Qac Qaac

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Everything posted by Qac Qaac

  1. We would hold u to that... so marka hadalkaas aa tiri ku nooloo nolashaada dhan... and yeah i think, u r just a typical somali girl, is not bad..
  2. About time ppl stop playing, and get on with their real life.. this ain't game, u r choosing ur life mate. damn Hollywood and media, they gave everyone a role to play, blacks act one way, cadaans another, girls should say this, when this happens, look like this and that, guy act thugs damn. life is not a game.. live it well, and be carefull coz u r accountable for everything u do and say.
  3. legend of zoo nin wadaad aan kuu maleen jiray, haddana waxaas oo kale aad ku qoslee iga raali ahoow haddaa kaa jajibiyay, laakiin runta waa in la sheegaa. shoobaro a bit x rated man...
  4. i doubt we see it the same way..... Definately not.. I don't think i see it, the same as u..
  5. bisinka wah, dawoco am i missing something... u seem to be hot tempered now adays... ok faraha aan kaa qaaday. shaqhfir bisnka iyo juz tabarak.
  6. I am confused... i was already with Dawoco.. then what that guy mutakallim wrote.. subxanallah. even more confusing..
  7. I am not from Britain, and i hate that damn show.. as a matter of fact i can't stand all reality shows.. even this one.. they are taking over the tv nowadays.. pls stop it.
  8. Ilaahoow guid garee gabadhaan yar oo adiga dartaa usoo muslintay, ilaahow ka ilaali all this ppl oo ku shaqeesanaya in the name of islam oo laakiin wax kale ku qasaya.. ilaahoow xaqa lee tusi gabadhaan, manaafiqiinta iyo cadoowgeedana ka du... Mash'allah a new sister joined us... I can't help but to think of Ayan Xirsi iyadana she left islam subxanallah.. bal arag labadaan qof see isku dib mareen SUB XANALLAH. boolbaro beautiful story man... nice, and it makes me happy.
  9. ...... i atleast have say in who is allowed to view my body....we can be married and live in the same house....but no more conjugal visits...EVA....if u choice to do wat u want...i then decide wat happens to my body or who comes near it.... oo meesha un baa soo taagnaan miyaa, and u know u can't call another man behind ur husband coz u r married.. and if u do that action is called adultary and we all know it is punishment... anyways u r right, and is better the man tells his first wife.. but all i am saying in here is, he doesn't have to if he wants buuq, iyo dhibaato and go on with his life... and also don't u know u can't say no to your husband, unless u have legitamate reason like, u sick, tire, not feeling good, and so on.. but what kind of excuse is i would keep my body away from u, coz i said so... ah aaah, it is not like that... anyways is ur life do what u want...
  10. I heard that b4... we'll see, i am different, no one is like me... that is a level ppl go though, but they'll pass soon, and mar dhoow meel ilaahey keeno ma sawirkaaga waad ku dhajindoonta looooool. anyways we'll see miss unique.
  11. Freud.. is the biggest gaal in the world... his opinions litterly scare me... subxanallah...
  12. let's celebrate Besbaaso we agreed on something oooooh aaaaah... yeah of course it is about the supportive part.. but hope we see that the same way.. it may differ depending how u see it, from which angle..
  13. abaayo that's jinn, not a ghost... unless u r saying they both are the same thing... jins have life, houses, they are accountable for their deeds just like, their kafir ones are called shaydaan, father is ibliis... wester world still have something called satan, devil, evil... but ghost is different from them. if i am not mistaken... so there for if they are 2 different things.. jinn we believe because of suratul Jinn in the quran... but ghosts like casper cartoon we dont believe that carbage..
  14. Ar inlee dawoco suufiyad bay tahay, xirsi iyo yaasiin la duu duubay iyo, adi kaalay marka aad dhalatay cusbo miyaa lagu shubay hortaada iyo dadka indhahooda si ee kugu dhicin il... laakiin abaydiis waan ka helay sida wacan oo aad isku jeceshahay, confidance is needed now adays in this world, specially for woman... meesha ka sii wad warka hee.
  15. maah maah cajiib ah, oo xikma ku fadhisa baad soo daysay, buubto. ee joog hee ha buubin hee marka bas.
  16. n to all u guys out there plz have more confidence in the somali women , u had seen how they made a difference in our world before n especially AFTER THE WAR. that part I agree with u... 100%. somali women are keeping the country... even qaxii were all pure somali women power, maybe couple of guys helped... all the power to our single mothers.. odoyaal khasaaro. QacBaro what does it mean, intresting.. Waraa xoogsade.. do u wanna tell the meaning of Qac baro once again.. sis since u said u speak somali... i hope u know what Qac is in somali... it means xooga waad ka shubtay, or isane.. it litterly mean learn isanity... coz baro mean learn in somali right... but that is the definition of Xoogsade...they i derived that it, was my name used to be Qac Qaac, maybe u saw couple of times ppl referring me to qac qac, or qq. or Q only like sheherazade style... oh no i first have to explain what qac qaac is right.. ok.. Qac Qaac bin Amr al-tameemi was one of the companions of the prophet scw... Khalid bin Waliid's right hand man. he was so brave, i really loved his story that i wished i had his name.... so i took the first Qac and put Baro suffix attached to him, encourging the Nomads here to read his biography what a man... anyways... so instead of being qac qaac baro that would be long.. i just made it qacbaro... and i joined my brothers reer baro... there..i hope i explained it.
  17. spoiled? huh... walle maxaa aduunyo kuu dhimantahay.. life would teach u. don't expect everything to be ur way.. haddii kale aduunkaan wax walba aa kaa hor imaandoona.
  18. If u have a cousin, who is educated, good, hardworking man.. for sure ur parents would atleast suggest the man to u.. it happens don't worry... Most of the somali girls, are close to their mothers, and if the mother likes u, most likely that girl is urs because it is habaaro or duco.. u all know that... anyways i think, parents shouldn't be getting involved in this. they could suggest some one to u, but u should know that person well, then decide... but is always blessing when u make ur parents happy, coz atleast your kids would have grandparents.. there for them
  19. Besbaaso yes. u could tell ur wife, if u r going or looking for 2nd wife. the reason i said, he could is because some of the ladies here were making like wajib to the husband to do that... and is not. think about it, if every women doesn't wanna share her husband, then what is the point of telling her, coz obviously her answer would always be NO.. charisma.. u never offended me, i was just shocked with ur answer i guess. well anyways if u said sorry, i won't be rude and i would accept ur apology with sincere heart...
  20. Besbaaso ku miiran oo adiga oo kale ah, oo believed that enternet is not a good shukaansi place... aa lawada guursaday from places like here..
  21. U calling the admin baby.. intresting note.
  22. me believe Jinni not a ghost.. or aliens for that matter...
  23. waan iska garanayay in ay masawiradaan dhibaato ee soo jidayaan... boolbaro dalaq aa tiri mid adi already... shoobaro aa dhibaatada dhan leh.. Dawoco meeshaan waalagaa danbeeya ma istri sawirka lagu siiyay arag.. Waraa Baashi odayga timaha muu dabtaa loooool.