Qac Qaac

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Everything posted by Qac Qaac

  1. Qac Qaac


    Sayid Maxamed Abdulle Xassan Ahmed Gerreey...
  2. these kind of questions never end... if u r wearing the proper hijaab, i don't see why u can't give a lecture..
  3. bachelor baseball is called america's favourite passive game, so get to the boat.. wiilo, damn how can u like the Yankees, unless u have crush on Jeter or A rod.. i don't get it loool. anyways i hope they loose again in the world series if red sox can't do it.. i am looking for another anaheim or florida marlins.. maybe st. louis this year.. love their power anyway.. Albert Pujols, Larry walker canadian.. damn they good, hope the mess up Yankees. and their long tradition.. cheap yankees buy everyone on the market.. they might as well buy ichiro and randy johnson for next year.. thank god they didn't get Vladimir Guerrero..
  4. Qac Qaac


    I apologize my beloved sister Lucky.. xaal qaado.. shaati badalka aa iga waalay..
  5. This is my understanding! Feel free to correct me!not everyone who commits kufr is a kafir! I have no knowledge of whether the Saudi regime commits an act of kufr! but the Scholars like Shaykh Fawzan, Anjaree and Muqbil praise the rulers in the Kingdom! Salafi online.. r u kidding me?... u have no idea.. do u have your eyes shut man.. the scholars could say that coz they live in Saudi arabia, u have to be yes man for the kingdom or else your head is cutten.. come salafi bro.. u don't see saudi helping U.S. too right.. besides any scholar that gets money from the ruling power is iffey for me.. sorry..
  6. One man gang, waad udhameesay gabadha, is towba open for her.. loooool.
  7. Qac, its ramadan and im in a good take it for what its worth... X quisit lool ok. i'll take it.. shokolaato, i never seen you so animated like this before.. these guys must be getting to your nerves..
  8. Qac Qaac


    since no one answered it.. i would answer it myself... abdirahman bin marwaan was the caliphate.. ama khaliifka muslimiinta.
  9. of course is fake.. waa maaweelo... iskay_baro maxaa ku daaray adi, waxaan waad ujeedaa inay falso ee tahay..
  10. if u really look for them hard enough u would find them, even in university libararies have them.. research them hard.
  11. i like this.. we all are in ramadaan spirit.. I hope we are like this, even after ramadaan...
  12. i would loved to encourage all those ppl who want to pray their first taraawiix guys go ahead is lots of fun... and i hope u all could take the standing part.. most of us are spoiled and liked to sit, after 5min of standing..
  13. wiilo nacam, samicnaa wa adacnaa...
  14. no.. salafi online.. she should pray before 3:30 of course.. but that's not what i am after, i am after the way u talk to her, tell her with nasiixa bro.. don't just put ayat in front of them, and tell her she is woed.. that's all, the dacwah part i am after.. but u r right, she should pray before the adaam of asr.
  15. Viking u r right.. it is very normal thing to feel bad when u sin... the gaalo case maybe by using sense of logic.. or society already made such acts wrong... so there fore if u do it.. it would haunt u for a while..
  16. Hadalga malaa yacniga ah, waa in la iska ilaaliyaa marwalba ramadaan iyo ramadaan la'aanba. laakiin waad cafisantahay atleast from my side, adigana waxaan kaa rajeen in aad i cafiso, ramadaan wanaagsan. iyo cibaado badan..
  17. I thought ppl are innocent when they are less then 10 years old but u guys are scaring me.. all of u have crushes on teachers. dugsi teacher or school teacher bisinkaa.
  18. Qac Qaac

    Dear Sisters

    Golden girl, isha aad ka tuurtay, cooking for your family is hasana too.. everything u do if u have the right intension u would be rewarded for it.. even for work..
  19. you all beleive in love and you are all depressed,alienated soles in this website, a bit contrary but will let you explain that. Cajiib sister.. how u know we all are depressed in this website... is it because the women section draws most nomads.. is it because most of the topics talked about here are relationships. love, attractions, lust. crushes.. what make them this and that.
  20. Rayaana u said, no one could trust guys in the west anymore?.. what made u say that, other than the obvious one..
  21. That's harsh chocolaato... Xquesit lool, qac is open minded loooool. well thanks anyways..
  22. Qac Qaac


    Ok... since no one is asking a question.. i would take this oppertunity to ask.. Topic: History... Question: who could tell me the muslim leader or caliphate who fist started using coins.. arabic coins that is.. who put the black thing on the ka'bah, and he did many more, he is a famous one..
  23. iskay_baro sanbuuskayga postada ii soo dhig,ama e-mail iigu soo *** .. waraa adiga iyo indha yartaada makala *****in miyaa bisinkaa..
  24. waraa darawal ma nihin ee faraha naga qaad.. laakiin i have to admit iskay_baro heeso raadis lee ku jirtaa ayaamahaan hadal dhan maba heeso, maxaa ku dhacay qofta tuujiye.. Wiilo may fadaase?... maxaas kuu daran, maxaa kuu qaboow kuu kulul.. ramadaan wanaag san akhyaarta cafis iyo saamix.
  25. ar bas, adi ga' naga siiso, adiga iyo G daadaba bisinka gabadha ga badanaa... hadalka meesha ka sii wada akhyaartaa.. laakiin waxaa la yaabsanahay in ay wiilo aamusisay nuune iyo tuujiye.. waraa gabadha 3-0 ee idinku wadaa ee iska cesha...