Qac Qaac

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Everything posted by Qac Qaac

  1. Boolbaro that is gonna go down, as one of ur best posts in here. good man.
  2. Was anything I said a lie? I don't think so. But posts like these make us seem like we are saintly and do no wrong. And it' my pet peeve really. And nothing against the Somali culture, the bariis and the moos thing is my personal favorite! ... and u make other cultures saintly, but not urs. isn't that contradiction, u r fighting over here not to make our own culture saitly, but u r making the other cultures saits. so come on. as for the stats, ask canada statitstics... u'll see that us somali immigrants who came to north america last 15yrs or so.. are beating the jamaicans, Hatians, and no every black person u see from africa is not nigarian.. they could be Ghana, Rwanda, Congo and so on.. also do u know that Nigeria is the largest populated country in Africa.. if we are second to them, and we are only 10million ppl. that itself is an honour DA.. love ur somali men.
  3. cajaa ib, waxaa ahba, in aan aqoon ba gabadhaan dibiqalooc la yiraahdo. laakiin duqda ama waan ku cafiyay dheh ama ha dhihin, mid aa adiga kaaga baahnahay ma aha. marka is marji. qacbaro ha ku soo khaldamin, hana umaleen in uu tabcaan noqday, sababta ah waxa uu waydiistay dadka cafis. persecuted reformer what can i say hee, adiga tanag u feero armaajo. Juxa, adiga waaba ku fahmi garan la ahay, ee what u saying exactly. salafi online thanks bro.
  4. maybe i'll cry as a result of happiness. i won something big. or i got what i needed to get, the thing that i worked all those yrs for. maybe in that case. and khusuuc in deen.
  5. Subxanallah why u hate somali men so much. Hey everyone has mistakes. DA don't only see the somali men mistakes, u r educated person, look at the other cultures mistakes. look at the woman be fair, judge it fair. i am not saying somali men are perfect. but u should take easy on the brothers who sit on coffe shops. u sould consider that these men that u see sitting on coffee shops were engineers, doctors, pilots, senators in their country. but the country got destroyed and came here to live as immigrants, who probably have to work either in taxi caps. or own xawaalad, or xalaal meat place. u should know they are going through things. it is not fair that u judge some ppl, who have more knowledge than u like that. u should consider everything then be harsh on them. yes there some lazy bumps who don't wanna do anything. but every culture has those ones. do u know peurto ricans are # 1 ppl who take welfare. do u know most of the blacks that go to universities are somalies. pls dhulka hana gu jiidin. be fair. haddaa xanaaq dhinac kale ah aad u heeso nimanka soomalida waala fahmi karaa. laakiin stop being judgemental, and look at the flows of the woman too. be fair. allah says in his quran, ( be just even if it is against u)...
  6. Qac Qaac


    is this the reer xamar luuq. kaalay suuq bakaaraha qof walba maa ag daganaa.
  7. send flower... maxaa beer maan abuuraa. aree gabaray listen love ma aha wax la isku *** diro, is wax la istusiyo, be there for him, when he is feeling well or sad, sick or ok. u know. laakiin not flowers what if uu xajiin ka qaado. send like a jersey or something. if is only a gift.
  8. Qac Qaac


    ok i see all u girls are saying the same thing even though i don't agree. so let's put a twist on it. ok. let's say u guys got married, and got older and allah gave u guys sons... when they got married to their wives, their wives wish the same things u guys are saying now. WOULD U GUYS LIKE THAT UR SON'S WIFE WISHES THAT U R DEAD?'aashaas hala iiga jawaabo. walle ninkii hooyadii oo soo xamishay 9bilood ka raaca naag uu hadda barta, ilaahey naarta horay ha ugasho... dabaalka.
  9. salafi online, jazak allah khayran bro. and yes i do this to seek allah's mercy. juxa what in the world, did u say i am pain in ur finger... lazygirl... unbelievable to what. Scorpian sister... i did not understand one bit that u said. something to ur friend.. waxa aad sheegaysid wada dheh, ama waxba ha dhihin.
  10. so love is magic now... intresting.
  11. make it one big screen waraa. is better.
  12. Qac Qaac


    nin aa adiga kaliya heesatid aad rabtaa hayye, reformer. macbuudka. what if uu asagana ka baryo ilaahey naag oo hooyadeed iyo walaalaheed ee qaraabteen mar hore.
  13. Lol @ waryaa dude nin waalan baa tahay. 911 badan na waa sugi doontaa. thanks ladies for the 2 different answers u gave out. thanks DA. thanks the persecuted reformer, reformerkii horay loo dilay.
  14. kaalay horta dadkiina maba aheen dadka aan rabay in ay i cafiyaan. maxaa ani ilmo baro cafiskooda ku falaa. waraa thanks for the love all. waryaa dude, slide weed in my locker, lock u in the women's locker naked, i don't know what u r talking about buddy. but hey i like ur bruce lee picture at the bottom. Juxa ramadaan iyo ramadaan la'aanba waa la is cafiyaa ok. duqda. ilmo cambaro ma adaa dhalay horta.
  15. Hey this question just came to my head, is basically for the ladies. who live in western countries. my question is would u ladies go with ur husband if he wants to live in Somalia. 4 ever. or u would tell him no can't do sir.
  16. bismillah assalaamu calaykum to all the muslim nomads here. to even the non muslims who wants to check out our somaliaonline. i first would like to thank the admins and his stuff for making this site a good site. but my topic that i wanna start is. i would love some ppl, and to most of the ppl that i some how hurt them, by my typings here on sol. to forgive me and to forget what ever i said to them before. well i am kind of feeling touchy, and sensitive tonite so this is a chance for me to apologize to all the ppl over the nights that i had an encounter with ok. i apologize sincerely. wixii aan rabin my apology then, ha... oh crap can't say it. well waa idinkaas dadoo.
  17. Qac Qaac


    i just wanna apologize to og girl, for everthing i did and said to her. i might die soon or later. wlc back og girl. and no more conflict. u got green light.
  18. Qac Qaac


    Glassyeyegirl. i lived almost near those places. bashiir lugay bacaadkiisa was near u right. i used to compete in masjid shiikh cali suufi.
  19. Qac Qaac

    Bad publicity

    ar aan is ilaaliyo. ilaahoow na bad baadi