Qac Qaac

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Everything posted by Qac Qaac

  1. Muxamad aka the professor wlc man. well what can i say, this is a great site enjoy it, and find ur character as soon as possible.
  2. Did anyone see our Somalian brothers and sisters taking part of the olympics. it was nice scenary even though they were like 5-7ppl. does anyone know what they are competing at so i could keep an eye on them. who organized it. anyways it was nice seeing somalia and jabuti taking part of the 2002 countries that came for the olympics. besides Palestine and Iraq got a big cheer from the fans. the flag carrier for Palestine was black woman, and Jordan had a black man carrying thers. woow. blacks everywhere in the world now huh. p.s. also Qatar, has somali ppl competing for them in b-ball and 1500 meter run. i think.
  3. Subxanallah, the whole world ppl die because of hunger, and in America ppl die because of obesity.
  4. shooobaro duqa i got no problem, but things have to be balanced around here. enough with the male bashing.
  5. abaydiis kool_kat bro la soo bax, ama baranbaro labax, ama ibaro, mid la bood, waan ku sugeenaa.
  6. amaan adi ee kaa bilaabataa adeena kugu dhamaataa.
  7. I agree with modesty in one. somalia is better of with out central government. if our president would be one of the worlords. because we have no time for another 30 yrs of dectatorship. true business is booming, but we need government sister, that protects our ppl, to bring back justice. islam is the goal. but it should take couple of years from now, not now, educate the ppl now, so they are ready for the rulings of Islam. teach and give peace, then we are ready.
  8. always not learning, sister, oooh ooops always learning. i like to chat with admin coz, simply he or she don't say anything, i would like to find out what kind of person is our admin, the big kahoona he is.
  9. qacqaac this is yr cue to get into my good book aree xeeteri, kumaa fahmine, ee ii jilci erayada kor ku qoran. into my good book aah, aree qalin biiro maa ii mooday,
  10. lool good story sis. hope all the women in here, as hard workers as that man who took that position.
  11. Our language is too mixed with Arabic, Persian, and Latin words. How is it unique? Maandhey maybe adaa aqoon.
  12. waraa qeelada jooji, iyo is factirinta, duqa banaanka is keen, cawada bugle aa la dheelaa, Juxa aabiitaro ka noqo meesha. is ilaalina yaa lagu dafin.
  13. boolbaro adi qaraabasho iyo tabal caaro lee ku jiree mar walba hayye, kaalay meeqa jeer aad bacad weena u istaagtay gabar cajiin loo diray in ay soo gado.
  14. abaa baaba juxa what did u say, now u like to be left alone. abaydiis yaa niyadda kaa jabiyay. aan feernee. my day, is good, al xamdulillah.
  15. waraa xayeesiinta iga daa, saabuun mi ihiye.
  16. aree gabar yahay mahaan yaalagaa burin, i will till death mashaqeenayso mahaan. marka yariisay iska aamus,before aa lagu dhihin janbalada imaqashii. no one would fight for a couse here, u won't be next nelson mandela or xaawo taago around here. afka shiblee ka dhig duqda.
  17. reer xamarka marry their child to another child at ayoung age Isn't this a racist comment?.... aaway policeka meesha.
  18. she should cover the shoulder, and hair that is showing, and that is our islamic culture.
  19. ar gabdha haanaa, a man who picks woman because of her height, is a dump man. there is other qualities that u look for in a woman, and height is not one of them, atleast to me. it depends on ur kartidada, religionkaaga, strength, caqli, good family. and ofcourse u have to be able to cook. haddii kale maxaa iska ak sameen.
  20. Scorpian sister, ilaahey baan kugu dhaarshee all ur things is it based on movies like run away pride, or are we talking in real life. I agree with dowoco, don't brush the whole men, and women under one brush, also as jumamatou said it takes two to tangoe. also if a men are dogs, and women always falling for them, what that makes them sub dogs. come on now. let's talk about our somali ppl, naga dhaafa the stuff on movies, talk about realy life drama, not the ones on sup operas, like young and restless, bold and beauty come on enough is enough, generate your ideas from real like, not from a movie, and pls don't show ur psychological bio.. i know u r a psych student but don't confuse us, viking started all this bio stuff. but naga dhaafa. men and women are the same, both are human, both make mistakes, in relationships, or in real life, end of story.
  21. Qac Qaac

    my fourth wife

    waraa odoyaashii horay marka ee wareeraanba naag bay guursadaan, marka duqa mid kale ku dar oooooh oooops u got 4 already. now since u can't marry another one, u should devorce the one the nice one u have, and add one femenist one, who is full of energy coz thing about it, she is always away and busy taking part of the feminen rally that is going on in Brussels. and u have the other 3 left, iyaah.
  22. waraa kalay adi, sheekooyinkaan xaggee ka keentaa
  23. Ninyoho cadaankaan, maxaa romantic mee idhihi rabaan tanna.
  24. abaay ba, the get together of Juxa & boolbaro. that would be something. Juxa macaantiis maxaa adi kaa xanaajiyay, gardaradaada iyo gartaadaba waa gar, marka duqda irish brewga laqabso boolbaro iskana baashaal nooh, inta aa lagu bal balin. abaydiis ani dhib iyo qaxar iyo dagaal marabo, ani nabad aan rabaa, laakiin lowlaa aa faraha ila shoogashid, waa ku dilaa walaahi, waa oohee walaahi, ilka jajab maca digir. p.s. waraa galabta bugle aa la dheelaa, boolbaro, shoobaro, feebaro, 6pm show up at bashiir lugay bacaad. ok. bye all.
  25. abaydiis hadda confused tahay, ilaahay hakuu siyaadiyo aamin dheh. waraa boolbaro, tabal caaro lee waddaa adi markii lagu arko, waraa kabahayga iyo hoskuntigayga ii soo celi.