Qac Qaac

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Everything posted by Qac Qaac

  1. waraa Nuune, ninkii dance gareen jiray na soo celi nooh, waan u xiisay, maxaa dhacay duqa, maguursatay, magaca waad qarinee miyaa, in aad ka mid ahaan jirtay shufta reer baro aa qarinee miyaa, shaati old camal, oo xoogaa aad huurisa camal aa ka dhigtay magacaaga nuune nooh, anyways duqa, kooxdii maa weerar kugu qaaday, oo kaa siibtay ama kaa xaday boolbarah, markaas aa nuune iska noqotay, nuune bilaa boolbaro ah haye.
  2. sheekadii xaawo dhag dheer aa soo celisay haye..
  3. Is he gay?... what in the world.. is going on?..
  4. there is 8 million muslims in North america, and if all of they buy something from u, u r rich person... but yeah sis Bombina lots of muslim stores sell haram stuff, so they attract non-muslims.. imaan darro awgeed, some of them even sell khamra, wine, and they muslims..
  5. check out the Bukhari hadiths... and what some of the sahaba said about the man.. all i know is.. that his name is similar to our prophet scw.. Muhamad bin abdullah.. his mother name amina.. Quraysh.. coming out from Macca.. becomes the Mahdi over a night.. ppl would chase him, maybe call him a terrorist or something, and his supporters would come from the land of khurasan, the currant iraq, afghan, chechnya all those areas... his army would wear black... that's all i know...
  6. No what i am saying is the woman should be forced more than the men to get educated, coz she will be the mother, the first teachers of our first generation that would fallow... so yeah, it is better for both of parents to have the same level of education.. but in society, the woman is more beneficial to have more education.. the man is gonna work outside home anyways, so who cares his education.
  7. Magnoona... that was exactly what i was thinking about.. and yeah thanx for answering...
  8. the more feminism stuff is talked about, the more families broke.and get destroyed... dangerous i agree with u, what is the need of having this kind of program, maybe couple of classes max i would understand, but a whole program of pure hate damn.
  9. ar bas bas mataka jooji bas.. tooreydana caloosha ka ilaali, ha is dilin... umadaan hala yaabin, spoil iyo lugu taag taag ha iskaga jiraan ee dhaaf.
  10. Charisma what else do u need... Besbaaso ok.. good for u. IT IS NOT FOR U...
  11. Reality... illusions, and falso believes...
  12. ar yaakhay adi.. iyo shoobaro kuunto expert aa ku tihiin haye, maxaa kadaal loo mariyay loooooool. kiraamo mise cibaaro waaye.
  13. Reer baadiye ilbaxay what u expect.....
  14. welcome my somali arabs... I lived in Syria.. anyone from there..
  15. waraa u watch that ........ too Feebaro.
  16. Isn't black Dog?... the hadith..
  17. I am not trying to make anything of u, or change, iskaba hilmaam about judging u.. all i am doing is telling u the trueth.. if u don't want it tell me.. i'll stop. simple as a b c...
  18. Fair to the point, that even if u buy a water melone from a market, that u r scared to buy another water melone from a nother place.. so u tell the guy cut the same water melone into half.. buy 2 dirac same amout of money.. give them similar food, don't give one more.. give them equal number of nights.. buy everything from the same place... IS THAT FAIR ENOUGH..
  19. Yes Charisma u r right... but we are not talking about men ego here... we are talking about who is better for the society... and it is Women to be educated is much beneficial then to Men..
  20. I know desmal.. and i hate it, damn... u all wasting ur time... Shoobaro.. mayee u r the weakest link good bye..
  21. i hate, ppl with long nails, who has some black stuff in it.. then they wanna eat bariis with u... I hate men, with big mustache... Freaking communist.. I hate, ppl who jew their gums with their mouth open... i hate ppl who adjust their pants in public.. i hate women with blue or red or some colour on their eye,, marka ee isku xiraan fool xumo.. i hate black ppl with blond wig damn or colour... i hate yellow teeth..
  22. aah, that was niyad dhisid fiican. thanks..