Qac Qaac

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Everything posted by Qac Qaac

  1. Juxa... maah maahdaada maba fahmin... laakiin atleast u know my motivation of talking to these ladies is to shutter their illusions... that's all. come to reality and live on this earth. dreams only happen in beds... that's all.
  2. Hey ladies... i am not arguing with u guys... I AM SHUTTERING UR WESTERN ILLUSIONS!! most of the men other than the baro brothers seem to be driven by ambiousness, while baroos wanna tell u guys, we are Somalies and we wanna stay that way. no we are not bringing flowers. we are proud of our language we like our somali mentality sisters. all in all, no western mentality.. for us.
  3. Wadani clap clap... i give a standing ovation.. waaw, whatta good man, u stand for justice, u defend your woman.... good 4 u man. u seem to be strong guy the way u addressed me. waanba baqay, yeah u kuluhaa qacbaro... now what u want. u want one of the ladies here to like u... i hope... atleast one of them did that already... or else whatta waste of hadal... macalinka saas looma shukaan sado gabdhaha, ninkala dartiis maa ku shukaansan. see waaye adi. Juxa some how u missed seeing how ninkaan wadani uu iicaayay... but is all good, none taken as an offense. hope u guys don't take as an offense..
  4. Feebaro... ha ihabaarin pls... with all due respect..
  5. Kharaar badanaaa. wareer badanaaa. oohin badanaa. waraa boolbaro and sue... pls find ur own room, i see, jaceel is starting between u too.
  6. Gabadhaan canbaro la dhaho, haddaa baro aad ku darsitid magacaaga, anaga waligaa kuma rabno. is qor bilaa list... Og girl... there u go again loooooooool. i thought u were arab, good to know ur father is somali... he must be proud of u... dawoco.. abaayo marka ugu horeeso wax ha ka sheegin ilmo baro, kadibna ha is xanaajinin. sins keena black and white ku maada qorin, ee adaa kula yaab sannahay. boolbaro replied back in his own language... is that a crime... why is everyone saying i didn't expect this from Nuune.. well he didn't expect u guys to be like this either... p.s. i agree with boolbaro is no point arguing with sisters... with all due respect.
  7. bt when u say ha iska neefsadeen what does that mean? is that not patronising? Nope... ha iska neefsadaan as in let them get off their chests...and i thought that was harmless statement. i guess, i was wrong.
  8. nice topic, and u should add capitalism some where... and now let's see if capitalism, freedom, and democracy contradict... i think they do... whatta corrupt system, men made system what u expect.
  9. Qac Qaac


    Waraa Engonge... adi yaa ushaqeesaa my type writer baa damn hadal badanidaa. waxa kugu dhacana fara badanaa.
  10. I knew this was gonna come up. waraa Jacaylbaro Thank u man.
  11. Silent sue.. what.. either speak somali or english...
  12. under dog bas bas u killing me loool. Xaawo Xaaji, what a beautiful somali name, but yet into relationships iyo ubax lakala badalanayo iyo walee as underdog said, nin rag ah waxbadan baad sugi doontaa. Xaawo, let me put couple thing straight for u. 1. we are not allowed bf/gf relationship 2. inta anaga kuma ilbixin. 3. waxa aad qurux utaqaano, uma naqaan qurux. 4. hollywoodka ka raadsoo your farax.. cos is not reality. p.s. are u suffering from past relationships kute loooooool. may, i don't believe relationships before marriage.
  13. Qac Qaac

    Good Luck

    Thank u... Baranbaro... I started today.
  14. I agree with bachelor, VOTE FOR THE LESSER EVIL.
  15. Juxa sister, i want u to show me where and when i say something about ur sister, remind me if i did, and i would apologize to her... but as much as we love your sister she still has no right to accuse us 5 grown men attack me each time i say a little thing. and u know for fact that no one said to her anyting specially me. So with a respect abaayo tell your sister not to come into and say whatever she wants to say about Baro family when she knows (baro family have 7 members) and then play victim card, and plea to the rest of the nomads here. Sullen sue. what in the world made u after Baranbaro, why u care what kind of name she uses, bro or sis, i first of all wanna know, who are u, when do we offend u, what did we do to u. what made u hate on us this much... what's bothering u. also don't accuse baranbaro as a fallower no one is accusing when u jump on the bashing wagon on baroes... so is daji. rudy, u r right, what is it that made them so sensitive now adays, is it the air. p.s. i got news to all, specially the complainers, u all know baro members keep this place fun, they are the reason why u all have to reply back on sol... see what baro ppl wrote this time. it is in ur schedual to come to sol everyday... and yet u guys have the guts to say let's isolate baros, r u all in sane, u know u will turn this place as dull place like baran baro said it. p.p.s. learn how to joke ppl.
  16. Hip Hop gear ain't my style... and the long shirts that u would think is Khamiis... damn.
  17. It will get the Baro clan out of our hair... lol.. kharaar badanaa....
  18. nope sistah, i know what i wish for. and flower is not one of them...
  19. why finalize it, let the topic continue... until it gets over blown.
  20. Anyway, Welcome back! Underdog, u might be right, look way soo dabac day...
  21. Abaayo with all due respect... calaa cal kaaga wuu batay... ee heesaha blueska iska daaro.. damn. idinka is fiiriya b4 aad afka ku soo taagin walaalahey.
  22. Yaa rabbii!! Boolbaro dhibaato aa ku heshay hayye. macalinka ga' ka siiso iska dhaaf. ha iska neefsadaan.
  23. waa wada dad shaqa la'aan ah, oo iska raba in ay iska murmaan. dadoo maxaa ka murmaysaan, r u guys just arguing for the sake of arguing, coz i understand nothing of what u all saying. admin do what u think is right. this is your place... dadkiinana calaacal ka badan naga daaya, bisinka maxaa waaye meeshaan wada sensitive ppl, aa ka buuxa.
  24. Qacbaro,,,, Pulling ka waad ka xishootaa ?? looooooooooooooool i can see u like PUSHING only Waraa Pushing na waan ka naxaa. adi pushing maxaa ka wadaa, gaari gacmeed la jiidaayaa, aree looooooool. waraa u 2....