Qac Qaac

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Everything posted by Qac Qaac

  1. aad iyo aad baad ugu mahad santahay, walaashiis wiilo, insh'allah will try to take part of this forum..
  2. tell the trueth even if is against you.. trueth is the trueth.. even as a joke, tell the trueth... lies evaporate after short time, but trueth stays for long time.. runta dadka way kugu nacaan, laakiin who cares. as a mu'min we are told, mu'min never lies. so be honest all the time.
  3. looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool... Turben aa ka maqan laakiin,
  4. and yankees should loose just like the lakers.. dismantle them.
  5. lazygirl, duqda sister, waxaad timid mar aan joojiyay in aan lahadlo gabdha calaa calka badan. oo dadka iskaga soo booda marka i am sorry. raadso some one aad is af fahmeesaan. p.s. qac iska ilaali. advice.
  6. Kool kat, that is exactly how ppl supposed to be, but unfortunately ppl are not like that, u see women after a man who abuses them all the time, coz they are in love... Silent sistah loooool, all those arguements were u after my sensitivity, u know i am not sensitive man, but i know bits of things not everything, and love maybe the thing that i know a bit of it.. nin sesitive ah xagee lageenaa, soomaaliya wuuba ku dhiman. Nuune no, love ima galin, mana i waalin, ee gabar halkaan silent sistah la dhoho aa xoogaa tusinaayay in aan ahay over all player, if u watch baseball u would know an over all player... maybe wiilo could explain that.. u and ur yankees damn.
  7. qac, u admitting u are sexually frustrated?....i know for sho i aint! Silent sistah, if we analyse all the topics that u started, last 3 weeks, we could see easily, qofka madax xanuunka uu hayo labadeena, laakiin don't worry this one has daawo, which is raqiis.
  8. i bet i culd dominate u! Can u imagine Qacbaro getting dominated by silent sistah.. looooool that's funny. the only way u could dominate me, is if i let u dominate me. as u see it, i am still on a control, coz i chose u to dominate me this time.. like a flip a coin. that's all.
  9. Sensual not u, but ur husband, u would put your husband in a bad situation, u gonna make him choose either u or his mom, and men always go with their wives, which then u would drag him to hell fire... so don't drag your husband to hell, and try to make things better sister.. i am not saying u r lazy, but i assume u can't be perfect all the time u r human, and mother in laws usually forgot when they were in that position, and they expect u, to be perfect just tell her in adab way... Besbaaso looooool, yes u r right, she doesn't have to explain herself to us..
  10. you ppl never went to schools or dugsi to study, since u all have crush on your teachers, whether she wears short skirts or dugsi teacher... at the age of 6, 7, 12, acuudu billaahi, dadkaas aa waxaa la lee yahay, marka ay jaamacadda dhameeyaan ha guursadaan bisinkoow.
  11. walle dad badan meeshaan caqli ahaan way ka shubeen. Buubto jzk allah khayr.
  12. the more somali ppl stay in these countries, the more we get every sickness they have.. we are not immune.. i am waiting to hear, a somali transexual.. forget about gays.
  13. waraa wiilo neighbors aah, where duqa back home somalia.. iisheeg bal meesha aad daganeed, ani teeda hoos lee laga arki karaa.
  14. Qac Qaac


    waaw rag wada wadani ah, baa meesha iskugu yimid, keep up the good job guys.
  15. If u can't tell the difference then u r doomed to be played. sis.
  16. wax haddaa isku qasay, kala saar nooh. maxaa meesha la taagantahay.
  17. Bisinka oohin badanaa. yo Lucky star, feminism and lezbians are associated together. the reason was the founder of the feminist movement was lezbian. true story.
  18. I Yankees fan, i think Yankees are very much beatable this year.. they got no pitching at all, el-duke is their bester pitcher, i think, the red sox would mess them up.. Chilling and Martinez, and all the hitters they have.. but i am going with the angels, coz i like vladamir Guerrero..
  19. Elysian of course u would choose the white boy, coz he is Muslim first and that is what matters.. but ideally is better to stay with ur own race, it makes things simple.
  20. I don't know.. ask the qualified ppl.
  21. Masaajid ka kal, ku dheh, quraan akhriso, sunnaayaasha badi. that would calm him down.
  22. That is beautiful.. although, i think, is better for them if they cover up with proper xijaab. sorry i didn't mean to kill the topic. but the trueth is the trueth.
  23. OG girl... I guess, there are first for everything..
  24. Women do all that.. so they could fit in the society.. and they are playing the role the media gave them.. hey women could sit on the first raws of the court side, but they should atleast dress probably after all sports, under age kids could watch it.. well i guess women would be used as meat for a while to come.