Qac Qaac

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Everything posted by Qac Qaac

  1. BaraNbaro... is easier to pronouce with the N..
  2. ilaahoow ani iyo taas isku meel hanaga soo wada saarin yawmal qiyaamaha hadday saa ku dhimato.. nabiga tan xun caydeeda ma gaareeso... and he is the best that ever lived... ayaaneey maxaa ka taqaan nabiga calayhi salaam.. dabaal.. koloraati badan... adminka haddaa ka baqeen hal page oo caay ah aa u dhiibi lahaa geedaas xunta ah... what is the movie about... women being treated as a second class... what's new.. western games... always from that same window... laakiin tan miskiinta ah meesha ee ku dhuntay... p.s. brother Nur.. tan oo kale mala dili karaa diinta islaam ahaan.
  3. abaayo good conclusion u came up with... kollayba lacag laguuma hayo, anagaaba meel walba deen ooga jirna.. marka hadda saas u fikaraysid is cool... focous on the actual relationship.. and ur loans well that seem to be good plan..
  4. homer simpson... what in the world... waraa natty head ma waalatay... silent sistah caqlileey aad tahay hee marka maxaa kaloo aan dhihi karaa... laakiin luqada ku dadaal if u r going back to somalia... haddii kale be ready for 1000names.. name calling...
  5. silent sistah i'll be there 4 sure.. waliba torobiino aan soo qaadan lahaa. boobaro was right... alle ubahnee, maxaa waaye assumbtion kaaga damn loooool. so the answer is yes... i don't trust those doctors... Can they have Muslim women as a doctors.. that would relax my heart... so silent sistah what was ur point...
  6. why do i see here lots of ppl love the name ahmed... OG girl are u sure all ahmeds are beautiful.... just asking. i also like names with deen as a suffix.. like muxyidiin, nuradiin, salax udiin.. sayfudiin. kamal udiin. fakhrudiin
  7. of course i think about everything i write... are u crazy... i am occountable for my words.. but some times joke around... so this is what i am really think somali online is... somewhere we could benefit from each other.. though laughs, learning the differences personalites that we have here.. educational... and entertainment... we don't want it to be like school format boring... but we want it to be some where u learn something from it... in an informal way... i hope, i answered ur questions in a summarized way.
  8. legend of zoo ilaahey aragtida ha kuu dheereeyo sxb.. shoobaro ga' ka siiso yarta yaakhay, bas aaba ka dhigtay.. laakiin that was difaac waalan.
  9. Baranbaro wlc.. macaantiis walaashay yariiseey... how is mommy and daddy... also how is Aasbaro doing... i hope he is well too.
  10. gabdhihiina lama fahmi karo.. ama jooga dhaha meesha ama naga taka.. bisinka. why always chaning ur minds.
  11. lol @ silent sistah.... hey legend of zoo... u heard the girl.. so u safe now.. laakiin nin yoho seef labood nimada iska daa. p.s. ask me to describe English ppl... and u'll see what kind of language i would use.. atleast he gave us 2 good words friendly, and hospitable ppl... but if u ask me to describe somalies.. would u think, i would diss them....
  12. Oh God.. I see shaism is back. and i see sayfullah al-maslul back...
  13. abdullah and abdurrahman Faduma and Maryan... i like... Barlin, yurub, istanbul.. maxaa wadamo iyo magaalooyin iyo qaarad dhan loogu magac daray. those names i don't understand.... p.s. i like ahmeds too.
  14. Aniga macalinka Bingo... isha iyaa ka tuurtay. Jaceel baro damn....
  15. lol @natty... Legend of zoo... somali waxay ku maah maahdaa " markii loo heeso geel, bay waxay u heesaan goranyo" nin yoho waxa aad ka hadlaysid maba ka hadleen. waana runtaa diin ahaan way iska hor imaan. laakiin sida aan horayba kuugu sheegay waxani waxaa qoray nin gaal ah. aniga ma qorin. and the point he is making is that... though we are hardheaded and some times jahiliin. but outside world most of the time could not break us because of our prideness... yes the hadith was if u have a little (the size of an atom) of pride u will not enter pradize u r right.... and thanks for the advice... p.s. laakiin nin yoho saafe laboodnimada aan iska deyno oo aan diinta iskugu sheekno si xikmad ku jirta...waxa dadka soomaalida badankooda diinta ku diray waa 3 ama 4 qof oo ah seeflabood.
  16. Thanks for all this knowledge broes... oh jazak allah khayraa
  17. Qac Qaac

    A question

    if i am not mistaking holy means kariim in arabic but i don't know what exactly u r asking..
  18. hey even though i like minshawai and xusari but he still is one of the best... ilaahey ha una xariisto.
  19. Hey i don't think, and we should ask the person who open this topic, the problem is not woman leading by a woman group.. but the problem is woman leading fridays prayers camal.. lol @ cowrala...
  20. finally, research has shown that those men who are present in the delivery room, suffer some phychological after-effect. some even suffer a temperory loss of apetiate for you-know-what, as a result of guilt Subxanallah.... loss of appetiate...
  21. subxanallah 3 jeer. woow if this is a true story, it is crazy... well yes it was her mistake a little... but the guy is jerk.. subxanallah rape a mother and destroy her life like that... p.s. feebaro the story is too long damn. laakiin qalbi xanuun iyo oohin ee iga keentay... i feel for the girl. may allah have some mercy on her.
  22. lol@feebaro but u have to understand the ppl here are more related or they know what the english man said, then what the our forefathers said long time ago... sidii gumeesiga.. ilaayo hadda miskaxda ee naga heestaan gaaladaan.