Qac Qaac

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Everything posted by Qac Qaac

  1. Good to see, in ay gabarta xijaabantahay, oo surweel dheer ee wadato. the guy who is making fun of that she wore qamar in the heat. i ask u, what r u doing, watching her on tv. stop hating and congratulate.
  2. thank god atleast 1983 aan dhashtay maa wada dhihin, waraa boolbaro how did u get away with that. ar kanaa.
  3. bravo Juxa. oh ooops this is question is only to the ladies.
  4. waraa good topic title, si fiican aad ugashay dadka smart move, dadkaan waa ujeeda kuligood date raadis waaye. ar yaa isku fasaxa kuligood.
  5. hope cute lil girl left, and u come back as cute big girl right. well enjoyed ur topics. sometimes weird, but always had something new. well done
  6. kaalay meel walba labo qof aa isku heesata p.s. juxabaro maa iska noqotid adigana.
  7. iyaah aroos aa, where is my invitation. galabta casarka kala kadoonka iyaah.
  8. i hope ALL this group's members to avoid replying to my posts in SOL as I do with their posts. Besides, i wana tell you the reasons behind Me avoiding this group:- U said i don't reply to the Baro group, and yet u r replying back to me, what a contradiction, gabar yahay imaqal if u r frustrated of not finding a man, pls don't take it on us. ilaahey hakuu fududeeyo midkoo, oo frustratio kaa baabi'iyo. no one needs to reply back to ur posts, but anything posted on this forum is free for everybody, or else just pm the person u want. p.s. kaalay dadkaan carabaha dagan ma saan baa dhamaantooda lool. hey ga' iga sii so hee, kaftan lee waayo, haddaa xanaaqdidna maradaada maa ka badanee
  9. ar yaawaaye kaas saas niyada kaaga ja jibiyay Juxa. inkaar badanaa
  10. maybe jiq ee kugu tahay, bro.
  11. Professor r u serious?.. and who told u, each layer is guided by an angel which ayah bro. the earth is spherical, that question was debated for a long time with in the western world. where the Muslims had that answers for long time, in Egypt before even western ppl start even thinking about science and stuff, they knew middle of the earth and how much it is, and then proved that the earth is circle, and no no no, u don't fall, if u keep going straight wich proves ur question.
  12. maxaa adi, meesha hadalka lagu keediyo miyaa ku go'ay. bisinka. ma iska wadaa.
  13. cajaaibuladii, ar yaa tan arkay, nin yoho ani waaba wareeray, what r u asking, iyo meel aad usocotid ba magaranayo. first of all, what is logic, is logic and commen sense the same, if so, then can society have something to do with it. just asking.
  14. Naga daa, afcarabiga tusbax xattaa waan kuugu darnay.
  15. What i can't believe until now is why somalia still don't have a good basketball team, in the next olympics we should send a basketball team. we are living in north america for how many years now, average atleast 15yrs or more. and all the boys play b-ball they should have a basketball team, coz the competition of b-ball at olympics is weak and what i see of the somalian guys they are good talent, they should be upthere with countries like Angola, Lituania, Denmark, Australia and Canada. come on. for soccer it is too hard, to compete in Africa. i think. nevertheless good job somalia. good to see the blue flag raised high, for the first time, and ppl are not talking about hunger or diseases or killings.
  16. I think you are dreaming to be her Fiance just bcz i said "Tall, Handome, Gentle,Tactful and a romantic Somali Guy", man i was joking there is no Somali guy with all these good qualities. -I would believe that Dianasours exist till date. Aree gabar yahay, from that statement u made, waan soo ceshtay all my faanis to u. u r one of the somali male bashers in here.
  17. iyaah maxaa meeshaan mala iska soo galaa marwalbe, suuq siinaay miyaa, mise dabo x a a r baratay miyaa. I, Qacbaro wlc all the new ppl, the 2 girls, landergirl and xarago. xarago xanuun maleh. marka labadiiniba wlc. the applications for bro family are at the door. if u would like to join.
  18. Diamante siniorita wlc, soo dhawoow gacma furun iyo caleemo. aniga shaaha waan ubaahnahay, iyo canbuulada, laakiin kalay bun maheesaa. macaantiis mininka mininkaa waaye. dalaq lee iska soo dheh ok.
  19. lol @ bashi, was that a hiden massage. what exactly r u saying bro lol.
  20. Classique masha'allah i am really impressed with u sisters (sss) i would love to help u guys with anything u guys like. pls get the men involved too coz our ppl need the men to be doing something too. if the men, don't do it, i guess it is the women's job good ladies, and wake up our guys in abu dhabi ok. i like ur thinking already, and make duah for the lost ppl in everwhere from somalia to north america ok. good job.
  21. subxanallah some here needs help. ethiopia is our big brother... not our enemies. and DJabuti is our enemy. ilaaho indhaha hana tirin. with hatred, iyo qabiil nimo awgeed.
  22. what who cares if they wave their flag or not. Rudy what r u talking about. olympics are the least watched.
  23. lol @ juxa. gacan iyo lug aa laguu taagay qof yahay.