Qac Qaac

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Everything posted by Qac Qaac

  1. I guess, I'll be subsituting Darman, coz I am back. Darman bro, hala is cafiyo mac salaama.
  2. Why would i have a girl as my best friend?... maxaa nin la'aan maaka dhacday aduunka. bisinka. I agree with vikings. i don't there could be a healthy friendship between opposite sexes.
  3. ilaaheey ha caafiyo, sujuu nimada na ilaaheey ha ka caafiyo.
  4. Tell ur arab loving peaple... they know who they are... Topic ka waxaa si fiican u kala dhigi doona Qac baro aug 13th.
  5. Ilmo Baro waxaan idinla socod siin, in uu cunug cusub u dhaladoona odoyga Mr. Baro... cunugaas oo loo bixin doono. QacBaro... Qacbaro is coming soon to all the theatres after aug 13th, right after the openining celebration of the Olympics. at 7pm standard time. everone check your local theatre. Qac baro is coming soon.
  6. Walaal, you seriously got ISSUES with MEN. I agree with u Khayr, u couldn't be more right on that statement. DA may allah give u nice man, who change all ur negatives to positives. also bro Khayr soon DA will learn that MEN are not attracted to confrontations, instead it just makes them flea away from ur way. so sis a sincere advice from me would be, don't be so confrontial all the time, u r not spokesman ooops i mean in ur case spokeswoman for all the woman. relax chill have a nice tea. and look for ur nice guy who would change all ur misfortunes into fortunes ok, and live happily after.
  7. Sue That proves why u messed up. One thing about me, i think i am related to DA... damn.
  8. sub xanallah!!! ilaahoow miskax na sii. aamiin.
  9. Qac Qaac

    Yaa Kaleee

    iyaah, yaa kale iga dheh, look who is back. waraa ina tuujiye, waxaan umaleenayay in aad tuujis ku dhimaday ee ma nooshahay.
  10. wlc back too, even though i don't remember seeing u around.
  11. I see, i am missed here, i was away couple of weeks and boom here it is everyone is mentioning my name. Sue me bisexual... what. but then again i let it go. DA.. acuudu billaahi, Jumamatuou is that how much u hate me, me and DA.. are u crazy? me have priciples, she is all devil advocating. DA.. and the fimist leader. ali suju and Raula scorpian sister iyo snake man.
  12. by the way everone knows, KHALEEJ ARE ALL AMERICAN WANNA BEEs. whether it is the life style, or the hip hop culture. or just pure wishing of being white.. everyone knows that. why do we hide it. sorry if i offend some ppl. and if i generize. obviously not all of them, but hey if u r statistic student u would know to do things by average. and yes most of them are american wanna bees.
  13. Viking don't waste ur time, being there done that. good to see u finally know better, i was waiting untill u reach that point.
  14. can some one say HAPPY BIRTH DAY TO U sue, even though he doesn't believe it. if u accepted is all good.
  15. u shouldn't be having a girlfriend, orod oo toobad keen for ilaahaaga. and no need to put down girls. in here.
  16. no need for further argumentation with u DA.
  17. woow nice debate. all. As for the defensive part, I was thinking about the sarcastic remarks made by QacQaac in which he apparently assumes that Somali women (in the west) are competing with the brothers. We are not. So, chill! ameeenah sister. i said this coz quite honestly u guys nowadays and sorry if generize don't take advices from bro, maybe u r not of these ppl. but mainly all i see is CONFRONTIAL. that is a turn off, if i speak from MEN point of view. as to me the brothers like BAASHI VIKING, AND SHOOBARO, r making sense to me, but what i see is u guys are not listening not most of u but some of u. so that is why i said what i said in my previous post. u guys are independent no need men, and all power to u guys. sky is the limit. i am not being sercustic. but i am just trying to end this repeatable arguement. sorry if i offended u guys. but damn the trueth should be told.
  18. Raula af jinniga dhaga dhaaf pls. DA if u know ur hijab. then don't ask us. Jumumato, magac foolxumidaa malagaa iibsaday. u like my glasses lol.
  19. Baashi nin wax garad ah baad tahay. i agree with u. i doubted if all somalies did that. look all of u here none of u would do it. so dadka dhan yaa la isku qaban.
  20. this is called somalia online, not kenya online. waraa sujuu sujuu lee ahoow.
  21. Ngonge, waraa anoo isbaramuuto cabay, miyaas udaahaa casiir. waraa Sujui iga ma aheen in aan sis ku dhaho, but i actually thought u were a sis. sorry bro, i just couldn't differentiate u from the sisters. laakiin nin rag aad tahay sida wacan oo aad isku difaac day. marka duqa ga' naga siiso nooh, Curly sue... ur white flag is needed here. alla sujuu aad dhulka ugu dhacday yaa kaa dul ki cinayo.
  22. i would probably stay back In somalia. Em ilaahey ha unaxariisto ayeeydaa.
  23. if ur father is somali u r somali. but for ur case u r sujui.