Qac Qaac

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Everything posted by Qac Qaac

  1. Rahima I agree with my brother malcolm X.. ilaahey ha unaxariisto.
  2. correct me if i am wrong... but i thought everywhere else where men sections...
  3. Ar sheekooyinkii calool xanuunka iyo jil jileeca aa nagu soo laabtay, i knew it, when queen mombasa comes back this kind of stories would fallow...
  4. Admin is looking for 2nd wife.. yo Rudy how u know loooooool. Spoil me?.. cajiib.
  5. I didn't know, even muslimska xataa bacame that dump... to put risk in your life... u know what they say.. Nova.. there is a thin line between bravery and stu pidity.
  6. Gediid Handsome # 1.. aa ka noqotay sol aan maqlay... Mombasa bisinka.. swallow that damn.. waaba ku dhiman lahaa. Juxa, lick it aah, ilaahoow gabdhahaan bal arag.. dhib badanaa aniga wis darteed aa caloosha ila wareeroosaa idinkana swallow iyo lick it aa lawareegeesaan... feebaro bushinta iska samee man. sophist... so u saying in back home ppl, didn't used to kiss.. TV maa ka aragtay mise.. sheeko laguu sheegay waaye mise, adigaaba dadka waaya araga ka mid ah.. midkee waaye shiikh.. ii sheeg bal.. then again u might be right, qaad cune see loo kiss gareenaa, ilka yallewga.
  7. and the problems we face.. if we don't fallow our islam... although he has no right to touch u, or to hug u...
  8. Qac Qaac

    publci toilets

    I never use public washrooms damn... specially when it is najaaso every where... or if i really really have to go.. i litterly clean the damn toilet... then i use it... damn this gaalo.
  9. waraa WD.. i thought u would check out the Mosques i guess, i was wrong. looool.
  10. How i started... well someone told me about this site, don't know who... and i just used to read it, and check couple of times... then i noticed the place in ay u shidantahay only for certain group... so yeah i came in to break the odds, and to open up...debates are great...
  11. Qac Qaac


    what i don't get it... maxuu ku tufay cuntada.. man.. candhuuf.. what is it..
  12. I am just wandering ... how would u kiss some one like that...
  13. yeah that answers is to guys who use pick up lines... so good answers i guess. ani sheekadaa dhan maba ka heloba..
  14. lazy girl... subxanallah u missed the whole point... and start the gender war again.. ilaahey ha ku daaweeyo.
  15. ar tanaa yaa idaba dhigay... she hera zade... maxaa Q gaan aa sheegesid maanta dhan... Q tip miyaa ka heshaa. ani maba ku fahmin, warkaaga cadee, ama warkaaga dhamee, maxaa dulmar oo fool xun aa sameenaysaa mar walba. iska tuur iska dhah waxa aa dhihi laheed bisinkee, yaa afka ku heesta.. walle meel daran baad iskeen tay, hakaa saarto, ma oga miyaa......
  16. Lol @ shoobaro... what happen to feebaro's lips damn... Gediid handsome huh loooooool.
  17. why does everyone here like the name ahmed.. some one says it is nice and sweet. some one says it is my favourite, cajiib. i am amazed.
  18. Education is a must right.. and it should be a priority.. but it is not life itself either. so we should balance things out... alle ubaahne bro u r right.. and u know what. unless we muslim nations get women scholars back in this world. we whould never go back into our glory days.. whe we had caliphates.. need our women to be educated in secular and in islam.. so they could teach the kids and be their first teachers.. then the soceity is safer and better place.. but as right now, in muslim world.. women are not that educated compare to our before generations that come before us..
  19. Yes that Imam Mahdi.. actually it is an honour not a compliment.. only real men and women could be in his army.. to defend islam.. from the evil dajaal and the kuffaar... but sorry guys go back to ur topic.. never mind this part. is only to Silent sistah..
  20. oh yeah, and for all u girls who is saying the man has to tell his first wife.. if he is planning to marry 2nd... pls bring me that hadith, or the ayah.. where does it say in the deen or diinta.
  21. sheherazade whatever ur name is... maxaa tiri. maba ku fahmin ku soo celi... Charisma.. abaydiiss.. kow horta wax yar aa lagaa dhahay oo fiican, waxaa la soo booday your man ego wants it. labo diintayda waan aqaan meesha maba taalaba, haddaas yaan aqoon, hadana diinta ma aha wax lagu faanaba sidaydaba... aniga marka aan ku faaniyay, waxaan ku malee nayay in ay ilaahey dartiis ay kaa tahay, sababta ah, waan ogahay in ay gabar walba ku adagtahay in lala guursado.. but i thought u over came that. I GUESS I WAS WRONG.. u r just as them.. sababta is waxaad ku sheegtay ur later jawaabtaada, because of ur men ego.. 3xaad abaayo i know, my deen what i have to do.. if i marry 2 or 3 or 4.. marka no need in aad igu soo cel celiso the whole day, waad in aad labadaba u xaq dhoortaa come on.. qof xanaaqsan meeshaan ma laha. laakiin u disappointed me, i thought u were different.. u r same.. mac salaama.. don't get mad, don't hate me hate the trueth...
  22. Charisma show me.. who is balanced out.... don't just tell me, they are some.. where, realistically.. I am not being pessimistic.. but the trueth is, there ain't, none, nana, nill, zero. eber, sifir.. baa bah.. and yeah i expect her to read and write somali.. me need no suuq somali, need real pure somali.. some one who could express him or herself in somali.
  23. What in the world... mala is wadiiyo si loo egyahay, maxaa dhibaatadaan dhan.. bisinka.. Juxa yeah u may, go ahead...iga qosli... ur imagination soo tuuro..