Qac Qaac

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Everything posted by Qac Qaac

  1. I know diamante u said, leave if u r man.. but i got something to say about this, believe it or not...what if i am planning to do a research on this topic, or to become a doctor or something on this.. i would suggest, that when red auntie arrives, that if is possible, make urself busy, go out, talk, have fun. some women drink shaah, i don't know how this helps.. but i am coming from psychological side.. would it help if u find something or someone that doesn't remind u this. Gabdhooy ilaahey ha idiin fududeeyo. your bodies go through lots of changes.. insh'allah khayr. this should be a good reason why men shouldn't use this to diss u guys, pms.
  2. just because one wadaad girl got married to a saaqid guy doesn't make it, it is always like that, can this be the rare case tuujiye. or vice versa.
  3. So Juxa u r saying it is men's fault... ok.
  4. Malaysia must be your favourite country in the world... and yet, u make them weird ppl, this is the 2nd story of weirdism u r telling from this country.
  5. hayye bas, waatahay, loool. bbc ba hadday sheekada gaartay.
  6. waraa waxa aad soo dhajisay lama arki karo.. " bogaan lama heli karo, sorry"
  7. you are not in my league.. waaw. that's harsh.
  8. aniga ma aheen qofka happy ku noqonayay sidatan, wuxuu ahaa kii kale.
  9. runta mar mar looma baahna duqa... laakiin goormaa diiday runta oday.
  10. I don't think the moral of the story, has anything to do whether it happened or not. but the story is posted to tell your guys be careful, who cares whether it is true or not.. Jacaylbaro adigana gabdhaha dhan haka naxsiin, hadda kuligood nin walba way ka baqaayaan, oo yee la hadli doonaan.
  11. Famme Fatale, nice Niqab sister.. but where do u find that kind of picture.. and who u think that is.. lol.
  12. Qac Qaac


    Toni rich.. i don't know man.. i thought he was always wearing # 23 since high school. Lucky star.. i know they are thousands of them.. i don't think, there is exact number for the companions, there are some of them that no one talks about them, so to give an exact number would be hard bro.. but if u know tell us.. i won't ask a question we will wait for ur answer then i will ask a question..
  13. meeshaan dad wada qalbi muraayad aa jooga, marka dadka qalbigooda haka ja jabin, beezaani waa.
  14. I personally don't give a damn, if someone answers or not...
  15. Just be open minded, and don't look for arguments. respect each other's opinion. and let's learn to agree to disagree. u could tell the person something, but if he doesn't like it, and argues about it, just leave it. that's all.
  16. Qac Qaac


    sorry admin, anoo hurdaysan baa qoray topickaan, it was meant to go to the general section, my bad.
  17. Qac Qaac


    ok. guys let's start a game here... called jeopardy.. were we ask each other questions for fun, and insh'allah this will involve everyone on sol.. we'll have some topics down below.. topics 1.scienc 2. islam 3. math 4. history 5. sports 6. general those are the topics, so u just pick one of the topics from there, and u ask a question to the nomads here.. who every answeres would pick a topic of his choice and ask a question.. let's see how much knowledge we all have... i'll start.. i picked Sports.. my question is.. how many teams in the Nba.. very easy one. p.s. somebody have to do, cutelilgirl's job around here.. hope u all like it.
  18. So somaliland wants to join somalia.. is that what they saying..
  19. Mutakalim... Is prophet LuT or luud. Do u wanna be the admin in here man!! why do u wanna get power or say on sol.. so much.. as the ayah u posted taht is what it is talking about.
  20. be positive ppl, chin up pls.. u all seem to be down...
  21. lol @ wait ur turn... i agree love wuu jiraa, why u all so pessimistic tuujiye kaalay adi qofwalba maka weentahay, u saying she is younger than us, and nuune is saying she is taken... idinka lee idiin taal.
  22. acuudu billaahi mina shaydaani rajiim.. what kind of story is that... she shouldn't become naagaha jirkooda gada, coz allah forgives, besides she got tricked on it. even though he used her weakness. alla aduunka maxaa ka buuxaan dad xun..
  23. Jacaylbaro... run badanidaa. 50 she was and u were 2 right... that is so true..
  24. freedom of religion, that might sound better in paper sis. but in islam we already now, the right religion of this world, and we can't led our brothers and sisters to astray to another religions whether it is christianity or judaism or budasim or shinto it doesn't matter. but if the person is already christain we would accept him to change him to islam, we are not gonna kill him. laakiin why would somali christian come to somalia for, to make other ppl christian.