Qac Qaac

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Everything posted by Qac Qaac

  1. Who said if the man is younger than u, u could control him... Ninku wuxuu ku xiran yahay, kartidiisa it doesn't matter the age, asoo kaa yar 10 sano, uu still ku control gareenkaraa. Dutch Diva... ar iga tak, qoor sagaaro naageed, waalagu dhintaa runtii, qoorta iisii daa.
  2. --guys wearin macawiss U hate guys wearing macawiis ama hoosgunti... what do u want them to wear.. Shorts.
  3. all men cheat!! get that one into your heads girls wether he is a playa, sweet talker, wadaad, or miskiin. Walaaleey haku danbaabin nimanka dhan, kulligood maada dhalin, wax na maa u dhigin... wadaada meesha ka saar iyo masaakiinta iyagaaba tooda la' meel ee geeyaan. since advice from me to u.
  4. guurso, ciyaarta jooji, dag meel. end of story. hadalka badan iyo kalmada aad umoodo in bollywood lagu soo sameeyay oo la isku aad aadinaayo hanalaga joojiyo. wareer badanaa.
  5. Silent sis, that is all it takes, just to drive to u... so he drove right to ur heart huh, he just brought the kaniini and just went back, are u sure u didn't invite him in for shaah... and then it started like that... just wondering..
  6. So most of the girls here liked to be controlled, kir iyo kut, yaa sireesiin oo hadhoow loogu yeeraa 911..loool I would think, it would be better if the man leads... but if he is weak, then the woman should lead.. but when the woman leads it usually is not a relationship, is more like a mother kind of type, and u become yes mam. is the like this stor i once heard, there was this guy, who is being controlled by his woman, most of the time he does, what she wants him to do, he does't have the last say... so one day his friends asked him, do u have the last say in ur relationship, he said YES.. everytime my woman tells me to do this and that i say, Yes Mam, so there fore i have the last say.
  7. Somalien sister I hope she re writes post again, but i doubted.. Nino brown, bro isha baad ka tuurtay, dadkani waxay ubaahan yihiin, first of all, in ay arguing oo tv laga soo maqlay naga joojiyaan, kadib wax dhageesiga ay badiyaan, si ay wax uga fahmaan dhaqoonkooda iyo diintoodaba, war soomaaliyee tan na ma noo danbaysay.
  8. Maskin.. trust me man.. the Somali-centric women is a dying breed now... our only hope is maintaining the very few we got left.. I agree with this statement by Dangerous, 100%.. West un bayd sanka naga soo gel gelin mar walba.. hey Miskiin macroof, i don't agree with dirac and guntiino, coz it does't cover the women's body, and there fore it clashes with islamic teachings, but at home for her husband is cool, guntiino is fine if they cover that garab, and for dirac, it shouldn't be see through, atleast wear goorgorad and gabasaar with it, that's better.
  9. Dangerous maybe he is looking for a 2nd wife, or maybe he is doing a reaserch on this topic.. waraa Rudy.. calaa cal thread kale aa nagu furtay nin yoho.
  10. West Somalia, soomali galbeed. maybe puntland.. i understand ur point now bro.. so u don't see urself a somali, ok. devide and conquer.. but who is talking about that.. anyways bro orod oo wax u faa iidee dhalan yarta tacliintaada waa loo baahan yahay, hadday tahay mid saafi ah. how we know u r shiica, well i know is not my business but, u constantly defending them, everytime and as human being u can't blame but to think that u r shica.. well let's not play victim here, we know each other bro.. As for Og girl.. sis, western countries does't mean that they are more open minded than u, is that what the teach in arabic schools, to think western countries are # 1, there fore, we ought to be like them, think like them, eat like them, write like them, dress like them, joke like them, what r u exactly saying, when u say, i can't believe it u r talking like that, and u live in the west.. cajiib iyo nus iyo rubac
  11. Subxanallah.. waama xay dadkaan!!! Abdilateef take it easy bro.. I did not say anything.. all i did was if he himself doesn't know how to speak in somali, he should teach it in whatever language he knows.. that's all. about the slap thing... i dare u, in aad try gareeso looool. OG girl... thanks for the explanation, i thought he was from Ethopia or something.. Intizaar, where in the world did i offend the guy, i just told him to teach it, with the language he feels close to it.. Juxa, adna maku darsoontay ku waan. lol. Yaa kale oo haray... loooool. Salafiyah al-masluul, did u spread ur shiaism yet, any luck loooool. i still remember all the things u wrote one by one, in a photograpic memory..
  12. i agree with u, the west is scared of the green power from the mid east...
  13. war ma saas baa Nuune, waxaan umaleenayay in xabad madaxa lagaa saaray.
  14. if u r not from the rupublic of somalia.. then why do u need to teach in somali.. even if u r teaching somali kids.
  15. I agree with u cawrale... we should all buy from each other, lacagta anaga dhexdeena ha ku wareegto, and then we be powerful community.
  16. Sisade, about the genetic heredity thing... if soemthing wrong with it, allah wouldn't say in his quran, to marry ur cousins.. would he?.. genetic heredity is between sister and a brother marriage, or father to his daughter, or son to his aunt, or uncle u know immidiate family members.. if u do the chi square u'll see they'll be fine those kids...
  17. why when we could use, a whole deserted thread, just the two of us... what u think Mombasa
  18. The question i have, is we didn't gabdho iyo wiilalba get used to marry to the Bantu somalians, most of the ppl way ka faani jireen specially the girls, and now african americans waa caadiyoos. what is going on... is it tv.. that changed our mind.
  19. Out of weakness in our heart.. and out of ignorance of how great sin, this is.. and satan who would make look beautiful..
  20. looool ar ninkii gediid, maxaa ku dhacay oo helay.
  21. there some somalies who would be 2nd class in somalia too soon.
  22. I was actually, considering taking a woman class, just to see how exactly they brain wash our sisters... i also wanted to learn their games.. like putting feminism under racism, the same way gay ppl put gayness under racism, or the jews use the racism card... anyways no way, i am not taking a part of this re newed feminism class..
  23. Hey ina Dutch hate badanidaa.