Qac Qaac

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Everything posted by Qac Qaac

  1. Odd, wlc reer kaso balbalare aan is la aheen baan umaleen. shaleemo kaaso bal balaare.
  2. aree waxaan dadkeena loogu mala tala galin. ee naga daa hanagu waalin. may i don't agree anything u said.
  3. what in the world, xaguu topickaan naga soo galay.
  4. Haween iyo Geel abootoy. kalay juxa adi advice badanidaa. bisinka.
  5. kaalay horta womanhood, markii la guursado miyaa, mise over 25 becomes woman. what is it. damn waraa boolbaro shiikhoow taas adi lee waaye, ani ha igu darin, gabadha magaca aan akhrin leh, aeyun sun what ever it is. aree maxaa tiri. kumaa fahminee.
  6. Qac Qaac

    Bad publicity

    Jumatatu... what in the world r u saying. waraa i didn't say i am not black. but my black muslims are first then the kafir blacks. adi haddaa iyaga jecashay good for u.
  7. If a man cries because of Khusuuc is good. but if he cries because u said something to him, or when he watches TV. well that kind of man is SISSY.
  8. Qac Qaac

    Bad publicity

    Yes we are blacks. No we can't consider ourselves as black africans, coz we Muslims. we are same as the african muslims.
  9. ar maxaa dhiiga kugu diray.
  10. ameenah naga daa yaakhay, xooga hala sii bash gareeyee.
  11. aree persecuter reformer, far la buuxinayo ilbaxnimo uma aqaan, haddii aad rabtid in caloosha la buuxiyo (cunto) we cool. hadii kale ga' iga sii so atariisho, reero tabal caaro aan ahaye.
  12. ilaahoow yee islaan na xoogin, ar tan na maxay aheed.
  13. ar tan na maxay aheed stay pretty aa. ar kaalay gabdhoo r u guys telling me only prettyness is what u guys should be weight on. naga daayay wax kala na siiya. ani heart attack kaliya kama helin, far attack, il tuuris, carab attack. all those aan ka helay.
  14. Persecuted reformer u won't ask. walle wax badan way ku dhaafi doonaan. laakiin xishoodka saas u ku jiraa. Juxa u said yes yes yes. abooto isha ilbuunee, adi hal yes lee dheh haddii kale wiilka wuuba kaa carari, ama wuu kaa shikin. laakiin ani far buuxiyoo kuma jira, the baroos aa udaayay sheekadaas. gabdho ku dhakhsada, waydiisiga quickly, gabadha dhaday there is age to do that na, na khso u gaar age kaas.
  15. Juxa ka shifaata waa maxay yaa ukhtii. anna wax lee sii facshiraa marka ee isug. tanag u by they way. Rahima, u know iffeys are doubts, and if u tawakal calallah u should be ok with ur choice, even if it becomes bad later on, is a test. but not a bad choice ogoo. u r right with the part of completing half of ur religion, that is hadith. and it should be complicated for that reason. but sis there guidelines out there, read it, and just excute them, that is easy right. no butts about it. for the devorce part, and why it is a high percentage is because we wanna act like westerners, and westeren ppl ideally had bigger devorce race then anyone else in the world, so our devorce rate being high, just tells u that we became westerners that's all. muslim countries with all the things the west say about oppressing our women, still have low rate of devorce then the ones who supposedl don't abuse women.
  16. about time i see a thread that bashes females, enough with male bashing. reformer rescue the topic pls.
  17. iyaah guur madax xanuun waaye hayye. ana waxaa ku darsan lahaa in uu yahay calool xanuun too.
  18. persicuted reformer r u jabutawi or u jabutawi wanna be. wink wink. the girl from Montreal, xaal iyo sorry qaado. Rayaana, see waaye adi can't u see i changed.
  19. Admin waayahay. laakiin kaftan kayga wax qalifsan buu noqday i guess. alla... something mahadsanid wiilka. classique, i let u have the last say. hadee wax kuu tareeso.
  20. shiikhow maxaa ku daaray, gabar angel manoqon karto, that waxa gaalada ay yiraahdeen. the non muslims say, the angels are women, i know what u mean, but be technically right.
  21. waraa kutub aad akhrisitaa hayye, goormaa safka hore masaajidka is dhigtay. duqa.
  22. waraa boolbaro waa runtaa, anna feebaro aan kula sugaa. lol.
  23. cajaa ib, we made this marriage thing a complicated thing, for the ladies who have iffys about marriage, ilaahey ha idiin fududeeyo. i would say tawakul calalaah, and stop making things complicated both men and women.
  24. saas miyaa, siyaado alle aamiin dheh.