when it is with us, and when it says somethig that is against us. say the trueht even if it against u. p.s. i wonder, why we didn't have these kind of arguments in our back homes?.. oh i got it. we had no rights there. so we got in these countries, and will advantage of it. p.p.s. i personally think, a woman in these countries don't need men at all, u could do what he does and more.. so why stand and wait for ur husband, u have education, career, u work. earn money just like him, and still provide for ur kids, i think women need no men. maybe just to produce kids that's. all power to the women. u the woman don't let him drag u.
  7. Sujui waan ujeeda in ay quwad ween iyo energy badan aad heesid, si aan wax fiican u sameesid and i respect that. Laakiin sis look what i said to u, read it again, if u need definition i would do it for u. but show one place aan kugu caayay, unless uu dhiigaaka iska kulul yahay, cofee ga badan iska daa, get some rest. ok. Soomaali waxay ku maah maahdaa, coke hadee kaa dhamaato pepsi aa lagu daba qabtaa.
  8. Baashi summed up everything. end of discussion. Dawoco i agree with u too. Ngonge u got good pts. Somali sujui... sujuu lee ahoow.
  9. they booed the canadian anthem? is that right? woow, that is amazing if that is true. but i don't think the MPs care about couple of immigrents who can't even organize one big tourniment for themselves will harm them. pathetic ppl.
  10. saan miyaa udanbaysay sol, in been la isku qarqiyo...
  11. Isniino Barni cawees. Qarsho
  12. Bishaaro maxaa wakhtiga laa dhumim, qof walba wuu yaqaan jawaabta saxda ah, laakiin dadka diyaar uma aha marka saas baa la isku qayliyaa magaratay. Raula.. mayee adi is dul saar haddaad rabtid. mataa kaniini yahay.
  13. Raula r u being sercustic. come on can it be more obvious. that is so dry.. u could do better so come on pls. SomaliSuju, r u female or male... first is soo cadee waxa aad tahay, kadib noo soo noqo. and no adoo kale la ma flirt gareeyo.
  14. stop macking and making fun of the religion. Ngonge i agree that is ugly hijab. and no is not hijab.
  15. Under the sharia a women that cheats gets stoned too. just to clarify things.
  16. u should ask that same question to ur self and all ur female friends. because u skinny girls isolated the fat ones. and men just got used to u guys putting ur fat ones.. so they pick it up from there and hate it. besides tv always shows skinny women as beautiful. also there some guys who like fat women.
  17. lol@ suju.. waan ku jeclahay too. marka duqda ga' iga siiso nooh.
  18. You’ve already limited yourself to the “circle” of Islam and nothing beyond that, therefore proving the West’s open-mindedness Ngonge, bro what u saying here. when i say to stay with in islamic circle, i mean not going out of it, as in not to sin. I still don't get the pt u r making when u say gayness is ok in their rule. if u see their history u would know they were the one of the first ppl. they say the pope burned the first gay ever seen in europe long time ago somewhere in the 14th century. as for the ppl who said i am generalizing, sorry, i didn't mean to generalize. sorry if it come that way. Somali suju... me accepting the kind of remarks u saying makes me feel open minded. as for the university students... u all know what i mean, they act as in they are open minded ppl coz they got education, and i all i am asking is are they really.. Look how arrogance they become when they become something.
  19. I agree with Raheema sahal on the point of not to generalize all salafies. coz they are new salafi well learned men, who respect all the sheikhs like qaradawi, sayid qutb and all. the ones that insult ppl are the ones who have no knowledge. so the first stage of knowledge is to judge ppl. and they are at that stage. but bro salafies have many sects too. so careful. there some good guys who want unity with everyone, but too bad u don't see those guys.
  20. JB.. what. maxaad ku hadashay maandhoow. listen man have fun. meesha buuq hanoo la imaan iyo qeelo. but u funny about she loving a hairy man (some ppl come to mind) no need to mention them, how u know though man. lol. waraa have fun and wlc. nin oday ah iska dhig. and don't pushed around by some groups here.
  21. woow suju u impressed me, atleast u showed me today that u know something about the kacaan 21 october. but is not october so what r u talking about. July 1st, is the real somalia day. 21st of october is for the government.
  22. Somali suju, atleast i have a country and Kenyan ppl know that i am from somali.. marka duqa ha igu faanin dul lagugu xukumo. besides xooga waad iskaga tuuran kartaa, laakiin pls sonkor iyo wax ku dar ma caanee nooh. mansoor loool.