Qac Qaac

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Everything posted by Qac Qaac

  1. Jacaylbaro.... u still need more.. maxaa ku daaray adi.
  2. No 11 is small... i need their subs too maybe 22..
  3. mash'allah we got now 2 sisters who don't mind... well charisma.. caqlileey.. that's all i could say to u... Be afraid SisSade. Be very afraid are u Jealous?... sheherazade.. magac dheeridaa bisinka... I guess only 98% of the girls here say nooo. since we have now 2.. sisade and charisma..
  4. ar isku hiiliskaan badanaa, ma dhamaado miyaa... waraa Boolbaro maxaa tiri, feebaro sidii beedaan camal aa loo rifay ah. looool. Juxa abaayo qofka aad doonaysid u hiili. yaa waaye qof wax kuu dii diida adiga.. wah.
  5. ok thanks Og girl.. sub xanallah.. a somali atheist... ilahey ha soo hanuuniyo... may allah bring him back to islam..
  6. Brother pls... don't make the place a sport team that we support no matter what.. this is islam.. anyways is no point of arguing with u... since u already said we have 1/10 of the knowledge salafi online has... subxanallah... brother learn and comprehend the deen well... Manners is everything in islam...
  7. lol @ cunaa... duqa labo micno aan u aqaan ani.. loooool. baashaal.
  8. akhas.. not only pink.. anything that shines.. is dumar cloth man.. be a man.. saas aa udanbaysay nimankii..
  9. u in love feebaro.. with who qandho, madax xanuun, mig... maxaa.
  10. salafi question.. if ibn taymiyah is shiikhul islam... what would abu hanifah, imam malik, imam ahmed, shafici.. bukhari, muslim. and many more be.. i guess cubed or squared right... pls let's not give the scholars titles.. coz now it would become like sport.. who is better and comparing would start.. just my opinion..
  11. I even heard Korea has muslims since long time ago.. just like chinese... and now we are having many japanese muslims mash'allah.
  12. No sahal.. u r right.. we should respect all our ulumas the same way.. they all good, and have good intensions.. but the fallowers are in deep trouble man.. Canadianized... hope u should seen everything, this was going on between sahal and salafi online for awhile.. so don't jump the gun.. vikings. wd and others.. pls don't jump to salafi online he is very passionate about islam. and he is trying his best to practice it... and u know when we are new to something we tend to make mistakes.. besides ur first knowledge is cruetial.. if u get it from tabliiqh u will always be tableegh or salafi or akhwaani... laakiin i woulds say ppl, since we all are ahlul sunnah wal jamaaca... let's work on the things we agree on... and let's excuse each other for the things we disagree on... this is not the time that the practicing ppl.. start arguin minor things.. when lots of muslims are suffering around the world...
  13. Natty dread... how do u know.. islamic state won't fuction.. pls enlighten me...
  14. you make his life hell u r out... he stays with his 2nd wife don't u think... Sissade.. runtii... u amaze me. all the women here almost 98-99% said no to it.. but u different and unique.... p.s. i think.. u will only be from here. the only woman who doesn't get her husband shared... coz u know humans.. wixii loo diidaa way sii jecladaan. unique waaw.
  15. me love sports.. ar adi nimanka maxaa saan kuu baray, kaaniyo xattaa waanaga soo daba qaadatay..
  16. Oday yar oo anoo kale ah, oo aan qof dumar ah waligiis u tagin, DOOBNIMO ku gaaray 30jir(oo haduu bahalka dhagax la dhaco oo dhagaxa kala jabaayo)...Gabadhii soo ag martaba wuxuu ku bisinka ilaahoow dhagax hanaga dhigin... looool waraa. damn. Buubto maxaa waaye xaasid nimadaas dhan. abaydiis. xooga friend ahaan, cousin ahaan u soo dhawee nooh, kadib na dalaq uu iska soo dhahaa.
  17. looool waraa dhib badanidaa adi.. bisinka... Juxa football team maa soo wadaa. waaba kaa shakiyay.
  18. Thanks... I'll be all i can be. insh'allah.
  19. baariyad, daacad, allah fearing all that equals being a muslim.. good muslim... if i may add... Qalbi furan... that's 2 words mister...
  20. I guess this is for the damn Americans... eh.
  21. What in the world!!! Internet.. waaw. it has lots of benefits.. but i doubted if ppl use it for beneficial stuff though... I heard 9 out of the top 10 sites of the iternet are all Porno sites... and 1 is left for everything else... on the other hand... school work is much easier get a good friend learn listen quran from it hadiths... debates but let's be honest... most of the ppl. wanna check their e-mail. go to their favourite chat room.. and yeah... the P sites. so i would concluded the harm we gain from it, is much biger than the benefits... mac salaama.
  22. in uu soo gatay malaga yaaba, sida feebaro uu usoo jeebsiibay ducadaas ninkeeda.
  23. ar kanaa, ma fiyooyahay.. mise kaab sal uu rabaa.