Qac Qaac

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Everything posted by Qac Qaac

  1. Who said Israelies are Civilians, they are Occupiers.. they say in TV they are civilians, we don't we say they are Occupiers, and u could kill occupiers in Islam.. so carefull ppl with this haram thing aad la ordaysaan. in Palestine, Chechnya, I support suicide bomp, and i am not gonna listen to some one in the west what he has to say, it is not his kids getting murdered, not his wife that is being raped everyday... the black windows that have nothing to live for oo kale, oo eber laga dhigay all her family, maa udiidee in ay sameeso wax qarxin, maya i would never...
  2. because labadiinaba shiica ayaa tihiin. the brother gave u hadith, and all u could sa is some ppl only read what they like, is not a novel is a hadith, unless u don't believe hadiths.
  3. they even use women in a tire commercial, in grage.. made them as objects.. and now they are even coming to Sports, i don't know if u guys watch Nfl.. but now all the weather ppl, are women, and side commentators are women, and of course the cheer leaders.. they even let women sit on the first rows of the nba courts.. so that when they get happy they stand up, and they show it to u, coz they say lots of men are watching it. so where is the qiimaha womenka.
  4. Silent sistah, i think, most of the ppl here are really sexually frustrated.. with all do respect.. unless u r one of those married ppl here... laakiin let's face it, the most used forum is the women one, and ppl usually don't talk about anything else, relationship this and that.
  5. lol silent sister, i am not a master of anything. I knew u would come to this conclusion anyways, coz u r sane person, who always uses logic and facts.. and i knew it would only be on a matter of time, that u would change ur generization of all men.. so u r the master i guess. U need good men, go to the right places, u can't go to a wrong place, and then look for a good man, sis is all about the environment...
  6. Kool kat, i think, when u r in love with some one, u r blinded with that love, no matter how bad the person u love is, he or she would always be good to u. u take everything, good and bad of that person, and u can't live basically with out him.. but if u only love him, then u love him for certain things, qualities that person posses, u don't love his or her bad.. if she or he turns bad u r out.. hope u understood what i am trying to say here... but that is how i see it. as muslims is better that we love the person, not to be in loved with that person, u will never send him to protect islam, u would always keep him at home.. if u r in love with him, but if u r not, u only love, then u could send him out, coz if u loose that person is not that bad to u.
  7. Yankees would lose again insh'allah, hope this time to Red Soxs Wiil.
  8. wallaahi meeshaan, wadaada xattaa ma fakanayaan ka waran, Hot sheikh. yaa rabbi.
  9. Qac Qaac

    Energy Colours

    Your Energy is Orange. Restless at times, you are a very focused self starter. People with orange energy are organized, inspirational and design concious. You are confident in your abilities and like to be in control. You would make a good architect, teacher, designer, or entreprenuer by the way that is my colour.. even though i don't believe the damn thing, i did it for fun.
  10. Qac Qaac

    Energy Colours

    Dangerous loooool, but u r right... DA.. did u change ur name to a sexism stops here.. maxaa waaye sign kaan aa la waree geesid, r u on strike.. on warshadda nimanka
  11. Jacaylbaro, exprience aa kugu duugan haye, soo quf duqa halagaa faa idaystee.
  12. Silent sistah, u could be right sister. but still that sheikh is only one man, and here u generalized all sheikhs, as a matter of fact in ur case all men, hope u hava lots of hasanaat to distribute to all the men on earth, since aad every one of them aad wax ka sheegtay. so if i am a good man, and i go for my 2nd wife, i would become bad. p.s. i like the way aad ugu dhagtay ur own words that's nice.. it shows soomaali nimadaada lool. laakiin in our religion if we wrong we change our stands right. i know u know this.. laakiin is just a reminder. i feel like preaching today.
  13. Elysian mash'allah finally some wax garad ppl, here, who have her eyes open. unlike just take what they hear from the profs or the tv.. I must say I agree with u 100%. woman rights should be talked about, yes, and i would support that, but i won't support feminism, their aggresiveness, and breaking families all the time, punch of lezboes.. gabdhaheena way kudaba dhumeen.
  14. Lazy girl, meel ee DA, gacanta ka daagtay miyaa umaleena in aad wax ka badali kartid... Nino Brown lol u r right, they only prove to me too that they know english, DA would even agree on that... lol.
  15. a single man who liked to be dominated, that is not a man, that is what we call a sick, or she man, damn.. nin maha.. some Kinky stuff maybe.
  16. so love them and don't be in love with them right.. Kool Kat..
  17. Silent sistah, i got an opinion about sports do u care?.. Mombasa Queen what am i , tour guy. ok i'll show u around, me and mombasa.
  18. Walle gabdhooy, niman badan naarta madax madax waad ugalindoontaan, sababta ah, waxaa ka soo fogayneesaan hooyadiis. Nin hooyadiis naag ka raacana nin wanaagsan maba aha. well if i was in that situation i would try to make the situation better to make u 2 understand each other, i wouldn't take one side, coz i love my wife and mother both of them but in different way, and if that does't work, i would devorce my wife, coz i could get another wife, but not another man... p.s. mother in laws, know the lazy things girls do, they used to be girls, and now they want the best thing for their sons, that is not a problem, i think,u shouldn't be calling her a witch, i think this relationship is in bad ice, u and ur husband the mother should sit soon, before this goes to something else.
  19. Ok, silent sistah, all it takes now is to drive to u, and just put some calogn on.. got it, very easy.. the more u talk, the more u reveal urself.. shokolaato, u into perfumes right.. How about catar, iyo foox, uunsi, cuud.
  20. I am intrested in this areas, so pls go ahead and post..
  21. X girl friend, i lent her some money cajaa ib.
  22. adi iyo single mothers waligiin makala *****in haye, meeqo aa kugu qabteen Tuujiye, Nuune ninkaan arag nooh wali single mothers uu wadaa.
  23. DA.. is very strong.. Silent sistah, no one could drive to her heart unlike u. loool
  24. never ever appologies after a joke...well to me anyway, i can tell when u is joking. Mombasa Queen, this is a trick by silent sister, don't go for it... what it really means is that, i would let u go this time, but 2nd time i would smash and smack all the way to where u came from.