Qac Qaac

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Everything posted by Qac Qaac

  1. mash'allah xafidul quran oo ah sister..
  2. u r a fan huh? Underdog do u have a fan clab
  3. askarta ciidinka Mahdi waa in lagugu daraa Silent sistah, they only wear black. Imam mahdi in the future.
  4. Actually omar bin khattab used to pay the mother with the kids at home. to give them support at home.. and is extra money for her and her husband u know.. so yeah they get recognized... too bad is not like that anymore. but insha'allah with a government worrying about their ppl. will reach that level one day.
  5. bisinka silent sistah this topic pressed a bottom haye. ar yaa waaye kaas aan kula soo dilnee looool. is daji abaydiis, waaba iga bajisay ani bisinka, iyo macbuudka. yaa rabbi. Let me say thnx bro that is QACBARO(Wt does it mean by the way)for wt u said though i know that u r happy with our responses just becos it satisfies ur male EGO adiga yareey Charisma waalagu faaniyay, kadibna waa isku bog tay haye, the reason aan kuu faaniyay ma aha in ay my big ego ee rabto da ba al yahay is i thought, u were doing it because allah said it, and no matter how hard it is to u, pleasing allah is much important to u.. I guess, i was wrong.. jaaw yarta.
  6. as long as, ee aniga isoo gaarin labadaas saacadood gees iga mari.. hooverta, windex.. iyo wlm ah.
  7. Haa og moti maa caloosha kaaga sawiran.. waraa Moti duqa meesha is xoree waa u jeedaa sheekada see tahay ye... adminkana ma udhaarsantahay adi.. reformer dhibaataadu badanaa.
  8. Iskey_baro abaabah.. soo dhawoow. yeah i would sis next to disabled person why not. Mali girl.. u should of knocked out those stuuuu pid girls laughing at the disabled girl.. damn those ppl. way iga xanaajiyeenba.. p.s. iskey baro. na iskeen bar.
  9. Haa they were trap.. for dadka feebarada heeso..
  10. Baranbaro isha aad ka tuurtay, kaas reer xamar ka cad cad waaye loooool. xamar weena dhan uu leeyahay, xamar ja jabna gurigiisa aa ku yaala.
  11. He didn't lie he just didn't deliver the trueth.. nin waalan buu ahaa ninkaas. gaalka.
  12. no day care for my kids.. laanta intay qoyantahay baa la toosinkaraa, mar hadday adkaato lama toosin karo.
  13. this threads never end miyaa ok girls here it is one more time 1. religous 2. educated/not brainwashed 3. karti way in ay leedahay. 4. somali culture/speak read write somali that's all very simple huh... anyways women who are educated always specially the somali ones, i have yet to see a somali woman who is educated who balances both out.. her career life, and her husband and her kids life.. always she is lacking on one side.. either she uses her diploma as barkin, or she is never at home... it would be better if they teach in islamic schools the girls section... what ever the learned and still be there for their man.. subxanallah is about time u guys should balance stuff...
  14. Dat_Boy_Gotti.. I 100% agree with u... if i was married i wouldn't get close to chat rooms and sites like this.. why waste my time... I agree with u bro.. coz we ought to teach our kids the right manners since our kids are growing in western countries.. and by u chatting the only free time u have after work.. won't help u.. yeah so i agree with u... As for this ppl oo iska qeel qeelinaya ha ubixin.. i think u pressed a red botton... so yeah, why would married ppl use chat rooms/ sites like this.. good question indeed. is not your business meeshaan ma taalo, meeshaan waano baa la isku lee yahay, and the boy wuu soo tuurtay tiisa.. so WHAT THE PROBLEM IS?... ilmihii mar na baby sitter oo gaala ah baa haaya, marna way dac dareesan yihiin... hadhoow na we wonder where they picked up from this bad manner.. af ku celin iyo caay ba.. p.s. this is not attack to the married ppl here, but is an advice to them.. u r new families.. and pls qab qab iyo chat rooms ha ku bilaabina guriga.
  15. bas bas faraha waa lagaa qaaday Oday.. iska baashaal. iska soo taagnoo maanta dhan haddaa rabtid.. hadda kabacdii labo jid aan kala mareenaa, maxaa waaba xanaaqdee bisinka... rainbow... qoladii qaxeesay lol. waraa odayga u soo celi habartiisa bas waaye, buuq ba haddaa nagu tilmaamtay waan ka sii soconeena meesha.. soomaali waxay ku maah maahdaa raggu ween waxay ku baxaan baa la tusiyaa.. marka aniga fut lee sii dhahay lee nooh.
  16. Brother waxana dhan la isku heestoba waa intaas, helping the family.. how/when/what/ all those questions waa in laga jawaabaa b4 aa la isku bood boodin.. akhyaaroow gabdhahaan waxay rabaan in wax laga kariyo.. so haddaba iska sii ogoo what kind of woman u r marrying... pls ppl. let's not use hadiths to prove our points.. that is dangerous.. hadiths don't contradict.. we shouldn't be having our own agendas about the hadiths... the part of woman not cooking is exactly right... no one is arguing about it... but love starts when the two ppl help each other, and cook for themselves if they don't do that to each other.. then how and where is the love gonna come from.. anyways... we supposed to be human.. if some one is tire, the other person should cook. girls/guys pls naga dhaafa sidaan i am scared wallahi for the future somali houses or families.. this kind of argumentative will always be held at home... culture clashes...
  17. Shiikhoow taas adi kaliya waaye ee typical somali guy hadhi hin... OG girl.. waaw that was very nice... Baranbaro.. way off...
  18. Qac Qaac


    read ayat kursi i guess.. i don't know what to say... maybe u got lucky couple of times.. and now u think u have vision.. things happen so move on.. don't think about it into too much.. all else u would become something else.. a freak or something.
  19. India what do u expect.. those ppl are millions and millions.. obviously they will have ppl like that... also baranbaro aisha was 9 yes.. but at that time, society was different.. and 9yrs old at time are smarter than 24 yrs old now in north america sorry.. but that's the trueth..
  20. I got question for all the ladies who said they wanna take their kids to day care.. have u guys ever wondered what's gonna happen to those kids' culture, religion, manners, akhalaaq, edaab.. don't u guys wanna be a mother for ur kids.. so spend some time with them.. unless u want ur kids to be more close to their day care lady than u. they will always know for u.. a busy person, career after.. workaholic.. and never have ties with them.. no matter how many things u buy for them.
  21. haa. all those ppl with the baro suffix at the end of their name.. are all one big happy family.. ppl complaining are the haters drank.. a lot of hatorade...
  22. Maxaa u taqaanaa? Careful here and remember there r many lahjad in Somali Language. This is does not even qualify lahjad. It is more like street lingo. Baashi awoowe mala gu qabtay again. this time by Sareedo. loool. see is not me.. Sareedo duqa Ga' ka siiso xooga jiq ee ku tahay ye.. Juxa gacan aa kuu taagay.. goooooaaaaal kulahaa, sidaa kuwii spanish commentatorska oo kale.. or those in the Nba fans, Kavin harlan.. between the eye..
  23. OG girl yes u can.. go ahead imagine me be Rokko what.. Danny Davito.. and u Joe Peschi... looool Juxa.. chubby loooool. how u know.. isha aad ka tuurtay.. tuurna waan lee yahay. iyo faruur iyo tin adag... Baranbaro as baby face person.. kinda cute light skin.. doesn't look like somali.. but she is.. Feebaro as oday bakhaarleey ah, no teeth due to the jaad eating..