Qac Qaac

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Everything posted by Qac Qaac

  1. Thanks nuur, jazak allah khayr.. i heard Nuur's story, not 18-19 when she got married.
  2. Hey guy don't be so hard on Salafi online, he is right when he says he has right to know where the things he is gettign from, it should be authentic hadiths. but salafi online. u should take anything that is good even if it is from shaytaan, remember the famous hadith, abuu hurayra learned the ayat kursi from satan.. but as the shia part i agree with u... we got to be careful of them..
  3. Qac Qaac


    Professor saas lee ku wad, broken is the best way to learn a language.. that was very nice just a spelling errors that's all. but i got ur point. so don't act like u don't know somali u r better than lots of ppl here.
  4. Hater!!! waraa mutakalim nin yoho waa maxay xanuunka ku hayo.. also nin yoho yaa waaye qofka right ka ku siiyay marka aad ka hadasho qofkale waxa uu post gareeyay as maala yacni.. do u know u posted lots of garbage topics too. ppl didn't say anything bro to u. by u using big words doesn't make u intelligent.. and u know u encounter lots of debates with Baro family and i didn't see u debate well... so as u see bro this Baro family has a lot of flexibility, they could use big word like u, if they want, or talk about canjeelooyinka see ukala sareeyaan. hey also this website, is part of entertaining and i don't see no one better entertaining ppl then Baro family iyo couple of cool people in here. baro if u think u r above intelligent then anyone else in here. start a topic of debate for us... with the baro family and let's see how u fare.. mac salaama stop hating and congratulate. Curly Sue.. only was complaining about ppl using somali language, but u mr. above everyone else changed in to intelligent battle field. so go ahead put a topic about ur old Greek philosophies and let's see, or the madhabs in islam. or shia vs. sunnies.. hayye hee go ahead, or science, or even sports for god sake... as u see Baro family are versitile.. and be careful of what u wish for...
  5. Qac Qaac


    Waraa taruufo toore aad tahay. hadda ka horna waan ka shakiyay aamusnaantaada in aan dilo aan ka fikirijiray kulaahaa. bisinka. waraa maxaa ku dhahday hooyada in low.
  6. Rudy, i thought u were here long enough to know, not to use words like training these woman, teaching them, cooking, cleaning. all the Cs.. come on bro. aren't u married?.. ar maxaas ku daaray.
  7. Qac's list 1. Diinta dhinaceeda 100% 2. Nasab fiican leedahay. 3. maal ishaya way in ay leedahay 4. Quxudeeda now aan kala dhigno QURUXDA 1. way in ay leedahay Karti ( NAAG RAG AH) 2. edeb lee dahay 3. af dheer ay laheen. ( no qumayo) 4. naxariis badantahay 5. way in ay leedahay, i need no man can of attitude 6. buurni no 7. caato no 8. beautiful smile 9. indho qurxoon 10. bushimo waa ween. 11. tin dheer oo jilicsan oo madoow. 12. midib, madoow, cadaan, mixed what ever 13. flat stomach... 14. last but not least. love ur culture.
  8. waraa i hope in ticket laguku siiyo in Hargeisa.. speeding ticket. u
  9. ani su'aashaan ma fahmin, laakiin if u mean.. where do u think, u gonna die in... well waxaan dhihi lahaa meeshu uu ilaahey doono. laakiin dying in Somalia would be nice.. in hot land. if u mean.. where u want ur kids to grow, well Dacawo answered it... in Chechnya.
  10. first of all wlc board.. on our team, family. Jacayl baro.. u have a great position in our family. bro the problem is not u and ur name, the problem is with ur co-leagues that use the same baro at the end of their name... damn that is lots of englihs for one post, let me change it. waxaan dhihi lahaa wixii aan aqoonin af soomali just ka bood qoraalkeen oo meelaha kale akhri... Raxiima... i always knew in aad tahay boqorad.. compared to... naga daa yaakhay dhibaato kale marabnee. waraa boolbaro mashiidiyo maxaa Dooro kugu diray, iyo waxa micnaheedu ee tahay. adi iska cun lee doorada nooh. ni proplemo.
  11. Qac Qaac


    xoogsade hooyaday hadday la imaado reasono oo sax ah, then maybe or most likely waan furi lahaa. for example if i am married to a bad woman, she gotta go.. Juxa.. be careful of guys who have no brothers and sisters.. they are expected to have lots of kids... that's true...
  12. adiga xaaskaaga su'aasha ma khusayso shiikh feebaro...maxaa adi iyada kali maa diree, maxaa sameen adi marka. Reformer wali ma nooshahay...lugooyada meesha lee ka sii wad nooh.
  13. haa nooh, maxaa da' daas ma bad baa.
  14. Soomaaliya ha noolaato, cadowgeedana ha dhintaan.
  15. Qac Qaac


    waraa MM aye gaas anaaba aqaan, cali madoowe maala dhihi jiray, maalin ilaahey keeno cunug uu bursan jiray. it was so scary... Classeyegirl... bashiir lugay ka soo dago.. dukaan iftin la dhihi jiray mataqaan, oo masjid Raxmah u dhawaa... if u know that masjid, cidda ka soo horjeeday lee nahnay.
  16. Qac Qaac


    Juxa iyaah. meesha dhan waa kala taqaan hayye.
  17. maxaa malagaa gadan hadalka hee.
  18. Ilaah baan idinku dhaariyay gabdhoo ma saan baa daacad idinka ah, kuligiin waa is duufsateen, even gabdhihii fiicfiicnaa xataa danbiga way iska dawaasheen. thank god i didn't see this topic before, matag uuba iga keeni rabaa..
  19. and we happen to be "westerns". end of story..
  20. juxa adi meel aa laguu fadhiisan hadda kabacdii. waaba lagu af garan la'yahay. laqtara bumbash la araynaak.
  21. well my jumco was very nice. salaat aan ka bilaabay, xooga raajicin aan galay, rested xoogaa yar, kubad aan ku tuurtay. for xooga, kadib orod aan galay sidii in aan ku jiro olympics camal. laakiin i missed hal call aan sugayay 4 a while. but is all good.
  22. good question, laakiin i am afraid ur question could only be answered by scholars.